
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2015-09-12 02:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by ikanbilisbilis > Sep 11, 2015 07:19 PM | Report Abuse

aiyoyo, the big mouth bonus, bohong fortuneteller is now making sooooo much noise!!!

For a while, I was just simply amazed, completely stumped, and stunned as well, as to why anyone in this whole wide world would call a big bad bluddy lump of turrd like BollocksBilis a 'bonus' ... And then, eventually, it dawned on me ... You meant to say 'bogus', right? ...

That would be in good order, then ... ki ki ki


2015-09-12 02:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Sep 11, 2015 04:09 PM | Report Abuse

Simple--- just watch the 0.81 support....

Podah lah lu, BollocksBilis ... The constantly wrong, perpetually bollocksy, perennially erratic, kontuik idiot dikkhead, eggspurt-posing-as-expert, profoundly amateurish, haka haka cartoonologist, anal-lyst wannabe ...


2015-09-12 02:12 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-09-12 01:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by leo218 > Sep 11, 2015 05:09 AM | Report Abuse

Derrick investor well said aiyoyo hah

Is that all you can say? ... How weak ... How wimpy ... How weedy ... How disappointing ...

Come on, dude ... Try to come up with something a bit stronger ...


2015-09-11 03:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-09-11 03:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 11, 2015 02:01 AM | Report Abuse

Go support your dumbno party.... And don forget to lick your jibbie ball and his arse as well...

That is what you always do, Ah Lick ... Typical ... When you run of ammo to debate properly, you resort to insulting & name calling ...

Standard behaviour among 15 year olds ...


2015-09-11 02:15 | Report Abuse

I will continue supporting the party which I believe will not only defend the peace & security in the country, but also continue to lead it on a journey of sustainable growth & development ...

You can call it whatever name you like, but I will continue supporting the one party & the one coalition of parties that I believe is best suited & most capable to do the job over the long haul ...


2015-09-11 02:09 | Report Abuse

No, Ah Lick ... That is not true ... Of course one wants to win in an argument ... Just like in a football game ...

But one does it by proper argument & debate ... according to widely accepted rules ...

You just claiming that Uzi & Faizal are right does NOT necessarily make them right ... It's just your claim ...


2015-09-11 02:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 11, 2015 01:48 AM | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter masih tidur dan bermimpi...country just lost usd700 million..

Ah Lick, US$700 million mana pulak ni ... Mengarut saja kau ni ... US$650 million orang drpd luar negara yg donate kpd Malaysian political party ... Macam mana pulak kau tukar cerita jadi country hilang US$700 million pulak ni ...

Pandai-pandai aja bikin cerita karut ... Kau boleh tulis novel la pulak klu banyak pandai ini maciam ...


2015-09-11 02:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by KopiPeng668 > Sep 11, 2015 01:55 AM | Report Abuse

And one thing lar,dream, chinese easy to get permit to stay in taiwan, china too lar, as long as got business skill,wont hungry die aeh lar, nothing worry.

So? ... What or who is stopping them from going there? ...


2015-09-11 01:58 | Report Abuse

osted by KopiPeng668 > Sep 11, 2015 01:53 AM | Report Abuse

One my auntie is indo Chinese lar,

So? ...


2015-09-11 01:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 11, 2015 01:48 AM | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter masih tidur dan bermimpi...country just lost usd700 million.. I dont think he realise also..... And whose responsible is that.....? The world know whi responsible only dream hunter dunno i guess.... Our country has become poorer by usd700 million...

Ah Lick, you very clever ah ... Do you hv any credible evidence? ... Or are you just simply re-parroting what you hv heard other kontuik idiot dikkheads hv been parroting ... And helping to keep the rumour mill running without getting any gaji ...

Just claiming that you know something does not make it true ...

You hv just been reading & believing bollogs written by bollocksgers, and bullogs written by bulloggers ...

If you hv any credible evidence you can go to the police & make a report ... Simple ...


2015-09-11 01:49 | Report Abuse

Lu baca mana punya boeullshhit blogs ah, KopiPeng ah? ... You go to Audit Negara, Bank Negara & MACC la ...

Don't just be reading & believing bollogs written by bollocksgers, and bullogs written by bulloggers ...

Don't just be listening to mamak stall gossip & coffee-shop talk only ...


2015-09-11 01:46 | Report Abuse

Change when, KopiPeng, wake up la ... When Chinese Indonesians come to Malaysia, they still talk in Bahasa Indonesia, even among themselves ... You ever heard them speaking Chinese ah? ...


2015-09-11 01:43 | Report Abuse

Chinese in Indonesia, Thailand or Philippines can hold yellow shirt BoeullShhit Rally ka? .. If they ever dared, they wud hv been fukked by the non-Chinese majority, big time ...


2015-09-11 01:31 | Report Abuse

You go to Indonesia, KopiPeng, you cannot talk Chinese in public, you cannot wear Chinese dress in public, you must use Indonesian names, you cannot learn Chinese language at school ... Malaysia same like Indonesia ka? ...


2015-09-11 01:28 | Report Abuse

Now our country so poor ka, KopiPeng?


2015-09-11 01:27 | Report Abuse

Why are you always blaming UMNO for everything?


2015-09-11 01:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ny036 > Sep 11, 2015 12:52 AM | Report Abuse

What can you do if you are the minority, less than 30%. I supposed they try their hope that pas will be open n more progressive. However as expected pas are not. Back to the square. Maybe try again , start from zero. One will understand when they are bottom of their life.

The problem is that you guys only care about your own particular interests, and you don't give a shhit about the interests of others ...


2015-09-11 01:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by TengkuFaisal > Sep 11, 2015 01:11 AM | Report Abuse

Who told u i stay in bodohland??

Then why are you so keypo?


2015-09-11 01:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by TengkuFaisal > Sep 11, 2015 12:41 AM | Report Abuse

1 thing i m confused,

If you are confused, I suggest you clear up your own personal confusion first, before engaging in any serious debate ...


2015-09-11 01:12 | Report Abuse

In 2003, half of the UK Parliament rose against Twat Tony's decision to join US in American-led Iraqi invasion ... But did he listen to the voice of his people? ...


2015-09-11 01:09 | Report Abuse

Then if you're not happy to stay in this own country that you seem to like calling bodohland, Faisal dude, nobody is forcing you to remain in it ...


2015-09-11 01:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by TengkuFaisal > Sep 11, 2015 12:54 AM | Report Abuse

bodohland population are all brainwashed since baby. very few have brain of their own.

Smartarse, and who are you? ... If you are not a citizen of this 'bodohland', then why are you so keypo? ...

But if you are, and you just like to call your own land as 'bodohland', then that makes you a 'bodohman' ...


2015-09-11 01:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by TengkuFaisal > Sep 11, 2015 12:47 AM | Report Abuse

over in bodohland, the yellow ppls wants to know where the money has gone, and why the mess of govt. got wrong meh?

Smartarse, if the yellow shirts really want the truth, they wud hv gone to the Auditor General's Department, Bank Negara, MACC ...

No, the truth is not what they want ... What they want is excuses to shake the government in power & pressure a democratically elected PM to step down ... They're just brainless tools of the Dikkheadocratic Arrogance Party ...


2015-09-11 00:51 | Report Abuse

So, Faisal is either a Malay Chinaporean from Chinapore, or a Malay Malaysian who just happens to like to call his own country Bodohland ...


2015-09-11 00:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ny036 > Sep 11, 2015 12:45 AM | Report Abuse

Fully agreed. Can we just follow or let it be if thing is already so obvious that is not correct n in reverse gear.

And what is this thing, this creature, this incorrectness, that seems to be so OBVIOUS to you? ...


2015-09-11 00:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ny036 > Sep 11, 2015 12:40 AM | Report Abuse

Bersih is to tell the Goverment thing is not correct. Must be transparent n rakyat are not happy. Attend by all race but it turn up Chinese are the majority to awaking the Goverment. Red shirt dun know for what purpose. To bring down the country? Already can the current situation with ppl have to tight their belt.

It is becos you guys keep allowing yourselves to be continually brainwashed by the propaganda of the Dikkheadocratic Arrogance Party ... What has happened between them & PAS? ... When PAS was agreeing to everything they say, PAS cute & pretty ... But when PAS starts disagreeing with them, PAS suddenly becomes ugly & revolting ...


2015-09-11 00:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by uzi440 > Sep 11, 2015 12:28 AM | Report Abuse

That is a STRAWMAN ARGUMENT. Don't waste my time with logical fallacies you "Harvard Grad"

Now, who's the one playing with the strawman ...


2015-09-11 00:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by TengkuFaisal > Sep 11, 2015 12:34 AM | Report Abuse

did i say anything opposing to my race??

Going by what you hv been saying previuously, it's kind of hard to say which side you're on ...


2015-09-11 00:37 | Report Abuse

By the way that you are phrasing your words & sentences, Uzi ... Yes, you are giving the impression, in not so many words, that yellow shirts are cool & red shirts are uncool ...

And funny, how come you never said also that yellow shirt BoeullShhit Rally is a 'fuckin stupid way to do it' ... You are clearly biased prejudiced & biased toward one side and against the other ... It's all loud & clear ... Yo do not need to explicitly state it ...


2015-09-11 00:32 | Report Abuse

So, what is your proposed solution then, Faisal ... I presume goiung by your name that you are a Malay, with royal blood to boot, but you seem to be on the side opposed to Malays, but that wud be your democratic right, I guess ...


2015-09-11 00:27 | Report Abuse

And what or who is your beef with, Faisal? ... PM? UMNO? BN? Malaysians in general? ...


2015-09-11 00:26 | Report Abuse

osted by uzi440 > Sep 11, 2015 12:21 AM | Report Abuse

Its not Bolehland, Its BODOHLAND.

You call this an argument? ... This is insulting & name calling ... Standard behaviour among 15 year olds ...


2015-09-11 00:24 | Report Abuse

Why the double standards then, Uzi ... Yellow shirts are cool, but red shirts are uncool ... Why ... Just becos your personal feelinmg are biased toward one side ... And against another ...


2015-09-11 00:18 | Report Abuse

Facts indeed, Uzi ... Facts secreted out of your arse ...


2015-09-11 00:16 | Report Abuse

Numbers & percentages mean nothing, Uzi ... Jews would be a minority in Israel, if they allow exiled Palestinians automatic right of return ...

But even if that happens, Jews would somehow still be the dominant power in Israel, unless out & out democracy is implemented along with automatic right of return ...


2015-09-11 00:12 | Report Abuse

@DreamHunter - Clearly you don't seem to understand the English language very well. Your statements reveal as much. Its sad, that you have to be so damn arrogant. But aren't most Malays? OUCH!

And now who is the damn arrogant one? Ouch!


2015-09-11 00:07 | Report Abuse

Lots of stupid, idiotic 'hahahahaha' do not count as facts either ...


2015-09-11 00:06 | Report Abuse

Faisal, why don't you go see TPM, & request to see the documents provided by the donors, instead of shouting your mouth off & siding with dudes who are dissing & badmouthing your own leader ...


2015-09-11 00:04 | Report Abuse

It's not about thin skin, Uzi ... What do you expect me to do? ... Agree with everything you say when you diss & badmouth my people? ...

So, what facts hv you got? ... I hv not seen any ... Allegations & claims do NOT count as facts ...


2015-09-10 23:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by uzi440 > Sep 10, 2015 11:49 PM | Report Abuse

@Dreamhunter, I don't care if you have won a scholarship to harvard but it is NOT all about you!

And I don't care how good you are at wriggling & slithering your arse out of a corner ... I will still whup your arse big time, if you wud care to contest me in anything ... Absolutely anything ...

Then who is it about, dude? ... You just said Malays are lazy ... And I am a Malay ...


2015-09-10 23:48 | Report Abuse

No need to be playing silly flag games anymore, kontuik idiot dikkhead JokerJonesUltimate aka DickyMe-MeDicky-SundalJie ... You are going to be banned soon ... Very soon ...


2015-09-10 23:30 | Report Abuse

It was that kontuik idiot dikkhead JokerJonesUltimate aka DickyMe-MeDicky-SundalJie who first started the provocation & the flame ...

It all started from there ...

He should be banned ...


2015-09-10 23:23 | Report Abuse

Uzi440, bulletless gun, if you would you be game enough to take me on in any contest in maths, chemistry, physics, engineering, english language or whatever ... Wud be good ...

I will win ... Without needing any NEP to help me whup your arse ... And I will whup it big time ...

After which, you wud be the one more likely to be suffering butt hurt ...

And I wonder whether you wud then be left in any mood to still be shouting & screaming 'ha ha ha ha ha' ...


2015-09-10 22:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 10, 2015 02:10 PM | Report Abuse

One thing only... Malay are lazy... everything want short cut... never want to learn to be succesfull, they are racist No 1. like red shirt rally..... they only want only power... they not only in red shirt but red eye too.... they cant bear to see other race more success than them and learn from them...

Ah Lick,

I'm not filthy rich, and you might be a towkay's son, so you cud be younger but richer than I ...

But I made the best of what little my poor kampung parents had ... And I stood head to head with Chinese students in my uni engineering class ... I cud always take them on in any contest in maths, chemistry, physics, engineering, english language, you name it, that they might hv felt that they were up to ...

But I'm still a lazy Malay, right? ... Probably, in your supremacist, chauvinistic, condescending, conditioned-to-always-feel-superior Chinese mind ...


2015-09-10 22:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 10, 2015 02:10 PM | Report Abuse

One thing only... Malay are lazy... everything want short cut... never want to learn to be succesfull, they are racist No 1. like red shirt rally..... they only want only power... they not only in red shirt but red eye too.... they cant bear to see other race more success than them and learn from them... short cut way... after other races succesfull in business... UMNO will ask the hand over to bumiputra like Maybank, Malayan Sugar and etc... After handover these business to Bumi, maka kelam kabut dibuatnya... business pun undur... Take example robert kuok.... UMNO force him to hand over the Malayan Sugar to Syed Moktar... see now what happen to it.... however, Rober Kuok migrate to HK bring all his wealth with him.... and expand his sugar plantation even bigger than syed moktar in china.... So in summary, it is all in the attitude of the races and how a race is brought up. Chinese and Indian has gone hardship and endure any pain.... in Mines and in rubber plantation.... what Malay ppl can bear in pain...? sikit sikit pain minta sympathy dari kerajaan.... NEP given for 100 years also bumi will never succeed.... unless they change thier attitude first.

In summary,how to run business come from experience and learn from succesful ppl... not like hand over than you can be succesful.... and your brother jibbie.... Religion also play part of the obstacle to some malay too... sikit sikit haram... macam mana nak buat succesful bisness?

However not all Malay are fall in this category.. but i would say majority..... Hope Mama Noraini tak baling selipar kat I after see this comment wakakkakakakaka....

Really ...

Ah Lick, I hv only a few words to say to your frustration-full long winding diatribe ...

You cannot be serious ... Dude ...


2015-09-10 21:38 | Report Abuse

Hey! Look who's here ... It's AndyClucky-AndyChicken-AndyChowkia ... That stupid, disgusting, kontuik idiot dikkhead fake-phoney pirated-copy Chinaporean from Chinapore ...


2015-09-10 21:34 | Report Abuse

What stray dog has any grace or finesse ...


2015-09-10 21:32 | Report Abuse

The dog can bark all it wants ... But at the end of the day, it is the silent tiger that eats the noisy dog ...