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2 days ago | Report Abuse

PNB and EPF should stop torturing minority shareholders. Just privatise MBSB at a fair price so we can all exit from this dead counter. Companies list their shares for cheap funds but they also build value to reward their shareholders (including giving good dividends). As far as I can see, MBSB management cannot reward their minority shareholders with a fair price. So what is the point of listing MBSB? It is a bank, yet there is no premium attached to its banking licence. MBSB management, please privatise this rotten bank. Waste time listing it in KLSE.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Regret not selling it recently when it went to Rm3.20. This is a shit counter.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Affin Bank's counter service is the slowest in the country. It is common to observe a single customer finally completing their bank transaction after 40 minutes at one counter. Maybe it is a common knowledge that Affin Bank caters to many old timers who like their FD rates. But slow counter service means they serve fewer customers as compared to other banks especially Public Bank on an hour basis. I only go to Affin Bank once a while out of necessity. Affin Bank must improve their counter service. The bank's auditors on counter service must work on improving counter service.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I am so tired of holding MBSB. have been holding it for at least 8 years. Nothing MBSB does can influence its share price. Perhaps Kenanga Investment Bank is right. MBSB is overvalued even at today's price. Regret buying it. This is the worse bank share in KLSE.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

In my opinion, if laymen like us make sweeping unreliable statements, it is just empty talk out of frustrations. But if a incumbent state assemblyman makes a political statement, it can have consequences. Sometimes positive and sometimes negative. If he is making statements for business people with vested interests then that is market manipulation. Genting Malaysia and its shareholders should consider to take a class action against this irresponsible Pas Assemblyman if the shares of Genting Malaysia plunge because of this threat by the Pas Assemblyman. What he said can cause turbulence in the share price. This can be considered as sabotage or economic mischief.


2024-06-21 11:53 | Report Abuse

Luckily my capital cost for this company is very low because I bought this shit counter during March 2020 Covid epidemic and sold most of it off at a good profit. What I still hold cost me nearly nothing. But I am still fed-up because of opportunity cost and holding cost. I can understand the torture shareholders of Heng Yuan are facing for years. This is a counter heading towards a huge financial disaster. My advice to retail players is stay away from Hengyuan. This counter is not for Mom & Pop retail players. Too many sharks in Hengyuan, we will be sheep to be slaughtered if we buy Hengyuan.


2024-06-12 16:45 | Report Abuse

Maybe it is time to headhunt for outsiders to help manage Gentings' assets. The founder's family seems to have encountered too many mishaps since Covid 19 and market analysts have given their verdicts. Hard to understand how a company with a casino monopoly can perform so badly in its share price. Perhaps a rival group within the family can buy up a substantial stake to shake up the Lim family group.


2024-05-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

Everybody should stop trading in Hengyuan shares. Do not allow market manipulators to make money out of your participation. I do have Hengyuan shares but I treat it as a total loss and don't bother about it at all. Do not get trapped by crooks in Hengyuan.


2024-05-16 10:21 | Report Abuse

A few changes of Bosses at the very top has woken up some investors. There seems to be some interests on MBSB right now. Although premature to give credit to the Group CEO (ex-CIMB) for the progressive price increase, at least things are looking better. He has just brought in another EX-CIMB guy to be Group CFO. I have more faith in ex-bankers from RHB/CIMB/MAYBANK/PBB. The old management before these new Bosses were brought in were rubbish Bosses. Give them 6 years and they can destroy the value of the bank. I hope the new Bosses continue to sweep out the old rubbish.


2024-03-16 17:27 | Report Abuse

When Immigration cancelled the SKINS contract in 2019, share price of Prestariang (now known as Awantec) fell to around 0.10 sen. Thereafter the price had a steady recovery. In November 2020, Prestariang allocated Rights at 0.20 sen per unit with free warrants. By December 2020, you could sell those warrants attached above 0.70 sen. Likewise, you could sell the mother stock at above Rm1.20 in March 2021. Why did the price dropped like a rock and then had an astronomical high? Market manipulators at work, I believe. These unscrupulous market manipulators saw an opportunity to profit because they had the money to manipulate the market. There is no logic behind such gyrations of share price. Surely Awantec cannot be so badly managed until it is worthless. Awantec was a victim of politicians who punished the company just to get back at their political opponents. Events now unfolding with one party fleeing the country after SKINS cancellation and the awarding of a new immigration contract (now also cancelled) shows what can happen when there is a change of government. I will not sell my Awantec shares at such low prices to unscrupulous market manipulators. Just ask yourself, should the price be so low after winning a court case. Yes, opportunity cost and holding cost for Awantec may not have been factored in by judge during judgement but the award given is no chicken feed either. Awantec can now move forward, they have the cash to venture into other lucrative areas. But never allow market manipulators to cloud your judgement. Hold on to Awantec shares until better times.


2023-08-17 10:08 | Report Abuse

On one hand, the court keep on postponing decision on damage award, has been dragging for years. Then you get Bursa applying the hangman's noose on the company. These are reasons why people just give up investing in KLSE. And you get Serba Directors escaping jail sentences. Very disappointing.


2023-06-15 10:23 | Report Abuse

Couldn't agree with you more LLC, the current people managing MBSB are a bunch of losers. I am hoping the new Group CEO from CIMB can kick some backsides of the senior management team and make them realise "having a civil service mentality will mean stagnation and eventual demise". I am sure after the CIMB guy comes in, he will bring in some quality people to help him push MBSB to the next level. The current MBSB senior team is definitely mediocre. Not only retail shareholders lost money but EPF also lost big money putting up with this underperforming MBSB team. The only saving grace was the annual dividends could cover our holding costs of holding on to the stocks until it sees better days.


2023-06-13 16:55 | Report Abuse

Kstraders, if the percentage of holdings is too high, the stock is illiquid. Some investors will not want to hold such stocks because when it is time to sell, too few interested buyers and the price might not escalate much. There is an element of gambling when we pick stocks and no one wants to hold stocks that cannot gain in value but instead goes down 50% in six years. Of course with EPF as the majority controlling stake, MBSB will not go bust. There was a time in the 80s when shares of MBSB was priced above Rm4.00. We can only hope that MBSB is a growth stock and we will be rewarded in due course. Keep our fingers crossed.


2023-06-13 13:24 | Report Abuse

Apart from concerns about MBSB's financial performance, I have to conceed EPF's total holdings currently is a big drawback too. EPF after merger will hold 58% of MBSB Group, I hope EPF can dilute their total holdings to allow a bigger float in the market. Let us hope EPF can sell some of their holdings at the right price. No need to hold 58% interest to be the controlling stakeholder. Let more participants have stakes in MBSB.


2023-06-13 10:59 | Report Abuse

Looking at MBSB share price, it looks the response from the market is lukewarm only. The incoming MBSB Group Ceo (Ex CIMB Senior Guy) has a lot in his plate to create value for the enlarged group. Good luck to him. Meanwhile, I will just wait patiently and see what rabbit he can pull out from his magic hat when he comes aboard.


2023-05-25 11:56 | Report Abuse

Alenac, all the data's provided by you amounts to nothing if the share price of MBSB remains depress. Anyone who holds this counter for more than 6 years are still underwater in their investment especially EPF. And why is it everytime MBSB goes on acquisition, it takes more than 18 months to finalise the deal. The deal with AFB a few years back was supposed to enhanced MBSB because it came with an Islamic Banking licence but instead MBSB share price continued dropping further. This MIDF deal is probably the last chance for this MBSB senior management board to prove they deserve to continue in senior management. Alenac, you sound like an insider of MBSB talking, I hope you can convey the disappointment of many shareholders to the BOD of MBSB. TQ.


2023-04-17 09:45 | Report Abuse

Crazy to sell without knowing the actual terms of the merger plus the NAV of the merged entities. At least wait for official announcements of the merger terms. Remember MBSB before merger was like a kampong financial mini market. Now with merger with a much more sophisticated MIDF group, MBSB can move up the ladder as an urban financial supermarket with a full range of financial products. Only time will tell whether MBSB will use this "golden" opportunity to play a bigger role in competition with the big boys. Too early to sell.


2023-04-15 17:12 | Report Abuse

Guys, a little bit of facts for all of us to ponder now that MBSB has made the announcement that their merger with MIDF will proceed. The EPF controls 65.872%, then comes shareholders having shares ranging from 100,001 to 358,574,189 shares which makes up 24.678%. A third big group of shareholders having shares ranging from above 10,000 to 100,000 shares owns 107,066,652 shares or 7.892%. You can see the above 3 groups own 98.441% of MBSB shares. My advice is do not sell your shares cheaply to market manipulators who might influence the price of MBSB in the coming weeks. The free float of MBSB shares is so little in the open, I am sure EPF and the top 30 shareholders will hold on tight to their shares, we should have the holding power too. The Nett Asset Value currently is more than its current market price. Stay long to benefit from this merger. I think the folks from MIDF can bring good quality management skills to a sleepy MBSB Team.


2023-03-21 17:48 | Report Abuse

Should I be happy with this dividend? Obviously if I had bought it this year, then the payout is fantastic but because I am holding it for 7 years and still losing a fair bit of initial capital outlay, I am not celebrating. If only there is an uptrend in the share price to above Rm1.00 then I can heave a sign of relieve. Even now, with this good dividend payout, why is it the share price never went up like a rocket. At 13% dividend yield, why is the price still below 0.66 sen? The price should be much much higher. Maybe smarter people can let us know the reason. I do not want to say much more.


2023-03-13 15:16 | Report Abuse

Is there a time bomb in MBSB that we are not aware of? Why is MBSB not attracting major investors that can help appreciate its stock price? Why the silence on the merger with MIDF? Shareholders have been very patient with the Directors of MBSB for many years, how long more can our patience be held back?


2023-01-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

Loy Loy Cheong, you are absolutely right in your arguments. The fault lies with the EPF, their entire 68% in MBSB got devalued by 50% and they are not alarmed by the root cause. The root cause is an incompetent foolish management team in MBSB. If this happens in America, activists investors will pressure the CEO and his team to leave or they will try to take over and perhaps asset strip the company and return the money to investors. What is the use of running a bank with Rm58 billion capital if they have donkeys running it. They bought over Asian Finance Bank years ago to become a full fledge Islamic Bank but price of shares still deteriorated to 50 odd sen. I don't know why EPF seems to do nothing about the donkeys running this bank. As a shareholder, I am very frustrated.


2023-01-16 19:10 | Report Abuse

Perhaps EPF after this merger with MIDF should dispose off a big potion of its holdings in MBSB to other banking parties so that MBSB can move in a different direction. This current Board cannot bring value to MBSB. Let there be fresh blood with a different approach. This is my hope.


2022-12-27 11:55 | Report Abuse

Loy Loy Cheong, we can only pray that good sense will prevail and EPF realise this bunch of Top Level Managers in MBSB (including the Directors) will lead MBSB nowhere. EPF is also losing 50% of their money in MBSB since 2017. Perhaps EPF can bring in some good people from CIMB, RHB and Public Bank to manage MBSB. After all EPF is a substantial shareholder in these aforementioned banks.


2022-12-25 23:24 | Report Abuse

Loy Loy Cheong, I fully agree with you on this. Yes, MBSB's current share price is only 50% of what it was 5 years ago. Shareholders (large and small) should be very disappointed with the performance of MBSB. Yes, EPF's huge stake plus its top 10 shareholders makes it a very illiquid stock. Maybe its warrant stocks is also a big factor, the warrant issuers might be a big culprit in suppressing the stock price too. I just do not know how long more before MBSB is valued higher. MBSB never seems to be in the radar of big fund managers despite it becoming a fully fledged Islamic Bank. If the merger with MIDF goes through and the price still remains in the doldrums, then it will be a disaster for us shareholders. I consider it just bad luck to hold a stock with so much potentials but market forces just will not allow the stock price to appreciate.

News & Blogs

2022-09-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

Investors of Heng Yuan, notice the elaborated arguments put up by two opposing sides. They operate like two opposing sides in a court trial. Obviously both sides try to convince you their research arguments are the ones you should trust. I suspect both sides represents either opposing syndicates or opposing Investment Bankers. For them, if they can influence the market to go their planned way, they make millions in profits from someone else's misery. So take both arguments put up by both sides with a pinch of salt and do not bet your whole house on Heng Yuan. Just a humble opinion from an old timer.


2022-07-04 11:55 | Report Abuse

This is a cornered stock controlled by unscrupulous syndicates. Stay away from Hengyuan is the best solution. If you are not greedy to make obscene gains, there are alternative high quality stocks around this price elsewhere. Do not allow storytellers with fairy tales to fleece you out of your hard earned money here. I can admit I am not losing any hard earned money here because I bought during March till May 2020 period. Sold off most of it already, balance is pure profits. I can wait to see what market manipulators want to do. But I just want to caution innocent uncles and aunties who get slaughtered all the time by market manipulators.


2021-06-19 11:27 | Report Abuse

For the last 5 years, I chose to take cash dividends rather than DRP. MBSB share price for the last 5 years always fall below it's DRP price. Go check through all past DRP share price. I find it tiring to emphasize that this MBSB CEO and his team cannot enhance MBSB share price at all. EPF can help MBSB by hiring a new CEO and change its business plan. No big funds excited with MBSB, so how to enhance share price?


2021-05-13 17:52 | Report Abuse

As shareholders of MBSB, I suggest everyday more and more MBSB shareholders through i3investor press for the CEO and his team to be replaced. EPF must by now realise, this CEO cannot lead MBSB to greater heights. He is a disaster actually. If it was any other banks or big companies, he would have been replaced long time ago. EPF, please wake up.


2021-05-11 19:01 | Report Abuse

Allyusof, we both think alike actually. I had good memories of investing in MBSB in the eighties where its share price was mostly above Rm4.00. Even in the first Gulf War, MBSB's share price was very good. Thus allowing me to sell it and buy stocks that had tanked badly in the Gulf War. This time, no chance to sell MBSB. I guess I will hold it forever if this CEO and his team is still in charge. EPF is also a substantial shareholder of CIMB and RHB, perhaps EPF should pick a team from either of these 2 Banks to help revive the fortunes of MBSB. After all, EPF holds more than 60% of MBSB and EPF is losing huge value in MBSB right now.


2021-05-10 19:23 | Report Abuse

Allyusof, you did the right thing. I have made from other counters the last 4 years to cover for my MBSB paper losses. So many counters were dirt cheap after March 2020 and I did buy some. Profits mostly above 30% to 60%. My major disappointment is MBSB cannot move upwards at all. Some say it is OK because MBSB pays dividends above FD rates. That is a wrong way to look at it. There is an opportunity cost involved and for the risk we take in buying stocks, the returns in the long run should be at least twice the rate of FD. I blame the MBSB CEO and his team for this lackluster share price. The EPF should change the CEO and his team. Otherwise, MBSB will remain as a penny stock. Even Chua MA Yu sold off his strategic holdings in MBSB, he gave up hope long time ago.


2021-05-07 17:30 | Report Abuse

At the way things are going, we will be lucky if price don't drop any further. Maybe for another 4 years, the price will be stuck around 0.60 sen. What a rotten bank stock. Regretted buying it and accumulating more for the last 4 years.


2021-04-22 14:52 | Report Abuse

Yes, I agree with you Samchan. Sack the CEO including his whole team. Useless CEO. Leading MBSB to ruins. Nobody can be happy with this CEO.


2021-03-17 09:55 | Report Abuse

Nkk1370, this MBSB CEO has been with the bank for a very long time. Maybe easily more than 8 years. He presided over MBSB as a Finance Society company priced above Rm3.00 to what it is priced now as a bank at 0.68 sen. Who can be happy with such a CEO.


2021-03-15 11:27 | Report Abuse

Agree with you Ratz 100%. All GLC companies CEOs and their teams cannot survive in the real corporate world. They are handed things on a silver platter with no real pressures. I am sure if MBSB is a bank that resembles Public Bank, the shareholders will lynch the whole team of CEO and the senior management and demand that they resign. I hope others in this forum realise that some of us are here not to bad mouth the CEO and his team but we want MBSB to buck up and deliver value to its shareholders. Nobody should feel hurt.


2021-03-12 10:14 | Report Abuse

Yippy68, shareholders like us can see the potentials of MBSB if it is managed by the Right Team. To own more as time goes by is either to average down a stock that has good growth potentials or to collect dividends that is around FD rates. Not wrong with that strategy. I use it too. But when stock price of a growth stock is stuck and cannot go up at least 10% per annum, we are losing. The take over of Asian Finance Bank licence does not seem to pay dividends. Just my humble opinion. Get rid of the CEO and his team.


2021-03-12 08:42 | Report Abuse

Yes Bulat, the whole senior management team including the CEO is sluggish with no drive. if EPF is pro-active in MBSB, they must get rid of at least the CEO and his team. Very useless people. While every counter in KLSE has recovered to a certain extent, MBSB is still sleeping. I hope someone from the EPF read my comments and get rid of the CEO and his team.


2021-03-11 23:31 | Report Abuse

This counter has easily dropped 45% in price since 2017 till now. I can see one or two commentators who are from that 2017 period. I wonder how come you guys don't seem to care about the 45% drop in MBSB share price. Even if you had collected shares instead of dividends payout, you are facing a big deficit. Don't you guys have any opinions with MBSB becoming a full fledge bank and yet its share price is stuck at the 60 odd sen level for donkey years. Something very wrong with this counter.


2021-02-19 12:16 | Report Abuse

Remove the present CEO and his senior management team. This bank is going nowhere because whatever that is implemented by this CEO and his team is not increasing the value of MBSB. how long more must shareholders suffer. Since March last year, many counters have recovered and reached new highs but this useless MBSB counter is stuck in quicksand. Ask yourself why? Because the management team cannot deliver progress to MBSB. I am getting fed-up.


2020-09-14 10:47 | Report Abuse

The EPF should consider removing the current CEO and his team of senior management people. He and his team has been given ample opportunities and time to build a viable bank and yet whatever they implemented has never caught the eyes of influential investors who can give the share price a boost. Even it's shares in exchange for dividends cannot entice us to take it. Only the EPF took that option for years and in the process lost more and more EPF members hard earned subscriptions to the EPF. In my opinion, the CEO and his team of people are out of depth. They cannot bring value to MBSB at all. EPF need to be ruthless and do the right thing. MBSB as an Islamic Bank right now is a joke. I hope members here will pressure the EPF into doing the right thing instead of meaningless write-ups about MBSB that cannot get us out of this mountain of rubbish in MBSB.


2020-07-24 11:18 | Report Abuse

MBSB share price has been falling the last 4 years from a high of Rm 1.35 to its present price. In my humble opinion, the MBSB CEO has been given enough time to build up the value of its shares. The CEO has failed dismally. He was managing a finance company that subsequently became an Islamic Bank. MBSB either made a mistake acquiring Asian Finance Bank or the current management is not exploiting its status as an Islamic Bank. High time EPF head hunt for a dynamic new CEO and a new management team. I used to regard CMY highly considering the fact that he and Rashid Hussain built up the brand name RHB Bank. Now I am not too certain what magic CMY can perform at MBSB. My guess is EPF and CMY just like us long term MBSB shareholders all already lost 50% of our capital till now. The CEO and his team must be asked to resign. Enough of time and opportunity cost wasted on this CEO.


2018-03-12 21:36 | Report Abuse

Thanks tcs888 for your clarification. Just hold on tight to your MBSB, the potential for MBSB is bright. EPF and Chua Ma Yu together hold more than 72%, market manipulators/operators cannot push it down for long term. Just do not be troubled by daily trades. We may not like these crooked operators, but have to tolerate their share manipulation tricks.


2018-03-12 19:34 | Report Abuse

tcs888, you can joke and laugh, it is ok. I can afford to wait even if it takes years for me to enjoy the fruits of my investment. I look at fundamentals when I purchase a stock. Sure, President Trump with his big mouth will cause the world markets some difficult moments but the risk is very low for investors to lose money with MBSB at current price.


2018-03-12 17:45 | Report Abuse

Bamforte, we need to factor in MBSB`s new status as an Islamic Bank after 1st April. Right now, all Shariah Compliant Fund Managers cannot purchase MBSB`s shares because it is not shariah compliant, so you can imagine some of these Fund Managers would love to diversify and park some funds in MBSB ( the newest Islam Bank). MBSB has a good track record since the 1960s. A dividend of 5% at current price gives you a real yield of 4.20%. Much better than F.D. Please take note that PNB Chief Tan Sri Wahid last year commented that there are too few Shariah Compliant companies particularly in the Financial sector. You cannot go wrong by holding on to your MBSB shares. Just be patient.


2018-03-01 11:09 | Report Abuse

Looks like the daily open quarrels between these warring parties cannot end despite being advised by well meaning people. Other people invest in stocks and come into forums to better understand investment opportunities. And we can see stocks like Hengyuan,Petron, Supermax, Dialog, Airasia etc all rewarding their shareholders because there is a concerted effort by all concerned to push their prices higher and higher. But here at MBSB forum, we get people not making any positive contributions but just quarreling everyday. Sometimes I wonder whether all these open quarreling is real or just Syndicate Members having an agenda playing a game. All I know is you guys lost an opportunity to make good money right now and it might not be conducive in the later months when uncertainties in GE14 may drag our market down, then you guys will regret. Others have already made good profits with their KLSE investments while you guys made nothing so far. Brainless people.


2018-02-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

Do not make this forum your platform to fight and quarrel over petty things. We are sick and tired of all this nonsense by all the quarreling parties whoever you are. You guys behaved like spoilt brats on an ego trip. Use the head you are blessed with to come up with constructive thoughts and ideas and not spew contempt on each other. Thank you.


2017-12-28 11:38 | Report Abuse

I my humble opinion, the Board of Directors, EPF and Tan Sri CMY should not allow syndicates and operators to control the share price of MBSB. It is very damaging to MBSB and it has gone on for too long. I think nearly 18 months to be precise. Sorry, just my opinion only.


2017-11-10 07:44 | Report Abuse

Share rigging by crooks and their remisier is a criminal activity and in the past a few have been charged, fined and also jailed. A classic example was Fountain View Bhd where the MD of the company conspired with his remisier to set up multiple accounts to create false purchases and activities. The Securities Commission should be more pro-active to wipe out scoundrels who are damaging the reputation of the KLSE.


2017-11-09 18:30 | Report Abuse

Today out of curiosity, I checked the top 30 shareholders of MBSB till March 2017. The top 2 shareholders, EPF and Chua Ma Yu owns 74,248% of MBSB and the top 30 shareholders of MBSB owns 84.189% of MBSB. From this annual shareholders report, we can conclude the free float shares of MBSB is very limited. So do not despair, what has been going on for the last 12 months is probably sharks and syndicates manipulating the prices. I am also curious how last friday`s MBSB share price ended at Rm 1.11 and on Monday the acquisition of AFB was priced at Rm 1.10. A very nice co-incidence indeed. I would recommend that strong holders should hold on tight to their MBSB shares and enjoy the fruits of the AFB tie-up later next year. In my humble opinion, these 30 top MBSB shareholders controlling 84.189% are quality shareholders and they will not sell at such current low prices. Whoever who is pushing the prices down right now may have an agenda of their own, just don`t sell your shares to these sharks. Have patience my friends.


2017-09-06 19:02 | Report Abuse

Do not be influenced by nonsensical "prophets of doom" talk. Many of them actually know nothing about investing based on fundamentals and potential future growth. Let me remind everybody that EPF owns more than 60% of MBSB and Tan Sri Chua Ma Yu also owns a big stake too. Do you read of these 2 substantial stakeholders selling off their MBSB shares even when it was hovering around Rm 1.36? Ask yourselves why they did not sell and you will have the obvious answer. I am sure Tan Sri C.M.Y after investing hundreds of million of either his own money or borrowed money is targeting a handsome return. Please remember there is holding cost and opportunity cost involved here for Tan Sri C.M.Y. Usually, I do not like to comment, but I think there are too many nonsense comments here. I am someone who has been observing and playing the market since 1981, so I know a thing or two about MBSB.


2017-06-24 14:00 | Report Abuse

Simple common sense will tell you MBSB and AFB have already completed their negotiations on pricing and what not. Submitting to BN is a formality because BN is the governing body overseeing all commercial banks in Malaysia. BN is more concern on whether the merger will have negative consequences in the financial sectors, if there are none, the merger is a foregone conclusion.