
chrischan | Joined since 2014-10-28 22:42:43

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kikikikikikikiki!!!!!many many people hate genius like me!!!!





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2021-10-28 08:49 |

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2015-07-31 16:51 | Report Abuse

kikikikkii!!!!wannabe expert hng33!!!kikikikiki!!!the next calvin!!!kiiiki!!!


2015-07-31 16:49 | Report Abuse

kikikikkii!!!!wannabe expert hng33!!!kikikikiki!!!the next calvin!!!kiiiki!!!


2015-07-31 16:45 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki!!!!sing con holland championnnnnn!!!!kikikikikik!!!!no surprise!!!!!kikikiiii!!!!


2015-07-31 16:41 | Report Abuse

kikikikii!!!!sing con holland level is 2 limit down counter in 1 week!!!!!kiikiikikiki!!!!mpcorp mol!!!!!kikikiikiki!!!!

News & Blogs

2015-07-22 16:15 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki!!!!sure high class financial analysis icon8888!!!!kikikikiki!!!!another pluto resident!!!!!!kikikiki!!!!

News & Blogs

2015-07-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki!!!!the more sing con blow water the worse worse worse sing con is!!!!!!!kikikikikikikikiki!!!!!


2015-07-14 17:29 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki!!!!so nicEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE all wannabe expert mouth shut!!!!!!!kikikikikikikikkiki!!!!!


2015-07-14 17:28 | Report Abuse

kikikiki!!!!remember salient points to sell bjcorp!!!!!kikiki!!!good thing must be share frequently!!!!!!kikikikiki!!!!!

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!!anyone want argue now!!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

1.goreng stock fundamentals revalue asset because of tax
4.tan sri is not fool to revalue
5.too many unprofitable business in bjcorpse
6.gst shock to retailer business
7.hidden debt
8.huge volume share spread
9.too many frustrated seller on 41,41.5,42,42.5,43 cent
10.certified stagnant until 2026
11.opportunity cost getting expensive the longer you hold
12.bjcorpse wont give generous dividend to shareholder
13.certified value trap
14.denial is dangerous.dont believe and make story when you holding paper loss




2015-07-08 19:28 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!what expect from wannabe expert copy paste master hng33!!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-08 19:26 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!calling hjey!!!!!beside 3i you can irritate sing con sor chai calvintaneng!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!come laugh sing con!!!kikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-08 19:26 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!calling hjey!!!!!beside 3i you can irritate sing con sor chai calvintaneng!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!come laugh sing con!!!kikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-08 19:25 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!calling hjey!!!!!beside 3i you can irritate sing con sor chai calvintaneng!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!come laugh sing con!!!kikikikiki!!!!

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!aiya 381% high flying balloon profit still so much!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!!shout more more more sing con!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

3i watching laughing at you
hjey watching laughing at you
mikeong watching laughing at you
davidkw79 watching laughing at you


2015-07-08 19:24 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!calling hjey!!!!!beside 3i you can irritate sing con sor chai calvintaneng!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!come laugh sing con!!!kikikikiki!!!!

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!aiya 381% high flying balloon profit still so much!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!!shout more more more sing con!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

3i watching laughing at you
hjey watching laughing at you
mikeong watching laughing at you
davidkw79 watching laughing at you


2015-07-08 19:24 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!calling hjey!!!!!beside 3i you can irritate sing con sor chai calvintaneng!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!come laugh sing con!!!kikikikiki!!!!

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!aiya 381% high flying balloon profit still so much!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!!shout more more more sing con!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

3i watching laughing at you
hjey watching laughing at you
mikeong watching laughing at you
davidkw79 watching laughing at you


2015-07-08 19:22 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!aiya 381% high flying balloon profit still so much!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!!shout more more more sing con!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

3i watching laughing at you
hjey watching laughing at you
mikeong watching laughing at you
davidkw79 watching laughing at you


2015-07-08 19:22 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!aiya 381% high flying balloon profit still so much!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!!shout more more more sing con!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

3i watching laughing at you
hjey watching laughing at you
mikeong watching laughing at you
davidkw79 watching laughing at you


2015-07-08 19:21 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki!!!!because 3i sing con calvintaneng irritated!!!!kikikkikiki!!


2015-07-08 19:20 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!proven!!!!!3i irriate sing con!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-08 19:19 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!sing con sor chai calvin so irritated today!!!!3i so good!!!!kikikikikikikikikiki!!!!!proceed to next stage!!!!!kikikikikikikikik!!!


2015-07-08 09:12 | Report Abuse

kikikikikkikiki!!!!!calvintaneng 8621 posts klse i3 less than 2 year!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!!average 4310 1 year!!!!!!

assuming sing con take 1 minute only for every post!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!WOWWOWWWW a whooping 4310 minute or 72 hours or 3 day!!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!go and do something positive lah!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!!

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 8, 2015 09:04 AM | Report Abuse


More reason for laughter!


Indolent (Go and do something positive lah.)

Intransigent (So stuck up with Dutch Lady (Holland Granda)

Idiot ( Go attacking others. Your 2 year track record of HGrandma is deplorable.)


2015-07-08 08:59 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!i wait hng33 answer because 26% confirm guarantee profit!!!!!!!!no big fat frog but but but super duper giant frog!!!!!!!WOWOWOWWWWW!!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!


2015-07-08 08:58 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!!sing con fire go to head now!!!!!kikikkikikikiki!!!!!


2015-07-08 08:47 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!aiya 381% high flying balloon profit still so much!!!!!!kikikikikikikkiki!!!!shout more more more sing con!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

3i watching laughing at you
hjey watching laughing at you
mikeong watching laughing at you
davidkw79 watching laughing at you


2015-07-08 08:45 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki!!!sing con sing con sor chai calvintan!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!!!


2015-07-08 08:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by hng33 > Nov 14, 2014 03:16 PM | Report Abuse

Yes, Post RM 1/share dividend payout, Puncak sum of part should still value at RM 3.75/share. However, post disposal, it depend on wisdom of Puncak management to acquire viable business, earning accretive than holding cash.

kikikikikikiki!!!!hng33 accounting is wannbe expert unitl hit holland!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!!!

kikikikikikikikiki!!!!!veryYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY simple act to prove hng33 is man and real!!!!!!





2015-07-08 08:38 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikkiki!!!!!delete amend repost hng33 delete amend repost again!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!


2015-07-08 08:36 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikikki!!!!!laugh die me!!!!!!kikikikkikikiki!!!!

kikikikikikikikikiki!!!!!hng33 should stick to copy paste online articles from mkini,malaysiainsider,theedge!!!!!!you good only that!!!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-08 08:33 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikikiki!!!!!big frog jumps jumps jumps!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!!

follow delete amend repost hng33 expert advice,buy rm1million puncak get back rm370,000!!!!!!!WOWOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!kikikikikikikikki!!!

borrow 1 million loan shark!!!!!buy puncak and rm370,000 again!!!!!!kikikikikikki!!!!!!!

limit up margin financing 2x,super profit rm740,000!!!!!kikikikikikikikiki!!!!!

delete amend repost hng33 realllllllllllllllyyyy can blow water until hit outside milky way!!!!!!kikikikikikkikii!!!!!


2015-07-08 08:28 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikikiki!!!!!runbeforeyoudie checkmated hng33!!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!


2015-07-08 08:28 | Report Abuse

kikikikikki!!!!i told you so!!!!!hng33 the next calvintan!!!!kikikikikikikikiki!!!!wannabe expert but but but exposed already!!!!!kikikikikkikikki!!

Posted by runbeforeyoudie > Jul 7, 2015 09:27 PM | Report Abuse

RM1/special dividend represents 26% profit from RM3.75 and 37% profit from RM2.68. Anyone believe such a big fat frog jumps on the street?

If yes,

Please sell all your possession including house,car and etc and buy Puncak.

Borrow from bank and loan shark and buy Puncak.

Multiply profit by max up margin financing.

hng33 posted these advices.Thank you.

Posted by hng33 > Nov 14, 2014 03:16 PM | Report Abuse

Yes, Post RM 1/share dividend payout, Puncak sum of part should still value at RM 3.75/share. However, post disposal, it depend on wisdom of Puncak management to acquire viable business, earning accretive than holding cash.

Posted by hng33 > Jul 7, 2015 05:25 PM | Report Abuse


If the deal is confrim seal, just jump back again with margin account, (buy high sell higher), if delay, wait for opptunity to re-enter, (sell high, buyback lower) if Puncak refuse to grant extension, then bye bye.


2015-07-08 08:27 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikikiki!!!!!runbeforeyoudie checkmated hng33!!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!

Posted by runbeforeyoudie > Jul 7, 2015 09:27 PM | Report Abuse

RM1/special dividend represents 26% profit from RM3.75 and 37% profit from RM2.68. Anyone believe such a big fat frog jumps on the street?

If yes,

Please sell all your possession including house,car and etc and buy Puncak.

Borrow from bank and loan shark and buy Puncak.

Multiply profit by max up margin financing.

hng33 posted these advices.Thank you.

Posted by hng33 > Nov 14, 2014 03:16 PM | Report Abuse

Yes, Post RM 1/share dividend payout, Puncak sum of part should still value at RM 3.75/share. However, post disposal, it depend on wisdom of Puncak management to acquire viable business, earning accretive than holding cash.

Posted by hng33 > Jul 7, 2015 05:25 PM | Report Abuse


If the deal is confrim seal, just jump back again with margin account, (buy high sell higher), if delay, wait for opptunity to re-enter, (sell high, buyback lower) if Puncak refuse to grant extension, then bye bye.


2015-07-08 08:26 | Report Abuse

kikikikikki!!!!i told you so!!!!!hng33 the next calvintan!!!!kikikikikikikikiki!!!!wannabe expert but but but exposed already!!!!!kikikikikkikikki!!

Posted by runbeforeyoudie > Jul 7, 2015 09:27 PM | Report Abuse

RM1/special dividend represents 26% profit from RM3.75 and 37% profit from RM2.68. Anyone believe such a big fat frog jumps on the street?

If yes,

Please sell all your possession including house,car and etc and buy Puncak.

Borrow from bank and loan shark and buy Puncak.

Multiply profit by max up margin financing.

hng33 posted these advices.Thank you.

Posted by hng33 > Nov 14, 2014 03:16 PM | Report Abuse

Yes, Post RM 1/share dividend payout, Puncak sum of part should still value at RM 3.75/share. However, post disposal, it depend on wisdom of Puncak management to acquire viable business, earning accretive than holding cash.

Posted by hng33 > Jul 7, 2015 05:25 PM | Report Abuse


If the deal is confrim seal, just jump back again with margin account, (buy high sell higher), if delay, wait for opptunity to re-enter, (sell high, buyback lower) if Puncak refuse to grant extension, then bye bye.


2015-07-08 08:22 | Report Abuse

kikikiki!!!!remember salient points to sell bjcorp!!!!!kikiki!!!good thing must be share frequently!!!!!!kikikikiki!!!!!

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!!anyone want argue now!!!!!kikikikiki!!!!

1.goreng stock fundamentals revalue asset because of tax
4.tan sri is not fool to revalue
5.too many unprofitable business in bjcorpse
6.gst shock to retailer business
7.hidden debt
8.huge volume share spread
9.too many frustrated seller on 41,41.5,42,42.5,43 cent
10.certified stagnant until 2026
11.opportunity cost getting expensive the longer you hold
12.bjcorpse wont give generous dividend to shareholder
13.certified value trap
14.denial is dangerous.dont believe and make story when you holding paper loss




2015-07-08 08:22 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!a very good morning from boom boom booming iskandar!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-06 10:13 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!!!all super crystal clear clear!!!!!!mikekong made more pmcorp money than sing con!!!!kikikikikkiki!!!!little fella sing con jealous!!!!kikikikikiki!!!

that smart!!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-06 10:04 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki!!!!!wow still up!!!!!no shouting like sing con sor chai!!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!

that smart!!!!kikikikikikiki!!!

hapseng sep 2013 rm2
hapseng today rm5
hapseng dividend 43cent

pmcorp sep 2013 rm0.15
pmcorp today rm0.19
pmcorp dividend 0
pmcorp cash payout blow water story got kah


2015-07-06 10:00 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!!year in year out money booming in!!!!!kikikikikikki!!!!no shouting like sing con sor chai!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!

that smart!!!!!kikikikikikki!!!

Bought DLady in 1993 @ RM6.80 per share
2003 3/1 Bonus
@ RM40 per share today
...each bought in 1993
= RM160,000 !!! or 94,117% GAIN !!!

1993 to 2014 : 94,117 / 21 years
= 4,481% per year !!!

This is the wonder of compounding.

I presume those failed to understand are the one less likely to make it in stock market.


2015-07-06 09:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 1, 2015 10:49 PM | Report Abuse

For your information I have been holding UMW (bought Rm2.40) since year 2004 - 11 years ago. Now a Blue Chip. I never tell people to buy UMW as I know it is no longer cheap.

You are really dumb to tell people about DutchLady all the time. What good will it do for investors?

See On September 20th 2013 I first recommended PM Corp at 15 cents. Today PM Corp still closed at 19 cents (Up 26% in less than 22 months).

On September 20th 2013 Dutch Lady closed at Rm46.46. Today DutchLady closed Rm45.76 (Lower than Sept 20th 2013 price). The facts speak for themselves.


2015-07-06 09:49 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!!strategy to irritate sing con calvin!!!!!!iinvestsmart,hjey,mikekong!!!!!kikikikikikikii!!!!


2015-07-06 09:40 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!!makan time!!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!


2015-07-06 09:39 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!what kelam kabut sing con english!!!!!grammar error!!!!kikikikikikkiki!!!sentence error!!!!kikikikikikikii!!!meaning error!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!!

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 1, 2015 10:49 PM | Report Abuse

Griping not tolerating constructive suggestion appreciating.


2015-07-06 09:39 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!lsing con getting pathetic!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!

News & Blogs

2015-07-06 08:50 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikikiki!!!!one more read but dont understand!!!!!kikikkikikiki!!!!

Posted by Icon8888 > Jul 6, 2015 08:36 AM | Report Abuse

agree with all the points brought up by Calvin

(Apart from UMW which I believed is another bull and cock story)

News & Blogs

2015-07-06 08:45 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki!!!!!sing con blow water again!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 6, 2015 07:45 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning on a Very Fine Day in Spore!

I am amused by one wild cat shouting "wolf, wolf"

I am equally amazed that Icon kena confused by a stray cat!

Think Straight Lah!

1) IMDB is only owing RM42 billions while Our Reserves are more than Rm360 Billions. So only 10% to 15% loss won't put such a huge dent to confidence. This is not 1997!

2) IMDB Still got Assets worth Rm52 Billions (Most of the lands were unfairly sold at Huge Discounts to IMDB). These Prime lands in Bandar Malaysia & TRX are highly marketable. So solution is there - given time.

3) Bank Negara Dato Zeti already stated that the Fall out from IMDB saga is contained. It will not be a systematic risk to the Malaysian Financial System.

4) Both Fitch, Moody & SP have confirmed Malaysia's stable to positive position. There is no downgrade like Russia or Greece. So Funds will act accordingly.

5) Actually Dr M relentless exposure is good for Malaysia. It will keep everybody in check.

6) Since AWSJ has come out to attack PM Najib's credibility. Let Najib give his defense & rebuttal. This test in the crucible will determine his guilt or innocence. He is still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

7) PM Najib like all other PMs are dispensable. Malaysia with its unique position, resources & dynamic people will still thrive on.

8) So take this blip as an opportunity to Buy Value Shares with a Longer Term View.

We have lived through even greater crisis like 1) 1973 - Arab Oil Embargo. 2} 1985 to 1987 - Fall of Saigon in 1985. Recession caused by Tin & Rubber Collapse. 3) 1987 - Dr M challenged by Razaleigh & Musa Hitam. 4) 1991 (US invasion of Iraq). 5) 1997-8. Asian Financial Crisis
6) 2007/8. Lehman Brothers' Debacle which triggered the Great Recession.

This too will pass.

See My UMW

In 1973 it was less than 50 cents.
Through crisis after crisis UMW emerged a True Blue Chip!

So don't panic. Now is the time to pick up some nice Bargains with a long term view.

By Calvin Tan Research
Jurong West, Singapore.


2015-07-06 08:42 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki!!!what kelam kabut sing con english!!!!!grammar error!!!!kikikikikikkiki!!!sentence error!!!!kikikikikikikii!!!meaning error!!!!kikikikikiki!!!!!

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 1, 2015 10:49 PM | Report Abuse

Griping not tolerating constructive suggestion appreciating.


2015-07-06 08:40 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki!!!!!blow blow blow water!!!!!!kikikkikiki!!!!ehhhhhhhhh where the promised cash payout from pmcorp!!!!sing con sing sing con!!!!kikikikikikikki!!!!

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 1, 2015 10:49 PM | Report Abuse

For your information I have been holding UMW (bought Rm2.40) since year 2004 - 11 years ago. Now a Blue Chip. I never tell people to buy UMW as I know it is no longer cheap.

You are really dumb to tell people about DutchLady all the time. What good will it do for investors?

See On September 20th 2013 I first recommended PM Corp at 15 cents. Today PM Corp still closed at 19 cents (Up 26% in less than 22 months).

On September 20th 2013 Dutch Lady closed at Rm46.46. Today DutchLady closed Rm45.76 (Lower than Sept 20th 2013 price). The facts speak for themselves.

To me iiinvestsmart stands for

indolent (Only rest on past laurel. No activity or new recommendation now. You only live and exist in the past. We are not interested in what has been. We are only interested in "what will be".

instransigent (You are stuck with tunnel vision.) You cannot see or refuse to see from different angles. You will definitely disagree with Walter Schloss' stock picks. Are you better than Warren who endorsed Schloss as one of the "Superstar Investors"? Why are you so stuck up? This is not smart at all. Investsmart is really a misnomer for you.

idiot! (You should be called "Idiot" instead. Why don't you go and find good stocks and recommend them? Why be an idiot going round stirring up trouble every where?

Griping not tolerating constructive suggestion appreciating.


2015-07-06 08:38 | Report Abuse

kikikikikkkiki!!!!!!lose money lose pant follow sing con holland king!!!!!kikikikikikikiki!!!!!

Posted by calvintaneng > Jul 1, 2015 11:06 PM | Report Abuse


What sweet name?

I love candy - ha! I just remember I ate a bar of Tudor Gold Dark Chocolate today.

Yes! Due to Pan El crisis in 1983 both UMW & Tan Chong fell to between 30 cents to 50 cents.

Now go and buy some Mulpha at 36.5 cents & BJ Corp at 40.5 cents.

Who knows? Someday they might become Blue Chip!!