
chkeong | Joined since 2013-07-01

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2015-04-22 22:41 | Report Abuse

dear all sifu, if we dont want to sell, just ignore the GO form, right?
what will happen after the GO date?


2014-05-15 15:24 | Report Abuse

this evening report will be out. Result should be very favarouble. Every effort that has put in is progressing on track. Capacity is totally out.


2014-02-14 12:18 | Report Abuse

slts pls comment new TP to be as low as possible...please please ....


2014-02-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

homeriz is gone la....sure sink like titanic very soon


2014-01-28 20:59 | Report Abuse

Mr. Ho jump in again. Direct deal on warrant 1.20 again. another show will be start soon :-)


2014-01-28 17:43 | Report Abuse

David, am not working there. Y?


2014-01-28 17:12 | Report Abuse

thanks david.
asamlaksa, result is scheduled to release on 20/2


2014-01-28 16:49 | Report Abuse

david, mind to know you are working in inari? 2 months bonus not seems pretty high compare to others, or maybe it is already consider "high" in electronic industry, i am not sure....


2014-01-28 14:02 | Report Abuse

i believed inari will drop to slts commented price one day.
but by that time, we all have earned enough to left the remaining fish bone for him
fish bone must eat carefully. very easy to get cucuk


2014-01-21 21:54 | Report Abuse

Ho even bought the warrant at 1.20 lol :-)
rumous remain rumous


2014-01-21 21:02 | Report Abuse

why there are few announcement this 2 days about all the directors intention to deal their share pending Q2 result? what does this means? all directors selling their share to someone? M&A?


2013-12-16 13:02 | Report Abuse

nothing special. except 2 important, I think....
1. Capex will be lower next yr
2. strive to improve amertron margin


2013-12-02 22:43 | Report Abuse

Hey guys, here has an interesting thread about Inari Cash Flow being suspicious and some said that Inari has plan this game since listing. Any good accountant here to enlighten us?


2013-12-02 16:57 | Report Abuse

but one thing good with chong is he always revised his target upwards.... if not mistaken...from 70+ to 1.27 now


2013-11-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

then i bought the warrant since it listed ma superb "tat"? :-)


2013-11-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

Director Ho bought mother & son yesterday. No worry la..... just hold tight tight till it fly


2013-10-21 10:01 | Report Abuse

klsenoob, your Question mark is not a question at all if you do your homework


2013-10-17 13:26 | Report Abuse

read its annual report. The bra biz is peanut. If property can sustain, Q2 result in Nov will make this stock fly


2013-10-17 11:37 | Report Abuse

the move is not from from the property segment!


2013-10-13 10:24 | Report Abuse

Is not all by syndicate. The company is making good transformation since 2011 & 2012. Study their annual report & quarterly report carefully. If their plan goes smoothly, is not difficult to hit it's NTA and even PE 10 valuation at 1.20 based on annualized EPS.


2013-10-10 11:03 | Report Abuse

Why drop after ESOS? Suppose higher share price, will make ESOS exercise more attractive right?


2013-10-09 16:51 | Report Abuse

CAELY, very interesting counter


2013-10-09 16:22 | Report Abuse

another gem after INARI.... the BRA :-)


2013-09-18 18:59 | Report Abuse

i only interested in those counter that has high possibility of making profit :-)
Initially I also have some confident in Instaco. But, must be extra careful. I buy at 30, sold at 40 before ex-date. Purely speculate on his free warrant. If you look at Instaco seriously, I would say this is a very "funny" company.

1.Business is always about risk vs reward. How can a company being GUARANTEE profit by it's vendor? Where got such business model (包赚)? This only happend in Boleh Land. 包赚 business who dunno how to run? You put an idiot, you still can get 15mil net profit! So, how to justify this is a prudent management?

2. Even though they were awarded huge (205mil) contract from 1M (again, another funny contract), but since the annoucement in May, no more news? What happen? ON or not ON? Siapa tahu? Furthermore, the contract is for 3 years. If divided into 12 quarter, that is around 17mil per quarter. The latest Q report shows Instaco quarterly revenue around 36mil. So, 17mil is just half of it's quarterly revenue. After the so "funny" guarantee profit end this year, how much regular/real business of Instaco? I really dunno. Too much grey area.

3. If the company prospect so good, why the director keep selling their share at such low price? Do you think they will convert their warrant and pay 33 cents for the convertion? If you believed so, haha...i dunno what to say. Sell below 30s, buy at 33; got money also not spend like this lol... tak kan duit dia tu busuk sangat :-)

4. You trust OSK or RHB report? Jewel? Top pick counter? hemmm..... i rather trust myself :-)

In stock investment, my advise is always try to ask for different opinion. Especially when you think a counter is a GOOD BUY, better gather more negative views from others. Read it, digest it, and do re-condiser your choice. In the past, I used to be too positive, and get hurt. Better to be balance. Sometime, when ppl is sharing their negative point of view, that may enlighten you something that you may not "see" it.

Anyway, is your call. That is just my thoughts. No offence.


2013-09-18 16:09 | Report Abuse

It need time to proof if they are reallt good. Sometimes dun just believed on the financial surface. Look at it's cash flow and balance sheet, it tells something. For them to lay out the infrastructure for 4G, it take few years. If the coverage it not big enough, I dun think those telco will sign any contract with them to use their service. If Instaco has to lay out the few hundreds KM of 4G, where can they get the fund or support? How long will it takes to complete the build up and how much cash flow can Instaco get from this? So, probably in next few years, Instaco is in high capex than generating high income. If really worth to invest, I would rather wait till everything looks clear and promising before go in.


2013-09-18 14:17 | Report Abuse

hilmi, useless to remind here. I have told all to cabut before ex- free warrant. Those who have run, already safe. Those still believed this is Jewel...good luck.


2013-09-02 17:31 | Report Abuse

As i said earlier, i bought this purely to speculate win on the free warrant, Fundamentally,
1. Instaco said vendor provided guarantee profit of 15mil. Theoretically one should be caution with such kind of statement already. Where got business with guarantee profit from vendor wan? Except our intelligent and smart government. I am not saying Instaco telling lie, but this kind of business activity sounds superb funny, only Malaysia Boleh, i think.
2. Instaco need cash for future expansion. So, you can't expect them to give dividen even profit sounds good.
3. Next few yrs they need to build the infrastructure. Chances of $ flow out is more than $ flow in. With his current biz scale, can Instaco really sustain? Or, will it be another P1?
4. Out flow of foreign fund continue, couple with currency drop; though you may argue that is nothing to do with Instaco biz, but overall market sentiments will kills, regardless good stock or bad stock.

I would rather hold cash to wait for opportunity than wasting my capital sleeping here and loss the opportunity cost.


2013-09-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

i cabut b4 ex-date, and advise all to cabut as well on 27/8. When timing is not right + highly speculate counter like this, is better dun be too greedy as most ppl will sell the mother right after ex-date. It's preface result looks good, but Cash Flow & Receivable is sucks. AMedia b4 transfer to main board, happened to be similar case. Right after Bonus + Free warrant, die hard hard. These kind of stock, better let go b4 ex-date, otherwise will easily get burnt.


2013-08-28 09:40 | Report Abuse

hng, you are the men! the last samurai! but better play contra gain enough. very risky.


2013-08-27 21:38 | Report Abuse

i used to convince myself as long term investor before also. After a few years, I found that we must be sensitive to the global market reaction, not just looking at individual stock, even it is fundamentally strong and under value. The stock market will never die, but your capital will. When is time to take profit, it is always better to keep the CASH in our pocket than blindly to be long term investor. I convert my warrant at take profit on mother around 93s, when warrant was traded at discount. Wong, just imagine the same thing. If you took profit even on yesterday, the 6.5 cents drop today is more than enough to pay you for whole year dividen of 4.5 cents! No offence, just sharing. Yes, many may argue that no one will know when is high and when is low. But if the overall market sentiment has shows a strong signal of going one side, take profit, take a rest, buy back later, is always better than holding it and wait for rebound.


2013-08-27 20:15 | Report Abuse

look at the global market the syria issue... if you still make profit tomorrow, better fuel your engine to full power and run. I aspect the monther share will drop a lot tomorrow. So, unless the son (warrant) perform exceptionally well, otherwise most ppl will get burnt. remember : 2 mother 1 son


2013-08-27 20:12 | Report Abuse

INARI Q4 result was stronger than my expectation. But who dare to become the samurai?


2013-08-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

faster run!!!....dun just look at the preface of quarterly result... if you look at it's receivable & cash flow, is sucks!


2013-08-27 10:43 | Report Abuse

haha...finally is coming...after long waiting!!


2013-08-26 16:31 | Report Abuse

daniel, how about compare to previous quarter, 31/3/2013?


2013-08-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

the show begin...


2013-08-21 15:33 | Report Abuse

insider news is very sensitive, no one will tell the whole story. Make your own judgement either you believe or not.


2013-08-21 14:28 | Report Abuse

be careful guys... got insider news about the turbulance market coming soon. good luck.


2013-08-19 18:19 | Report Abuse

sorry...i do not set any TP for any stock at current market. Hit and run as i feel enuf profit. Btw, if you compare the construction stock, you may able to set the TP yourself


2013-08-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

strong earninig outlook, order book, high dividen, the best managed construction company, upcoming bonus issue.

last month i suggest to buy instaco, no one really interested. Now almost 40% gain within a month :-)


2013-08-16 18:53 | Report Abuse

anyone know if I sell mother share on 28 Aug, 9.00am, will I still entitle to the Free warrant? Or have to hold the mother share till 30 Aug?


2013-08-15 17:30 | Report Abuse

I cant answer you as I never study on LBS. Anyway, warrant is an investment tool derive from mother share. So, I will always refer to mother share's fundamental before investing the warrant. Unless the company has very bright earning for future growth, otherwise if warrant being trade at >20% premium, should consider to sell.

To me, Instaco is relatively new and with strong politic smell. I bought it purely to speculate on it's free warrant, not for long term, unless the coming quarterly result really show himself a superstar.


2013-08-15 17:08 | Report Abuse

that's correct. But you have to understand, conversion price & trade price are different. As long as trade price has premium than convert to mother share, who wants to convert?

the objective to raise fund is correct. But it has to depends on the warrant trade price. It may end up none of the warrant being convert to mother share, which is normal.

theoretically, investor will only convert the warrant if:
1. warrant trade at discount to mother share (like INARI now)
2. the company declare good dividen (like MBSB)
3. major shareholder want to increase their shareholding without pushing up the mother share price
4. some "funny" transaction which normally happend on GLC company (CCM)


2013-08-15 16:25 | Report Abuse

Yes, the objective is clear and you are right. But what management "want", does not mean it will happen. Just ask yourself, if the warrant is trade at premium, will you convert it; or you would rather sell the warrant and buy mother share?


2013-08-15 15:40 | Report Abuse

yes, you are right. And the management has said there will be a discount price for warrant. The fundamental is, if the warrant trade at premium to mother share, theoretically no investor will convert it. They will just sell the warrant at open market, and buy the mother share, which is cheaper way to invest. EPS will only diluted if warrant holder convert their warrant.


2013-08-15 15:10 | Report Abuse

earning will only diluted if warrant being convert to mother share. If warrant keep at good premium to mother share, who want to convert? Earninig dilution effect will not see in short term la...