
invest_malaysia | Joined since 2021-03-22

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2021-06-17 17:37 | Report Abuse

If you cost is 0.7, and you have sell yet. Most likely you’re a fool. Because you can sell at RM6 during recent rebound.


2021-06-17 17:35 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri get how much got anything to do with you? He can live like a king but can you? Just like supermax boss can buy luxury condo in US. But can supermax shareholders do the same? Supermax shareholders are probably having hallucinations now unless those who bought years ago.


2021-06-17 17:05 | Report Abuse

早知今天, 何必当初


2021-06-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

RHBIB is a fool. You sure you’re from Rhb investment bank?


2021-06-17 16:02 | Report Abuse

People who tell the truth and to give you advice but no one listen. Even to some extreme kena block. Just like me.

Those who talk rubbish such as stockpxxk2u. People give credit. Take money from your pocket but ask you to wait few years lol. If wait few years anyone can do it la. Why need them?


2021-06-17 15:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo, we come in and say bad also no use la. No people accept it. They choose to believe those who say good about it. In the end what happened? Going lower and lower


2021-06-17 15:45 | Report Abuse

Why want to lose your hard earn money like that?


2021-06-17 15:44 | Report Abuse

Even you buy at 4 also 10% lost d


2021-06-17 15:23 | Report Abuse

You still waiting to buy cheap? Meaning now not cheap enough? You expect will drop somemore? Kikiki


2021-06-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyoooo gg d lar.


2021-06-17 15:15 | Report Abuse

Break new low again


2021-06-17 13:46 | Report Abuse

Robertzz might be waiting at menara serba dinamik at Shah Alam to wait for karim in order get first hand info kikiki


2021-06-17 13:45 | Report Abuse

Why? Because they think it’s ‘cheap’

Tan Sri also buy around RM8. 40% loss now. Are you able to follow tan Sri?


2021-06-17 12:26 | Report Abuse

Wow robertzz missing. Anyone can find him? I’m interested to see the link. Or he flying to Middle East to take picture of the project kikiki


2021-06-17 11:12 | Report Abuse

Cash no place to use? I taught want become Fortune 500? Give out 50% of earnings out how to expand? Profit getting lower and lower due to lower ASP.


2021-06-17 11:05 | Report Abuse

Wah now people only aim for TP7? Before this was 12,13 and even 20 one wor


2021-06-17 08:23 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, Mabel ah? She bought serba during first day limit down at 113 lol. Then second day limit down also buy. And she got all the earning stocks. Seems like she never lose before. And she got 77 stocks? Hahahaha

Kon Mabel la this one.


2021-06-16 22:26 | Report Abuse

@glovesoff, they will take TM as an example. Drop from RM6 to RM2. Still can rebound to RM6 kikiki just a matter of time. Lol this kind of answer I also can give.

@nicholas, hahahaha I guess many people doing the same as you


2021-06-16 22:16 | Report Abuse

Jan to March results until now havent out wor. Wonder why? Busy plugging numbers from the sky to make it looks good? Big companies like Genting also out already. Even topglove results from March to May also out already. Something fishy going on?


2021-06-16 21:30 | Report Abuse

Yeah. The stockpick people really funny. Got doctor but quit. Go and become so called guru. Guess he also is half boiled doctor.

The accountant even more funny. He say padini is not a good buy. That time padini was RM2 kikiki


2021-06-16 21:10 | Report Abuse

Should keep your average down max 3 times onky. Even strong blue chips like tenaga also same. If you buy at 14 and keep average down. Your money all stuck there with high average price. Of course tenaga won’t bankrupt la. But your money stuck lo. How long only can recover the loss.


2021-06-16 21:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-16 21:01 | Report Abuse

Agreed. I guess stockpxxk2u now already spoilt their image. Not much people will pay money to them.


2021-06-16 20:18 | Report Abuse

Citadel9999 way also workable


2021-06-16 20:05 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha. Okay at least serba now 2b market cap.


2021-06-16 20:03 | Report Abuse

@xia yidao. Yeah. But isn’t it better if you can diversify abit at other shares? Rather than keep averaging down.


2021-06-16 19:50 | Report Abuse

@xia yidao. Wrong way of averaging down. Should average down when there’s more gap. At first you bought 5.67. Second batch should be at least 15% down which is 4.82. And 3rd batch should be 15% down from second batch which is 4.09. If it doesn’t come then just leave it. Buy other shares. By this way your chance of earning will be much higher.

@yttihs, you see? Don’t tell your bullshxt to mislead people. I already say majority people won’t wait that much gap to average down like what you mentioned. Be responsible. You very happy see other losing money?


2021-06-16 19:37 | Report Abuse

Wah, why karim sell 10million shares? I taught he say will become 2b company by year end? Very fishy


2021-06-16 19:16 | Report Abuse

Seems like now more and more people know it’s a value trap now. I’ve been saying this since beginning of the year. That time I guess not much people say bad. Now more people finally wake up. But share price already drop from beginning of the year around 7 to now RM4.6 only


2021-06-16 17:13 | Report Abuse

Imagine no RSS? Why not you say imagine no vaccine? Imagine covid break 1m cases per day? Imagine ASP break $200? Lol

You like to dream in your fantasy land ah? Hallucinating now? I feel sad for you


2021-06-16 17:04 | Report Abuse

Wahlao. Anyone see robertzz?? Been missing since yesterday. Ansonliew power


2021-06-16 16:46 | Report Abuse

@yttihs you talking to me about valuation? I’m a CFA holder. Do you know what is financial modeling? Do you know what is quantitative research? Do you know what is financial analysis?

I’m telling the truth on how most people will buy shares based on the share price movement. Want to listen or not you like.


2021-06-16 16:36 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Very funny. If you buy 1k unit at 6.2 and you have almost 40k bullets set aside. I don’t think you can wait topglove drop to 4.65 only add. You’ll probably add around 5.5, 5.2, 5.0, 4.9 level. Because all these are strong support. Again people here easily to say something to mislead people. I’m talking about facts. Please think yourself.


2021-06-16 16:09 | Report Abuse

Karim sell you guys a dream. A dream of serba will back to its glory days


2021-06-16 15:39 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri sell you all a dream. A dream that the company will overtake Maybank and become Fortune 500 company.


2021-06-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

Anson no lost. I remember he earn few bids then ciao. He sense something not right


2021-06-16 14:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah. Dividend high also useless. People invest in gloves are mostly having hallucinations by now. They keep on blame short sellers for the dropping share price. They also did research on ADR and blame bursa being hopeless when the share price didn’t rise as what ADR did. They even think of privatize after seeing mmc and ijmp. Can see that they’re are heavily in stress until having hallucinations.

Better put your money in EPF. Steadily esrn 5,6% per year. You can sleep well and have a better life.


2021-06-16 13:58 | Report Abuse

Half day already robertzz MIA kikikiki


2021-06-16 13:47 | Report Abuse

@pjseow, I taught you did all the research on supermax in and out. Don’t tell me you don’t know. Or you just want to talk good about it but the bad things just ignore?


2021-06-16 11:02 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. Imagine the money use for investment in US can be use for investment in Malaysia. Can benefit local supply chain a lot.


2021-06-16 10:18 | Report Abuse

What worse is there’s still people think it’s a good move LOL. Seems like people in Malaysia really are amateur investors. No business logic at all.


2021-06-16 10:13 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. 4b cash also no use. Don’t know how the management do planning. Gloves is a low tech product. Of course need to be manufacture in a low tech country. Even high tech companies like Apple also manufacture in China.

This supermax pandai pandai macam yes go and manufacture low tech products in a high tech country.


2021-06-16 09:56 | Report Abuse

After getting few years of fat salary. Ceo will say still in progress. We’re progressing well kikiki


2021-06-16 09:47 | Report Abuse

What else bad news? ASP keep dropping, Pfizer coming out with covid pills. WHO announce pandemic over


2021-06-16 09:44 | Report Abuse

Market don’t accept the ceo bullshxt hahaha


2021-06-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

Wah seems very fishy


2021-06-16 09:30 | Report Abuse

Amaetuer investors


2021-06-16 09:16 | Report Abuse

Very funny people here. Keep say bursa no hope la. Earning companies being sold down. Not earning companies share price up.

They didn’t think of the logic behind. The only hopeless is you. Because you don’t even know where is your mistake. Biggest problem is you don’t even know there’s a problem.


2021-06-16 08:38 | Report Abuse

Ya wor. Robertzz keep say nay sayers no eveidence. Now ask you to prove with evidence then pusing roti canai.


2021-06-15 22:20 | Report Abuse

Say wrong things kena shoot hahaha