
easymoney | Joined since 2014-02-09

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2014-12-02 23:27 | Report Abuse

Qieen, he just pretty upset the price dropped....everyone feel same lar but he forgot this is a public forum not need keep doing that will annoy ppl only....for those keep complaining....for your info, lately, we have discovered new shark species call "chicken" shark in Sona sea...so got to wait for kos and his king shark to show those "chicken" shark how a true shark goreng....hahaha


2014-12-02 22:54 | Report Abuse

diablo83, you not afraid the operator will change their plan after reading your comments here?


2014-12-02 20:43 | Report Abuse

lim_fart_fart, yes sona pi mampus, tomorrow you sell and go buy your msc share please....


2014-12-01 17:16 | Report Abuse

Hadian, Hadian, we waiting for your good news..... Ophir & cicak salam down somemore again...hahaha


2014-12-01 15:08 | Report Abuse

callme777, nobody got any mood to reply you..... I believe I do get 0.45+interest if no QA.... else I would have sold it already....


2014-12-01 12:05 | Report Abuse

even gozilla88 turn to be strong sona supporter now? wah.... really for a change....hahaha


2014-12-01 11:57 | Report Abuse

For those who want to buy, makesure you can afford to hold for 1-1/2 year prepare for the worst scenario, then you can sleep peacefully at night at this time of uncertainty of market... I have cut loss on Silk... back to holding only Sona and cash....


2014-12-01 11:55 | Report Abuse

Someone still supporting Sona @ 0.40... may be is our pisangkuat the smart investor? Then we really need to thank him for showing kuat kuat now....hahaha


2014-12-01 11:53 | Report Abuse

Pisangkuat the smart investor, luckily my head is like kayu and batu, holding my sona.. if listened to you, I really die kaw kaw now.....

Posted by pisangkuat > Nov 26, 2014 05:51 AM | Report Abuse

Of all oil company...why hv to buy sona? Nw many oil and gad ctr limit dwn due to current oil price...why not park the money in those company rather than put in sona and wait ....furthermore without any dividen...so called smart investor....apa ini?


2014-11-28 20:56 | Report Abuse

Meisarel, on surface it does look like that... but behind the scene who knows what Sona and Salam been doing all this while....It could be Sona has been already negotiated with cicak salam when the oil drop back in Sept...??? that's why there was the rumour that Sona may abandon the deal.... currently if this doesn't workout with cicak... no issue also...hahaha


2014-11-28 20:38 | Report Abuse

Pipimimi, not sure if you still holding on to your Sona share, any comment from you on current Sona development?


2014-11-28 20:13 | Report Abuse

Meisarel, Salam Thai asset is still a profitable one, if the deal go through, we could see the share up to at least 55 cents. If you recalled the HL research gave a TP=0.79 based on oil above 100 dollar so if based on current 70 dollar oil, still can get at least 0.55. Anyway, to me the current Sona price is pretty much already price in the deal is a gone case.... Well, let's wait for any news from Hadian meeting with cicak salam next week...

From HLB research:

Favourable tax regime… In Thailand, besides royalty fees (5-15%), there are petroleum income tax (~50%) and special remuneratory benefit (SRB, 0-75% correlate to annual revenue on cumulative depth of well drilled) to pay to government. Although the figures look high on the surface, SRB rate is charged after deduction of royalty fee, capex, opex and losses carried forward. In a nutshell, for every US$100/bbl, operator in Thailand on average shares US$45/bbl as compare to Malaysia of ~US$25/bbl, nett of all taxes.

Traded at <10x FY15 P/E and 31% significant discount to our fair value of RM0.79 per share…The acquisition is NPV accretive and we estimate the company to trade at attractive <10x FY15P/E.


2014-11-28 17:13 | Report Abuse

Interesting 0.185 still hold...


2014-11-28 17:11 | Report Abuse

Ophir 142 now.... the more it drop, the Sona deal becomes more valuable to cicak salam.... hahaha


2014-11-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

Ophir share drop to 145 at the moment...hahaha


2014-11-28 14:11 | Report Abuse

Can't blame them have such strong negtive feeling towards Sona...Both once fell in love with Sona, later got heart broken but still have feeling for their old love,every nite when they close their eyes they see Sona....so cannot tahan every morning need to peep here and see how she is doing, when they see other ppl courting her, they got so jealous over it trying to keep everyone away from her.....hahaha


2014-11-28 10:43 | Report Abuse

Harvard57, you are so smart with investing, could you help me to make Sona go down to Suma price now? I really really appreciate for your effort....hahaha


2014-11-28 10:37 | Report Abuse

pisngkuat, pisangkuat our smart investor, why don't you spend sometime in Suma also to advice those "rich" guys.. now the price down so low... they will truly appreciate you....


2014-11-28 10:34 | Report Abuse

lim88 done with farting here?....the whole room so smelly now...can't you smell it or you have a nose block today....hahaha


2014-11-28 08:48 | Report Abuse

Datokim, datokim, you trying to look for some possible cheap sale here today? low oil price is not going to stay here forever, use your brain a little bit lar and not talk through your ass-hole.....


2014-11-28 08:23 | Report Abuse

Jasonor, agree with what you said.... Sona is now in a win-win situation with the blessing from this depressed low oil price.

The good thing is if Salam deal go through Sona can graduate from SPAC sooner and will attract interest from serious big funds to invest and and also they are more flexible to raise money to buy more assets if needed.

If the deal didn't go through like Kensen said good timing to scout cheaper pretty good asset, and we know Sona is already on the ground going through the assets.....

So me just relax, and wait for good news from Hadian earliest next week can know the answer...hahaha


2014-11-28 00:05 | Report Abuse

Good news for Sona current situation....Ophir share currently at 52 weeks low...hahaha

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decided on Thursday not to cut oil production, despite sliding oil prices.

Following a meeting of OPEC in Vienna, the oil minister of leading member Saudi Arabia, Ali Al-Naimi, was asked whether the group had decided not to reduce its output from 30 million barrels per day. He responded: "That is right".

Speaking to CNBC, Nigeria's Petroleum Minister and newly elected OPEC president, Diezani Alison-Madueke, said that non-OPEC oil producers had to "share the burden" of any future cut in production.


2014-11-27 17:48 | Report Abuse

Diablo83, I have not take any position yet.... just observing and learning at the moment on this one...


2014-11-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

how you know he tokok and you not?


2014-11-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

how you know v shape form?


2014-11-27 15:54 | Report Abuse

yes you are right Tornado....WA is not meant for investment... is meant for "gambling"...I bought some WA for that purpose...hahaha


2014-11-27 15:28 | Report Abuse

Just bought some wa @0.185.... next week I bet on good news from Hadian....hahaha


2014-11-27 15:21 | Report Abuse

You think this is pasar malan kah lim88? see what you want, just buy so easy.... like that Sona can hire you to buy QA lor...hahaha


2014-11-27 13:45 | Report Abuse

kos, I take any TP your king shark can affort....the best one is your tp 4....hahaha


2014-11-27 11:32 | Report Abuse

oil price under pressure....that's good news for Sona...hahaha


2014-11-27 11:17 | Report Abuse

watching our rich neighor Suma drop like that.... I am glad I stay here got cash protection....hahaha


2014-11-27 00:23 | Report Abuse

Comment from someone on UK sharechat pretty interesting...hahaha

reflecting on the ophir deal

As many people are aware the shareholders have lost confidence in the management and as many others know the oil price is depressed due to the squeeze on russia which i am sure will not last to long

sona offers $280 for 40% stake in bualang plus aditional money towards the successfull drill campaign pretty good deal puts the value of salamander bualang field $672 million west kerendan gas about to be supplied i believe revenue of in excess of $20 million/ annum starting point looking to double that over the next couple of years so lets just say value $100 million then we have to look at the assets and smaller field developments that are coming on board in fact lets miss them out why not everyone else is so total asset value for the sale of the company $772 less $200 million in debt is that fair value $570 million

so as the management of this company are saying well done boys we have sucked the long term shareholders in totally devalued there holdings we now have great assets and a cash offer for 40% of one of our fields for £280 million not bad eh

o wait a minute remember that guy that worked for us you know the guy who moved to ophir he has written to us and offered us wait for it
a deal which values the company at $220 million tell you what lets tell the shareholders that this is great value afterall he has promised us good jobs great salaries and lots of shares as bonuses

o wait a minute do we not have a duty of care for the shareholders to maximise the value of the company and indeed there investment?



2014-11-27 00:05 | Report Abuse

Fresh entry.... I have no trade plan for this counter... Would you suggest a trade plan for this counter that you think will work?


2014-11-26 23:28 | Report Abuse

Interesting comments from you Diablo83, I see that you pay close attention to JAG... just curious if I want to enter tomorrow what Q price you would recommend?


2014-11-26 23:00 | Report Abuse

long term view for Salamander to accept Sona deal and as partner I would consider is much better loh.... Salamander has debt may be roughly 250m-300m, with the cash deal from Sona can pare down those debt to the level which is easily manageable....

If Sona can find another princess very very soon would even better... then Hadian can point his middle finger to the face of Salamander directors...hahaha


2014-11-26 22:45 | Report Abuse

Ophir share keep dropping is a good news for Sona.... the offer is getting less and less attractive, imagine the deal was offer based on 202.7, and now is only 163... if OPEC meeting decide not going to cut production, Ophir share could see more downside.... who knows Salamander will announce in view of current unfavourable Ophir share, we decided not to proceed.....possible? ( my christmas wish) hahaha


2014-11-26 22:29 | Report Abuse

here my thought on the whole thing, if Sona has announced the QA approval before the Ophir deal was announced, and Salamander still has accepted that lousy Ophir deal then you know for sure it is a gone case for Sona. But with the current situation, may be those Salamander directors got so scare after Cespa drop the offer, and now with Ophir came with a lousy deal, if they don't act quickly, who knows Ophir would do the same like Cespa then Salamander will end up with 0 option, somemore Sona QA approval still hanging in the air. May be that's why when Friday announced the offer, the next Monday all Salamander directors have agreed to the deal. Now they know Sona deal is still on the table for them to take, would they reconsider the whole thing? If I am Salam director, I will for sure reconsider.....won't you?
Well, to me SC this time slow in approval has complicated the whole thing for Sona for sure... Hadian has originally expected to take about 2 months that's why in MIDF luncheon he mentioned most likely end of Oct, but in today BFM talk he spoke good word for SC when asked about taking 3 months for SC to approve may be an issue....I think he still need SC in case they need to seek another QA approval and won't want to piss them off...hahaha


2014-11-26 16:15 | Report Abuse

Don't forget Ophir deal needs 75% also... can they succeed?


2014-11-26 16:01 | Report Abuse

I still want Sona to be darling stock of 2014.....hahaha


2014-11-26 15:44 | Report Abuse

bought some just now @0.540 testing, testing... looks attractive


2014-11-26 07:58 | Report Abuse

This is what I like....

He, however, said if the deal were to fall through, Sona had other candidates to consider.


2014-11-26 07:41 | Report Abuse

rlch, u know what is SPAC or not? keep talking about revenue....hahaha


2014-11-26 07:40 | Report Abuse

pisangkuat the smart investor, want to tell us which o&g ctr you park your money that you are so confident it share won't go down?


2014-11-25 16:32 | Report Abuse

This Sona FD is excellent buy at 0.40... you can get back more than 15% in 1.5 years if no QA sure gurantee win while waiting for any jackpot! I call this common sense investment....hahaha


2014-11-25 16:31 | Report Abuse

I love sona...sold off those I bought @0.4 free iphone6, a lousy day turn out a good day for me....please do this more often drop back to 0.40...hahaha


2014-11-25 15:59 | Report Abuse

Ask Hadian....hahaha


2014-11-25 15:54 | Report Abuse

callme777, I thought you said goodbye already....hahaha


2014-11-25 15:41 | Report Abuse

Got good bargain @ 0.4....hahaha


2014-11-25 15:40 | Report Abuse

loading time for me....hahaha


2014-11-25 14:27 | Report Abuse

the Board of Directors of Sona Petroleum (“Sona Board”) remains highly committed to complete its Proposed Transaction. The Sona Board is seeking further advice on the Offer and will engage with Salamander before deciding on the next steps.

The Sona management must be getting plenty "shit" calls, and is under pressure to sort this out ASAP... good lar....hahaha