
eagle100 | Joined since 2015-07-30

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2016-08-25 14:35 | Report Abuse

Quoted due to Defamation. I am not smartly, mr smartly is not me.
I have not posted in Drb thread since many days ago. Everything can be easily verified by the mods of i3

Pls get professional help for your whatever delusions

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 25, 2016 12:49 PM | Report Abuse
ayio... bad bird eagal cum smartly finished filled up sime c3 with all ur shit ppl ignore u.... u come back here n shit... don't make this place smelling also with ur bird shit ok.... hahahaha

From Drb thread
Posted by flyingkite > Aug 25, 2016 11:30 AM | Report Abuse
chase that eagle bird cum smartly pug away.... she was trying to sing down ur shares... bec she miss it ......


2016-08-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

Bro duit, its ok lah, you human also. Some of us bought Nihsin and cut loss liao this morning.
I bought also cos Nihsin announce the land revaluation the day bf QR out.
Funny thing is one group still promote it this morning,....Melayu Channel.

News & Blogs

2016-08-24 09:04 | Report Abuse

Bro Duit, Nihsin there's a channel observing. Same view with you I suppose


2016-08-23 13:50 | Report Abuse

Sis connie, welcome back!! Cc house very quiet without hostess.
Looking forward to nice exciting stories from Down Under


2016-08-22 21:59 | Report Abuse

So basically this Mr Gan has decided to sell on strength and he has large amount of CSC shares.


2016-08-22 01:45 | Report Abuse

Bro Duit, sorry ya, I already give face to you. Unfortunately, your kite friend have CONTINOUSLY insulted me. In other forums this would have constituted a ban.

For some very odd reason, he thinks I'm some evil multiple face fella, lol. His delutions is out of this world. He is so fixated on his twisted view that no amount of proof will convince him otherwise.

You have known me longer you would know. Prove can be given easily. Bro wank have my contacts. You can also ask the admin abt my ISP address. TQ

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Aug 21, 2016 11:50 AM | Report Abuse

where to look at bullish sign? It is EASY! anything with big volume and surpass RM2,678 level will suggest correction done and uptrend take charge! Don't follow people while trading but to learn and to trade with our own techniques.

Happy profiting.


2016-08-22 01:23 | Report Abuse

This is TOTALLY DEFAMATORY. I have black and white proof of all my transactions, including my losses from Drb.

As stated countless times(can be proven easily if needed), I have bought Drb mother on high price above RM1.35 since 2015.

Neither do I have mutiple i3 accounts, which can also be easily checked by the mods

Your delutions are getting more and more outlandish, please go and see psychologist.

If you have the guts, show your true identity, and be sued for defamation!!

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 21, 2016 11:03 AM | Report Abuse

This is to alert our friends here:

guys be careful with this bird.... call eagle100.... she was in drb for a long time playing in n out... when drb was up she sold then kept scaring those newbies there, that it would fall below 90 cts to cause them to sell... then she bot back waiting for the next round... she was successful as the volume was low when price drop... n she used a few a/c to do that so that newbies think a lot of ppl had the same opinion... always after selling only then the newbies found that it rebound.... she had done that many rounds but this round she couldn't make it n became angry come barking at me here... bec I revealed her wicket motive.....

I never read what she wrote... it is a waste of time 2 read those irrational posts... I need to concentrate on my trading...


2016-08-20 23:16 | Report Abuse

This one for SURE is "Quoted for future reference".
I only post 1 line,4 words why you so "sensitive jump to conclusion" & post 2 long posts to insult me.
Told you liao, you insult me, I patuk

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 20, 2016 10:48 PM | Report Abuse
pondan bird eagle... .. I am not going to waste my time reading your stupid post... just stop coming after me old pundan bird...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 20, 2016 10:51 PM | Report Abuse
from what I said u should know I was not answering u post bec I never read stupid post of yours... oh I forgotten u are idiot don't understand what I said... only know how to kept nagging like an old grandma....


2016-08-20 18:23 | Report Abuse

1) Since when I say I am qualified :

Posted by eagle100 > Aug 2, 2016 11:18 PM | Report Abuse X
lagi satu, Drb. Drb have a few good news. Usually when it's up it's 2 or 3 days. This late afternoon baru start.
If you are already in c19 or c20, go cc house, rchi is also in c19, he can give some guidance.

Gua takda qualified utk kasi advise, gua ikut experience macam mana dia punya movement
Thereafter, saw you at Drb thread and sifu rchi gave his views, I reckon you in good hands.

2) Even when you sold on T+3 on Fri(you own self said so), can always buy back on Mon if you want. Or follow rchi hold, whichever suits you.
I assumed you are smart & mature enough fellow to own self see the movement and decide accordingly. Obviously I assumed wrong, never meet an adult with such low EQ

The sell down did happen-> on Mon,Aug 8 afternoon, from RM1.22 drop to RM1.16. Those who caught at high price would have had to wait, 9 Aug,close back at RM1.22. 10,11 Aug ding dong RM1.22, RM1.23. Till 12 Aug only went up to RM1.25

Since when got stop you from buying? Actually if want benefit myself, the more people buy the better. Buy tons until straight shoot up to RM1.50 until UMA, I lagi happy, can dispose the mother.

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 20, 2016 12:26 PM | Report Abuse
silly bird... it shown that I was not wrong to say your understanding of English language is very low...

reference for what? stupid... I was just remind burn about what ppl said before... duit was just explaining the likelihood of such incidence so as to stop those quarrelling ...

Still dont want to give up nagging on me? go to your animal friends lah... only they will accept your trying to be their sifu... u not qualify to be mine...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 20, 2016 12:42 PM | Report Abuse
kept trying to stop me from buying drb n kept asking me to sell ... not to be greedy .. hahaha... greedy... if my 1st half didnt sell so early my gain would be doubled... even that I have taken back my big lost both in c18 n sgb ... just imagine how much i gain from drb... if i listen to you silly bird by now I will be sill struggling like hell...


2016-08-20 17:06 | Report Abuse

Apa yg kau merapu merepek tak tentu pasal ni. Pot pet pot pet pot pet. Macam mak nenek.

Still insulting people like nobody's business. Tsk tsk

If like that, seniors like fairplayer and others like windcloud who advise the same also 'very silly' lah.

Worse thing is DEFAMING people.
Whosoever insult me AND my friends will sure kena patuk.

Posted by newbee > Aug 8, 2016 04:32 PM | Report Abuse
@eagle, just ignore flykite. He or she admitted that he can not hold that many hence the sale. Now come and blame you.

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 5, 2016 08:31 PM | Report Abuse
in fact I sold bec I cant hold so much n Monday is force selling... if it pull back, I will go in again n trade ... otherwise the remainder is to hold until reach my target....

Posted by eagle100 > Aug 4, 2016 05:46 PM | Report Abuse X
ok2, lu tau itu risk ok. For me, short term to reach RM1.25 not a problem. RM1.18 which is March 2016 highest sup sup sui.
But RM1.40 upwards kena tunggu Proton sign black & white with foreign partner. Lepas itu baru Drb punya profit boleh jadi green balik

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 4, 2016 05:55 PM | Report Abuse
Setuju.. kalau 1.25, c20 akan jadi 10 cts lah... conversion 2.5 to 1, ex price 1.10... so apa masalah lagi???


2016-08-20 11:55 | Report Abuse

Quoted for future reference.

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 10, 2016 09:08 PM | Report Abuse
pugpoburn scare away by ppl saying wanted to kill u.. now change another id come out again???

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 20, 2016 10:34 AM | Report Abuse
duit. your facts about ppl killing is very effective... after I remind that burn... he disappear ..... kekeke


2016-08-12 14:06 | Report Abuse

When is AGM to decide on the bonus issue proposal?


2016-08-10 21:05 | Report Abuse

Burn, lu siapa? Macam pernah dengar aje,lol.
Memang fighting mah,tak tak buat macam itu forumer cakap, ignore saja. ala org cakap macam ada mental issue punya, sentiasa prasangka buruk pada org lain.

Posted by Burnthekite > Aug 10, 2016 08:54 PM | Report Abuse

Eagle.Treat sissies like pussies,then you will be okay.Do not take further insults.Fight like a man.


2016-08-10 20:54 | Report Abuse

<Yawn> Duit, the Drb call was yours that time. I think you would roughly remember the price back then in 2015. Thanks

Oh, I dont have other ID, no time to play these senseless stuff

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 10, 2016 08:13 PM | Report Abuse
Aiyooo... Duit... I was just managed to get this animal out of my back after so many post in drb... u get her to come back to me... I know her another id... this animal got nothing to do... whenever ppl said anything she would jump in n talk senseless thing... as her mentality is low get me very irritated n i always try to avoid her after I know she is that nagging animal I hated most... see what happened?


2016-08-10 20:51 | Report Abuse

This is not true. Do NOT simply DEFAME me. Jangan FITNAH gua sebarangan. Dont talk like someone with low EQ

And who is this other ID? I hope it's not you sendiri bikin

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 10, 2016 08:05 PM | Report Abuse

MAY DAY... MAY DAY... HELP... one idiot old eagle kept nagging at me never let go... shot her off... my back pls... shameless... keep barking at me I never read what she posted here... wicket animal causes the newbies to lose a lot of money by kept asking us to sell after she sold n then she buy back at below 90 cts..making many rounds aledy.... hantam her... old animal.. shut out from me.


2016-08-10 18:02 | Report Abuse

No wonderlah, 'never read'. Can rant like no tommorrow calling people wicked but then turn complain people blabbing.

Get it thru your thick skull, I bought Drb at HIGH PRICE in 2015, still holding 70%, at LOSS. Why would I want to be so stupid sing down the price? Better shoot up thru the sky until UMA so I can sell.

If you ever dare scold, insult me again, whether direct or indirect, I will report. Lagi you insult, lagi I patuk

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 02:10 PM | Report Abuse
eagle on 2nd thought now I know why u want ppl to sell bec u sold aledy price up and u want to buy back like before... u are really wicket...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 04:07 PM | Report Abuse
wicket fellow eagle don't deny lah...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 05:13 PM | Report Abuse
I can always buy back after I sold in the morning before close n gain 1 bits... can hold or not is not the issue... the issue was u try kept giving fear even in HSI-HQ forum many times...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 09:05 PM | Report Abuse
eagle... u are really stupid.. duit case n yours are totally different.. you think u put him in can support your own wicket behavior? he was telling ppl to sell with the intention of helping.. but he did it at the wrong timing bec mm went in later n pushed up the price that was why I complained...

U are nowhere compare to him... your intention was to sing down which u have sold earlier.. as u think this time is still the same last few times when drb up for 2 days n down again below 90 cts.. so u kept asking me not to be greedy just bec yourself missed the best part of it... u were scare that I make more than u... don't pretend that u are very good... u are really wicket...

every thread has ppl to sing down the price but none of them like u kept asking me to sell... u want to sing is your business why u point to me???

In HSI HQ... everybody also go there n ask "woi where is everybody"... I was not asking u to come n scare me about my drb c...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 11:04 PM | Report Abuse
silly eager with brain size of a pin head.. if u have no wicket intention y would u so sensitive jump to the conclusion that ppl blame u.. didn't u mention that u make many round by selling fast n buy back at around 80 cts? haven't u kept asking ppl to sell after u sold each time... that was not singing down than what was???

Other forumer saw the same thing and informed me as such :
Posted by newbee > Aug 8, 2016 04:32 PM | Report Abuse
@eagle, just ignore flykite. He or she admitted that he can not hold that many hence the sale. Now come and blame you.


2016-08-10 14:57 | Report Abuse

Well, you simply scold people and insult people repeatedly, that shows your character. You cannot tahan membebel but expect people to tahan you simply scolding people. If other forums kena ban liao

Till now I dont call you names.
Read back what you post and see how far overboard your accusations

I tak kuasa want be so black heart to be wicked and purposely aniaya you or anyone. Waste time only, better trade earn money.

Ok, thats it. Apologies to Sime traders for off topic.


2016-08-10 14:01 | Report Abuse

Well, you are the one accusing unreasonable things, trying to defame me by calling names. Insult me one thing, by association insult the other seniors who trade the same way, thats over.

You mentioned my name first, with degrading remark, thats challenging me.
Followed by worse insult. That crossed the line.
Try talking to fairplayer that way(who trades similar way) see if he will taruh you left right center top bottom.

Even after explanation even 10 yr old can understand, on and on keep insulting me nonsensical stuff. Worse than WJY.
If you didnt keep insisting I am wicked with twisted reasonings(like people want you earn less, what nonsense), we could have just left it at agree to disagree and move on.


2016-08-10 09:54 | Report Abuse

hahaha, ohhh itu.
Well, whoever insult me(esp if unwarranted) and my friends will sure kena patuk


2016-08-09 17:57 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, enjoy your trip ya bro Duit.


2016-08-08 23:37 | Report Abuse

Your reason for selling last Fri :
Posted by flyingkite > Aug 5, 2016 08:31 PM | Report Abuse

in fact I sold bec I cant hold so much n Monday is force selling... if it pull back, I will go in again n trade ... otherwise the remainder is to hold until reach my target....

your "wicked' name calls :
Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 04:07 PM | Report Abuse
wicket fellow eagle don't deny lah...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 05:15 PM | Report Abuse
it will affect ppl psychologically.. moreover.. today only force selling... it will be perfect to sell this morning...
eagle also before this round u have been singing down many times like the others.. don't deny that u have played many times... u said so...

I answer very cool liao, until the point you accuse me of being wicked, which way off the limit. Accuse me of being wicked means blame me lah. Until now also kutuk me macam2

Other people make statements singing down statements abt Drb(like the one abt 'who would want to buy this losing Proton'), which I replied to defend Drb. You dont taruh them, come and attack me pulak.

You call me wicked dont expect me to take it sitting or laying down.


2016-08-08 23:28 | Report Abuse

My response to you calling us silly post,since you mentioned my nick, so I jawab :
Posted by eagle100 > Aug 8, 2016 11:13 AM | Report Abuse X

flying, i also sold liao half the calls last week,earlier than you. cos can buy back when it pulls back and earn extra round.

Also in case any deals dont pull thru, like the land sale, few months ago kan cancel, then kena sell down to 90 cents.
Some more, Msia political scene anything happen, depending which way it turns, will effect the crony

Drb price is volatile, daily fluctuation a lot. everybody scared cos kena burn before from Drb. Only the sharks can be confident cos they hold big

Aug 8, 2016 10:37 AM | Report Abuse

wao, sold half too early, lost 14 bits in today highest, so it all depends on whether the share is moving up or not... a lot of ppl ask me not to be greedy, esp eagle... they are very silly...


2016-08-08 23:24 | Report Abuse

Have you forgotten, you called me wicked :

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 02:10 PM | Report Abuse

eagle on 2nd thought now I know why u want ppl to sell bec u sold aledy price up and u want to buy back like before... u are really wicket...

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 11:04 PM | Report Abuse

silly eager with brain size of a pin head.. if u have no wicket intention y would u so sensitive jump to the conclusion that ppl blame u.. didn't u mention that u make many round by selling fast n buy back at around 80 cts? haven't u kept asking ppl to sell after u sold each time... that was not singing down than what was???


2016-08-08 22:24 | Report Abuse

Aduhai ini budak, betul2 <facepalm> punya layang2

1) Take NOTE : I STILL holding the mother share NOW, 70% of it
2) Calls sold half last week and another half today, AFTER denial statement. Afternoon session baru sell when sell down happen.

If want say I can also say you all sing up or praise high2 the price which caused me not to sell c19 at 0.24 but at 0.21 instead. In which I lost 3 more cents of profits.
I can also complain why you all always sing up price, see now got people trapped high price(which some forumers betul2 are trapped), you all punya salah.
That's blaming and I wouldnt do that.

3) Huh? Already said liao, cos you ALWAYS complain people sing down price in this Drb thread, for many months liao. You make it YOUR business EVERY time you think people sing down Drb price.
If I think the points are warranted I will sound.

When I support Drb/defend Drb that time you forgot pulak

AA 'sing down price' actions lagi geng. Got c liao c liao, die lor statements and so forth

People do out of concern(which sell off really happened) some more can accuse me of being wicked, really <facepalm> mentality
What for I bother you make more or less from me? Make more not say you need to give me a cut of the profits, I make less not say I can claim from you the difference.

Another example, in HSI, one time Stingray keep harping on me to sell H cos at the time they predicted H price going down. He keep harping due to concern as friend. I didnt follow, I keep.
But I appreciate his concern in harping. If not friend, no bother liao


2016-08-08 18:31 | Report Abuse

See you blaming again. Remember you went Duit's thread bising2 blame him on HSI, now say he didnt come to you. If he didnt come to you why bising2 blame him pulak, kan?

You complain I sing down the price, sure I will reply lah, lol. If other people complain I sing down the price also I will taruh.

Anyone who come this thread to caution(putting it midly) or give negative viewpoint, IMMEDIATELY you accuse the person of singing down the price. For months liao like that. Now also doing that.

Actually every stock thread got such thing happening(singing down price), in fact even worse.

Leave you alone can, dont ask2 that time nobody answer(esp in HQ thread), complain some more.
You profit byk2 I happy for you, you rugi I sad for you like friend should be.

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 06:03 PM | Report Abuse

eagle u sold aledy want to sing down the price to buy back Saturday u said so also... u n some of the others have been doing it for quite sometime that was why I don't like to talk to u.... but why don't u leave me alone???


2016-08-08 17:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo, what give fear give fear, from experience of kena burn lah. Sudah kena burn, tak mau org lain kena burn that's all.

Flying I told many times I hold Drb mother since last year 2015. You can go see historical price. That time price was above RM1.35

You try see if you can tahan see the price go down from RM1.35 to 91 cents. Need patience and strong heart. Then good news out, price up, then tak jadi, sell down.
Then political news, remember Muhiyiddin kena sack as DPM? Down again.

You say as if I am big player like EPF who can sell off few blocks at 1 time. They control the price, not us ikan bilis. Regardless we sing down or sing up, they want it up it will up, or down.

I slow hand slow leg not in time to play many2 round in 1 day. After denial news out, sold the calls and sideline.

Before this you blame duit for HSI now want blame me pulak, walao.
I also follow some of the sifus calls before and incur losses because of their calls, so? I dont blame2 people. We make our own decisions.

Dont want to be influenced, dont read my posts, it's for others too.


2016-08-08 16:54 | Report Abuse

I know, I remember he said that. My earlier postings was also for newbies, in case they chase high price.

Posted by newbee > Aug 8, 2016 04:32 PM | Report Abuse

@eagle, just ignore flykite. He or she admitted that he can not hold that many hence the sale. Now come and blame you.


2016-08-08 16:53 | Report Abuse

I'm not being wicked, serious. I did say 1.18 sup sup sui, RM1.25 no prob. 1.40 and higher need wait till they sign black & white.
You also agreed , then why sell before 1st TP RM1.18 reached?

Plus you yourself also said on Friday was T+3, if today is forced selling. Didnt you say you sold 1/3 only on Friday?

A lot of us already sold the calls earlier for much lesser profits, got profit ok lah, we also no bising. You profit more than us want to bising2 blame people, luckily it's not from profit become loss.

If the denial news came out this morning and gap down then how? Blame us for selling without warning you first?

For all you know, I lost more than you in Drb mother also tak bising2 like this.

I know, I give warning so that others wouldnt be caught buying at high price.

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 04:07 PM | Report Abuse

wicket fellow eagle don't deny lah...


2016-08-08 16:02 | Report Abuse

No, I'm not wicked, as you can see now why. Kan dah kena

Cos you can always sell high, buy back lower if still want in the game. That is how the price movement.
People give tips how to play safe and profit more, say people wicked. I learnt the hard way this lesson, pay fees to Bursa learn.

Posted by flyingkite > Aug 8, 2016 02:10 PM | Report Abuse

eagle on 2nd thought now I know why u want ppl to sell bec u sold aledy price up and u want to buy back like before... u are really wicket...


2016-08-08 11:13 | Report Abuse

flying, i also sold liao half the calls last week,earlier than you. cos can buy back when it pulls back and earn extra round.

Also in case any deals dont pull thru, like the land sale, few months ago kan cancel, then kena sell down to 90 cents.
Some more, Msia political scene anything happen, depending which way it turns, will effect the crony

Drb price is volatile, daily fluctuation a lot. everybody scared cos kena burn before from Drb. Only the sharks can be confident cos they hold big


2016-08-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

C20 maturity is same with C19, Nov 2016. Just its cheaper, but ratio is 2.5 to 1 while C19 is 1 to 1
C21 is Dec 2016.
Longest is C22 , Feb 2017


2016-08-07 18:34 | Report Abuse

Tony Fernandes bought AA, with all the infra ready, from a bankrupt airline co. Look where is AA now.

Foreign car makers can buy Proton's facilities, plant for cheaper price and use it. No need build from scratch. After all, they already have their car models,etc

Posted by lousy_result > Aug 7, 2016 05:04 PM | Report Abuse

So easy? Previously govn also owned Proton. After cannot stand the loss sold to DRB.


2016-08-05 20:27 | Report Abuse

flying, finally you sold 1st batch, haha. Wait see got pullback, we go another round.


2016-08-05 19:29 | Report Abuse

Fairplayer ah, itu H39 memang out of stock. Itu MacQ punya site ala tulis clear2. Ini part ngwt tarak tipu olang.

Ini perkara biasa, bila itu warrant sulah mau out of stock atau out of stock, member2 sini akan kasi tau semua org.

The issuer has sold all of the inventory for this warrant or is approaching this point. Please take caution, the market maker is no longer able to provide an active offer in these warrants and the current market bid price may be inflated by speculators.
DRBHCOMC20 (161920) FGV-C11 (522211)
HSI-H39 (065139)

So, tak payah argue2 utara selatan timur barat punya. Ngwt bagi tau saja, that's all.

Posted by fairplayer > Aug 5, 2016 04:29 PM | Report Abuse

ngwt, tu 2.5 juta ialah accumulated volume, jumlah unit yg jual dan bili bukan bili saja. Index warrant ni talak speculatorlah, hanya Market Maker, jangan kelirukan mambang-mambang lain. Bila ala Market Maker, speculator tak bolih hiduplah. Pada pukul ~9.30am, harga H39@@0.255, jangan suka tipu-tipu olang lain, tak bagut tau. Kalau ala manyak mambang caya lu ala speculator dan bili H39, sikalang sula tanamlah.

C30 talak Market Maker tadi, tu lah wa minta u jadi speculator sanalah.


2016-08-05 15:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo, B52 terbang slow. Nanti sampai, ah seng sulah tutup. Mon baru boleh bomb


2016-08-05 14:58 | Report Abuse

Hehe, captain mau grill medium rare dulu
Dragon, sikalang berapa green sama red? Gua guna hp, susah mai tengok


2016-08-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

B52 WW2 punya model mah. Slow2 jalan punya baru sampai


2016-08-04 23:00 | Report Abuse

when i post that time 4 red 1 green, now terbalik pulak


2016-08-04 22:32 | Report Abuse

dragon, lu punya mulut masin. sikalang sulah 4 red, 1 gleen


2016-08-04 18:33 | Report Abuse

skylift lu tak tau kah? Simalam baru kena complain, ini reban ah seng kah, Drb.
memang pun, stock patut bincang stock thread, hanya kita sulah biasa duduk ini reban, hehehe


2016-08-04 18:13 | Report Abuse

ok flying, kita bincang Drb di thread Drb. Nanti org complain lagi kita

Ah seng ini hari kena abandon org Msia. Semua pigi trade stock & stock warrant. kekeke


2016-08-04 17:46 | Report Abuse

ok2, lu tau itu risk ok. For me, short term to reach RM1.25 not a problem. RM1.18 which is March 2016 highest sup sup sui.
But RM1.40 upwards kena tunggu Proton sign black & white with foreign partner. Lepas itu baru Drb punya profit boleh jadi green balik


2016-08-04 17:30 | Report Abuse

flying, jgn tamak sgt. jual batch by batch. Dia akan turun dan naik punya. Dia punya turun naik boleh macam gunung Kinabalu
Nanti tunggu2, tunggu lama2, stuck lagi macam c18.

Itu TP 1.45(last yr price),1.55 byk bulan lagi. AA kira lagi baik dari Drb pun tak naik macam itu terror.


2016-08-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

jake, proton getting foreign partner for rebadge cars. When confirm, will be another catalyst. Last I read it's Japanese car company


2016-08-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

Bro rchi, RM1.55, got so high meh? Last year also around RM1.44 only


2016-08-03 23:12 | Report Abuse

aiyoo, saham, lu byk lambat baru keluar.
Ikan pari sifu pun sulah bimbang lu ada tong gas lagi tak

Sikalang lu ada masuk apa2 kapal?


2016-08-03 22:47 | Report Abuse

ya, this time different flying. Those recent times of 'fake' up then sell down when no news is different


2016-08-03 20:00 | Report Abuse

Gua rasa lah, itu kakisaham sulah tukar nama. Macam ala dlm sini pun.


2016-08-02 23:18 | Report Abuse

lagi satu, Drb. Drb have a few good news. Usually when it's up it's 2 or 3 days. This late afternoon baru start.
If you are already in c19 or c20, go cc house, rchi is also in c19, he can give some guidance.

Gua takda qualified utk kasi advise, gua ikut experience macam mana dia punya movement