
cutemother | Joined since 2016-01-11 16:05:27

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2021-10-01 12:26 | Report Abuse

Subject : BNM Temporary Suspension of CCRIS Services to CRAs

Dear valued customers,
Please be informed that our data source (CCRIS) is temporarily unavailable. As such, our reports and services containing CCRIS information will be affected, but all other services remain available.

This suspension of CCRIS is to all Credit Reporting Agencies, and is a precautionary and a temporary measure taken by BNM.

At this juncture, we are unable to confirm when the CCRIS service will be re-instated. However, we are working closely with BNM to resume the service as soonest possible.

If you have any queries, do contact us at 03-2722 8800 or email us at

CTOS Management


2019-03-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

haha, I bought at 0.29, it's on it's adjustment now? can I add?


2018-12-11 23:32 | Report Abuse

I bought in and average till 0.265, then made about 60+% losses, cannot stand dy, just sold out today at 0.095, keep the balance to take bus to go jump river.
Blaming myself for being so stupid, lazy no study, follow tips and heard coldeye bought in, most importantly last time got a fatty harry keep having fb live and promoting how good the counter was. So just blindly follow. T.T

Oh ya, most of the fatty Harry counter I follow end up all go holland.
below the list:
Evergreen (he even said the evergreen container u saw on the road is belong to the company that do particle board haha, (Itu evergreen logistic laaaa))
And many other more that I don’t recall d.

News & Blogs

2017-05-20 00:21 | Report Abuse

Too bad I think it's a little too late to buy in

News & Blogs

2016-11-16 17:55 | Report Abuse

业务Core Business:
- 木屑胶合板(Chipboard)
- 木制家具 (wood based furniture)

HEVEA(亿维雅,5095,主板工业产品股(main board)),成立于1993年,并于2005年1月12日上市大马交易所主板。(HEVEA was formed @ yr1993, listed on main board since 12th Jan 2005)

大本营设在森美兰州的HEVEA,其业务主要涉及生产与经销木屑板 (Particleboard),除了供应给本地市场外,大部分都出口至其他国家。当中,中国和日本这两国就几乎占了其一半的营业额,其他的国家还包括美 国、欧洲国家、印度、阿联酋、东南亚国家、台湾、澳洲等。
HEVEA HQ is based at N.Sembilan, with business nature of manufacturing & promotion for particleboard, supplying them to local & international market.
Their main client, China & Japan contributed above 50% of revenue to HEVEA's total sales. The other countries HEVEA exported to are: U.S., Europe, India, UAE, South East Asia, Taiwan, Australia & so on.

Besides, HEVEA also produced "ready-made"/ready-to-assemble wooden based furniture (like IKEA).
其实有常来我部落格的朋友,应该还会记得我曾经介绍过它,那是去年1月的时候,该篇文章为《浅谈HEVEA》。 当时我说这家公司吸引到我的原因是其股价被低估,以及该公司的还债能力非常强。
Author did introduced HEVEA last January, and also mentioned that it's share price are under market value, also, they are excellent paymaster (especially in business loan payback)


As at today, all borrowings are returned to banks, and HEVEA are holding a nett cash with a value of RM98,000,000. With such strong position (cash-in-hand), The Company expects to distribute more dividends from now on, and it's what the most shareholders looking forward.

HEVEA hit it's peak performance @ year 2015, with revenue of RM526,000,000, net profit of RM73,830,000

at the first half of 2016, the achieved sales revenue is RM267,860,000. and Net profit is RM35,430,000. the company are supposed to increase it's net profit margin to overpass previous financial performance

on my personal point of view, since Company are free from serving loan's interests, and with increasing USD currency value. The overall yoy performance should be able to surpass last year's.

News & Blogs

2016-03-02 00:40 | Report Abuse

tak menarik pun... please give some surprise la aiyoooooo Robert Zai

News & Blogs

2016-01-15 00:56 | Report Abuse

Mr. Kyy, perhaps u never read this before, go, and read what is Job's last word

News & Blogs

2016-01-15 00:45 | Report Abuse

what's so wrong with poor english? did you get rich simply because you're so great in this language? If you are truly sincere and kind enough to offer help to those in need, then stop amusing those who comes with a hope... don't crush people hopes by humiliating them on public u old dog moron.

What goes around comes around... Karma ah UNCLE!

News & Blogs

2016-01-14 15:47 | Report Abuse

ya, if you're dare and with so much of concrete proof, call for a press conference! instead of hiding behind the screen as a keyboard warrior tfk.

News & Blogs

2016-01-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

Ou ya I am sitting beside u during the luncheon at Lampachi Restaurant at Pavilion, I heard you telling to your mofo that u wanna scare all the retailers away...

News & Blogs

2016-01-13 10:59 | Report Abuse

Is about time for you to change to a different username or account to start acting like another person and share out some other news to create panic sell then u can earn more again... Oops.. I forgot that u said that u don't hold any shares... Or do u mean u don't trade at all? Well...