
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2012-08-17 01:07 | Report Abuse

Something might be brewing on this counter. prior to the MI announcement this was traded between 1.40s to a high of 1.50+ for a few months then when MI article came out it flew to 1.92 from 1.48 then after the denial by Sc it fell back but not to the level before it gap up. there was a few sideway tradings and today it hit a high of 1.70+ is it disposing for the earlier bought during the high or some favorable result for the minorities coming up? defintely worth watching as i was thinking that it might fall back to 1.40s level after the denial.we'll see tomorrow:)


2012-08-17 00:54 | Report Abuse

hehe very funny guys- namo art of influence?hehe wish I'm that good or datin wong still be here!KC maybe the monkey oldman with his assistant was really datin wong! :)yeah tiew agreed next time pay more to the shareholders lah!


2012-08-17 00:44 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah shut those critics like that stupid frank fella. general lee is back with his guns blazing shoot shoot higher tomorrow .85 no problem maybe 2 x limit up. once again congrats to all knm holders.hopefully lee will announce the revival of stalled projects and all can make more $$$$$ to Tp 2.50.tomollow i go shoot darts at gpro.


2012-08-17 00:18 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah better check on him! hard laughing and pangsai is not a good combination:)maybe fallen asleep already!hopefully not in the toilet. better go now to improve on my spelling it's society not socitey!


2012-08-16 23:52 | Report Abuse

err gangster head - taiko? which secret socitey you belong to? digi,welcal? hehe. so many titles - must be very heavy on your chest:)


2012-08-16 23:48 | Report Abuse

yes agreed WS - you've said it well :)


2012-08-16 23:20 | Report Abuse

yes yes of course it's open to everyone - we are here to learn from the smart and not follow the buy buy & buy - when we said buy buy buy we have to have a good reason as to why we ask people to buy. if I ask you to jump into the longkang will you just jump? be realistic lah - we are playing with real money - not monopoly monies. I can only compliment someone if it's proven that the person who initiated the buy call with his/her reasoning not just shouting out of the blue everyday without any facts or reason to as why a stock will go when someone suggested wrongly then we should curse them? or shall we look at how stupid we are?you tell me!


2012-08-16 23:09 | Report Abuse

why need to tell position? are you working for someone here? you're kind enough to provide your holdings and if someone to really follow you they should know after all you've had many postings - i don't get it? what is there to prove? maybe you should blame your parents cause they really thought you well, besides your english is very well written that it's a little hard for us to follow since we're in bolihland. you and your queen english lah :)


2012-08-16 23:00 | Report Abuse

btw KC I really hate you about DIGI - you kept mentioning DIgi steady steady and i was looking at it when it was 4.30+ and now it's 5. should have trusted you! now you got 1 more hater in me :)Well Cal indeed!


2012-08-16 22:53 | Report Abuse

sad is it not KC? that's the thing with forums - you'll have people agree with you and you'll have some that do not.especially worse if the ones that are childish, immature and lost. just have to block them out and concentrate what you do best - like CP said these are noises and if you keep responding you might lose focus on your investment not to mention valuable time. You've always provided excellent research to back up your buy/reason for a certain stock and your portfolio speaks very well of how you manage your funds and no further explaination is required. No worries about newbies anymore - if they are smart they will know 'who' to look for when they show up here and if they're dumb and lazy then god helps them:)


2012-08-16 22:38 | Report Abuse

just remind me of the bashing W Buffett got when the tech sector flew in the early days and Buffett did not buy any as he did not understand the model well and that he was out of touch with the new world etc and when the nasdaq crashed they all go back to buffett tails between their legs when he consistently outperformed the index in decades!


2012-08-16 22:28 | Report Abuse

Now I really understand what CP been saying all this while - too noisy :) there is so many blind bats here. so many amateurs with low understanding and can keep saying buy or predict some lofty target price all the time and when it reaches you see these bats coming out to praise them,treat them like they have some physic powers etc and then bashes down on all the logical fundamentally advise given by some of the more extensive research contributors like KC,Chong or Cp - now you know why 90% of the people lose money in the market.


2012-08-16 22:12 | Report Abuse

o.k alam looks good today. sold all already. good short trade. nowdays with all this uncertainties better hit and run fast on these stocks:)


2012-08-16 22:02 | Report Abuse

will do! KC I'm always in the morning session only as I'm in US so can you imagine how sore my a*&^ was ( still is:) ) when i woke up and turn on the computer! Funny thing was i was looking at mudajaya,benalec,scomi and also knm thought that they were going to make a move today and only knm made one and a huge one too! but looks like scomi is inching :) I will go look for shah! HEHE!


2012-08-16 21:49 | Report Abuse

I think i will shift my target to scam-me and hopefully will kick up the shah's ass and then get kick back in return and hopefully as hard as the one i just got.LOL!


2012-08-16 21:44 | Report Abuse

Kc - it feels more like a kick in my backside and a damn hard one - Ouch! can you imagine if they were to announce the revival of the stalled projects - 2.50 will look like peanuts. better stay low here err kabul hehe!


2012-08-16 21:30 | Report Abuse

hehe KC I'm running to kabul afghanistan now - just shot by lee - badly wounded :)


2012-08-16 21:17 | Report Abuse

contgrats bro yungsheng and all the others who are holding :)


2012-08-16 12:35 | Report Abuse

hehe tweedlee brothers?:)remind me of dumb and dumber jim carrey and jeff daniels - sooooo funy err funny! solly :)


2012-08-16 12:20 | Report Abuse

solly solly again - me go back drinking better lah shhhhhhhh.thousand apologies :)


2012-08-16 12:18 | Report Abuse

aiya Victor why so hard on KC? he might be I use MIGHT be wrong about Alam but he sure is damn right about Digi and Well call just to mention a couple. Also like royslade said KC mentioned Alam based on maybank findings - so you must tiu maybank kau kau also lah. that's the problem with these research house- one say 1.14 one say 0.60- who to believe? I make some pocket money on Alam enough to take my small family go have a nice dinner and my fav heine and hope you too so can cool down your anger:)o.k or not?


2012-08-16 12:09 | Report Abuse

solly solly KC false alarm :)hehe!


2012-08-16 12:02 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah mee too :) watch for ben ah lek & mudanaik!

Announcements & Events

2012-08-16 11:47 | Report Abuse

ya lah that is what everybody doing these 3 days! welcome to the forum my friend :)


2012-08-16 11:46 | Report Abuse

yeah will zoom back to at least 10 end year :) dun forget my GenM too o.k!


2012-08-16 11:33 | Report Abuse

hehe you're funny KC - supposed to be the other day round lah.hari hari pun mau Well Called digi :)


2012-08-16 11:32 | Report Abuse

not today lah - if drop to 50 today you also won't buy as that's collapse price :)


2012-08-16 00:33 | Report Abuse

even more surprising that german duche bank yeah (Duchebag more like it) into goreng business too?


2012-08-16 00:30 | Report Abuse

Singh will be there to sing a farewell song?
yeah like many said here dun dun play with pennies - these are pennies from hell not heaven!

News & Blogs

2012-08-14 21:41 | Report Abuse

well done singgang for 2 months holding- congrats:)


2012-08-14 21:26 | Report Abuse

Victor I see you're very new to here with 2 posts and unless you've read thousands of KC posting or you're a fake who has multiple ids. Have you seen KC's portfolio? This is nothing compared to what he is holding. Jealous??? go back and see his portfolio and you'll be jealous. seniority? Mahagurus? I don't think he ever claimed that and infact many times when other commentators seeks his advise by referring him as Sifu he politely reminded that he be just called KC. if you're following him you know that he is basically fundamentally person on longer term and does extensive research on his pickings with his reasonining. of course we are all human - there are thousands of stocks in KLSE - can we buty them all especially the surged one? Illogical right? if you do not give a hoot or respect - that is fine but to speak negatively on a person that you don't even know well that speak of poor brought up on your part.I do agree with you that we are all human - hit and miss is part of the game - At the end of the day we want to sleep well and profitable with our pickings:)


2012-08-13 22:59 | Report Abuse

mudanaik to mudahjatuh now mudatidor zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz as long as the coal issue not settle soon this one will tidor in the meantime.


2012-08-13 22:56 | Report Abuse

err bigyellow aug 6 you said throw and today buy back??? shooting high based on what - shooting stars? Now even moving today lah - sure or not got the right stock?


2012-08-13 21:53 | Report Abuse

one of the better oil and gas fundamentally good stock.reve and profit increased every quarters .good management.never a let down.


2012-08-13 20:41 | Report Abuse

noo Kc remember I was waiting for it to drop I sen!!!!! and i actually watch the entire agm video! anyway no worries you win some you lose a lot!hehe


2012-08-13 20:18 | Report Abuse

good day heh KC, digi, gen m, protasco, well call - well called indeed :) this is another one that I missed - 3 of the stocks that i practically watched them climbed or surged to be more accurate, well call, padini and old town - all on my watchlist always looking for the cheapest price!


2012-08-13 12:35 | Report Abuse

@ jenis - wah newbie but richbie - newbie buying genting - good sign:) No worry lah genting is a good fundamentally share lah - keep for medium and long term and you'll make plenty of money then lah.


2012-08-13 12:23 | Report Abuse

yeah somehow i have better luck buying genting or gen m shares than going to play inside there :)hehe drop somemore and i buy a little more - too big price so cannot simply buy - don't have too much bullets :)


2012-08-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

shoot Kc already at 8.88 not too lucky of a no for me - will go for 8.78 again :)


2012-08-13 11:30 | Report Abuse

sorry Yungsheng i dun know about hsbc bank? but I know they are a good bank. I only trade in malaysian shares. You did mentioned sometime back about skp when it was 2.20 and you said it will go up because oil & gas was in play - It actually went up - that was a good call and i thought u had some. just a suggestion - you might want to look at pantech - they have very good dividen, good profit and good growth, low pe. it's worth watching and if it drops a little more to .61-62 it's a good entry price. do some research on it if you have time.


2012-08-13 10:26 | Report Abuse

o.k yungsheng I want the best for you only. you seems like a good person.are you holding anything besides knm?is o.k if you dun want to tell i understand. take care


2012-08-13 02:12 | Report Abuse

hehe tarzan - you overstimate me lah with your kind words. I'm just learning from KC :) no tarzan no funlah, hope you come back another life err id lah :) thanks for the laugh as always and also good luck to you - better off be with Jane then the sorhais:)


2012-08-13 01:55 | Report Abuse

Yung Sheng1 - I'm not going to the right issue in details as from what I understand is that some of the proceeds will be going for the 2 stalled projects and some to repay their debts.Only you and general Lee know what they are going to use the money for.
Last year General Lee did mentioned that they were looking at aquisitions to strenghten the company as they have over 500 millions in cash but did not mentioned how they are going to manage their debts which was at 1 billions at that time! ( now I understand their debts has increased and cash is dwindling hence the rights )and their profit guidance is way off so now the sorhai analysts are more careful with their research report target price instead of just taking what Our Hero tells them. Please dun forget the tax incentive from borsig purchase that is helping them hugely on their earnings so far and is going to expire next year - then what????
You do know that this rights will dilute their eps and also increase their caps to over 1.4 billions shares.
KC has covered pretty well your silly argument about General Lee being rich and can easily privatise the company. If the share drops to 30 and you bought at 75 and Lee privatise at 50 - are you still making money??????
dun forget that he nets a coool 64 millions in 2009 selling his shares at about 1 each before they reversed from 4-1.this time when he do another of his privatise stunt nobody will be laughing except him.
KC is kind enough to be drag into this useless counter by us and providing you the counselor guidance for you all lost dellusional Knm Lovers and good that he's finally realise that his precious time can be channeled elsewhere on more promising fundamentally sound counters than wasting his time here! and good that he is doing that now.
Sure like I said many times, if the projects are revived, additional new contracts or RC coming in no doubt the price can shoot up but these are all HOPES. You so cham and lausai everyday until you got no more sai to not tired meh? you have no hurt feelings meh or because you only have 5 lots thus sup sup sui? Like I said earlier I'm with you on this you average down Later but not now assuming you bought at .75 then we together buy at .30 then we wait for goreng time! first we see the quarterly report then we let them settle all the wright and wrong issues first o.k or not? after that we decide o.k or not? I have a plan do you? also I have Selene with me. she is the best and she knows how to take care of the bad guys!
I dun want to keep repeating myself, you understand or not yungsheng1? - if not go back to my previous postings if still not read KC postings repeatly until you do otherwise no more hope for you and ME!


2012-08-12 22:53 | Report Abuse

Yung sheng1 sorry I do not understand! you're right err wright- how can I argue with you when our General Lee is worth 195 millions and you inflated our hero to 1.9BILLIONS!!!!!!. No wonder your target price is so high for KNM up until 2.50 wow better than our uselesss local analysts. which research company you work for? goldman, citi, JP???? now he is bleeding lah maybe worth 100 millions lah. but you will I lose :)


2012-08-11 22:07 | Report Abuse

yungsheng1 did you read the disclaimer???? read it a few times they actually meant what they said about it. don't just read the rosy and pretty part. that is why a lot of suckers are in. comparing knm to genting is like comparing proton to ferrari lah


2012-08-11 20:05 | Report Abuse

bryan you crack me up lah - or iszit my heine? you dunno borsig and predict this knm will go to .70????? wat? you throw darts ar - this is money - buy stock use real money not monopoly monies. I read and read and READ those stupid anal lysts despot reports before investing also lose money and you the dart thrower predict 70cents and dun know who borsig is??? hai ya go back to my heine better lah!


2012-08-11 19:58 | Report Abuse

o.k guys I will again have to talk to our supreme commander lee as to see what is going on with his flagship company the Great KNM that still can have so many dellusional followers despite the bad publicity. This is getting out of hand.

We have tarzan supposed to be uncivilised living in the jungle out-thinking our more civilized human in the bolihland.

KC knm got Borsig lah - German power since 1837- this is their figure still not updated for 2011 -
no profit/loss? but I believe they are contributing to KNM profits since aquiring them.don't understand the german accounting method. Achtung! Have to check the knm shit err sheet lah

Btw KNM also got projects lah - just not close yet - when close? who knows? but if close will be better than sunny city thats for sure lah - price will zoom back to 3.00 as peterpan and octagon are more than 50% of their 'orderbook'. still running on contracts that clinched in 2008 that making losses or have very low margin. have to service massive debt from the purchase of Borsig also. read somewhere from those idiotic analysts that now gone MIA.

sabah - last I heard they form a MOU with Zecon to explore possiblities of something big
- that was sometime back - maybe lapse - no more analysts meeting lah

Ambani - I hope your friends with their 500K managed to curi from the sharks at .60 but becareful lah - these sharks are very dangerous - not easy if you dun believe me you better watch JAWS.

Bro yung sheng1 - you're still my favorite friend - i can understand you now 'hate' me because I have abandoned you. I did tell you to together get out because I woke up one day and saw the shinning light - verlyy bright - i cannot see anything but heard KC and CP shouting get out get out - something Knm and because of my large position i flew out immediately. but since you have small position it's sup sup sui lah. hoping the coming quarter report will be good and you have a chance to get out at whatever price you want:)

8888 - you 're the wise one - dun be surprised that one day you wake up and see another six 8888 on your nick :) you're on your way to sure 8888888888888 lah.

lee ah hai - ya rubbish stock - u r rite also a very stinky one!

wiii collection - should have bought more wii games better than this lousy stocks heh? you could have one custom made for you to shoot at the process equipments and take down the villian Lee for 4K.

Bryan su - 2 months can go to .70 and you think? THINK?????so that means not sure lah? BTW, Are you referring to pantech or knm?

tarzan - I dunno about you but this knm is titanic lah - the people on board worry that if they jump they going to be jack or whatever the hero that saw rose big round boobs name was? and Jack did not survive lah and so are the ones that did not jump and cling to the massive Equipment processors err knm so jump also die dun jump also die - how now?

subnaj - let's hope for the best and pray that Knm wont go to rest!

and last but not least franksoweto - you talk to much lah better go drink more heines:)


2012-08-11 01:57 | Report Abuse

Rain @ 3.57 good for you that you never ave down after listening to the comments posted. Definitely now is not the time to ave down with the co still bleeding,inconclusion to the projects,rights looming etc. It worth watching though starting with their quarterly report coming out soon.They still have some assets and until they get their house sorted out this is a no go! sorry for your losses but you've learnt something well here that you're not Dellusional. You'll go well with people like KC Loh, Bro Chong and Cp.These people live and breath the markets thru their extensive ,though Cp is more towards ST trading while KC & Chong are LT holders.


2012-08-11 01:02 | Report Abuse

ah samsu- lots of e&O chasers will be having samsu come Monday!


2012-08-11 00:46 | Report Abuse

So Tony - hopefully your buy tips are not from the gov source:)