Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Logic errors may permeate any pharma line of attacks.

example as follows:-
car accidents may cause deaths.
not all deaths are caused by car accidents.

a dedicated tauopathy solution may not address the entire population of Alzheimer conditions. Such drugs may only cater to certain subset of Alzheimer patients and NOT all Alzheimer patients as a population total.
Removing jargon => Such drugs sometimes works and sometimes does not work.

Food for thought =>
Yoshiyama et al. (2007), show that hippocampal synaptic loss is observed before NFT formation. Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) are intracellular aggregates of
hyperphosphorylated tau protein that are most commonly known as a primary biomarker of Alzheimer's disease.

Essentially Yoshiyama says Alzheimer can happen without NFTs formation. So any drugs targeting prevention of NFTs will not work ALL the time as Alzheimer drugs.

As already pointed out by Michael's doctor friend, death may occur. This reason is due to recent findings that tau itself is a transport mechanism necessary for synaptic action. Any drugs that removes or wipes off too much rubbish tau may result in synaptic failure leading to death.

Davies (1987) Synaptic damage is an early event in AD and synapse loss correlates with cognitive deficits even more strongly than the number of NFTs.


16 hours ago | Report Abuse

Theranos reportedly raised roughly $724 million of capital from venture capitalists and private investors, ultimately attaining a valuation of $10 billion. Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes claimed that the company had developed a new technology to test blood,


16 hours ago | Report Abuse

trying hard?
all this Alzheimer Basic Facts had been known for over 30 years.

Just like the EV, Chinese call cars, Theen Cheh => Electric Car
In 1888, the German Andreas Flocken designed the Flocken Elektrowagen, regarded by some as the first "real" electric car. In 1890, Andrew Morrison introduced the first electric car to the United States.

=> There is nothing new under the sun. 😁


17 hours ago | Report Abuse

well Michael
anything is way better than nothing at all.
Many will pay millions for extra seconds of lucidity while having sex in old age.

Currently we do NOT have the .............."God Technology"
1) to edit the Hayflick Limit
2) to reactivate already deactivated stem cells inside brain. My wild speculation is that there may well be a hidden Hayflick Limit here as well.


17 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hayflick limit breached for most local circuit neuron cells aka inter neurons.
Neuron stem cells in sub-ventricular zone also deactivated.

Once this 2 Key Events occurs, nature effectively kills the brain by accumulation of rubbish, ie Tau and amyloids.
Cleaning the brain of rubbish is not much help. 😁
1) The computer had ran out of memory space. No new experience is possible.
2) Old memory continues to decay.

Its time to meet your Maker. 😁


17 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hayflick limit breached for most local circuit neuron cells aka inter neurons.
Neuron stem cells in sub-ventricular zone also deactivated.
Neuron can no longer divide or extend dendrites.
submachines continue to produce amyloid which are the tube channels for dendrites.
Since dendrites can no longer extend, amyloid builds up.
Tau production builds up since sensors detect amyloid. Positive feedback loop.
The Tau effectively binds amyloid into bunches as dendrites extends. Its like a rubber band around pasta of amyloids.

since neurons and dendrites no longer grows, both Tau and amyloids builds up in the car park space used in kicap example as rubbish strewn inside brain. The Tau is very reactive and functions as storage binder for the amyloids.

Removing the rubbish accumulation of Tau and amyloids does not solve the root problem of the Hayflick Limit breached and neuron stem cells deactivated.

Like I already said many times, just addresses the symptoms.


23 hours ago | Report Abuse

Going back to RM0.20 per share


2 days ago | Report Abuse

Alzheimer research is still at the Elephant and Blind Men Stage.
Various research groups in the world, being totally different blind men only sees and address different parts of elephant body.

Consider a specialised cell say a neuron in the brain as say = a Kicap Factory.
Every submachine in the Kicap Factory, has a unit counter and stops working once limit is reached, essentially a “Hayflick Limit”
A situation say a covid-19 infection, “production of ink”, essentially you hijacked the Kicap Factory to produce ink aka covid-19 molecules and no longer wanted product Kicap.
Production inside the cell has been hijacked to produce molecules of Covid-19 instead. Kicap Factory hijacked to make ink and not Kicap. Unit counters in every submachine inside Kicap Factory continues running even though making “wrong product” of ink. Due to non-stop running abuse, 1 or more submachines inside kicap factory aka neuron had reached lifetime limit producing ink and stops working. Say example, carton box packing machine stops working and kicap bottles are no longer packed.
So what you see outside kicap factory car park area are lots of carton boxes and bottles of kicap since carton boxes and kicap bottles no longer consumed for packaging. So you see amyloid beta protein and tau proteins inside brain. Production line is stalled.
=> Some smart feller now says Alzheimer is caused by carton boxes aka tau proteins.
=> Another research group elsewhere in the world says Alzheimer? it’s the kicap bottles no longer packed aka amyloid beta protein.

All are correct and all are wrong.

So it’s a miracle that those infected by covid-19 gets higher risk of Alzheimers?
Answer is no.
The Hayflick limit had been breached in submachines so those infected by covid-19 gets Alzheimers is considered a given known normal event.
Some viruses, covid-19 included, always runs those submachines inside cell non-stop 24/7/365 because newly evolved viruses “knows” it has a limited time span to produce. Viruses can be destructive machine runners. Whereas normal cell activity always stops and rests for submachine repair and maintenance.

So totally different Alzheimer drugs approved by FDA addressed the same symptom problem in totally different ways as an extremely short term solution.

All Alzheimer drugs are of help and all are of no help.

Once the Hayflick Limit had been breached. Its already luncheon meat time for those brain cells.

News & Blogs

2 days ago | Report Abuse

buy cheap
buy Petaling Street punya Bolex instead of certified Rolex 🤣


3 days ago | Report Abuse

in Malaysia, debt no need to pay one 👍🤣


3 days ago | Report Abuse

GenM profits are going up exponentially.

This means that it is an excellent time to short GenM to hell and back, hopefully RM1.80???


3 days ago | Report Abuse

its way cheaper for Petronas to buy back any or all assets from sap sap Sapuall Liquidator and then hire back all staff just like Exxon case.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

be careful!
if PNB dumps it only means PNB doing a "THHeavy exercise" and then liquidation, if like AAX only paid RM0.005 per RM1.00
after all, already been there done that.

News & Blogs

4 days ago | Report Abuse

b4 buying any type/sort of warrants, write a last Will and Testament first.
otherwise your purchased warrants will follow you into afterlife.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

IR job is to give out Diaries, Calendars, red and green angpaus plus miserly discount vouchers. 😁

not to answer questions.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

When you can change the “Hayflick limit", you have become God.

In order to cure Alzheimers, you must change the “Hayflick limit"

you must become God to cure Alzheimers. 😁
Is that so difficult to understand?
This is basic secondary school biological science which I studied umpteen years ago from Malaysia science stream.
Ada pigi pondok sekolah lah. 😁


4 days ago | Report Abuse

“Hayflick limit"

Cell division diseases like Alzheimers are well known.
Remember this
=> The “Hayflick limit” cannot be changed.
=> There is no cure.
=> What we know is that when cell environs are nutritous, cell division occurs more frequently. Overweight people tend towards shorter lifespans as the “Hayflick limit" is reached way sooner.

It is just like computer games where the programmer decides how many times you can be reborn before final death occurs.

God had given humans 50-70 times cell renewals before the “Hayflick limit" is reached and everyone dies. 😁

The DNA cannot be manipulated to reduce the “Hayflick limit" otherwise the default human genome is triggered, something like a Down Syndrome occurs from DNA mistakes.

Food for Thought =>
Dementia. People with Down syndrome have a greatly increased risk of dementia — signs and symptoms may begin around age 50. Having Down syndrome also increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

If Biden died Genting share price will drop

If Biden did not die, Genting share price also drop 😁


4 days ago | Report Abuse

I have no idea what is going on, I must have really missed many episodes in this Drama Series.
One headful of mists. 😂


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Genting is always in Deja Vu just like the movie starring Denzel Washington.

a non-stop cycle of rewinding the movie again and again to Start point.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Is the BOD is con_firming, broadcasting, X'ing, Youtubing, Instagramming, Tik Tokkkkkkkkkkking, Facebooking, saying and telling the power plant is a rotten apple, zero value, not worth buying????

When you dun want something, economic theory says product has zero value to you.
By extension and conclusion, Jaks must write off entire value to power plant to zero.

Posted by Sslee > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Warchest did the BOD address on why jaks did not take up the addition 10% JHDP option?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Today, the production risers are blocked, transformer may blow soon. 😁


1 week ago | Report Abuse

no worries
tomorrow back to 4.60


1 week ago | Report Abuse

thats where sslee is always wrong; as usual.

nothing wrong to ass_u_me that Free Money grows on trees intended to be taken free.

nothing wrong to ass_u_me that suckers (small s) intend to donate RM20 Billion Free Money to CapA

nothing wrong to ass_u_me that Aetherium intends to file the F-4
[direct from US Securities Exchange Commission Edgar => Pursuant to the previous compliance plan, the Company still intends to file the Form F-4 before a decision is made on the Company’s appeal to the filing of the Form 25-NSE.]

until today Serba Dinamik punya Karim intends to pay off all creditors and all Bonds 👍😁

I also intend to marry Ms World, Ms Universe, Ms Malaysia all in 1 nite.
I have no idea whether they intend to marry me. 😁


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

no reason to pay you, when ultimately will be delisted later, my money is my money 😁


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Yes but other companies shares climbed because they have the skillset to do the core business.

Give it some time
and fresh newbies nexgen will not know that Armada has zero skillset operating an FPSO resulting in transformer blowouts 👍😘


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

when you fail to put energy in, circumference of line solidifies like arterial plaque, liquid pressure rises and current climbs to infinity, if the cut out fails either in quantity or time, transformer blows. 👍😁


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

buy Friday
sell Monday

does this hypothesis work?

both GenM and Gent already tested and bounced off bottom
anytime now,
unless there are some huge bad news like change of Malaysian Gobermen etc etc


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

in FPSO business you need to put in huge energy to get energy out.
Transformers only outlast lifetime of FPSO when used in a steady state operation basis.

a lot of fansi drifted away after the fiasco. 😁


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

price today already factored in the cashflow from commencement of charter business


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I propose a change in business direction to do AI and datacenter since people are starting to dump these AI datacenter shares as well


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

more Big Shareholders exit.

will the nexgen continue in the polluting oil business?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Big shareholders still throwing all.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

already 4 years of refusal by Master Suckers and suckers (small s) to give RM20 Billion Free Money to CapA.

what is another 2 months extension?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

without confirmation of Billions RM Free Money from Suckers (small s), nothing can be done.

Anyhow, I approve the CapA PN17 extension for another 100 years. 👍😁


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Serbadk punya Karim said he intend to pay all them bonds, all creditors also. See what happened?

I say I intend to marry Ms World, Ms Malaysia and or Ms Universe all together in 1 night.

Aetherium says quote "Pursuant to the previous compliance plan, the Company still intends to file Form F-4 " unquote

Ha Ha Ha 🤣

"The compliance plan relied on the Company to file Form F-4 related to the announced Business Combination Agreement with Capital A Berhad signed on February 28, 2024. "


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

its red
mike🐀 got worried selling to pay Alor massage girl

actually nothing to worry about.
I will propose to Gobermen to sell all highways, all airports, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and also Parliament House to CapA for RM1.00.

still some money shortfall after all that Gobermen selling; to be paid for by Free Money from Suckers


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

4.00 is no longer the magic figure.
likely sub 4.00


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

whenever I see any homosexual puppy love crush, I always find it very weird.
come on, posting at 3am in the morning?
go and get your own real life gay boy rather than be fixated on virtual sslee at 3 am on a Sunday morning 🤣


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

according to sslee, Lessors and shareholders like mike🐀 only want RM0.005 for every RM1.00 owed.
the rest of the money RM0.995, they refused to accept payment
so Lessors and shareholders like mike🐀 refused money for the Greater Good, Communism style. 🤣


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

In Communism, no one is responsible for anything. Its Everybody punya fault.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Accounting is certified by auditors,
but Liabilities are not payable since Lessors do not want the payment at all from CapA
so the Total amount of liabilities are randomised by the amount that Lessors refused to take the money from CapA

wonderful right?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

So far Communism style Free Money had been working for CapA. 🤣


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

With Free Money, liabilities are always randomised to the how much you say it is.

whether RM20 Billion or RM40 Billion is not relevant since you do not need to pay for it, its Free Money


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

CapA Total expenses grew way faster than total revenue every year.
That happens when you always get free money, there is no need to worry about Total expenses at all.
Free money for CapA is expected to continue forever until Jesus comes so no need to control Total Expenses which is always way higher than Total Revenue.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Free money is exactly like Communism.
No need to worry about expenses control coz the flow of Free Money is expected to continue.

When you incur RM20 Billion liabilities, you just get more Free Money from Rakyat to pay for it.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

anyhow I was shocked the global warming turbulence had started 50 years ahead of time.
In future all airlines died violently, only way to travel is by sea.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

How CapA investors' brain works: -
for your info
in 2024 RM1 Trillion worth of gold and diamonds are dicsovered under the seats of all AA planes.

and everyone lived happily ever after


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Item 20 is the politically incorrect place to look for new borrowings

CapA had always repeat always been insolvent
even in good times CapA, always needed a page 7 activity/ies
2 options
borrow more money, 351 in this case
and or
refuse to pay lessors in comparative QR

all options used up in this illustrative Bursa Report ha ha ha 🤣


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

why think when the mike🐀 confessed can get stock tips from Alor massage girl?

Alor massage girl was screaming Jack! Jack! do it do it
so mike🐀 bought Jaks and the rest was history .....