
chkeong | Joined since 2013-07-01

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2013-08-12 10:59 | Report Abuse

u mean is an off market sale?


2013-08-12 09:08 | Report Abuse

But y there is no annoucement at bursa?


2013-08-12 08:56 | Report Abuse

Wong, so avag must sold all it shareholding or can still keep the 14mil units?


2013-08-10 10:40 | Report Abuse

What is FM? I did not see any annoucement of Avago disposing share in Bursa. But I think the requirement could be true.


2013-08-07 15:12 | Report Abuse

got inform earlier meh? This really Malaysia apa pun boleh


2013-08-07 12:25 | Report Abuse

Wong, where do you see the director bought back warrant and mother share? It is via direct biz transfer, not from open market. Anyway, none of them dispose the mother. So, it is very optimistic for longer term

News & Blogs

2013-08-05 12:39 | Report Abuse

FLONIC speculate on VT. After VT's relative become major shareholder, then they get "funny" contract from 7-11, RM800/mth/outlet. 7-11 has about 1600 outlet in MY. Gambling counter at the moment....maybe will be another Redtone. Flonic is proposing capital reduction. After this, I think there will be more corporate exercise coming along.


2013-08-01 19:13 | Report Abuse

convert faster than me :-)


2013-07-30 18:03 | Report Abuse

Gtronics posted a very strong Q result. Inari should be doing well as well.


2013-07-30 16:36 | Report Abuse

chong, not so good to disclose. anyway, she dunno about share, otherwise, I would have bought this counter much much earlier.


2013-07-30 12:27 | Report Abuse

confirmed is not from open market. they will make annoucment to rectify it today after 5pm


2013-07-30 11:52 | Report Abuse

I just called Inari. They will re-check the annoucement on 24/7 regarding the dato 10mil warrant acq price of 0.36, could be mis-statement. 2nd-ly, Amertron earning will not be showing in June Q result as it just completed on 25/6. So, with the effect of enlarge share capital, EPS will sure be diluted. Result planned to release on 27/8. My last questions to him: "I guess Inari is doing very well this year, right?" --- YES. So, is up to you guys to judge :-). ( sister is working in Avago:-)


2013-07-29 17:32 | Report Abuse

if there is handsome dividen, and warrant still trade at discount, sure ppl will convert to gain more.


2013-07-29 17:06 | Report Abuse

normally is within 8 working days. Just call the registra and ask, you will have all info. Go to bank buy the bank draft, bank charging around RM20-30 per transaction, regardless of quantity. Then go to company registra, submit the bank draft with convertion form. During this period, you are not allow to sell your warrant until full convertion.

for those aim for dividen, actually no need to rush yet. Normally if they declare as final dividen, then it has to be approved by AGM. So, once INARI annouced AGM date, normally it will also annouced ex-date for dividen. In most cases, warrant holder has more than sufficient time to convert their warrant, unless the INARI registra is very inefficient and require longer than "normal" working days to convert the warrant, which I dont think so.

Dato keep pressing down the warrant price, can be good move to make shareholder to convert their warrant. INARI will get 38 cents fund for each conversion. That will stregnthen their balance sheet. So, if INARI 4th Q result is good, it is high chance that it annouced high dividen. That will make the price gap more attractive and push more shareholder to convert their warrant. It could be WIN-WIN, as company get extra fund, and shareholder enjoy higher dividen. So, at this point of time, buying the warrant is almost a SURE WIN game, as long as the mother share get supported.

Look back what MBSB has done before, that may give you some hints. MBSB purposely delay their AGM till very last minute to allow more shareholder to convert their warrant to get the 27 cents dividen this yr. During that period, tonnes of warrant being converted. MBSB get RM1.00 for each conversion, then pay only 27 cents of dividen. Thats the game.


2013-07-23 19:02 | Report Abuse

sorry...i am quite from whatsapp group....too many message for me


2013-07-23 16:08 | Report Abuse

billionhair, had sent you email, pls add me. thx ya :-)


2013-07-17 16:51 | Report Abuse

eat ikan tutu :-)


2013-07-17 16:31 | Report Abuse

what annoucement?


2013-07-16 13:17 | Report Abuse

faststandfurious, how to check if you get SONA IPO? I also apply, but no news yet.


2013-07-16 11:06 | Report Abuse

diffrent biz model from IPower. secured huge contract from 1M, guarantee profit from vendor (Malaysia Boleh!), propose free warrant :-)


2013-07-16 10:59 | Report Abuse

chong, take a look at Instaco


2013-07-16 10:59 | Report Abuse

is can a high growth company's warrant trading at discounted price!!! Anyway, it means the warrant has huge margin of safety, as long as the mother stay firm.


2013-07-11 15:57 | Report Abuse

Cliq has no solid biz yet. What make it so attractive?


2013-07-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

pil, is ok.... me too in the past few weeks. the day will come.


2013-07-06 20:55 | Report Abuse

wah...looks like not only one good news :-)


2013-07-05 22:41 | Report Abuse

what so attractive with cliq?


2013-07-05 08:50 | Report Abuse too small cap for his fund size :-)


2013-07-05 08:39 | Report Abuse

i dun think the major shareholder will dispose their share just bcox of main board transfer, disposing warrant maybe. If they really dispose the mother share, then this already bcome a speculating stock, no value to invest anymore. A prudent management is focusing on the business, not manipulating the share price.


2013-07-04 10:07 | Report Abuse

Kevin, close, but not yet :-(


2013-07-04 09:53 | Report Abuse

ikantutu, you insider?


2013-07-03 19:43 | Report Abuse

that was 28/6. maybe those margin player.


2013-07-03 19:17 | Report Abuse

last 2-3 weeks, my fren give me insider news, Bonia will goreng up. Then follow by last week, he told me to watch out Puncak. I dun really believed him, bcox I dun like to speculate on rumous, and I always trust my own analysis more than listening to tips, but it really happend. Next time when he intro me, I will lut some bullet in.


2013-07-03 19:15 | Report Abuse

whenever your broker got new tips, just share with us. I believed we have a lot of smart investor here can help to evaluate a company inside-out :-) We gather everyone's knowledge to make a wise move, hopefully :-)


2013-07-03 18:29 | Report Abuse

Cash. I never play margin.


2013-07-03 17:47 | Report Abuse

1000 units per lot :-(
i have missed Tambun-wa, MKH-wa. I dun wan to missed this round. I only target on Inari-wa


2013-07-03 17:36 | Report Abuse

u guys so good...i am the only stupid waterfish, start accumulating warrant from 0.415 till 0.35, but stop yesterday, and today unable to match any single lot. I got >400 lots of WA. Dato Thong must be laughing on me :-(


2013-07-01 23:55 | Report Abuse

I am puzzel with recent rights & free warrant. From Bursa annoucement, the Rights share & warrant was ex on 12/6. Can anyone help to confirm:
1. Why the share price was not adjusted after ex on 12/6?
2. Has the Right share been issued to subscribers?

I remember last time when I subscribed for MBSB, the share price drop sharply after ex-date, and Bursa reply that they also factor in the free warrant to adjust the share price. Why not happend to INARI this time? INARI share price on 13/6 remained unchanged, any reason? Or I am incorrect?