
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2016-12-10 22:50 | Report Abuse

Yawn...the quality of attacks really disappointing, only name calling and crude words. Shows these people lacks intelligence and have a hidden agenda on this forum. Readers must try to get a balanced view on AA and not blindly follow the bullish views being strongly promoted by the so called sifu and his gang of supporters on this forum. Check it out yourselves and make own decision. Hehe


2016-12-10 17:29 | Report Abuse

Where is the sifu who shouted good results recently and his gang of supporters who said AA will gap up, will sustain, won't sell even if 3.00? Now that AA has fallen sharply further, their new scam is to keep talking about the sale of AAC and special div. They have clearly missed the big picture which they keep attacking to prevent readers from getting a balanced view on AA here. If they also had @Investos' win-win plan, they would be able to avoid big losses and seize the opportunity of the sharply lower AA price now to buy back. Their investment strategy to close their eyes and just keep holding AA can cause readers to be trapped. Readers need to be more careful and not blindly follow the bullish views being strongly promoted by any so called sifu and his gang of supporters on this forum. Check it out yourselves and make own decision. Hehe


2016-12-10 17:29 | Report Abuse

Yawn......this is too easy, readers can see the attacks are from the same gang spamming the forum by repetitive attacks on big picture and win-win plan, often also using fake IDs and crude language.

@Investo, i agree with you. From their desperate attacks, it is clear to readers that they are getting very scared about win-win plan and big picture. Their sifus and gang of supporters were proven so wrong recent on AA when they were so bullish as it fell from above 3.00 to below 2.50. We ignore them lah, we just comment like normal and ccpy and paste if crowded out by attacking spam. Easy. Hehe.

Posted by Investo > Dec 7, 2016 07:40 PM | Report Abuse

merck now says BWC = supermx8. Earlier he say BWC = Investo = ayamgilaxxxx also. I think BWC also = merck = cruger = batu = IconXXXX etc la. So end of day BWC u very popular on this forum, only u attack yrself la. Merck so little intelligent N that is why his attack become more N more desperate, must use fake ID N bad words. Laugh


2016-12-09 20:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Investo > Dec 7, 2016 07:40 PM | Report Abuse

merck now says BWC = supermx8. Earlier he say BWC = Investo = ayamgilaxxxx also. I think BWC also = merck = cruger = batu = IconXXXX etc la. So end of day BWC u very popular on this forum, only u attack yrself la. Merck so little intelligent N that is why his attack become more N more desperate, must use fake ID N bad words. Laugh


2016-12-09 19:03 | Report Abuse

For those who have problem understanding big picture, if you learn manners and ask Investo politely, she may be willing to teach you how to use big picture to buy and sell stocks. Hehe

Posted by Icon8888 > Dec 9, 2016 05:49 PM | Report Abuse
Talk already like no talk. Both positives and negatives also covered. So what is the conclusion ?

Posted by batu88 > Dec 9, 2016 05:58 PM | Report Abuse
@ Icon8888, totally agreed with you. Like telling others your mum is women and your dad is man. lol


2016-12-09 18:49 | Report Abuse

Another sign of those who dropped out of primary school is that they can't argue intelligently and their only skill is to attack by name calling, often using crude language. Readers can compare the quality of their comments and decide for themselves. Hehe


2016-12-09 18:22 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 and his gang can't see the conclusion - clearly they have reading problems and missed primary school. Investo clearly do not have any problem understanding big picture and has been making good profit steadily and her trade record can easily checked by readers as she gives date and price she buy or sell various stocks in the comment history. Maybe these sifus and their gang of supporters not only need to learn about stock market but also learn English? Hehe


2016-12-09 17:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by Investo > Dec 7, 2016 07:40 PM | Report Abuse

merck now says BWC = supermx8. Earlier he say BWC = Investo = ayamgilaxxxx also. I think BWC also = merck = cruger = batu = IconXXXX etc la. So end of day BWC u very popular on this forum, only u attack yrself la. Merck so little intelligent N that is why his attack become more N more desperate, must use fake ID N bad words. Laugh


2016-12-09 17:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 6, 2016 09:02 PM | Report Abuse

A balanced view on AA: Big picture suggests the sale of AAC would be overall positive in the longer term but investors should not get carried away being overly bullish on it. If AA sells AAC, they will balance out the needs to pare down debt and to reward shareholders..So there will likely be a special div but it may not be as large as expected and will only be in 2Q17. There are also serious implications on earnings quality from sale of AAC. Big picture continue to suggests caution is warranted short term due to market headwinds. If you are tactical, you should have been managing your risk intelligently and creating opportunities on the way down. Doing nothing when the market is making a big move is very old school and in a liquidity driven market like ours, it may even be foolhardy. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2016-12-09 15:59 | Report Abuse

Buy rate rising steadily to 70%.


2016-12-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.4240, steady for a few days already. Good sign. Hope it gradually strengthens back. Hehe


2016-12-09 14:29 | Report Abuse

Re-posting earlier comment by @Investo which has been crowded out by spam attacks from merck/supermx8 N gang:

Posted by Investo > Dec 9, 2016 01:57 PM | Report Abuse

Lunch time..........:-)
@BWC, we really important la, so many bad ppl spent so much effort 2 attack us, shows they really scared my win-win plan N yr big picture. Best of all, they work so hard but u so easy defend becoz got standard copy N paste answer aready. Laugh

Big picture timing unbeleiveable! BWC say looks like market a bit better, yesterday N this morning only! I buy more AA this morning again at 2.50. Yesterday also i buy 2.50. Now i got AA at 2.50, 2.54, 2.70 N 2.76. Most important my cash still high, only 68% in stocks. My win-win working well! Laugh

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 8, 2016 09:21 AM | Report Abuse
Keep eye on big picture. Ringgit appears to be stabilizing. That should help sentiment on AA a bit. We got two important central banks meetings near term - ECB today and the Fed next week . Both expected to make important announcements. Also AA is oversold short term. No crystal ball but this may be reasonable levels to buy back some AA. Big picture is longer term positive on AA but short term market still uncertain so best to stay highly in cash until market direction is clearer. Hope for the best and Happy Investing! Hehe


2016-12-09 14:16 | Report Abuse

According to merck, I am attacking myself again using my supermx8/merck fake ID, often with vulgar words. I think soon maybe I will use my other fake IDs cruger, batu, Icon, malaysiaku etc to attack myself too. Shows how popular big picture is. Everyone loves big picture, only i myself am attacking big picture. Hehe


2016-12-09 14:06 | Report Abuse

Definitely too early to celebrate but the price has been falling for so many days that even up a few sen is so welcomed! Hehe


2016-12-09 13:16 | Report Abuse

Re-posting earlier comment which has been crowded out by spam attacks from merck/supermx8 N gang:

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 9, 2016 08:40 AM | Report Abuse X

@Investo, stay focused on what is important - making money/not losing money. Their attacks small thing only, can easily ignore them. Hehe
On market, ECB announced extension of QE to Dec 2017 but lowered the purchasing amount to 60bn euros per month. We going to get FOMC meeting next week too. Keep eye on big picture.
On AA, it is oversold, I am also hoping for a rebound for year end for everyone to be happy. No crystal ball and can easily be wrong but IF high in cash, i would also buy back more AA at these levels. Hope for the best and Happy Investing! HeHe


2016-12-09 13:15 | Report Abuse

Anyone who complains about BWC instead of the huge volume of spam attacking BWC must either be part of the merck/supermx8 gang or not very bright. You choose which. hehe


2016-12-09 12:15 | Report Abuse

Agree about AA losers but not so sure about the winners. Many of those holding from above 3.00 don't feel very much like a winner now I am sure. Maye they need @Investo's win-win plan! Hehe


2016-12-09 11:08 | Report Abuse

AA up 1 sen, very mild but hope it shows selling pressure easing for now. Hehe


2016-12-09 11:05 | Report Abuse

Like investo correctly said, big picture must be doing something right for so many people here to waste so much effort to attack it. Hehe


2016-12-09 11:03 | Report Abuse

Anyone who complains about BWC instead of the huge volume of spam attacking BWC must either be part of the merck/supermx8 gang or not very bright. You choose which. hehe


2016-12-09 10:59 | Report Abuse

Wah definitely not as smart since your comment need to be so personal. Maybe people should learn some basic manners before trying to invest in the stock market. Hehe

Also don't stoop so low like merck to lie. You only show you are the same gang. Where did BWC say he can predict when price will go up and down? Probably soon you will also use vulgar words. Hehe


2016-12-09 10:41 | Report Abuse

Often this method to hold and do nothing is for those who didn't get to sell before the price fell. They lack the experience and do not have enough conviction to manage their risk effectively and so their delude themselves it was best to hold for longer term. Some become so small minded until they even attack other people's ideas and keep insisting that only their method is correct, others are wrong. Big picture suggests that there are times when an investor, depending on his risk profile, should intervene and manage risk more actively. Readers need to make up their own minds and not follow anyone blindly. HeHe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Oct 31, 2016 09:05 AM | Report Abuse
If you are tactical, you need to note last week's global sell down in sovereign bonds and weekend important developments in the US presidential election. Big picture suggests ringgit could stay weak for now, negatively impacting short term market sentiment. In the longer term, AA needs progress on its delayed PP and sale of AAC as new catalysts to push AA higher. Hope for the best and Happy Investing


2016-12-09 10:36 | Report Abuse

Re-posting earlier comment by Investo which has been crowded out by spam attacks by merck/supermx8 N gang:

Posted by Investo > Dec 9, 2016 07:51 AM | Report Abuse

早安 Friday......................weekend coming :-)
@BWC so long u dun use yr fake Supermx8/merck/cruger/batu/Icon IDs 2 attack yrself? Why stop? Too popular aready? Actually, the more they attack my win-win plan N yr big picture shows we are doing right thing, if they think u not important they just easy ignore u like how we ignore them. But they attack us so much, that show they really think we very important N scared we popular! Laugh

Wah, US market fly again. BWC say market a bit better so hope Malaysia also get Santa rally and AA slowly bounce back soon. When i newbie i buy N sell use emotions only, like greed N fear. Now i got my win-win plan. I now high cash so up or down i also win. Laugh.


2016-12-09 10:08 | Report Abuse

Supermax unchanged and very little volume. Big picture suggests looking at other stocks for now. Hehe


2016-12-09 09:54 | Report Abuse

AA unchanged, going according to plan. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2016-12-09 09:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo, down 4 sen. Not a good start. Lets hope it will recover later in the day Hehe


2016-12-09 09:17 | Report Abuse

Re-posting earlier comment which has been crowded out by spam attacks by merck/supermx8 N gang:

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 9, 2016 08:40 AM | Report Abuse X

@Investo, stay focused on what is important - making money/not losing money. Their attacks small thing only, can easily ignore them. Hehe
On market, ECB announced extension of QE to Dec 2017 but lowered the purchasing amount to 60bn euros per month. We going to get FOMC meeting next week too. Keep eye on big picture.
On AA, it is oversold, I am also hoping for a rebound for year end for everyone to be happy. No crystal ball and can easily be wrong but IF high in cash, i would also buy back more AA at these levels. Hope for the best and Happy Investing! HeHe


2016-12-09 09:10 | Report Abuse

I am attacking myself again using my fake ID supermx8 (according to merck). Shows how confident on big picture I am. Everyone loves big picture, only i myself is attacking big picture. Thx. Hehe


2016-12-09 08:40 | Report Abuse

@Investo, stay focused on what is important - making money/not losing money. Their attacks small thing only, can easily ignore them. Hehe
On market, ECB announced extension of QE to Dec 2017 but lowered the purchasing amount to 60bn euros per month. We going to get FOMC meeting next week too. Keep eye on big picture.
On AA, it is oversold, I am also hoping for a rebound for year end for everyone to be happy. No crystal ball and can easily be wrong but IF high in cash, i would also buy back more AA at these levels. Hope for the best and Happy Investing! HeHe


2016-12-08 20:03 | Report Abuse

@Investo, since you are at 66% invested only, I agree it is good level to buy more AA at 2.50. Markets seem a bit better but still too early to say. For now best to stay high in cash, buy good stocks on sharp weakness and keep eye on big picture. We got two important central bank meetings also. Hehe


2016-12-08 17:20 | Report Abuse

Happy to see some buying at closing. Big picture suggests it is good level to do some buying IF you are high in cash and can hold longer term. There was also some trading ahead of ECB's announcement tonight. Not sure the extension of the QE is such a big thing but I guess something mildly positive is better than nothing. Many stocks also oversold so could get a rebound short term. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2016-12-08 16:36 | Report Abuse

Stay focused on making money, the spam doesn't bother me at all. And the latest brilliant idea from merck is that I am attacking myself using fake IDS and vulgar words!. I think he must have missed primary school. But at least now I know i am Mr Popular, everyone loves big picture, those attacking big picture is only myself. Hehe


2016-12-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

SWs are usually for situations when the underlying stock is clearly trending up or will rebound very soon. Hope you are right! Hehe


2016-12-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

Reasonable level to buy back some AA IF you are high in cash and can hold for longer term. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2016-12-08 13:13 | Report Abuse

Reposting earlier comment so that it is not crowded out by the huge volume of spam by merck/supermx8 and his gang of supporters. Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 8, 2016 09:21 AM | Report Abuse X

Keep eye on big picture. Ringgit appears to be stabilizing. That should help sentiment on AA a bit. We got two important central banks meetings near term - ECB today and the Fed next week . Both expected to make important announcements. Also AA is oversold short term. No crystal ball but this may be reasonable levels to buy back some AA. Big picture is longer term positive on AA but short term market still uncertain so best to stay highly in cash until market direction is clearer. Hope for the best and Happy Investing! Hehe


2016-12-08 13:11 | Report Abuse

Now I am using supermx8 to attack myself (according to merck). Shows how confident I am, so popular until I dare use fake IDs to attack myself even! Merck is so smart, must have missed primary school. Hehe


2016-12-08 12:23 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.4295, stronger slightly again.


2016-12-08 12:22 | Report Abuse

If you want to join the sharks and goreng then it is up to you. It sounds more like a trap but as usual no crystal ball and it is up to readers to decide for themselves. Big picture suggests it is better to look at other stocks for now. Hehe


2016-12-08 12:12 | Report Abuse

I think win-win is very different from sure win, maybe your English different. Hehe. I using again merck to attack myself now. Show I am very popular, everyone agree with me and only I attack myself using fake IDs (according to merck), Hehe


2016-12-08 10:29 | Report Abuse

JN88, big picture updated daily. Nothing in stock market is sure win, often only fraudsters will say something is sure win. Hehe


2016-12-08 09:43 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.4320, continue to firm a bit, not exactly good for sentiment on gloves. No crystal ball but big picture suggests better to look elsewhere at other stocks for now. As usual, readers should be careful online, best to do check out stocks themselves and don't blindly follow anyone's calls or views. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2016-12-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

No crystal ball but big picture suggests picking up some AA at these levels for the longer term IF you are high in cash and has a win-win plan. Hehe


2016-12-08 09:21 | Report Abuse

Keep eye on big picture. Ringgit appears to be stabilizing. That should help sentiment on AA a bit. We got two important central banks meetings near term - ECB today and the Fed next week . Both expected to make important announcements. Also AA is oversold short term. No crystal ball but this may be reasonable levels to buy back some AA. Big picture is longer term positive on AA but short term market still uncertain so best to stay highly in cash until market direction is clearer. Hope for the best and Happy Investing! Hehe


2016-12-08 09:19 | Report Abuse

Here again I am using fake Supermx8 to attack myself! So far this morning I have used merck and supermx8 to attack myself, soon I will use batu, cruger and Icon too. You should try it sometimes, according to merck N his gang, it is a smart thing to do. Hehe


2016-12-07 18:24 | Report Abuse

Closed down yet another 0.8% to 2.52. This is AA's 5th straight day of decline. Where are all those sifus who shouted after recent results that AA will gap up, will sustain, won't sell even if 3.00? Now they keep talking about sale of AAC and special div. They have clearly missed the big picture which they kept criticizing previously. If they had @Investos' win-win plan, they would be able to avoid big losses and seize the opportunity of the sharply lower AA price now to buy back. Their investment strategy to close their eyes and just keep holding AA can cause readers to be trapped. Readers need to be more careful and not blindly follow the bullish views being strongly promoted by sifus and their gang of supporters on this forum. Check it out yourselves and make own decision. Hehe


2016-12-07 17:59 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.4323, stronger today after stabilizing in recent days. Big picture continue to suggest it is better to look at other stocks than Supermax for now. @ Investo, glad you made good trading profit for 3 weeks work. No crystal ball but time 2 looks elsewhere for now. Hehe


2016-12-07 16:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Investo > Dec 7, 2016 09:50 AM | Report Abuse

@BWC, yes i agree my coment must say right, that is why they can't ignore me N must attack use fake ID N bad words too. Show they scared what i say becoz true. Laugh


2016-12-07 14:43 | Report Abuse

Ok to average down on AA for the longer term since AA has fallen a lot and is oversold. However, in the near term, big picture continues to suggest staying highly cashed up for now due to market headwinds. It is foolhardy to fight the FF flows. AAC sale still not so soon yet. HeHe