
CityTrader | Joined since 2013-05-04

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile Moderate

Trading since Nov 2012 & start using TA to trade since Feb 2013. Trading without knowing what a Company's back ground as i believe Chart is similar to Financial Reports. Chart is equivalent to a map & a compass to find our destination.





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2014-05-06 16:16 | Report Abuse

haha!!! same person with so many nicks.


2014-05-06 16:16 | Report Abuse

huat arrrr!!!! yes yes yes


2014-05-02 23:17 | Report Abuse

kikiki,, Newman!!! U asked ppl to buy dbhd & why u didn't buy ler?? Or u also secretly bot. I didn't dare to say anything as ppl in that thread said bad about EW. kikiki


2014-05-06 11:58 | Report Abuse

TQ Sephi,, So L&G really got shows??? I hold tight tight.


2014-05-06 11:51 | Report Abuse

Sephi!!! Did u bot sycal. I bot at 0.35 today. Q to sell at 38 see can or not??

Dino, Im a learner too & let us huat arr together with all good friends here.


2014-09-02 23:23 | Report Abuse

Sephi, yup, a friend asked me to hold but she didn't tell me what.


2014-05-06 11:38 | Report Abuse

Connie, Sephi is right!! Forget about them & why take non-existence matter into your heart.

Dino, I didn't bot lah!!! Follow kuya Hawk & Newman, sure u will be winner.


2014-05-06 11:03 | Report Abuse

Newman, I didn't bot without u to lead ler.
Connie, maybe they re jealous of sephi who always talk to u, so they flag him dislike. I have been flagged bcos of longkang analysis. U re flagged bcos they re your secret admirer. hehehehe, becareful don't go out alone. I m a good fighter & can help u on this matter. kikiki.


2014-05-06 23:30 | Report Abuse

Connie, flag means LIKE, think positive. I m immune of being flagged & even attacked, kikiki.


2024-05-06 23:36 | Report Abuse

Congrats kuya tj, forgot to enter your home to "steal info", I rugi not bot smrt.


2014-05-06 09:09 | Report Abuse

Newman, I don't touch dbhd for time being.


2014-05-06 09:49 | Report Abuse

Tqvm, bro Rikki.


2014-05-06 07:59 | Report Abuse

Good morning, Newman, kuya Hawk, Connie, Joyous n all bro n sis. Weather in ulu kampong is stil v hot n hope our bursa is as hot as the weather here.

Joyous, im not sure whether can break n if compare this to other ctrs that have similar pattern, it may break 255. But this is my personal guessing n trade at own risk.


2014-05-05 21:44 | Report Abuse

Newman, looking at the trend, breaking 255 is not a problem. Can test 28 then sell. I dont hantem like u. Me is 1lot only, kikiki.


2014-05-05 21:43 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, connie, why are u soooo clever? U re a real hiddengem not yet polished into diamond. No wonder smart fa guy n ta guy all fall for u. Kikiki. Ok g9 liao.


2014-05-05 21:38 | Report Abuse

Since Newman asks me to buy ktb, must not let him down n i will bot lol. I think able to break 255 to test 28.


2014-05-03 08:39 | Report Abuse

This month, shld fly to melb, cool now. My home fully aircon but stil v hot.


2014-05-05 21:30 | Report Abuse

Imagine, the weather here is darn hot, 35c at this hour & day time, mmore than 40c. G9,,,


2014-09-03 09:15 | Report Abuse

Latitude, if it can stay above the res line, the uptrend is stil v bullish. Today only profit take after the breakout..


2014-05-05 21:27 | Report Abuse

Connie, u are right!! matrixcool's strategy is good but do u have patient to wait??? Esp this type of uncertainty climate??


2014-05-05 21:53 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu!!! How come u said like that one!!! U recommended us to buy but u didnt want to see in detail.. At least do it for bro & sis.. Go & read the chart & come back to us..


2014-05-03 11:12 | Report Abuse

So Connie, u can bot liao!!! I notice u never bot any ctr so far???


2014-05-05 21:18 | Report Abuse

Maybe i see wrong,, kikiki!!! longkang one mah!! U forgot oredi??
So how high it can go?? I think 0.28-0.29


2014-05-05 21:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyu!! Newman!!! M looking at KTB chart,, tmr down ler,,


2014-05-05 21:06 | Report Abuse

Wanna shoot plane but cant diy. .. hahaha..


2014-05-05 21:04 | Report Abuse

Newman!!! hahaha!!! i admited i lost latitude, bot 3.00 sold at 2.95 but i really bot 2 lots only.. this market, do u think i dare to hantem big mer!!! look for mati only. Lost 13packs of dunhill or 13 bowls of kolo mee...


2014-05-05 20:46 | Report Abuse

Newman, where got homework to do nowadays!!! Onleave lol.


2014-05-05 17:10 | Report Abuse

Sorry, omitted "No", shld be giving u NO problem.


2014-05-05 17:02 | Report Abuse

Sephi!!! so u cant go onleave, so long the trading is on, u will be busy. Traders like me, got leaves like today, off one day.. hehehehe!!!


2014-05-05 17:01 | Report Abuse

Better stay sideline while eyeing on good opportunity. Connie, im with u not buying & no worries about your holdings as they shld be giving u any problem.


2024-05-05 15:47 | Report Abuse

Kuya Hawk, I only collect L&G as I got the news & the rest I wont touch for time being.


2014-05-05 15:41 | Report Abuse

Newman, your KTB, green green ler & your dbhd can see 1.27 is coming. kikiki.


2014-05-03 13:53 | Report Abuse

hahaha!!! Newman, u & I same same, close shop. My analysis longkang one so I don't dare to bot liao!!!


2014-05-05 15:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyau!!! Newman, why u always like to tease Connie? U stop kacau her lah!!! Go to your room to recount your money..


2014-05-05 15:31 | Report Abuse

Connie!!! Investors' profits shrink & traders are watching silently to attack when opportunity ripe.


2014-05-05 14:25 | Report Abuse

Newman, we have a lot of things to share but who's care now!!! right!!! Newman, come & let count the money & see which country of girl we need tonite?? Hahahaha!!!


2014-05-03 16:28 | Report Abuse

He said cut,, hahaha!!! I knew only talk talk song song .. Forgive him as he has been trading since 14years old (his age is 38 & he has been in this field for 24years) & jst wanna return what he said that day.

Newman, I only care for my own banks accounts & this world will not be peace one when there are so many noises everywhere... Hahahaha!!!


2014-05-05 14:24 | Report Abuse

Jennywong aka the longkang guru optimus7..

Return what u have said... God blesses u 2 for making a lot of noises in i3.

Posted by jennywong > Apr 27, 2014 02:16 PM | Report Abuse

citytrader. you dont mislead people here with your useless waves analisis lah. you yourself have not shown any success and you said you are 90% right??

another thing. You are just a working class and stuck all your fund in SILK and dont come here pretend you still have fund to buy Dbhd. unless you cut loss your SILK . hahaha. so hillarious. kindergarten student try to act like a guru.

Regain capital, Chocolate Ship passengers
Apr 2, 2014 09:44 AM | Report Abuse

Mike, dbhb, tp1-1.17 hit, will retrace to 1.09 ding dong n final upleg then to 1.25-1.40. My 2cent.

oh you think 1.25-1.40 is final upleg> kikiki, therefore you wish it will come down to that level for you to buy, or you no money already only have rm1,450. ?

please show results like Optimuses then only come and talk like a guru la. cheh, waves theory......


2014-09-02 23:16 | Report Abuse

Where is that fellow & the lady jennywong? Hiding in the cave?? Cut lar!!!! hahahahaha!!!!

Posted by optimus7 > Apr 25, 2014 02:19 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by CityTrader > Apr 24, 2014 07:12 PM | Report Abuse


if reach that level before split n bonus and right, I cut lor.


2014-05-05 12:07 | Report Abuse

Newman, under such windy climate, i reduce my quantities drastically. Hehehe, i bot 1 or 2 lots only to ease my fingers. If i dont play share, i will play something aso, kikiki, aso need hands one.


2014-05-05 12:06 | Report Abuse

Newman, dont b so bad lah, 25. We bot at 30.


19 hours ago | Report Abuse

Newman, i dont want to trade dbhd. Go for good fa.


18 hours ago | Report Abuse

Newman, iris, almost there 38.


2014-05-05 11:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyu, shld q to buy latitude at my planned price 2.90, hand too itchy ler?


2014-05-02 23:29 | Report Abuse

Newman, my mpay sold oredi at 31 only. Can buy few packs of dunhill light only, huhuhu.


2014-05-05 11:36 | Report Abuse

Sephi, i cabut same price with u, 38, bit kopi duit only n not enuf for roti khawin.


2014-05-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

Barakah? Maybe i dont like the name, kikiki..
Newman, i dont hold one lah, touch my exit price, i chop it like mint meat.


2014-05-05 11:33 | Report Abuse

Newman, since this sea is contaminated with blood color, we play at bath tab lol. Kikiki.


2014-05-05 11:31 | Report Abuse

Newman, i agree with u to stay sideline esp traders like us but my hand so itchy n jst bot latitude 3.00. Hehehe, under such windy season, better bot big ship n not sampan.


2014-09-02 23:53 | Report Abuse

Newman, no need to look lah! My longkang analysis not cun liao. Maybe batt flat. Kikiki.