
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2015-07-12 14:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Wongfeihung > Jul 12, 2015 02:08 PM | Report Abuse

Oi Dreamhunter, tell your story lar if Najib is not lying, and the media tabloids are lying....where is the 42Billion???? Where is the money in Singapore?? Where did the 2Million come from in Rosmah account. Cannot answer don't talk 3 talk 4. You sound retard talking in rounds

You are still asking where the 42 bil is? You are even slower than TM. Simply asking stupid questions, just to cast someone in a bad light. That one has been answered already. Do you ever read the newspapers? Now, who is the retard here.

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 14:00 | Report Abuse

Come on la, Mr. Probability ... Time for you to grow up FAST & LEARN to SEE things for what they REALLY are ...

TM's dynasty in politics is basically finished ... The Jibby-Zhd-Hisham-KJ hierarchy is becoming stronger & stronger by the day ...

That is partly, or maybe even mainly, the reason for TM's raging against Ah Jib ... He is basically going for broke ... Gambling everything he has got left in the dim hope of rescuing his son's political career ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 13:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by Probability > Jul 12, 2015 01:24 AM | Report Abuse

there is no reason for WSJ to simply defame ahjib..
i dont think they would gain any benefit by Muhyidin becoming a PM
or by TM's son becoming into power eventually...

i simpky cannot find a motive if its purely accusations.

similarly for altantuya...we can see a motive for killing her by the accused person as there was no clear verdict on the person who mastermind this and the reason?

How can we live in a country with so many unanswered questions...

Just becos you cannot find a reason, then you say Ah Jib sure guilty ... Just becos some foreign publisher can twist falsehood into juicy sounding story, then you say Ah Jib sure guilty ... Just becos so many unanswered questions, then you say Ah Jib sure guilty ... Like this manyiak susah lah Ah Jib ...

There are so many unanswered questions in so many countries in the world, Mr. Probability ... But only in Malaysia so many people seem to like to blame only one person for all unanswered questions ... Thanks to all the defamation & slander that has been spread unchecked in the blogosphere by the Oppo for so many years ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 13:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamHunter > Jul 12, 2015 01:20 PM | Report Abuse X

You are misinterpreting the comments by Nazir Razak, Mr. Specialist ... Just like many other dudes hv done, too ... When Nazir was posting statements criticizing 1mdb, he was only criticizing 1mdb, not the PM ... You need to understand the difference ...

PETRONAS is also under the jurisdiction of PM's Department, whose head is PM ... So, if someone is criticizing PETRONAS, does that mean that he is also criticizing the PM? ...

Nazir forming a new political party? ... Fat chance ... He is a corporate man, zero experience in politics, he won't survive a day in the dog-eat-dog world of politics ... What he is thinking of is initiating an NGO ... kind of for improving integrity & accountability in corporate governance ... This kind of things has in fact already been done in government sector, via the Institute of Integrity, Malaysia, with support from SPRM ... And both these agencies actually happen to hold solid respect for Ah Jib for the things he has done & supported in their respective jurisdictions ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 13:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by Probability > Jul 12, 2015 01:10 AM | Report Abuse

For the above case of yours...a stranger simply accusing cannot be taken as substantial proof..he can be easily paid to lie...
but WSJ...and bank transfer message?? I doubt:(

You are believing too much & putting too much faith in an international, worse still American, publisher many thousands of miles away ... And you are over-rating the integrity of Americans ...

When their prez and defence secretary claimed that Iraq had WMDs, in 2003, just to justify a US invasion of Iraq, were they telling the truth? ...


2015-07-12 13:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by itudia > Jul 11, 2015 11:18 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter, how much did you lose in sumatec?

As little as the total gains you hv made in the entire Bursa, Miss ItuDia ... i.e. zero ... And I'm still waiting for you to come cry on my shoulder ...


2015-07-12 11:37 | Report Abuse

DS, that is the way to play Miss Penny stocks, play big ... If play 1,000 big lots, 1 sen = 10k ... If can make just 1 sen a week, that means 40k a month ...

The headache aka stress aka anxiety is the same, whether you play small or big ... So, might as well play big ...


2015-07-12 11:34 | Report Abuse

Waah, BigPlayer, 2 sen = 100k ... That means you're holding 5,000 big lots ...


2015-07-12 11:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by itudia > Jul 11, 2015 11:18 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter, how much did you lose in sumatec?

As little as the total gains you hv made in the entire Bursa, Miss ItuDia ... i.e. zero ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 01:05 | Report Abuse

Oh, I thought you were a Malay, Mr. Probability ... You see, that is the problem with making assumptions, one can be so easily wrong ...

But that's okay, just change the 'imam of madrasah' example to 'priest of temple' ... It would not change the gist & essence of the story ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 00:59 | Report Abuse

Mr. Probability, I can also acccuse & allege that you robbed someone three years ago, that you are a pathological robber and I can find proof in the form of a 'victim' of yours who is now willing to swear that you did in fact 'robbed' him ...

I can also get 50 friends to spread stories in the blogosphere about this 'robbery' that you committed ... These will easily go viral ...

It makes sense too, becos you happen to hv some old debts that you hv not been able to pay, you are regularly late in paying your monthly credit card minimum monthy payments, your house rental, your electricity & water bills etc. etc. ...

So now you are a 'very likely' robber ... You should be considered 'guilty', just like many people are saying ... And becos you are an imam at your local madrasah, you must be considered 'guilty', until you are able to prove yourself 'innocent' ...

Maybe you should send in a letter resigning as imam tomorrow, because the 'scandal' is not good for the good reputation of your madrasah & your kampung ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 00:44 | Report Abuse

How many Nepalese votes, Mr. Probability? ... 400,000 votes ah? ... That would beat the 40,000 Bangladeshi votes figure being hawked about by the Oppo left, right & centre; here, there & everywhere during GE13 time ... by 10 times too ...

Would need 1,000 x 400-seater aircraft to fly them all Nepalese from Kathmandu to KLIA, Mr. Probability ...

No problem la hor ... KLIA also can cope with 1,000 x 400-seater aircraft from Kathmandu la hor ... without anyone seeing & recording thei arrivals la hor ... Wely wely implessive leihh ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 00:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by Probability > Jul 11, 2015 11:44 PM | Report Abuse

sunkist...despite the following:

(1) vote result manipulation nepalese voters - corrupted ahjib clan
(2) stupid GST introduced by ahjib
(3) Submarine scandal
(4) Altantuya death links to ahjib
(5) 1MDB money in ahjib account as per WSJ
(6) Najadi death claimed by his own son linking to ahjib

Which blog, or blogs, did you read all that from ... All wely wely juicy one ah ...

But without strong, verifiable, irrefutable evidence, they remain what theey are ... Accusations & allegations ...

But if you enjoy accusing & alleging, defaming & slandering ... If that is what your whole life is all about ... Then be my guest ... Dude

News & Blogs

2015-07-12 00:30 | Report Abuse

Sunkist, how old are you? 10 years old maybe ah? ...

If somebody done wrong against you, what would you do? Maybe you would jump into a wild tantrum & go crying & screaming to mama ...

But Ah Jib is a mature adult ... Same as I ...

If someone done wrong against me, wely bad wrong, would I rush headlong into puny, wimpy retaliation that would only make him laugh at me? ...

No, I will take my own sweet time, prepare everything I need, then when I am all ready, I will go crush & destroy him ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 23:27 | Report Abuse

You think so so easy to sue big time US publisher ah ... owned by Dow Jones too ... Hv to get the right facts first, and make a proper watertight case first leihh ...

What is the big rush? ... If Ah Jib has a solid case against them, and if they do not apoligise and admit that they hv made 'mistake', then the suit will proceed ...

Like Ah Jib or not like Ah Jib is not the case here, my friend ... The important thing is fairness & justice ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 23:17 | Report Abuse

If you cannot check & verify, then you cannot simply accuse ... Just becos you THINK, or FEEL, that someone is guilty, does NOT automatically & necessarily make them guilty ...

If you hv simply accused & alleged, without strong, verifiable, undoubtable evidence to back up your accusations & allegations, then it is YOU who hv COMMITTED the ethical & moral offence of wrongful ASSUMPTION & PRESUMPTION ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 23:05 | Report Abuse

I read & compare stuff from everywhere, Sunkist dude ... And I do NOT simply ASSUME that someone is guilty becos some loudmouthed, loosemouth people keep saying that he is guilty, simjply becos they personally do not like him ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 23:01 | Report Abuse

What 'facts'? ... What 'figures'? ...

Just becos someone claims that some piece of shhit that he found somewhere is 'fact', does not make it 'fact' ...

Just becos someone quotes some 'figures' that that he came across somewhere, does not make them necessarily correct ...

Everything has to be checked & verified ... Dude ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 22:50 | Report Abuse

Who's the gullible one? ... Sunkist la hor ... Talking like wely wely smart, but really knowing only bollocks ... Believing everything that he reads & hears from da blogosphere ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 22:37 | Report Abuse

Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Vladimir Putin, Zhi Jin Ping, all hv all kinds of allegations against them ... Hv they all resigned yet? ...

Allegations, accusations, slander & defamation can be made by anyone, especially against a high profile figure holding high political office ...

Even TM had all kinds of allegations & accusation against him when he was in power ... But did he resign as a result of them? ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 22:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by Probability > Jul 11, 2015 12:54 PM | Report Abuse

DreamH...basically ALL you are saying is:
(1) 'under undang2 he is not proven guilty so far'

Re-read your statements again...every sentence is saying the same thing again and again..

Now this fact no. (1) is something everybody know isn't it?
I see no real use in stating these again....unless anyone of us are HighCourt lawyers with valid proof to say TM or PM is a criminal.

So now....what can we really say as an ordinary public?
We can only say our opinions...on the most likely truth, more like providing 'circumstantial evidence'...thats all we can do.

From all the countless 'bad news' about PM since he held the position....(not only from TM)...try recalling all.
i seriously think there are so many other better candidate to hold this position.

If this was a developed country like Japan or Korea...
even if the allegation are not true, the PM would have resigned by himself.

Simply said:....from all his behaviours and response and news we hear, this guy is not fit to be a PM - even if his innocent.

cant we find a simple PM with a much cleaner record?
cant we survive w/o this PM?
Do we need to go through this?

Isn't it selfish of him?

Actually, if one is a PM....'he is guilty till proven innocent'
as millions of people's life is dependent on him.


News & Blogs

2015-07-11 22:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Specialist > Jul 11, 2015 10:06 PM | Report Abuse

Oh this bull is also a thief,how terrible hahaha.

Ya lor ...Orang punya topeng pun, bila dia dah admire, dia main curi aja ...

Orang tak ada personality cam tu la ... Dia lebih confident sama lain orang punya personality, daripada dia sendiri punya kontuik idiot dikkhead personality ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 22:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by matdedah > Jul 11, 2015 03:19 PM | Report Abuse

According to bodoh punya Dreamhunter, account should be still private even after so many proof of money flowing into his account has been presented. This I m afraid is a Melayu bodoh syndrome....not just any Melayu but Umno Melayu bodoh sombong

I know one bodoh-punya dude here, and it's not me, it's you ...

Where is all this 'so many proof' that you're blabbing about, my bodoh-punya friend? ... Where is it? ... In your arse, perhaps? ...

Well, if you really hv this 'so many proof' in your arse, or in whatever else, why don't you just gather it all together, make a few copies, then give one copy to the police after making apolice report, then give on more copy to SPRM aftermaking a SPRM report ...

Talk is cheap ah, wely wely cheap leihhh, cakap manyiak sinang ah, but when it comes to walking your talk, it often becomes a completely different kettle of fish altogether ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 21:58 | Report Abuse

Teruskan aja lah memaki hamun, siapa-siapa yang gemar & suka sangat memaki hamun orang tanpa cukup usul periksa tu ... Tapi kau punya pahala puasa, pahala sembahyang semua tak tentu lagi on tau ... Silap-silap kena batal habis ... Langsung sikit habuk pun tak dapat markah ... Ha, ingat aja gitu ...

Orang yang kena maki hamun tu ta dapat dosa sebab orang maki hamun dia tau ... Yang dapat dosa tukang maki hamun tu aja ... Jangan la pulak silap faham, ya ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 21:46 | Report Abuse

CartoonBullz, you're still wearing that topeng that you've stolen from DreamWarrior ... Wonder why ... maybe becos you're not confident enough & not secure enough in your own personality, I guess ...

No wonder folks just can't take you seriously in here ... You hv insufficient credibility ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 21:40 | Report Abuse

It's not about suppressing anybody's questions, Mr. Probability ... As long as they are reasonable questions, then they can be entertained ...

It's about guiding some kontuik idiot dikkheads who seem unable to control themselves from asking the most kontuik idiot questions that tend to spring out of their kontuik idiot heads ...


2015-07-11 04:19 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2015-07-11 03:36 | Report Abuse

Mr. Probability, why does he hv to show his account to anybody? ... Just becos TM demands it? ... Under what undang-undang does one has to show one's account to every Tan, Din or Hari? ...

What proof do you hv that Ah Jib has cheated anybody's money, your money, your mother's money, your grandmother's money? ... If you hv any proof, pls provide it ... Don't just be shhitshooting away left, right & centre; here, there & everywhere; with that frekkin stinkin loosemouth of yours ...

Who is actually the cancer? ... It is you & dudes like you ... Defaming & slandering others non-stop with absolutely ZERO solid evidence to back up your malicous, vicious allegations & accusations ...

TM also says that Ah Jib has to provide proof that he is not guilty ... Now, what kind of legal doctrine & philosophy is this? ...

NOBODY in this whole wide world who is accused of anything NEEDS to prove that he is not guilty ... The ONUS & DUTY is on the ACCUSER to prove - without even a shadow of a doubt - that the person that he accused of something is guilty ...


2015-07-11 02:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by EdenInvestor > Jul 10, 2015 02:59 AM | Report Abuse

Guys, please just ignore him.
This guy is verified a mental ret*rded. Why? Check his postings, everyday he posts non-stop piles of nonsensical craps and rubbish, you'll see what I mean.

Rubbish bilis, I aint gonna waste any time reading all your rubbish posts.
Rubbish posted by rubbish such as yourself, has no value to any investment.
No TA, no FA, all nonsensical rubbish, no substance. Waste of a time. Tin kosong. PUI!

EdenInvestor dude ... Dontcha be worrying too much about that BollocksBilis, that kontuik idiot dikkhead, perasan pandai, perasan hebat, bollocks spouting, shhitshooting loosemouth, eggspurt posing as expert itu ... he is NOT going to last very long in this room, under that same name, the way he is going on right now ...

He is going to hv to register himself under another account name pretty soon ... You can bet your last piece of roti canai on it ...


2015-07-11 01:26 | Report Abuse

Main saham ni kena cool, calm & relaxed sentiasa, ShafiAwang oi ... Tak boleh nak terlampau serious & jitu sangat ... Sbb klu cam tu, biasanya ong tak mau mali ...

Hari-hari 24 jam sehari duk tengok chart pun tak jadi apa pun ... Orang yang cool & laid back style tu dia punya performance selalunya lebih hebat lagi ...

Tu pasal kena sentiasa chill, selalu tengok video menyanyi, video tari etc. etc. ...


2015-07-11 01:13 | Report Abuse

Main saham ni ke cool, calm & relaxed sentiasa, ShafiAwang ... Tak boleh terlampau serious & jitu sangat ... Sbb klu cam tu, biasanya ong tak mau mali ...

Hari-hari 24 jam sehari duk tengok chart pun tak jadi apa pun ... Orang yang cool & laid back style tu dia punya performance selalu lebih hebat ...

Tu pasal kena sentiasa chill, selalu tengok video menyayi, video tari etc. etc. ...


2015-07-11 00:58 | Report Abuse

If really, really 'dead fish', then one really, really wonders why all them dudes who keep saying 'dead fish' keep coming into this forum every frekkin day ... Just to say frekkin 'dead fish' ah ...


2015-06-08 17:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamHunter > Jun 8, 2015 05:25 PM | Report Abuse X

You cud buy 10 lots of Nova @15.5 tomorrow ... Then sell @16.5 on Wednesday - Friday ...

Just a suggestion to stop ya from crying ... LOL

But don't blame me if you get it wrong ... Though at 15.5, I reckon it's not that hard to make one sen ...


2015-06-08 17:19 | Report Abuse

Sum55, TanBB ... Lost on one field does NOT mean that you're going to lose also on every other field ...

Think, think, think ...

Then act, act, act ...

Not much use to just cry, cry, cry ...

Crying 100 barrels of tears won't make any money fall from da sky & drop on your lap ...

But continuously thinking & studying, continuously monitoring & observing ... Then making the right judgements & taking the right actions ... These could bring you some ...


2015-06-08 17:14 | Report Abuse

Sum55, you read my posts properly ah ... I don't think so la ...

You just wanna whine & cry all day ...

You scroll back la, read again my posts thoroughly, I oredy gave you explanations, suggestions, what cud be done to mitigate damage etc. so many things ...


2015-06-08 16:48 | Report Abuse

Dia belum tengok lagi tu ... baaiiik punya ... tengok misti gung punya ...


2015-06-08 16:45 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua dah tengok lagu Arab yg gua bikin ka ... siap dgn lirik & videonya sekali ... Boleh nyanyi, boleh gelek sekali ...


2015-06-08 16:43 | Report Abuse

Welcome to the real world, Sum55 ...

It is not a perfect world, where everything goes the way you want it to do ...

Point is, we try to make the best of every situation we find ourselves in ...


2015-06-08 16:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sumatec55 > Jun 8, 2015 03:50 PM | Report Abuse

then what is the point i buy suma???

I don't think there is anyone in the whole wide world who can answer that question for you ...

You were the one who made the judgement, and acted on it ... Only you can answer it ... And you cannot blame anybody else ... Not even TSHS ... Becos he never forced you to do anything ...


2015-06-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

We'll just hv to wait & see, Sushi ...


2015-06-08 16:27 | Report Abuse

Sum55, hv you ever asked yourself, what's the point of you:

(1) having been born

(2) having been born with a head

(3) having been born with a dikk


2015-06-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

Lu kat KL ka, KAQ ... Klu kat KL, gua dengar ada juga tempat2 yg boleh tengok yg hidup punya ...LOL


2015-06-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

Ataupun juga ... 'penyegar angin' ...


2015-06-08 15:38 | Report Abuse

No need to keep wondering, Suma 55 ... You just ask Uncle Google for Suma's profit performance for last 4 quarters ... All of them showed decent profit ... Even better than some much bigger companies ...

Stock price is stock price, Suma55 ... Profit is profit ... The two are not always in synch with each other ... We live in the real world, not the textbook world ...


2015-06-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

Lagi ada dua lagu ... Gua sendiri yg bikin compose punya ...


Lain hari pulak gua kasi ...


2015-06-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

Tu la ... Baru la dapat motivation & inspiration sikit ....


2015-06-08 15:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

Okay ... coming up soon ... just a few minutes ...

But you must promise to sing & dance with it ...


2015-06-08 15:08 | Report Abuse

We'll do what we hv to do ...


2015-06-08 15:06 | Report Abuse

Well, has it ended yet? ...