
estan3874 | Joined since 2013-06-12 16:44:45

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2014-11-03 16:35 | Report Abuse

really can't see any good sign of this company at the moment. Sad..


2014-10-31 18:12 | Report Abuse

theedgemarket power lah, help to push up the price and volume today.

News & Blogs

2014-09-20 23:24 | Report Abuse

Long term investment is not really suitable for the retail investor. Just like what the author mention, at the right time, the right stock and the right price. Sometime the right company will turn bad after a few years.For the long term investment, the guru told us, we are invest in the company grow, and not speculate on the market price. But, we are only the retail investor with the small amount of money. We are not even have a chance to get the direct first hand info, not even can have a chance to visit the Director and having a interview to know more detail about what is their future plan. Then how we going to justify is the company will have the long term grow as what we expecting after we doing our so call "homework". Those homework is all based on the history data. There is lot of cases, the company have a very good pass year record, but just a sudden, they come out with an unexpected result, the share price will drop sharply. Zhulian is one of it, recently Johotin also. So what is the different between the so call long term investor or value investor (here is refering to those retail investor with the believe of buy and hold method, not for the institution or big boy like cool eye or Koon). I always read lot of those so call value investor critics the trader (investing based on price movement) is a speculator. But I found out there no different at all, all of the retailer in the stock market is mostly is a speculator, one is speculate on the next company result another one is speculate on the next price movement. So those so call the value investor and always showing their homework on analyst the financial statement is all talk cock. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SENSE OF BUSINESS, AND DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS THE PARTICULAR INDUSTRY FUTURE OUTLOOK. THEN YOU JUST INVEST INTO THE "GOOD FUNDAMENTAL COMPANY" BASED ON THE SO CALL THE HOMEWORK OF THE PASS YEAR RESULT. YOU ALSO ARE SPECULATOR.


2014-09-08 14:36 | Report Abuse

This company is one of the solar player in the world, and is consider relatively small. As I know the solar panel very competitive, especially when competing with China. Can any one tell me what is the different between TS Solartech with others in the industry?


2014-08-27 16:02 | Report Abuse

I tot will panic selling. HA out of my expectation


2014-08-27 16:01 | Report Abuse

haha, but no selling pressure at all today?? STRONG LIKE A STEEL


2014-08-27 11:54 | Report Abuse

Insurance will cover for this kind of incident? It's not accident right?


2014-08-25 20:28 | Report Abuse

Company Fundamental at the moment is ok. But looks like no future prospect.


2014-08-25 14:41 | Report Abuse

But the director selling not much right, I also noticed about it.


2014-08-25 13:42 | Report Abuse

ya, totally agree. Actually I want to sell after once I read the report. But gap down. Then make a very wrong mistake of apply hope. Hope it will rebound a bit and minimize the loss, eventually now the paper loss is widen. Ha... no matter we use TA or FA, cut loss and take profit is really important.


2014-08-25 13:21 | Report Abuse

Do you have this in hand?


2014-08-25 12:47 | Report Abuse

Maybe i can't blame to much on them, I think I discover this counter too late. My entry price is quite high.


2014-08-25 12:46 | Report Abuse

Able diaries, is one of the major reason attracted me (Consumable product always can generate recurrent income). Previously, I love the management decide to diversified the business, they won't just left the business maintain just like that. Most of the ppl know, can manufacturing biz only very thin profit. And I think, they doing the right move to acquire Able Diary to grow the company. And Able Diary is one of their customer before acquisition. I assume the manage is reckoning very prudently before make the move. And if not mistaken, there is one director(Mr. Lim Hun Swee) join the board is very experience in F&B business. So I'm very confidence. This product issue is really really out of my expectation.


2014-08-25 11:29 | Report Abuse

sure, bull is running.


2014-08-25 11:26 | Report Abuse

I really can't relax about johotin for the loss due to compensate for Quality issue. I have sent them an email asking more detail of what kind of product issue and how they going to prevent it happen again. But until now no reply at all. The compensation is not a small amount, this is really a concern. And there is no any annoucement before the quarterly report. Ha.


2014-08-25 11:24 | Report Abuse

L&G I have it also, Beside those just now mentioned, YOCB is another one of my favorite. SCICOM just dispose last week. Sntoria, is most heart breaking, Dispose too early. Because I decide to KEEP L&G


2014-08-25 11:07 | Report Abuse

What ever analysis that retailer using, also is speculate only lah. Because we do not have the insider news. So I bring this out, becoz of, there lots of ppl believe in cool eye or warrent buffet, FA is god. This is not definitely.


2014-08-25 11:04 | Report Abuse

speakup, can sure no problem last time i hold padini also more than 4 year until it split. Whats the matter, i'm still hodling public bank until now. What's the matter. My point is, sometime it doesn't 100% that good fundamental sure can make profit. Even how good are you in analys the fundamental, you just only speculate on the future result. It's still have risk there. Zhulian one of a good example, WingTM also.


2014-08-25 10:20 | Report Abuse

muscle......I loss a ton of money, help me.....!!! This so call good fundamental, but with a sudden bad report. So what is good fundamental will more profitable????!!!! Cooleye said if got holding power sure win......mana ada.


2014-08-25 10:09 | Report Abuse

samcghee.....r u sure??!!! (-.-\\\)


2014-08-25 00:27 | Report Abuse

kk123, so the new plant will be operate by the latest next year right?


2014-08-21 20:54 | Report Abuse

What is the driver of the price for this counter? The PE 80++???


2014-08-20 20:07 | Report Abuse

Johotin net loss mainly due to the compensation paid for the product quality issue. But the problem is, what kind of quality issue that need to make this huge compensation? Is this only a short term issue, that will be resolve quickly? Then the price drop tomorrow will be a discount.


2014-08-06 17:04 | Report Abuse

The net profit margin so low???!!! Compare to KHIND, KHIND is much much more better.


2014-07-25 23:50 | Report Abuse

Is that possible that, they pump in the money to M&A then the director can use it as margin to subscribe Inari Right? For the 60M? And another 30M subscription through Insas?


2014-07-25 20:33 | Report Abuse

imoogi, the 4% is based on which price? and what make you feel that Insas should fly? Raise fund to inject in the M&A securities and rent-a-car business? Is it a wise move?


2014-07-25 19:58 | Report Abuse

Pls help, Any one here know exactly what does it mean of LTIP?


2014-07-17 20:39 | Report Abuse

hahahah.....are you sure there is a wound on uncle????!!!! I think most probably the wound already transplanted to intelligence investor already.....


2014-07-17 17:47 | Report Abuse

Is this uncle still the large holder??


2014-07-17 17:46 | Report Abuse
uncle koon said less intelligence ppl always have doubts, he want u to follow the so call "the savvy" blindly. Then u will be success...hahah


2014-05-21 09:34 | Report Abuse

rosetan, so might be got any special dividend on the way right?


2014-05-21 09:31 | Report Abuse

TQ kwl8888, recently I saw go ppl heavily convert warrant to ordinary share, I tot the warrant is not entitle to bonus issue, hence those ppl start convert. Then kwl8888 what make them do so? what is the advantage?


2014-05-21 09:18 | Report Abuse

Hi Alex, check with you, if Inari give bonus issue, warrant holder can benefit from it?


2014-05-21 09:07 | Report Abuse

If Inari give bonus issue, warrant holder can benefit? Heavily holding WA :-(


2014-05-20 13:50 | Report Abuse

Inari, buy call??


2014-05-09 17:02 | Report Abuse

Hi Alex, why they want to force the contra seller to sell? and how to know that? Can share? TQ


2014-04-28 17:06 | Report Abuse

har????!!! what have you teach me???


2014-04-28 16:56 | Report Abuse

BUCKBUNNY, hahahah, u dont want teach me the magic, then why u ask me to ur office?


2014-04-28 16:28 | Report Abuse

BUCKBUNNY, really is there any magic in stock market???


2014-04-28 15:25 | Report Abuse

BUCKBUNNY, how do you know that big boy is collecting? bcoz just from the buy rate? Pls share, TQ


2014-04-28 15:23 | Report Abuse

Abudance, actually Insas not only stock broking firm.


2014-04-07 09:36 | Report Abuse

hi bro tj, good morning. Why laugh out loud?? What make you so happy?


2014-04-07 00:14 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat, you do have your point....


2014-04-06 11:19 | Report Abuse

Hi Fat Cat, what make you have this kind of feeling? Mind to share?


2014-04-05 20:50 | Report Abuse

Arjuna, so mean invest in FRB is better than Microlink right?


2014-04-05 17:00 | Report Abuse

But bro, Sengkee, from the announcement also, after completion of the proposed placement their share will changed to 80.47%, and public spreading will become 19.53%.


2014-04-05 11:36 | Report Abuse

sengkee, what do you mean about the take over of Microlink? Is that mean privatization of Microlink through FRB? Microlink will be a wholly-owned sub? If this happen, what will happen to all the minor share holder of Microlink. Actually I'm one of it ..... :-(


2014-04-05 10:47 | Report Abuse

Anyone can give your 2 cent for the recent activities between Formis and Microlink??

News & Blogs

2014-04-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

I don't think those so call intelligence will just trust ppl like that, without any skeptical or doubts.

What I do agree is, those intelligence will keep open mind, they will accept everything but use their mind to filter without blindly follow or trust. For those lack of knowledge and less of intelligence to make judgement, will simply avoid what other ppl told, they just try to avoid and missed all the opportunities that passed by.