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2022-03-03 18:40 | Report Abuse

JAKS got potential to grow with the 25 years concession for the Vietnam power plant. This quarter was lesser but only due to maintenance shutdown which is inevitable, especially for a newly operated plant. Plus, there is big opportunity for JAKS to increase its stake to 40% which will also up its bottomline. I also believe that JAKS is putting their best effort to replenish their construction orderbook and once it?s replenished, all these impairments may be lesser than the current figure, or the best scenario JAKS may not even need to provide any impairment in the following years. Let?s keep our confidence in JAKS that this year will be a better year for them


2021-05-10 13:36 | Report Abuse

Should I respect JAKS when they did not answers my AGM questions send in advance?

Trust is earned by your track record. So what were JAKS track record?

@Sslee, maybe they have answered you, but you don't understand their replies or not satisfied with their replies (I have to assume this is the case here looking at the correspondences between you and JAKS that you reproduced in this forum). In any case, do you need to be accusative and sarcastic? That's why I said you have personal agendas, not whatever shareholder activism that you are championing.

Yes you are absolutely correct, trust is earned with track record. I cannot agree with you more. Since to you JAKS cannot be trusted/no track record to earn your trust, why not you just leave them alone, focus on the companies that has track record/those that have earned your trust, invest in them and make your money? Instead, under the pretense of shareholder activism, you attack JAKS and only JAKS. Let's be honest @Sslee, you invest in stocks for what? I answer for you - in the hope of making profits. Definitely not because shareholder activism. You got burnt investing in JAKS, exit gracefully and quietly. Maybe you will earn more respect that way. You must remember, no one forced you to buy JAKS shares in the first place.


2021-05-10 13:00 | Report Abuse

Desiderius Erasmus Quotes
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
@Sslee, based on the quote from the great Mr. Erasmus, are you trying to imply that you are, in fact, on purpose, misleading your followers who may not have much knowledge about the stock/capital markets?

And you still haven't answer my questions. Thank you again for avoiding to answer me directly, and instead quoting some philosophers and scholars to change the subject.


2021-05-10 11:06 | Report Abuse

Capacity payment is mostly to cover bank borrowing interest and principal repayment and without it no Bank will loan you billion to build IPP plant.
You still need to operate above certain capacity in order to get your double digit IRR.
@Sslee - see, that's what I meant by you don't understand a thing but you are acting like a pro here. Your statement above means the IPP is built, then operate, to just cover the loan, without excess profit/cash that makes the project viable/profitable????


2021-05-10 11:01 | Report Abuse

@Sslee, you still did not answer which counters you apply your shareholder activism on. Thank you once again for selectively not answering questions. Your responses imply you are avoiding to answer my hard questions.

I don't get what are you trying to imply by telling the world some CEO is in your whatsapp, or some companies IR are nice to you. Were you nice to them? Did you ask questions sarcastically, and your questions actually contains some elements of accusations, and you copied your questions that contains elements of accusations to Bursa/SC, like how you did to JAKS? And did you repeatedly asked the same questions to these companies, that you said treated you nice, with accusations, despite you are provided with answers already?

Very simple life principle: If you are nice to ppl then ppl will be nice to you. You like to quote a lot of the sayings by some aristocrats. But I think you forget the most basic thing-you want to be treated nice or with respect, learn how to be nice and respect ppl first. Respects are earned. You may be right, but don't have to be nasty and disrespectful.

And I also would like to highlight to some of your followers here: have you heard of a saying, blind leading the blinds?


2021-05-07 17:37 | Report Abuse

HAHAHA that's why lar @ggcomliao....he really gg and try to un-gg now by using his "shareholder activism"


2021-05-07 17:18 | Report Abuse

That's why lar @Windy1974, @Sslee just being selective, or should I say just target JAKS. Please read my posts again questioning @Sslee's real intention. It's obvious he has personal agenda against JAKS and masking it using "shareholder activism". Asked @Sslee also in my previous post what other counters he applied his so-called shareholder activism, but did not answer. Nevermind lar, I still wish to thank him by selectively omit to answer my questions in my earlier post.

@Sslee, since u asked for advice here on JAKS' reply, very simple. Understand bursa rules on corporate transactions and also try to understand some basic accounting rules first. Then only ask the 'hard' questions...not simply shoot questions acting like a hero on the pretense of shareholder activism. Save your time and look for other counters which you believe in, which you think can make you some money lor. At the end of the day, you go into stock markets because you want to make money, not because want to promote shareholder activism.

Think of this lar @Sslee, if you have shares in a company and the share price keeps going up, makes you lots of $$$, but you know for sure there are something wrong/wrongdoings in that company, would you apply your shareholder activism to this company? I doubt you will, but what is damn-7-lan-sure is, you will happily pocket your $$$ that you made off this company's shares and just keep quiet.


2021-04-30 14:24 | Report Abuse

The SC just doing their job sbb that's their mandate. definitely not because of you and your whatever activism. Wanna hard sell yourself also no need so obvious lar @Sslee. during KYY era in jaks also sc and bursa let things run its course, where they wanna campur tangan bro?? btw are u KYY in disguise?????


2021-04-30 11:16 | Report Abuse

what the hell is shareholder activism @Sslee? curious want to know since u so free, what other counters u apply your shareholder activism on? or u just fokus on jaks jer? why not buy something like 100m shares and fight all the way? ppl here that replied you and said good job Sslee just want to see drama lar...if they really believe your so called shareholder activism, show some actions also lar instead of just telling u good job.

you suka2 kata all these things acting like a hero trying to fight for minority shareholders but in actual fact what we all see is u just made some bad investment calls and cannot swallow the loss. It's share market one held a gun to your head asked u to buy jaks shares. You enter at your own risk and win or lose are part of the game. YOu can do whatever research or studies before buying but too bad for you, it seems like your research are quite rubbish after all.

you sure made money from jaks already lar. Just go quietly, no one will blame you. As u said, since u dont trust jaks or the directors, after you sold your shares why you even care??

you can go on about your shareholder's rights horses**t and all lar @Sslee. why not also send to SC and bursa? but looking at your posts i'm sure u have lar...but also looking at your posts, very 7-lan sure sc bursa also malas nk layan kau bro, sbb if sc bursa replied you am sure you wanna lansi post here also. like this lar @Sslee, try to think why SC bursa malas want to layan kau??