
ingwong | Joined since 2012-06-04 17:36:24

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2013-03-20 10:51 | Report Abuse

@ metal - Sifu
agreed...looks like the Indice is up today..


2013-03-19 23:08 | Report Abuse

@ Jacklim13 and teewendy, start buying now with 1 lot everyday (at the lowest price or as low as possible) from now onwards until the election is over.

Since you all want to keep it for long term investment. You got to start somewhere - why not now? It wil be somewhere near $5.xx before mid-2014 or may be sooner...

Will DIGI cease operation in Malaysia? Not likely..isn't it? At least not this year or next buy now and sell when near 15-18% profit


2012-07-06 14:42 | Report Abuse

Thanks James, I didn't know that until now..MUCHO GRACIAS!!!


2012-07-06 00:07 | Report Abuse

"...Learn both basic ... Fundamentals, looking into positive cashflows and those giving dividends consistently..." excellant!!!

Brother Teh, with all due respect, could you please give two eamples for us to follow, $1-$2 and $2-$3 dollars range..all the best.

Warmest regards

News & Blogs

2012-07-03 18:45 | Report Abuse

To Jolly, I was just a greedy penny stocks with contra...million shares..when it goes down. I am a small investor (some counters I bought and still keep are ok). When started to buy big..It seems like somebody is watching me. No joke, with 500k of cash contra then I bought A small..hopefully I can keep my 350k rolling..thank you for questioning


News & Blogs

2012-07-03 13:00 | Report Abuse

No problem..honestly, I did lose 150k so joke..I don't mind paying, really..THe forum like Bro Chong has is pretty and suggestion are good as well. SMARTAGE is good..going up..

News & Blogs

2012-07-02 23:23 | Report Abuse

Ya..I understand how you feel, really..the only difference is thta you are teaching in the college and am teaching in the high school. This is my 15th year, prior to this I was working really abroad.

Teaching profession is getting complicated nowadays though. I bet you have made some hefty earning from trading; however, CP Teh 'SiFu', if you can still hold on, keep hanging on. It is better to teach full time and trade part time rather than trade full time and teach part time. In trading, you will have some good months and some bad months, some really bad months sometimes. Well, in that case you will still have your pay check coming,

Psychologically you will feel much secure and make fewer mistakes. In addition, your Mrs will feel better because she can tell her friends that my husband has a regular job. Don’t make your spouse feel in secure – lots of negative side effects. Your friends respect you as a teacher. Your students love to see you as their mentor. Most of all, the satisfaction of nurturing the future of our younger generation could never be traded with $ sign. You have the passion for teaching; otherwise, you won’t hang on for 22 years. Teachers do not get paid very much now and then. If you are doing fine then everything is ok. But if you quit, the whole scenario will be different. I bet you will be venture more onto trading side. Not only the whole mentality will change, I can foresee that you will lose you patience when things are not going the right way though. Well, at least hang on for few more years, QUIT ONLY NAJIB KO retire as Perdana Menteri...hahaha...I bet his job is 100 times more difficult then ours. Don't quit before he does...

Hang in there, ‘SIFU’ Teh, I don’t know if we have chance to meet or not, but I really want to be in your class – I mean the very trading classes. It would be fun, makan-makan, drink –drink a bit. ‘Blow the canon’ a bit. Wah…nice…I want to meet with Bro ‘Namo’ is going to be great for new friends in the making.

I am by no mean wealthy, not at all..I work like a cow to make a living. I don’t even have my own house yet, just booked two..will figure out how to pay for them later. Worse come worse, let go one and keep one lah. But I can still belanja ‘bakuteh’.

Take it easy, don’t worry about those management big shot…they are only humans..parents always complain there and here. Even half mark. They can quarrel with you sometime....goodness…

Tomorrow always a better…day..cheers

News & Blogs

2012-07-02 13:09 | Report Abuse

Can Bro Namo, CP TEH, Bro Chong clearify the news...if really true, then wah..naik lah...woooo...

News & Blogs

2012-07-02 13:08 | Report Abuse

Looks like SKPETRO is the cheapest eh..Hmm..May be it is very new..just about a month..good

News & Blogs

2012-07-02 13:00 | Report Abuse

This is going to be great for a medium term..Will buy some at this price...just keep it until it goes to 2.50


2012-07-02 12:48 | Report Abuse

I think it will go to 2.24 by the end of week..just thinking..


2012-07-01 22:48 | Report Abuse

Bro Namo, neither of those eh, actually now in BSB jobs here.,What is your email address? mine is all the best..warmest regards


2012-07-01 20:59 | Report Abuse

Thank you very much..I appreciate it..warmest regards


2012-07-01 18:27 | Report Abuse

OK..will kep that in mind--

BUY in BULK, BUY TOGETHER, SELL at Half-Cents profit. BUY at Bear SELL at Bull. TA & FA applied..ok..let me program it to my it..cheers


2012-07-01 18:25 | Report Abuse

Hi Vel and Bro Nama,

so continue buying at 0.180 for SK_CB? Not familiar with SKPETRO-CD though.

I think Monday everything will go..almost. Bro. Namo, your suggestion of meeting-up is definitely a great idea. Currently, I am not in town, working abroad but not too far. A couple hours of flights away..We shall meet if things go ok..I 'belanja' BAkU TEH eh?


2012-06-30 22:45 | Report Abuse

Hi! nubhan..sorry to bring this up in your DIGI tread. Since you bring up the DIGI-CK. I bet you know a lot about the warrant. Could you kindly comment a bit about SKPETRO-CB, will it go up to 0.20++ ? The 'mother' seems to have good supports at 2.20. I found out that [OSK], the issuer is dumping the SK-CB, a lot..

Listing Information & Profile for Structured Warrants

Instrument Type : Structured Warrants
Type of Structured Warrants : Call Warrants
Stock Code : 5218CB
Stock Short Name : SKPETRO-CB
Board : Structured Warrants
Initial Listing Information :
Listing Date : 24/05/2012
Term Sheet Date : 23/05/2012
Issue Date : 23/05/2012
Issue/ Ask Price : MYR 0.1500
Issue Size in Unit : 60,000,000
Maturity Date : 24/12/2012
Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price : MYR 2.0000
Revised Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price :
Exercise/ Conversion Ratio : 2:1
Revised Exercise/ Conversion Ratio :
Settlement Type/ Convertible into : Cash
Name and contact details of the market maker (if applicable) : OSK Investment Bank Berhad
Derivatives & Structured Products
21st Floor, Plaza OSK
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone no. : (603) 2162 0288
Facsimile no. : (603) 2163 4836
Circumstances under which the market maker may not be able to provide quotes
(if applicable) : Please refer to Section 5.4 of the Base Prospectus dated 30
December 2011 and Section 3.1 of the Term Sheet dated 23 May 2012
Remarks :

I am going to call them next monday asking why are they dumping the CB...hahahaha....Everytime when the Mother is up..they buy little and mother down..they dump more..I bet SKPETRO paid OSK with a bunch of their CB for the listing fee.

warmest regards

News & Blogs

2012-06-30 02:57 | Report Abuse

Well..Mr. Tan…I might not be a good investor or trader; however, please do not under estimate our intelligence here. Politics itself is a puddle of muddy water, the more you stir and the filthier it will be. We all understand that we simply couldn’t live without ‘money. You are smart enough to bring this subject into this forum...and hoping that someone will make a comment and there you go…just like goreng the stock, we start making comments about it. Well, before it gets too far. I will say Bank Negara Malaysia president, Zeti Akhtar Aziz, could be the best candidates for the upcoming Finance Minister. She is conservative but very careful. I bet a lot of people will agree with me, she has done a reasonable job to keep the monetary interest rate (pointer or index for inflation) under control so far.

Agree with casual_investor and Brother Namo. We will never be like any other countries in the world. We are extremely unique in a way that 3 (three) major ‘kaum bangsa’ can actually harmoniously living together. It has spoken the success story for itself as a whole. The drawbacks are conflicts actually arising within their own parties. Why? It is because everybody wants to be the boss mah…so simple..who want to be ‘kuli ‘..working so hard and get paid so little ..some of them will say..oh..i like power – power is money..

Changing the government is not a fun thing to do. I bet we don’t even have half of our capital left by the end of next June should there be an ‘earthquake’ during the upcoming election. It will be chaotic enough if the BN is to lose the majority. Imagine what will happen to the economy, I bet your ringgit will definitely worth 30% less few years down the road at the least. And the foreign funds will immediately pull out of the country due to politics instability. Ah Hah…by then we will be playing against big ..big local ‘sharks’ and I might have to trade abroad for a great while. Why? When the government has no money, the easiest thing to do in a short term is printing more money. There are so many nations have led the way by showing that it is really easy to pay their debts by printing more money. Inflation? it is just a term created by some expert economist to fool people years ago. One Sing dollar to 3.8 ringgit is not impossible. Considering if the current opposition party were to win the election and be forced printing more money to run the government, what will happen to the economy? Oh, by then, our kids can speak all kind of ‘Inggeris ‘singlish’, possibly some ‘chingelish’ too because our neighbours speak those languages. Hahahahaha…. Which is not too bad since they are buying more of our properties to help boosting the economy a bit. The government will definitely have all sorts of open door policies to encourage foreign investments.

And the next thunder storm will strike during the most unexpected and undesirable moments just to name a couple of situations:
Theoretically some states will try to declare independency with the help (backup) of some FC. Don't tell me which is impossible; with politics on the line, everything is possible! Look at the nearest example - East Timor…Do you still think it is impossible? Some states have everything except army forces…with all the natural resources and very little population; they can do far better than the current situation especially if they get back more than 85% of their funds which currently has been allocated to feed the entire ‘Semenanjong’. I bet they are dreaming and dying to get some supports from the FC for the independency. Now that with the ‘Semenajong’ alone, what can you do? Fight? That is just great, not even the most loyal foreign funds will leave, and probably you and I will leave as well, hah?

Alright, I am just being sarcastic since it is weekend and based on ‘no joke no fun’ policy. I am just being exaggerated a bit.

Well, life is full of uncertainties..who knows what will happen next..Better concentrate on the upcoming IPOs and plan for next week…hopefully the share that I have bought will go up next week…

Have fun..

News & Blogs

2012-06-30 02:42 | Report Abuse

Yahoooo.BROTHER NAMO, you are my idol...all time best..

News & Blogs

2012-06-29 16:35 | Report Abuse

this one is good...I can guarantee that it will go very care always number one in earnings..thanks brother


2012-06-29 15:46 | Report Abuse

Alamak..I support brother 'Namo' Discrimination, no politics..ok..invest,,,invest

News & Blogs

2012-06-29 15:33 | Report Abuse

Thank you very much, brother Namo...thanks for reminding.. mistake ..will focus...focus...

warmest regards

News & Blogs

2012-06-29 15:22 | Report Abuse

ok...which opposition party are you in? Give me any of those thing NAJIB has given and/or is going to man...get away from this i3investor site..this is for investor..not for politics issue.

or else i am going to 'xxxx' you, alright..brothers and sister..this guys come to talk politics,...what should we do???


2012-06-29 13:14 | Report Abuse

Hi, Brother Namo, pls allow me addressing you as ‘Namo’. Do inform me if you wish to be addressed your full name otherwise.

When I studied abroad years ago, my first two roommates were Cambodian and Japanese. The Japanese name is Hiroyuki Kato; I always call him “hiro’ or ‘hero’. He is a very good friend of mine. He is now in California doing import/export business to mainland Japan mainly dealing with fruits, seafood as well as dairy products together with his wife, Hiromi. Hahaha, I know him since 1988, he was from Japan of course. His family supported him whereas I was supported by my hard-working parents. With a first year expenses in hand, boldly travelled abroad to broaden my horizon on my own thereafter. A long story making short..I had been working very hard worked all the way through...just like many other foreign students. Find part time jobs which provide foods and share with roommates to save on shelters. Eat anything that provides energy – expiration dates will never be considered a treat. Not so young but fearless ehhh…

To many of us..hunger is the most unbearable experience, the rest not even come close. There are many people end-up staying over there instead of coming back. Well, this is just a little timeline story…the point is that when I call you “namo’, you are my friend already even though we don’t know much about each other, does it sound alright to you?

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. Honestly, I don’t blame the company as much as I have mentioned earlier. It is a war zone out there, if not millions but as least a few hundred thousand people hoping to make some money out there. Needless to say the small, medium and big ‘shark’ waiting to gobble you up. I have learned my lesson and hoping to do better in times to come. Thanks for your compliment too, brother, wishing you the best in the making $. An investor as smart as you are will be doing fine. You can be my friend and my ‘SIFU’ in that department. Mat Cendana, CP Teh and Chong are my SIFU and now you too. As Chinese saying, “学无先后, 达者为先”. You are definitely younger than I am but I am very young to the matket – since 26 August 2011 last time I checked..eeer..not even one year. Freshman...die..die first then survive... Lots to learn, my goal is to be proficient (smart in trading first, at least keep my capital in tact if not making profit) in trading before I retire. The most preferable option is to trade in the morning and take the rest of the day off. Enjoy life a bit…

Warmest regards


2012-06-29 10:27 | Report Abuse

Hi..Ooi..Nopes..didn't get the opportunity...ohh..sorry for the post up there "story of my life" is what else can I do..Have fun


2012-06-28 19:39 | Report Abuse

It will be moving downward, ooooi..believe me..existing share listing activities are supporting the price at 0.70-0.75 ~ the most at 0.80 level mah..otherwise, who is going to buy the extra shares listed at 0.70 according to their announcement? The future price might well be dropping to 0.065 goodness...hard to go up man...everbody is queuing to sell..heavy..heavy..ask SIFU Chong and SIFU CPTEH or many SIFUs out there...Few months ago, they issued new many millions and millions..ahhh. the price drops from of now. So what do you think next?

The shipping business is going downhill (sinking) for this year at the least..may be two years from now..well, may be untill horse year will get better. who the 'xxxx' know when the horse year is going to be? chinese FungSui says..hahahaha...well..sorry, not joking, just feel furios and hiralious. I lost RM$85,000 on this counter alone..bought at 0.110 and going all the way down, finally sold at 0.70..that made me suffering from head to toe (from flesh to soul if not for real) for so many sleepless nights. Not so much for the money, but for the sorrow of poor judgements and decision making that insult my personal intelligence that really kills me. I am still keeping an eye..NO..FOUR EYES ON IT...son of a gun..I will be standing up again from where I fell...but not with this counter. The verse sounds familier?? Can anybody tell me where this one came from originally..

In general, Sarawakian are very hard working people; but this Sarawakian company called HUBLINE will HUB..until you die, my man. I was from Sarawak originally...some of them do shitty business... I intended to write a long letter questioning the incompetency of the HUBLINE management for running the company a while ago. However, after a deep...deep soul searching thoughts, I decided to sell the counter and get over the agony of being dragging into endless pain. I then begin to understand that it was all my fault to acquire this 'stupid' counter. Well, the counter is not stupid; it is I myself whom was stupid enough to buying into their failing business to start with. It was the journey when I accumulated 150k losses.

I am hoping that somebody can forward this message to the HUBLINE management so that they will jack-up the price by all means??? I will be ever so ready to ride their 'wave'. I acquired 2M share last time, not sure what to do yet. But if this 'HUBxxxx' going up, I want to be there...hohohoho...ho...

Sorry for the lengthy story..I figure it might well be getting the negative hidden feeling out in order to calm the agony which subsides in my subliminal mind. Many thanks for bringing up this HUBxxxx, hahhhh...emmm. feel a bit better now.

Beware, my friend..don't let the story of my become yours.

Warmest regards

News & Blogs

2012-06-28 14:13 | Report Abuse

Sifu Scau1, thank you very much, a million thanks for sharing...god bless

News & Blogs

2012-06-27 22:20 | Report Abuse

Teh SIFU, please add me, may be I can join your group in times to come...warmest regards


2012-06-27 22:12 | Report Abuse

SIFU Chong, please add me too, tqvm warmest regards


2012-06-26 22:24 | Report Abuse

Mat, just sent you a mail..


2012-06-26 14:43 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..ok..will do that..before HariRaya then..if I can find a 'nice' email address is is yours? May be we can talk a bit more..many Thanks


2012-06-26 14:25 | Report Abuse

Hi! Mat..Thanks for the messages..Just pop in real quick here before anything else. Tomorrow and wendesday..big time to pop-in till late night I suppose. So far in the account, I have SKPetrol-CB 800k @0.188 average exp 23 DEC 2012 ( when should I sell?). I have only one warrant counter, nothing else though. WTK 1k @1.175, Mulpha 2k @ 0.402, Cnouhua 1K @0.133, Time 160k @0.339 and last but not least XDL 300k @0.251, the balance is in cash. Please kindly inform me when should I run for my life..hohoho..I am thinking of setting them 'free' real soon...during IHH and FVGH week? What do you think?

warmest regards


2012-06-25 23:06 | Report Abuse

Greetings to Mat Cendana, CP The, Namoyaki and many others,

How are you guys doing out there? Especially Mat, I truly appreciate all the advices and messages you posted lastly. I always read it over and over again. You are absolutely correct on the concept as well as the philosophy of investing; if I ever want to be doing ‘ok’ at the market, I need to seriously get my mind-set ‘straight’ before entering the war zone again. I must not be greedy and know where my limits are. As a result, I have been thinking a lot and trying to sort out the balance in between health and living, career and family, money and investment etc. No exact conclusion yet, but the pictures are a lot clearer along the imaginary path of explorations. Mainly just watching the market at the moment, no rush, I figure there are always opportunities for me to make a fortune should I be able to live till age of 80 provided with adequate capital evidently.

As for this couple of weeks I, just got back from a work related conference and will be going out again tomorrow. Quite busy lately; however, I try to pop-in occasionally and read a few lines here and there. There are quite a numbers of humorous postings really crack me up every now and then. Hahahaha…

As I told Mat last time, I still have 350k out of 500k capital in the share market. They are mostly in counters such as Time, XDL, SKPETROL-CB and others plus 140k cash. There are not too bad, I enter a while ago; therefore, still make some if sold. Take SK-CB for instant, bought at $0.185 - 0.190 (500k share), whereas Time and XDL are still a couple of points higher than the current share price respectively. Oh, I just queue 700k unit SK-CB at 0.185 to 0.190 again; you might laugh at me but I was able to get 400k at 0.185 and the rest in 0.190 not too long ago though. With the world market is trending down as hard as it could be for next coming few days, there is a tendency everything might go lower for this week. Well, got to go now, my wife is signaling that kids have school tomorrow and I have a meeting to attend as well. I try not to stress myself too much..hahaha…

p/s. Hi, Mat I just book another house priced at RM 680k 3 days ago (the whole project will be done in 3 years times, the unit I just booked will worth more than 800k 3 years from now. It is very near to the shopping centre, primary and secondary schools, tertiary school, various government agencies all within 1-3 miles radius). I think some property investments are still important in the profile; do you agree? I might sell both if got good offers but most likely will keep and just rent them out.

Take care and Cheers, my friend..


2012-06-25 21:23 | Report Abuse

Bro limpek, Hubline better? Half cent cheaper eh...


2012-06-16 23:45 | Report Abuse

Hold no share but afraid that it might go lower to 0.6++ to 0.5++ (happened in April 2010 to Dec 2010). What I am trying to say is that if it happened before, reoccurrence is not impossible. Trade with care, best of lucks


2012-06-16 23:45 | Report Abuse

hollan share..


2012-06-10 01:56 | Report Abuse

Thanks Teh,
Will take you advice as well..will log off soon. got company function later..happy Sunday to you too,,


2012-06-10 01:39 | Report Abuse

Hi Teh,
sure all means. Actually, this is the only forum that I write.. Again, thanks to Mat Candena for his kind and valuble advices . warmest regards


2012-06-10 01:19 | Report Abuse

Hi Mat, thank you very much for spending so much times sharing all the valuable experiences. The main reason for me to enter the market is hoping to gain enough to buy a nice house. I booked a house last year prior to construction. It is still under various procedures but likely to make progress towards end of the year. Obviously the motive was fine but the strategies were definitely all wrong. I was too eager or even too greedy hoping to win some quick cash from the market. Bad ideas, the stock market is for the patience investors like what you have mentioned about. I will definitely taking your advices and store in my subliminal mind reviewing it from times to times, In fact, your advices is the very first that I have received with thoughts and understandings in correspondence writings. I truly appreciate it. Being educated under a Chinese school educational system throughout childhood and high school, I have better understandings of Chinese language; therefore, I read mostly Chinese books and periodicals. My old folks are farmers; they worked very hard providing foods and shelters for my eight siblings including myself. You know, there weren’t many books to read some 20-30 years ago, simply couldn’t effort it; we rather use the money to buy foods instead. I still recall the contentment of reading Hong Kong comics books borrowed from a wealthy classmate in the old days. Boys, those were the good time. I know nothing about share trading back in 1990’s, not even 2000’s. I started buying two Public bank funds in 2008 due to the advices of two friends working at the public bank and found out later those were the worst mutual funds of all time in term of performance. My 58,000 left with 30,000 in 2012. If I add up the opportunity cost and interests for a period of time over four years, the losses has mounted to 50% or so. I don’t believe in any mutual funds staff or manager since then. They only ask you to buy and never advice you to sell simply because it is the bank’s policy. That was the second reason why I trade myself rather than letting the fund managers doing the trade. Now that I have learned that ‘trading’ with profit is indeed a colossal task to compose. I will be humbly paying more respects towards advisor like you as well as the market. It is because you are a good advisor and the share market is indeed a place that takes patience and endurance to build one’s wealth with characters. Warmest regards


2012-06-09 23:06 | Report Abuse

Thanks Mat, I truly appreciate you kind and generous opinions. I am new to the market..for less than a year..about 9 months on and off...lost around 150k so far. 500k capital left 350k..A 150k lesson..Just to name a few-Lost on Nicorp..Times..YTL power and its warrant. The main reason being buying too big a hand using contra..100 to 500 lots depending on the counters, the losses accumulated really quick. I slow down a bit now and start to read more and try to learn even more from other experience investors like you. Advices really help, at least I am not simply throwing here and there. Made a little on the SKPETRO but retreat too early. Honestly speaking I don't really read the news carefully before but now I do...Better be safe than sorry is my strategy nowadays..I am quite upset about the losses but still ok mentally. Just have to accept the facts that I am not a good trader. I keep telling myself, "I need to go slow and steady". I'll make it back one days with patient and right counters. I switch to cash account fully recently to avoid using contra. Once again..I appreciate your regards


2012-06-09 21:48 | Report Abuse

no sign of least for now..


2012-06-09 21:47 | Report Abuse

To pour some salts on the wound..the mother 'Lino Corp' is making loses for a long time now...


2012-06-09 21:04 | Report Abuse

Mat has very good point indeed..enlighten my vhorizon a whole lot..hope can buy some as well...regards


2012-06-09 18:32 | Report Abuse

Thanks dk for the input, hopefully can acuire some on monday..just want to procure a bit..thanks again...cheers


2012-06-09 18:24 | Report Abuse

1.43 and down


2012-06-09 17:16 | Report Abuse

I bought 1 lot yesterday..only one..don't understand the strategy..


2012-06-09 16:54 | Report Abuse

I read the whole 2011 annual report last night, honestly speaking LIONIND has sold most profitable subsidiaries (tyre company) in China and keep the core Iron (steel) business. By looking at the market right now...there are other steel manufacturing companies more efficiently managed. In addition, most of the shares owned by themselves (out of 700+ million shares, majority own by a few persons and subsidiaries as a whole). One of the major subsidiaries (Antara Steel mill Sdn Bhd?) just committed a 300 millions SUKUK in June 2011 and need to pay over the course of 7 years (60 millions every year for 7 year with 6% plus interest per annum). by looking at the income statement and the balance sheet. Hmm..there is no suprise did make much $$ and others not doing so well. Since the steel price is going downward...boy..It is good that they are still on the positive side. Oh, yes..they have re-evaluated the assets..I wonder how long they can keep it on the plus side...What I really mean...they need good leaders...Sadly speaking, when the old man is generation couldn't keep it up with the trends...If you are milking the cow, how long can you milk? we will see..

News & Blogs

2012-06-09 15:46 | Report Abuse is moving downward at 1.35 will it be 1.29?


2012-06-09 15:04 | Report Abuse

looks like it will go down a point or two if the market go downtrend on monday, but I doubt it...US data looked good on friday 8/6 though...Just to be safe..I queue 20 lots on 1.3, 1.31, 1.33 and 10 lots on 1.34 respectively...see how it goes..cross my fingers..election should be sometimes in September during 2013 Budget weeks...after Hari Raya. Therefore, a month or so dancing with bear? hope not..any comment..guys