
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2022-01-08 00:14 | Report Abuse

It is estimated that, by 2030, China will overtake the U.S. as the world's largest economy, with a GDP of 33.7 trillion dollars, compared to 30.5 trillion dollars; this margin of more than three trillion is predicted to increase to almost 13 trillion over the subsequent five year period.

Good News!?
Date of change 07 Jan 2022
Age 73
Gender Male
Nationality Hong Kong
Profession Chartered Accountant.

Date of change 07 Jan 2022
Age 62
Gender Male
Nationality Hong Kong
Profession Lawyer.

Wise Checkmate, efficient management, collaboration with Chinese companies, High Possiblity!?


2022-01-07 22:54 | Report Abuse

Good News!?
Date of change 07 Jan 2022
Age 73
Gender Male
Nationality Hong Kong

Date of change 07 Jan 2022
Age 62
Gender Male
Nationality Hong Kong
Collaboration with Chinese companies, High Possiblity!?


2022-01-07 18:02 | Report Abuse

Actually Asian Philosophers already reached, College or University!? Especially those in India n China!?
Western Philosophy probably just going into Elementary school;
What they know about planetary alignment n influenced on Humanity; for example if the Moon, takes a longer periods; new n full moon, then woman fertility, probably takes a year!?
Calamities of water, fire n wind!?
Average lifespan will decrease!?


2022-01-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

Humanity too complacent; Usually are those Too Much Freedom Countries; US highest deaths n infected citizens; Daily average in ICU #20K; deaths #1.5K!?
Ignorance created All these Hells; but they dreamt it's Heavens!?
At present more doctors n nurses are infected; no proper usages of PPEs; Predicted long time ago; patients n doctors also died!?


2022-01-06 21:50 | Report Abuse

Two cases of simultaneous flu and COVID-19 infections have been detected in the United States
The first was discovered at Texas Children's Hospital; The patient was not hospitalized and is recovering at home
The second case was discovered in a child from Mexico whose family was vacationing in Southern California
The patient was in 'fairly good condition' with 'very mild symptoms that could easily be confused for sinusitis'
The US cases come just days after the first case of Flurona, found in a young pregnant woman, was diagnosed in Israel
Health experts expect to see an increasing number of co-infections, especially in kids whose immune symptoms haven't yet been exposed to common illnesses.

Humankind never learn from past Pandemics; that's why these Pathogens cannot coexist with Humanity; creating forever Enmity; just like humanity creating hatred among race, religion, border, idealogy, n conflict with all living beings!?
Why we cannot live in Harmony; as Human Being!?

The mantra "no one is safe, unless everyone is safe" has often been heard from the WHO and other experts who say the pandemic won't be over until everyone is protected.

"I can't emphasize sufficiently that there's no escaping that logic," Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London, told CNBC earlier this week.

"This isn't altruism or aid or anything, this is the global escape strategy from something that we're all suffering together. Unless we can share out the vaccines and produce enough vaccines for everybody, the next variant is just around the corner."


2022-01-06 08:06 | Report Abuse

Freedom; Good!? More testing more PPEs are used!?
Those who advocate wearing a pair of glove, will transmit COVID; n destroying livelihood of glove companies; then they must be infected with COVID!? I really hope they get infected!?
They are Humankind greatest Sins!?


2022-01-05 13:34 | Report Abuse

Home Health News France Detects New COVID-19 Variant 'IHU', More Infectious Than Omicron: All We Know About It
France detects new COVID-19 variant 'IHU', more infectious than Omicron: All we know about it
The new variant — B.1.640.2 — which has been detected in 12 patients near Marseille, contains 46 mutations, making it more resistant to vaccines and infectious

FP Staff
January 04, 2022 13:23:51 IST
France detects new COVID-19 variant 'IHU', more infectious than Omicron: All we know about it
Pedestrians, some wearing protective face masks to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, walk in street market, in Paris. AP

Even as the world battles the uptick in COVID-19 cases owing to the Omicron variant, scientists in France have found another variant.

The discovery of the variant, dubbed B.1.640.2, was announced in a paper posted on medRxiv.

Called IHU, as of now, the strain was discovered by academics based at the IHU Mediterranee Infection on 10 December.

Here’s what we know so far of this new COVID-19 variant:

• Researchers say that it contains 46 mutations — even more than Omicron — which makes it more resistant to vaccines and infectious.
• Some 12 cases have been spotted so far near Marseille, with the first linked to travel to the African country Cameroon.
• Tests show the strain carries the N501Y mutation — first seen on the Alpha variant — that experts believe can make it more transmissible
• According to the scientists, it also carries the E484K mutation, which could mean that the IHU variant will be more resistant to vaccines.
• It is yet to be spotted in other countries or labelled a variant under investigation by the World Health Organization.


2022-01-05 13:18 | Report Abuse

The Price of Freedom=Deadly Variants Coming Soon!?
Last year was an earnings growth of #600/700%!?
This year an increase of #350%; U can see Bull!?


2022-01-05 11:43 | Report Abuse

The Omicron variant accounts for almost two-thirds of US cases
The US has recorded more than one million new Covid cases as officials warn the peak of a fast-spreading Omicron surge is still to come.

A record 1,080,211 cases were reported on Monday - the highest one-day tally of new cases anywhere in the world, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The Omicron variant accounts for the majority of cases in the US.
President Joe Biden, who is facing criticism over his response, called for schools to stay open despite the surge.
Peak Yet to Come; DelmiCron; Flurona; other variants...Coming Soon!?


2022-01-05 09:32 | Report Abuse

USA Today;
The CDC will update its Covid-19 isolation guidance imminently, source says
It follows a record-high number of new Covid-19 cases among children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

The US had more than 325,000 new cases among children during the week ending December 30, according to data published this week by the AAP, marking a 64% increase in new childhood cases compared to the previous week, the AAP said.
And across all age groups, Covid-19 hospitalizations reached a new milestone.

On Tuesday, 112,941 Americans were hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services.
The new figure far exceeds peak hospitalizations during the Delta variant surge -- nearly 104,000 in early September.
It's also creeping toward the pandemic-high number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in a single day -- 142,246, on January 14 of last year.

Paid the Price of Freedom!?


2022-01-04 22:45 | Report Abuse

US own actions, created such scenario, who do they want to blame, Be Responsible for their own Actions; Cause n Effect is Natural Action!?
Creating a Kingdom of Hell!?


2022-01-04 21:23 | Report Abuse

Jim Rogers;
Texas CEO Magazine: That had to be special. Texas thinks of itself almost as another country, but there is a whole world out there that Texas CEOs should educate themselves on.
Obviously, China is an area of interest for you. Do you think China’s the country of the 21st century?

Rogers: Yes. China is the only country in world history that’s had recurring periods of greatness. They’ve been great three or four times.
Egypt was great only once. Rome was great only once. Great Britain was great only once.
But China, for whatever reason, has collapsed three or four times and come back to the top again and again. They are certainly going to have problems, though, just as we had in America as we rose.
By #2050; Space Exploration n Space Ships; mostly are written in Chinese Character; what u see Now; in another #10/20 years; U are entirely Wrong!?
Even another #18/24 months; Not #100% Accurate!?


2022-01-04 21:14 | Report Abuse

Up_again Danny, best to go through their annual reports. Harta has a cash hoard of Rm 5b, Sx rm 3.5b , Kossan close to Rm 3b
Top glove on the other hand depleted it by constant share buy backs which they will have to make provisions for later

For some of the big 4, industry wide loss is strategic, can do acquisition which is cheaper than organic growth
04/01/2022 6:53 PM

TopGlov focus on what they know better, to be Top, One Stop Healthcare Products Centre!?
Horizontally n Vertically Integrated; that's the durable competitive advantage, against its competitors!?


2022-01-04 21:05 | Report Abuse

That's their Actions!?
That's why highest deaths, n infected citizens, EU n N. America!? Imagine almost #1M deaths in US alone of #4.5M!? US n UK number #1 Useless n weak government!?
China no nonsense zero tolerance; #3 cases; 1.5M are tested!?
That's why cause n effect; they answered for it; don't blame China Virus!?
Understand LapSap Dogs!?


2022-01-03 19:39 | Report Abuse

He added, "while no country is out of the woods from the pandemic, we have many new tools to prevent and treat Covid-19. The longer inequity continues, the higher the risks of this virus evolving in ways we can't prevent or predict. If we end vaccines inequity, we end the pandemic".
Selfishness n Destroying expired vaccines, that's why COVID cannot end, mutating viruses become stronger n deadly!?
Even rich countries are boostering their citizens; mutated COVID will still kill them, nobody can run away, it's Humanity greatest Sins!?
No God is greatest than Cause n Effect!?
Be Prepared to get infected, just like common flu, but it's more deadly anyway!?
Glove companies will have at least higher earnings, for another #2/3 years; without a single glove sold, they can cash burn for #3 years!?


2022-01-02 21:25 | Report Abuse

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Omicron infections appear no less severe than Delta; COVID-19 lowers sperm count, motility
By Nancy Lapid

Humankind almost all will be infected; COVID n its Variants are here to reduce Human Beings; that's their main Goal!? To Kill n to Sterilise Humanity!?


2022-01-01 19:28 | Report Abuse

The Shorty; I am short anyway;
Jim Rogers shorted six companies and was wiped out.
“Within the next two or three years, every one of those six companies I had shorted went bankrupt, and I was a genius...Which put me in the mind of saying,
“If you're so smart, then why aren't you rich?”
Jim Rogers.
“This was the perfect example of being smart and not being rich. I had been so smart I went broke. I did not know what the markets were capable of.”

“On Wall Street there’s no truer adage, I learned, than the one attributed erroneously to John Maynard Keynes: ‘Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.'”
Do your homework; then lucky break will happen; Be Focused!?


2021-12-31 21:03 | Report Abuse

After two years, we now know this virus well. We know the proven measures to control transmission: mask use, avoiding crowds, maintaining physical distancing, practicing hand and respiratory hygiene, opening windows for ventilation, testing and contact tracing. We know how to treat the disease it causes and improve the chances of survival for people suffering serious illness. With all these learnings and capacities, the opportunity to turn this pandemic around for good is in our grasp.

WHO becoming Wiser!?
But many countries ain't doing it, plus vaccines inequity, n worst case scenario, boosted also can go ICU, mutated Variants will destroy those vaccines!?


2021-12-31 17:19 | Report Abuse

Where are those LapSap Dogs...Still Waiting for #0.80/1.50...No more Barking...Maybe kena OmiCron...Heavy Night Sweat...(◠‿◕)


2021-12-30 18:16 | Report Abuse

Since the Omicron wave had not been fully established in the broader population, Ryan said he' s a little nervous to make positive predictions until we see how well the vaccine protection is going to work in those older and more vulnerable populations.

Already more than 5M deaths; Still complacent; what to do; if follow China zero tolerance; then only 5K deaths!? All countries lockdown, zero tolerance, then 50K deaths!?
But they want to die faster, can go Kingdom of God!?
On Earth cannot behave properly; then over there sama juga!?
That's why how Ignorance is Humanity!?
More to come lah, invisible viruses can kill millions or billions; what about Nature!?


2021-12-30 17:26 | Report Abuse
Glove Demand in all industries; Growth is Inevitable;
with or without Pandemic!?
Of course Pandemic created extraordinary demand n profit; because of supply chain disruption!?


2021-12-28 20:46 | Report Abuse

No Conclusive Scientific Solutions; Mutations will Continue; no question about it!?
Future Mutated Variants, more worrying; Coming Soon; because Humanity creates it anyway!?


2021-12-28 12:43 | Report Abuse
OmiCron; almost as Infectious as Measle; Every Flu like symptoms; patients are swab tested; full PPEs;
Extraordinary Demand Coming Quarters!?


2021-12-27 13:02 | Report Abuse

China Bullet Trains won't Derail!?
27/12/2021 12:56 PM

TopGlov is right On Track; listing n collaborating with Chinese integrated manufacturing Hubs!?


2021-12-27 12:50 | Report Abuse

Disruption of global Supply Chains; causing Inflation; because they 'Utang' too much!?


2021-12-27 12:45 | Report Abuse

Karma is Action; Body, Mind n life Energy!?
That's why deaths from COVID-19 are mostly western citizens; because of their own actions; they are responsible for their own destiny!?


2021-12-26 20:29 | Report Abuse
Predicting OmiCron Variant!?
Scientists are seeing footprints; not the real abdominal snowman!?
So don't be Smart Alex!?


2021-12-25 12:00 | Report Abuse

Hey …
I found this blog from Sadhguru interesting and useful.
Just thought, you might also like it.
Jesus Christ Superstar
Merry Christmas!


2021-12-24 20:26 | Report Abuse

Ryan83 Glove business still profitable and annual growth 8-10% as Omicron variant causing new record high 950,000+ new cases yesterday..... Hospitals in US and Europe will be overwhelmed with Covid patients by mid to end January
24/12/2021 6:32 PM

#1,200% Phenomenal N Super Extraordinary Earnings; in a year!? More than the past #30 years, added!?
Nobody anticipate such earnings growth; even though those who have invested in glove business, the past years, of average earnings growth of #10/15%, yoy!?
Even if without much earnings growth, or flat; only DY;
PEx, should be around #7/8x!? Fair Value; towards its normal earnings!?
Mr. Market is always illogical; those lines of imperfection are many variables to analyse, it's just like temperament, no perfect numbers!?
It's between too Extremes!? U decide yourself!?


2021-12-22 20:37 | Report Abuse

lawrgan Taikor waited for so long for shortists and Macai Macai to shot it down so that Taikor can buy more to average. Macam bad news all can’t bring the price lower anymore.
22/12/2021 6:25 PM

@<2.00; So many Buyers!? Those shorties must have gone Crazy!?; At present scenario!? Demand for Healthcare Gloves; will become desperados...Coming Soon...Every Clinics n Checkpoints multiple tests; plus communities testing!?


2021-12-22 18:08 | Report Abuse

Fourth Shot on the card in Israel; more vaccines, more mutating viruses; so it's all artificial; vaccines n viruses; Only Natural Immunity can save Humanity!?


2021-12-22 14:04 | Report Abuse

Gloves don't depend much on Pandemic; without it; glove companies still make an increased profits, yoy, paying out dividends n bonuses!?
It's because of Pandemic n extraordinary profits, that many are jealous of glove business!?

The past #30 years profits combined, cannot beat #2021, profit of #7.8 Billions!?
If it continues to Profit for #3 years, then the past #40 years also cannot beat!? Even for many companies in Bursa!? That's why many are so ...Jealous!?!?!?


2021-12-22 13:57 | Report Abuse

successor26 You are the reason this MoU was signed to bring in workers from Bangladesh.
Because of your greed and selfishness Malaysia has appointed another country to provide security guards for Malaysian firms for the first time. Ex army and police Nepali ‘s had lost their source of income due to you and you only.

It is only fair you come out clean and stop misleading these poor migrants. These people live hand to mouth back in Nepal but by working in oversea they were able to provide a home, food, clothes and improve their general living condition. The blood is in your hand Mr Hall. You are the sole reason these migrant workers are going to suffer. I will do everything in my capacity to expose the truth about you. This will be the last time you will take advantage of these poor people. You are a TRAITOR to these poor people Mr Hall!

successor26; Great Job!?
All loopholes, plus big $$$ involved, economically n politically!?
Gloves don't depend much on Pandemic; without it; glove companies still make an increased profits, yoy, paying out dividends n bonuses!?
It's because of Pandemic n extraordinary profits, that many are jealous of glove business!?