
dagnarus | Joined since 2018-06-01

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2018-08-01 08:21 | Report Abuse

Khatulistiwa, of course the easiest way is to be sidelined. But if sidelined how to make money? Must take risk, calculated risk of course not just simply hantam risk


2018-07-31 19:19 | Report Abuse

Weakness for some opportunity for others. I'm hoping for support testing as well stop hunting tomorrow before loading up more. If neither happen, then just sit tight only.


2018-07-31 11:02 | Report Abuse

High profit, are you sure limit up? I've seen a few china steel stocks and they never limit up this past month....


2018-07-31 09:56 | Report Abuse

I can almost taste the uncertainty in the market right now. Probably waiting for a cue from Khazanah new chairman about the mandate.


2018-07-30 20:03 | Report Abuse

Wah. PM appointed to lead khazanah. Sapnrg amuk tomorrow?


2018-07-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

Not bad not bad.inwas expecting a bigger move, but this can work too


2018-07-30 18:28 | Report Abuse

Lol. Damn khatulistiwa asking people to avoid gambling stock then go on and promote L&G. Seriously, I am not even sure if you are just trolling or plain ignorant.. or maybe stuck in that stock


2018-07-30 16:16 | Report Abuse

Don't be that guy dude. The one where everytime he say something, things go the opposite direction.


2018-07-30 15:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo, don't talk about limit up / down la. Those things are just wishful thinking. Go up but by bit consistently Kira ok already


2018-07-30 14:51 | Report Abuse

Not bad at all. Would lead to an interesting closing today if it can stay strong. From the look of China market there will be some spillover effect .


2018-07-30 13:39 | Report Abuse

Wow panda you are even more bullish than I am, that's something haha


2018-07-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

khatulistiwa1234 I can guarantee , today Masteel below 0.62 before close , at least 10 CENT GONE , my experience TELL , it come .
27/07/2018 10:21

Another quote for easy reference


2018-07-29 16:57 | Report Abuse

khatulistiwa1234 Interest stuff to heard from brother dagnarus , he since quite particular every single comment of me , being he really put hardship on my penetration on Masteel , as he say Masteel not direct due business with US , the portion export is little , i try to correct him , actually masteel this latest 6 years profit earn all from oversea market purchase order , it take 85% the BIG percentage , please refer the notice in annual report analyst , i hate those want to show weapon , but just empty tin fellow , survey market first , k1234 card first , only comment .

Quoting comment for reference


2018-07-29 16:56 | Report Abuse

If you read the report you will notice this sentence on page 19 of the 2017 annual report.

The steel tariff of 25% announced by Donald Trump’s administration in early 2018 is not expected to have a
substantial effect on the Company as Masteel does not export its steel bars to the USA. Export sales only constitutes
2.50% of total sales for FYE 2017.

Obviously the members of the board can check it for themselves and this will reveal who is actually telling the truth.


2018-07-29 16:49 | Report Abuse

Khatulistiwa. I am calling your bluff and declare that you are a sham of a person. By claiming that Masteel earning is majority from overseas order simply means that you DID NOT READ ITS ANNUAL REPORT. NO investor worth their salt will comment about a company's fundamental without reading its annual report. Not only that you also have given a guarantee that MASTEEL will lose 10 Sen on Friday, and it obviously did not happen as it closed unchanged. Again, no trader worth their salt will guarantee anything with regards to price action. So if you are not a trader or an investor, what are you? A scam. A conman. A good for nothing degenerate that should stop commenting on this forum. Stop misleading people with your false calls and comments.


2018-07-27 18:29 | Report Abuse

khatulistiwa guaranteed -10 sen today. kesian. fall flat on his face. begone.


2018-07-27 10:31 | Report Abuse

Based on the crap that you spew on this website, it is obvious that you have a very bad experience with bursa in the past years. While I appreciate your effort trying to convince people not to be burnt, but you also should learn from the people on these board. Trading needs strategies and knee-jerk reactions are not considered as one.


2018-07-27 10:27 | Report Abuse

khatulistiwa1234 I can guarantee , today Masteel below 0.62 before close , at least 10 CENT GONE , my experience TELL , it come .

Guarantee? LOL. OK. If it didnt then you should just delete your account.


2018-07-26 20:11 | Report Abuse

Well vitac, the thing is in the region the biggest exporter of steel to the US is Thailand, and it is only accounting for 300million. Obviously there will be some of the steel which will make way to Malaysia but it won't be the whole shebang... The majority will still be exported to the US anyway due to prior contract, bilateral relations etc. In short, the impact to Masteel from the trade war will be minimal and not the habisla mampus level.


2018-07-26 19:42 | Report Abuse

The steel tariff of 25% announced by Donald Trump’s administration in early 2018 is not expected to have a
substantial effect on the Company as Masteel does not export its steel bars to the USA. Export sales only constitutes 2.50% of total sales for FYE 2017.

Now you tell me la if it's going to be impacting MASTEEL bottom line or not?


2018-07-26 19:32 | Report Abuse

For example you claim that masteel is suffering due to trade war which implies that masteel export loads of it's steel abroad...... Do you even know how much they export in the first place????


2018-07-26 19:29 | Report Abuse

The problem is when a stock rise you disappeared when it falls you appear even if the fall is less than the rise th e day before. It is quite idiotic to be a prophet of doom and gloom when your predictions are way off the mark. You need to have basis in what you say. Must have knowledge to back them up. Not just, die la mampus la, world war 3 la. Nope. It might work for some, but not for others. If you are so confident of the bear, just short la. Make loads of money that way.


2018-07-26 18:32 | Report Abuse

Adoi. Spewing doom and gloom I see. Seronok dia.


2018-07-26 11:24 | Report Abuse

70 sen level serves as an important support. watch it


2018-07-26 11:21 | Report Abuse

eh highprofit, you are very fidgety la. Chill


2018-07-26 11:07 | Report Abuse

I trust tendlines the most, much more reliable then any other indicators. Long live the trendlines!


2018-07-26 10:50 | Report Abuse

The thing is steel industries has long been in a downtrend in malaysia, masteel, ssteel, annjoo, lionind. It was not pretty. There is still lacking a catalyst to overturn this, unfortunately the change of government was not it :(


2018-07-26 10:42 | Report Abuse

Im quite bullish with steel in general, but pullbacks are expected every now and then. Expert contrarians will love this sector


2018-07-26 10:36 | Report Abuse

ah, khatulistiwa. I see you are done with lionind right? After no face there, coming here to spread your word. LOL. get a grip man.


2018-07-26 09:25 | Report Abuse

no volume, so its all mostly retailers in the first half an hour or so


2018-07-26 09:14 | Report Abuse

It's not just profit taking, it's to fend off retailers as well


2018-07-26 08:11 | Report Abuse

LOL. DJ close up +175! Bull say go go haha


2018-07-25 16:47 | Report Abuse

very good ending 87.5 probably


2018-07-25 16:39 | Report Abuse

In out in out, make money ok la tu. no point holding forever till kingdom come


2018-07-25 16:37 | Report Abuse

I was on contra, and got it below lapan puluh sen, let go sahaja, happy already lol


2018-07-25 12:21 | Report Abuse

Ya. I'm not really on this for the longest term. Just saw the opportunity to trade, that is all. Probably contra has been squeezed up t+4 today, so should go up a bit more after lunch


2018-07-25 12:18 | Report Abuse

High five highpofit. You me riding this thing when khatulistiwa talking crap lol


2018-07-25 10:43 | Report Abuse

Yeap the battle for the morning session would be 63-63.5 passed that and 65 sen would be no issue.


2018-07-25 10:37 | Report Abuse

Ok, I'm more interested to see sap reaction on selling pressure. That big queue at 62sen is attempting to indicate that the 62 sen level is well supported. I'm curious to see if it really can hold or the queue will magically dissapear the moment it got hit


2018-07-25 10:17 | Report Abuse

blocking at 62. Probably false sense of security, but nevertheless sharks are indeed pushing


2018-07-25 10:15 | Report Abuse

When pushed up baru sibuk nak beli. Be sensible guys. It's ok to miss the boat, there are plenty other boats out there


2018-07-25 10:10 | Report Abuse

yep 65 sen seems plausible today


2018-07-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

suddenly my 59 sen buy does not seem so bad hahah


2018-07-25 10:07 | Report Abuse

shallow queue all the way to 65


2018-07-25 10:07 | Report Abuse

road to 65 is not that difficult it seems


2018-07-25 10:04 | Report Abuse

All oil counters are up, velesto, hibiscus. Really regret didnt load up more on hibiscus. It was a good share, anything around 90sen was a really good buy


2018-07-25 09:56 | Report Abuse

I'm just going to ride this thing I guess


2018-07-25 09:56 | Report Abuse

And also that tweet by Trump vs Iran LOL