
eagle100 | Joined since 2015-07-30

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2016-08-02 23:09 | Report Abuse

Bursa, ah Duit punya 22222 sudah sampai leh. Skyhawk punya 22331 or sthing like that pun sudah sampai

Kalau lu blur, take note bomber B52, sifu skyhawk bawak punya. Bila dia kata B52 mau tembak Ah seng, standby


2016-08-02 23:05 | Report Abuse

Dragon, bukan van, lu kena bawak lori jenazah.
Tapi sini punya org gua rasa byk beli H lah. Entah sulah jual ke belum sebab tak tau berapa lama Ah Seng tutup kedai


2016-08-02 21:08 | Report Abuse

chiongster, Drb c18 expired end of July without any buyer in the last few weeks. Even at half cent, MM also nowhere to be seen, so we could not sell. I had very little in c18 cos switched to c19, flying had more

Hence why flying said if late 1 month hor sei, cos then c18 can sell at least


2016-08-02 20:55 | Report Abuse

lu sudah kait Drb, jual batch by batch lor.
Gua pernah cakap gua ada mother mah, mother holding cos bought high price that time. Mother mau hold 10 tahun pun boleh, different approach

If calls, no, will sell when in profit or have others to buy(like Ah seng, hehe).
Hmm, so far itu big shark maintain up gua rasa 3 hari saja. Itu time POS naik due to rumour rate naik, Proton soft loan news, lebih krg 3 hari kan?


2016-08-02 20:22 | Report Abuse

ya lah flying, gua pun ada lagi sikit2 itu c18. Sampai expire pun itu banker tak mau beli balik.
Gua harap kurang2 boleh pigi sampai RM1.18 this round, highest price recently .

Gua ala nampak mother naik tapi takut sell down masa closing, sudah berapa kali berlaku. Then, next gua tengok, sulah RM1, walaoooo.

Esok tengok ala pullback sikit, boleh kait. POS pun ala berita baik, boleh tolong push2


2016-08-02 19:00 | Report Abuse

Hehe, bro flying sudah untung from Drb calls.
Gua terperanjat tengok dia shoot up tinggi2. Pagi dia titun


2016-08-02 16:45 | Report Abuse

wahh, Drb suddenly up so much.


2016-08-02 10:49 | Report Abuse

aiyoo ikan pari. Itu berita panggil thyphoon. Sambil kena tutup kedai Ah seng.
Krg kuat sikit panggil ribut, angin macam breeze saja, hehe


2016-08-02 10:35 | Report Abuse

sikalang Ah seng sana itu Thyhoon macam mana? Byk kuat?


2016-08-01 21:54 | Report Abuse

aiyoo, hong kong sana ala typhoon


Rasanya itu sebab ah seng futures tutup awal, balik rumah


2016-08-01 21:34 | Report Abuse

skylift, hehe, kokokoko lu punya copyright. cap ayam special
kuikuikui sifu ikan pari sudah lama copyright

B52, bro skyhawk sudah booking satu fleet.
Patriot missile, fairplayer sudah pau.

Ground to air missile, tarak org berani ambil, tarak accurate, nanti jadi macam MH17, tembak salah


2016-08-01 21:04 | Report Abuse

sikalang kena tambah lagi satu code dlm kamus - kokokoko, special chap ayam punya
Sudah ada kuikuikui.

Skyhawk punya B52 bomber slow sikit sbb WW2 punya model tapi sudah terbang. Dia tarak kata bawak balik base meaning masih terbang2 lagi sikalang.


2016-07-29 22:04 | Report Abuse

hahahaha, takda. dia org discuss2 saja. besok pun boleh jawab,tarak trading mah.
Pasat lu ala post observation ttg H33 banker kui reading


2016-07-29 21:47 | Report Abuse

Dragon, ikan pari cari lu, ehem...in itu alternate room T. hehe


2016-07-29 21:46 | Report Abuse

Flying, I understand lah. Only if timing can chun2, then can. If slow hand leg like me, sure rugi one
If you sure in your analysis,then just go with your view. No need takut.


2016-07-29 19:24 | Report Abuse

Flying, cos the value depreciate day by day, even if the the index remains the same. You know mah
Cos people have kena before, keep keep then value drop. Cos got many people buy index warrant thinking it's like stock warrant, the company issued type, WC,WD, which can last 5 years.

Today is fortunate it drop, then it didnt rebound, not today. If drop then rebound in the afternoon, then susah. Next week Mon opening, the value will auto drop if keep. Last time I dunno this kena lor.

So, play safe unless day trader, even MacQ site give warning signal on the warrant.


2016-07-29 18:32 | Report Abuse

Flying, awat2 bukan sudah warning itu H33 jgn beli, lu pigi hentam jugak kah?


2016-07-29 18:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo bro Duit, jgn main2 dgn dragon punya buku 555. Nanti dia bukak mulut api keluar, lu terbakar oh.

Dragon manyak sibuk mah. Tolong itu 4468 nee noo nee noo lori jenazah kutip mayat mah. Dulu van jenazah saja, sikalang sudah jadi lori, nanti kapal, manyak besar punya bisnes. hehe


2016-07-29 17:21 | Report Abuse

Bro twobits, bro ikan pari cakap BM, bukan broken English. Itu pasal lu tarak faham.
Byk sgt kalau mau tengok gua punya kamus Dewan Bahasa. Tak apa, bro Duit understand ok lah. Org lain yg cari pasal tu kita tarak layan

Posted by twobits > Jul 29, 2016 04:43 PM | Report Abuse

sting kor: u half pale water broken english..i no faham... boleh tulis official sikit?


2016-07-29 17:10 | Report Abuse

wahhhhh, bising until bro rchi and sis connie also come here. Byk2 meriah leh if both of them also come here

I heard ppl call my name, so come here see again. fuiyoh, ruih rendah macam party, hehe


2016-07-29 16:19 | Report Abuse

Bro Duit, dont layan the fella lah. Wait spam some more this thread.
We discuss HSI lor


2016-07-29 16:13 | Report Abuse

jmmartin, pls go to Gamuda thread to discuss Gamuda,etc. Dont spam every thread with promo on Gamuda,Naim...

Here we more interested in HSI, unless after trading hours, discuss a bit stocks. But main is HSI


2016-07-29 15:35 | Report Abuse

fairplayer, skyhawk alredy bring the B52 bomber back to base lah. Cannot shoot it down liao. Wait next week when it's flying again


2016-07-28 23:57 | Report Abuse

hiyaa flying, dia org sudah pergi titun lah.
Sikalang merah2. Itu tebuan manyak sibuk.


2016-07-28 17:54 | Report Abuse

kapal sulah ringan sikit kah Dragon? tak mau pom pom lah, gua mau makan Musang king, hehe


2016-07-27 23:15 | Report Abuse

No, no I am in H since days ago. Very few lots only, as testing. But till now belum correction.
Dragon dia sideline, tunggu naik kapal
Gua tunggu esok itu Fed rate effect, kalau ah seng tarak jatuh longkang, gua cut loss.


2016-07-27 23:10 | Report Abuse

Flying, lu ala faham dragon punya meaning?
Gua sulah ala dlm H, jadi gua tunggu. Lu belum naik kapal, tunggu sekejap biar kapal ringan sikit


2016-07-27 21:03 | Report Abuse

Also POS Malaysia is expected to raise rates, that will help lift up Drb price


2016-07-27 21:00 | Report Abuse

As I said, I tot you holding mother Drb mah. So whenever they goreng up, see you excited. Call you join together for contra lor. Contra gains can slowly par down the losses mah.
Usually only people who have the mother will follow the news so closely, warrant all cabut liao


2016-07-27 20:56 | Report Abuse

ya flying, it was at 1 cent for months, then half cent, then 0.
I cut loss swap to c19 and AA calls. Left tiny bit which couldnt sell off.
But that was some time ago. Aiyoo,warrant you dare hold long2?

Those of us who talk abt average down, got dividend or not, blah blah is holding mother. Mother can hold bertahun2 also if want.


2016-07-27 20:33 | Report Abuse

windcloud, drb C18 since last month no buyer buy.
Flying I also stuck Drb c18 but very little, the remainder that didnt manage to cut. Cos I switched to C19 liao that time, good thing.
Now I understand what you mean no buyer, lol.

I still hold is Drb mother. Which I average down, contra.


2016-07-27 12:07 | Report Abuse

Apasat dgn tua pek kong? Data tarak bagus? Dia mau terjun itu South China Sea


2016-07-26 12:30 | Report Abuse

Sudah dekat itu 22,222 target mah. Sebelum naik pigi 22,600 mesti kena rehat sekejap.


2016-07-26 11:46 | Report Abuse

Bursa, sudah jadi mayat mau masuk lagi jah?

Bro duit, CMSB, will there be another round push up? We discuss in ur thread


2016-07-25 15:58 | Report Abuse

they in telegram bursa
Stingray cakap today is ketam, sideways


2016-07-25 09:52 | Report Abuse

Ya lor, I sold FGV c11 Fri for tiny profit. Didnt expect it to up some more, esp with all the 1MDB news


2016-07-22 18:25 | Report Abuse

Bagi, paling best AA. Everyone can fly never let me down, hehe. Everytime mesti untung. Ini round gua tunggu2 dia pullback pun takda chan masuk.

Fgv semalam gua tengok dia org push sikit itu mum, jadi masuk. Ini hari dia push sikit lagi,gua jual lor. 1st round itu hari gua awal sgt, sebelum dia push tinggi2. Lepas tu 1MDB kacau


2016-07-22 18:11 | Report Abuse

Fgv c11 gua sudah jual ini hari. Tiny profit, tak apa. Itu capital mau simpan utk ah seng minggu depan

1 bit, half cent, lu boleh untung? Gua beli sikit2, mesti kena naik byk sikit baru boleh jual. Itu sbb drb tarak syok


2016-07-22 17:53 | Report Abuse

Flying, itu harbour wc boleh tengok2. Next week akan naik.
Drb gua tak mau touch masa skrg, tarak tenaga push punya. Kalau mau AA lagi bagus, 1MDB ke apa, masih naik.

Even fgv better,seems they are pushing.gua pigi main ini semua, ah seng krg jaga.


2016-07-22 17:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo, bro skyhawk, next week another greenie?


2016-07-22 17:35 | Report Abuse

Ok2. Isnin gua tengok macam mana. Wah, gua punya H pelik,naik harga,lol. Ah seng green2, H jugak green, entah siapa pigi beli harga tinggi.


2016-07-22 16:51 | Report Abuse

Tq, hehe. Cos if today price not in profit yet. Up a bit more bagus


2016-07-22 16:48 | Report Abuse

Bro rchi, harbour wc can keep till next week?


2016-07-22 16:47 | Report Abuse

Gua not in profit wor. Bukan minggu depan masa H?
Bukan bili H33 lah. Lain H lama lagi mau expire


2016-07-22 12:15 | Report Abuse

Ikan pari ala telegram kah? Mana?


2016-07-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

Ya lah gua tengok itu ah seng tak mau terjun ini hari. Kena simpan dulu tunggu mon.


2016-07-22 08:54 | Report Abuse

aiyoo, apasat semua mau lari? sudah kaya kah?


2016-07-22 00:26 | Report Abuse

it's ok lah. Dragon is morning dragon, he go zzzz liao. Tomm he wake up see got the 400 pts liao sure happy


2016-07-21 22:39 | Report Abuse

cwingz, i pakai agak only leh. Cos one time Duit got explain a bit. I only catch half the meaning. The rest I guess2, you should know better than me


2016-07-21 22:35 | Report Abuse

investing.com, right hand side, first 4. I think lah