
chinaman | Joined since 2015-02-28

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2021-08-10 13:13 | Report Abuse

food inflation hits the salaryman the most. almost all income spend on food which expensive due to short supply due to lockdown. from cooking oil, to fish, coconut- all increase. if govt. wants to make citizens happy- cheaper food on the table., by produce more food locally. illegal migrants fits the missing puzzle

News & Blogs

2021-08-10 12:51 | Report Abuse

Ok to legalise illegals but all bangla, must only work at plantation, fishing, farming, whatever upstream industry to increase food supply. How can bangla also at manufacturing, trading at PJ street compete with locals? how can allow them to serve food and drink after out from toilet-not sure properly wash hand, or make roti canai then? just send them back if bangla dont want in plantation industry

News & Blogs

2021-08-10 12:37 | Report Abuse

Bhutan successfully contain the pandemic with full vax, envied by neighbouring Nepal with highest dead level in the world. why? Bhutan is Buddhist VG, ban hunting, fishing. Is it due to their compassionate life, less killing, no negative karma? is it due to bhutan carbon negative nation with super fresh air, no pollution? Bhutan focus on Gross Happiness index i/o GDP-unsustainable development?


2021-08-10 12:21 | Report Abuse

Since MY is a damn hot country- hard to accept that virus spread thru airborne at open space area. Thus, the other possiblity is food and water contamination with the virus which then infect the digestion system. Unfortunately, health ministry rule out this possiblity. Habit using unhygiene bare hand to eat. thus, proper treatment by Indahwater before releasing the human waste to river for our drinking is paramount somehow incur leakage sometimes

News & Blogs

2021-08-10 12:21 | Report Abuse

Since MY is a damn hot country- hard to accept that virus spread thru airborne at open space area. Thus, the other possiblity is food and water contamination with the virus which then infect the digestion system. Unfortunately, health ministry rule out this possiblity. Habit using unhygiene bare hand to eat. thus, proper treatment by Indahwater before releasing the human waste to river for our drinking is paramount somehow incur leakage sometimes


2021-08-10 10:35 | Report Abuse

If Anwar be new PM-pls consider this concept: Hotel + Hospital (wellness centre) hybrid to create intense competition with parang private hospitals. Pls charge reasonable, affordable staying rate vs parang private hospital. as many are salaryman only. Pls allow TCM also in this wellness centre. This way, gluts of doctors, nurse solved as well.

News & Blogs

2021-08-10 09:54 | Report Abuse

all govt. bodies like EPF, JPJ, etc. must open now to avoid over crowding, long Q due to rush out backlogs within stipulated time. defeat the purpose to have more social distance. pls stop all gaji buta culture. piece meal opening out is meaningless as all govt, and private need to function at the same time. remember last LRT incidence due to sudden cut of working hours. some take leave, causing miscommunication. just ensure sanitisation process at closed buildings/ factory done every day at the end of working days

News & Blogs

2021-08-10 09:28 | Report Abuse

Lan Pa, Pa Lan idea. either way same risk level.... wakaka

News & Blogs

2021-08-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

China always do crazy feat that no nation able to achieve: 28,000 health workers at around 2,800 sites test 11Million Wuhan within 1 week. The crazy speed of tracing which makes the difference., which MY not able to achieve

News & Blogs

2021-08-09 14:46 | Report Abuse

The current Minister of Environment and Water still zzzzzzzzzzzzz. not aware of sewerage as potential source of covid...


2021-08-09 14:45 | Report Abuse

The current Minister of Environment and Water still zzzzzzzzzzzzz. not aware of sewerage as potential source of covid...

News & Blogs

2021-08-09 14:13 | Report Abuse

Environmental biologists at the University of Stirling have warned that the potential spread of COVID-19 via sewage "must not be neglected" in the battle to protect human health.

The response to the global pandemic has focused upon preventing person-to-person transmission, however, experts now believe the virus could also be spread in wastewater.

Earlier this week, it emerged that analysis of sewage in the UK could provide important data on the spread of COVID-19. However, Professor Richard Quilliam's new paper -- published May 6 -- now warns that the sewerage system itself could pose a transmission risk.

Writing in the journal Environment International, Professor Quilliam and colleagues from Stirling's Faculty of Natural Sciences are calling for "an investment of resources" to investigate their concerns.

Professor Quilliam -- who is currently leading a £1.85 million study into the transport of bacteria and viruses in marine environments -- said: "We know that COVID-19 is spread through droplets from coughs and sneezes, or via objects or materials that carry infection. However, it has recently been confirmed that the virus can also be found in human faeces -- up to 33 days after the patient has tested negative for the respiratory symptoms of COVID-19.

"It is not yet known whether the virus can be transmitted via the faecal-oral route, however, we know that viral shedding from the digestive system can last longer than shedding from the respiratory tract. Therefore, this could be an important -- but as yet unquantified -- pathway for increased exposure."


2021-08-09 14:12 | Report Abuse

Environmental biologists at the University of Stirling have warned that the potential spread of COVID-19 via sewage "must not be neglected" in the battle to protect human health.

The response to the global pandemic has focused upon preventing person-to-person transmission, however, experts now believe the virus could also be spread in wastewater.

Earlier this week, it emerged that analysis of sewage in the UK could provide important data on the spread of COVID-19. However, Professor Richard Quilliam's new paper -- published May 6 -- now warns that the sewerage system itself could pose a transmission risk.

Writing in the journal Environment International, Professor Quilliam and colleagues from Stirling's Faculty of Natural Sciences are calling for "an investment of resources" to investigate their concerns.

Professor Quilliam -- who is currently leading a £1.85 million study into the transport of bacteria and viruses in marine environments -- said: "We know that COVID-19 is spread through droplets from coughs and sneezes, or via objects or materials that carry infection. However, it has recently been confirmed that the virus can also be found in human faeces -- up to 33 days after the patient has tested negative for the respiratory symptoms of COVID-19.

"It is not yet known whether the virus can be transmitted via the faecal-oral route, however, we know that viral shedding from the digestive system can last longer than shedding from the respiratory tract. Therefore, this could be an important -- but as yet unquantified -- pathway for increased exposure."

News & Blogs

2021-08-09 13:28 | Report Abuse

Source of Delta virus:- Frozen Buffalo from India- before spread to MY as we import frozen buffalo.??? possible source?? Packaging of frozen food contaminated with the virus transmit to person who after handle it failed to observe hygiene and consume it using bare hand? guessing only

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-08-09 09:50 | Report Abuse

What Pakatun, opposition wants desperately is part of the sinking vessel, or lubang tandas to berak?? why Pak Din not allow them to be part of cirik birik govt. mei??

News & Blogs

2021-08-08 15:46 | Report Abuse

Pls stop importing covid Indon., for the timebeing. Healthcare system aleady at breaking point

News & Blogs

2021-08-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

Sabah must be careful with porous border issue-illegal Pinoy and indon may easily slip into sabah to get free jab denying locals' first priority. If encroachment taken for granted, soon will face same fate as Selangor state who always zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


2021-08-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

Now, walk in allowed for all bangla at PPV. If we are not careful, another new cluster at PPVs from bangla to locals.


2021-08-08 15:16 | Report Abuse

In 2021, Ramadan will start on Monday, April 12 or Tuesday, April 13 and last through Tuesday, May 11. 3RD wave come during fasting month when lung easily infected when throat dry due to drinking less water. coupled with lax hygiene. Thus, highly probable from Bangla, Indon, india, rohingya migrants. But, our govt. as usual will not be frank to avoid image of discrimination or stigmatization against the migrants.

News & Blogs

2021-08-08 12:34 | Report Abuse

lesser oxygen due to green house effect exercebate pandemic worldwide. Thus, instead of deforestation - return back to afforestation, growing more trees., instead of industrialisation- return to deindustrialisation. Green energy is paramount.

News & Blogs

2021-08-08 12:31 | Report Abuse

This is happening due to the increased atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, like carbon dioxide and methane, that have accumulated due to human activity and trap heat in the atmosphere, capturing outgoing radiation that would otherwise escape into space.

The amount of energy that remains trapped in the planet accelerates global warming, as about the 90 per cent results in the warming of its oceans and the remaining heats up land and air, contributing to ice melting.

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 19:18 | Report Abuse

so far, 25% MY already fully innoculated. how many % to consider as herd immunity? since cannot rid of covid, further lockdown economy pointless

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 18:43 | Report Abuse

Israel using pfizer, after herd immunity also have infection debunk the myth that sinovac is more mediocre than pfizer? many miss out appointment mysejahtera purposely when sinovac prescribed at ppv

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

Our lung need fresh clean air. i noticed israel API quite high vs MY...the more polluted the place, more likely lung sick, infected i guess...OK- we grow more trees, reduce reforestation from now on. pls stop all forest degazetting in selangor greedy with over development.


2021-08-07 14:30 | Report Abuse

When will 4D game allowed? the closure of legal 4D empower illegal 4D seize whole market share. In addition, govt. lose gaming tax revenue, worsen budget deficit

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

malaslah...tada cukup kakitangan. layan diri test-ok?

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 13:55 | Report Abuse

Why censored off my critical point on jogging ban at park? many died at home cramming inside small flat due to happy hypoxia i/o covid. we need more oxygen to exercise at green park. mco 3.0 kills more people from lesser sweating to detoxin.

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 13:45 | Report Abuse

problem with 2 days contra rules encourage short term trading i/o long term gain. bursa greedy to earn more from higher velocity by cutting short holding period

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 11:39 | Report Abuse

Poor ventilation inside closed air-cond is the main culprit. Must grow more green plants inside buildings to have oxygen.create more green parks for joggings. grow more trees.

News & Blogs

2021-08-07 10:47 | Report Abuse

No matter how unhappy we're with Moo, -thanks to opposition team's disunity, split votes breaks the whole vessel. at public, show strong unity. in reality- all narcissictic leaders at loggerhead fight for self glory.unfortunately

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 17:56 | Report Abuse

tak mau....covid new high so co-incident with musim durian+ rambutan now....looks like interrelated. wakaka

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 17:52 | Report Abuse

this virus scared of salt, acidic fruits. so, i eat mostly all acidic fruits like lemon kiwi pineapple orange lemon

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 17:44 | Report Abuse

My whole life- i never eat durian...even FOC, also i never eat. really

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 17:43 | Report Abuse

when we eat too much heaty food like durian, alcohol, our lung become dry. lung must always have liquid to cleanse it all the time. I drink lots of water every day...all is our diet, habit

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 16:00 | Report Abuse

Strongly suspect that the super spreaders are migrants actually to local community due to their unhygienic lifestyle. send back all migrants...then, see any difference?

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 15:47 | Report Abuse

Lockdown into 3rd month already but still new high in Selangor, KL....something wrong... lockdown forever??? makan rumput??


2021-08-06 15:46 | Report Abuse

Tong tahi finally moving...hurray

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 15:36 | Report Abuse

Halo. let fully jab to work, make a living......Bangla can work, locals no think all gaji buta like govt. servants??

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 12:40 | Report Abuse

asyik membebel aja. tak berani sacking. Dumno bukan anak jantan la wakaka

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 12:29 | Report Abuse

This should changed name to vote of conscience, decide right and wrong. Not vote of confidence. Both side also NOT an Angel, or Jesus, including Pakatun.

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

at the same time, we create more healthy competition with 250 odd private hospitals with crazy staying rate

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 11:45 | Report Abuse

Nolah... we want to save ailing hotel business- we can transform them into wellness centre for medical tourism. Hiring these jobless doctors, nurses la...waste resources if doctors, nurses be grab drivers la

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 11:27 | Report Abuse

Staying in hotels cheaper than private hospital with crazy PARANG rate...all hotels should transform into private hospital.

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 10:39 | Report Abuse

Whole political ecosystem, from federal to state level to political party including Pakatun states also corrupted with money politics.
How to transform into 1st class nation like SIN? forgive and forget about the dream