
future | Joined since 2014-02-17

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2015-11-17 18:37 | Report Abuse

Mr boastful is KS55..I can be where I want
Bursa belongs to all remember that
A rich guy never shows their belonging..only small fish like u shows off ur money
Shame of u..play with ur grandchildren la


2015-11-17 06:30 | Report Abuse

But anyhow guys .27 is good buy too Better than the nut promotes at .31


2015-11-17 06:28 | Report Abuse

Ya guys Ks55 is boastful and unreliable, Lionind is better and stable
Thanks doNfollowbliNdly...you judge rightly


2015-11-14 22:57 | Report Abuse

Congrats for having 700k...Getting cheaper
I will buy more around .25...relax first look look and enjoy show first from you
I feed milk to ur children if all ur money stuck..just ask me..it will be good deeds done


2015-11-13 00:34 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the comment...ur language ks55 shows how cheapskate u are..
I parked with 3 trances...each 100k at different time...shows how bodoh ur maths is..
Clearly shows how u..ks55 slapping urself..piety u...sadlah got so bodoh mathematics teacher


2015-11-12 20:48 | Report Abuse

Faham-faham la if 100 lots is 100,000 units
People from new thought school like ks55 thinks is 10,000 units.
So keep money for ur growing children
If u want to buy RM2.8k better go and sell wan tan mee la also can earn


2015-11-12 15:26 | Report Abuse

Just got 100 lots currently


2015-11-12 14:59 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55... Parked 300 lots at .285 and another 200 at .28
Liondiv ..thanks for reminding..going to buy fresh at .075..250 lots
All to pick up
My cost is better


2015-11-11 23:30 | Report Abuse

This counter is getting attractive...


2015-11-11 23:20 | Report Abuse

Ks55 become Tipu Sifu and making a big loss in Mulpha
I think u are broke now as all bullets are gone
Only those who thinks bad of others are actually facing bad days
I will start buy on tomorrow if it is red and wait for more bargain later
Kudos for ur comment on 6th nov..big slap on u...hehehe


2015-11-11 23:14 | Report Abuse

Change ur name to hng or others..u got no modal to talk ..only can say babies and no money
I think it is u who


2015-11-11 12:22 | Report Abuse

Cock story is this...changing his stand as mentioned
Earlier said buy 30.5...haiyah susah la.. Keep ur money to buy susu for ur grandchildren
ks55 Downside of Mulpha now capped at 25 sen.
Maximum you can lose now if you buy at 30 sen is 17%.
If up to 36 sen, you will make 20%.
Just weigh the probability whether you should make or break.
11/11/2015 09:08


2015-11-11 12:18 | Report Abuse

KS55...told u that u talk cock
I will start buying now onwards


2015-11-10 18:44 | Report Abuse

Ks55..u waste ur energy on telling people talk cock...
How much u knows is also cock story
I know what I bought but not u knew it bcos I have not reveal to you..
Anyhow best of luck
Ur anger I will react with patience


2015-11-06 22:51 | Report Abuse

Don't worry Sifu Tipu ...u can buy at 15cent ...just wait for ur little money left


2015-11-06 22:47 | Report Abuse

Ks55 is old junk ...acting on emisional
Don't worry what I buy non of ur business
I know what and when to sell after buying
Unlike u keep on changing names after bad failure in Lionind
I know u lost a lot there..that's why u still monitoring that counter
Best luck to you..I am more rasional than you.
U only knows on babies n underpants


2015-11-06 11:55 | Report Abuse

Gogooo..hold on tightly
Dont sell quickly.. keep long term


2015-11-03 10:15 | Report Abuse

GO,go,go....hold tight all


2015-10-29 23:29 | Report Abuse

Ks55 u look like a gay


2015-10-29 23:29 | Report Abuse

Look at my SAM posting u will know how much I have sold..just to show whether u jealous of me or u need my money.
For info my kids don't need milk anymore..they are independent
Be a man..don't bring third person in


2015-10-29 23:25 | Report Abuse

Hey disguise man don't have to portray all this show my winning streak too..


2015-10-29 22:11 | Report Abuse

Hold tight..it will come


2015-10-29 21:49 | Report Abuse

Told you sifu KS55 is Tipu one...he go around and promoting only after buying..the herd mentality
Then he uses different account to support the first opinion, ex hng 33 to support ks55
He sold his underpants.. Now hiding only when Mulpha moves again he will start boasting again and downplay others
My take is buy at 30cent n below but cut loss of breaks at 27 ...this is good area to look at.. Unlike ks55 ask to buy high and go hide out


2015-10-22 08:12 | Report Abuse

My target reaAched 7.80
Sold yesterday
Few more que to sell 8.00


2015-10-20 20:48 | Report Abuse

This kayu KS55 said he makes more money when it goes to 15cent.How idiotic he is.currently is 30.5cent.How could he make more money since he bought at 30 cent.
Pls comment.


2015-10-20 20:41 | Report Abuse

Hahaaa..u idiot KS55 lost money on Mulpha and scolding me for losing money.
U fool if think can buy at 15sen..why then buy now
Your rascal thought is sought only by contra players like you
Cut loss if go below 27 cent but buy at 28,29 cent to 30 cent
Don't be emisional like KS55 when playing with stock
Your money is your desire..let others condem you because only winners knew their standing like me..thanks at least I knew what KS55 is crying for


2015-10-19 22:58 | Report Abuse

Hi KS55 come out la u Tipu fellow
Ask everyone to follow u..now don't dare to talk
Wait la one two days. the moment it goes up 0.5cent he will open his big mouth
Buy at 0.30 cent and below


2015-10-16 18:05 | Report Abuse

Ya..moving slowly
More to come..still holding


2015-10-16 18:00 | Report Abuse

Haha...told u buy n keep Mulpha
Don't trade, only aka KS55 trade to buy a can of milk,haha
You make me laugh looking at ur posting..shows how old you are must be more 55..and getting senile
Your emotional control is bad,
Buy more Mulpha at .29...this is my call


2015-10-15 22:55 | Report Abuse

This is not trading stock..u need to buy n keep it..very high liquidity
Only can be goreng by big fund manager related to MCA. This counter only traded by small Chikus like KS55 will not move the counter...pls listen to ur heart as investing is ur own decision...no body cares if u earn 6% just to pay GST as he only bought 2lots...just nice to pay brokerage


2015-10-15 22:42 | Report Abuse

Bought Mulpha at .29 cent ..much earlier than Sifu(aka recharged Tipu ) recommended
Making Money...picked up and don't play contra
The underpants sifu ...he calls others with this name...actually has been changing names after kena his Lionind earlier days..pls don't disguise ur earlier name to KS55..be a man if u lost ur underpants
He has revealed to his buddy on this and this info received from this buddy whom KS55 conned.
Pls be careful of a person opens other people's weakness but disguises himself after being a loser
At least I remain with my name although recommended some stocks..but remember not necessary buying it


2015-10-14 15:06 | Report Abuse

Haaaaa recharged tipu is a good label for ks55
That's why he quiet, kena already ma
Loser Sifu


2015-10-14 15:04 | Report Abuse

KS55 ur .36 only come after ur contra period or in Nov


2015-10-14 14:47 | Report Abuse

KS55..wt happen? Recharged sifu!


2015-10-13 23:26 | Report Abuse

Ure sifu who predicted adverserly..opposite direction
But Lionind went up today


2015-10-13 23:24 | Report Abuse

U re loser ks55
ks55 Mulpha battery recharged.
If it can clear 34 sen, price may up by 15% today. i.e 36 sen.
Just wait till 4.50pm.
12/10/2015 15:26


2015-10-12 01:59 | Report Abuse

Ure Worry of ur own shadow ks55


2015-10-12 01:46 | Report Abuse

Ks55 ..u good in digging Other peopleS information but not u who has been changing identity
Why not portray to winninG streak when I bought Lionind at 24cent. Where were u to comment?
Coward guy and crying like the baby at the school yard


2015-10-11 01:31 | Report Abuse

Loser are those who condemn others first and produce ego of show off..its you ks55


2015-10-11 00:37 | Report Abuse

Ks55 ..u only inform after buying 2cents CheapEr


2015-10-10 23:41 | Report Abuse

You don't have to listen to ks55 To buy Mulpha..stick to your decision to buy anything..he is not paying if u loose


2015-08-23 11:11 | Report Abuse

Jack...sold 50,000 that was bought at .24 n will buy more when it comes lower!!
Not loosing underpants!!


2015-08-23 11:01 | Report Abuse

Jack...sold 50,000 that was bought at .24 n will buy more when it comes back lower..made 2k rather losing underpants!!


2015-08-23 00:43 | Report Abuse

future U Was once the sifu asking people to buy when it was expensive..after kena underpants lelong U change name and start doing moral judgement
Myself bought today at .24...see urself the tracking
13/08/2015 23:01
KS55..bought n made money
Sorry did not listen to you to wait at 20c...trust urself not others who have lost their underpants
Agree with u Martin 555
23/08/2015 00:40


2015-08-13 23:01 | Report Abuse

U Was once the sifu asking people to buy when it was expensive..after kena underpants lelong U change name and start doing moral judgement
Myself bought today at .24...see urself the tracking


2015-08-05 21:55 | Report Abuse

My mother old lady, put her aside. Maybe ur wife or daughter since u started it!
Loose money is urs win also Urs so cheers la
Don't write with emosion, others too knows how to revert back!


2015-08-05 21:33 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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angelinaloke Ks55 stucked a lot ? 20c at end month ?\
05/08/2015 20:53\
YA ...ks55..did u buy a lot?anyhow it is ur money. Notice u playing too many drama by having multiple account and name.\
You are intellectual so don't be angry ya..u not my brother as my father do not know ur mother.will tell you if I know any of your sisters\uc0\u55357 \u56835 \u55357 \u56835 Cheers ya just joke\u55357 \u56879 }