
Investo | Joined since 2014-08-24

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2017-03-13 08:19 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday...........back 2 work :-)
PMetal 2day how? CAn keep going? Laugh


2017-03-10 20:05 | Report Abuse

BWC, once u use CNP V2 again, gang attack very few. Everyone can get back 2 work N readers know why gang keep call buy and keep spam attack. CNP V2 working well! Have good weekend. Laugh


2017-03-10 20:02 | Report Abuse

On one side Icon8888 gang try 2 stop ppl from commenting sell. On other side, we got BWC fight 4 everyone so that can free 2 comment N forum get balance view. Another clear sign like sky and floor who is bad N shameful. Readers N admin not stupid. Laugh


2017-03-10 19:55 | Report Abuse

Going home time..............;-)
AA down a bit, i won't make big fuss like a loser. Monday dun know how but if fall more i wait lower 2 buy back. Laugh


2017-03-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

BWC, maybe u should just ignore him. It is like talking 2 bad small kid who is shouting becoz cannot get his way. Just do CNP V2, repost our own comments. I free 2day but i wan 2 get back 2 work too. Laugh


2017-03-10 15:55 | Report Abuse

BWC, good job. Again u show yr class. So calm N professional while he only shout N attack. Laugh.


2017-03-10 15:25 | Report Abuse

Wow! Great comment BWC.
Yr comment always many level above them.
If u read the gang's comments, straight away u can tell what class of people they are.


2017-03-10 14:49 | Report Abuse

U just show u dun know how 2 read. Laugh


2017-03-10 14:01 | Report Abuse

BWC. our new CNP V2 working well. Gang make so few spam attack in morning. U also waste so little time defend N at time get also 2 give balance view N warn readers. Simple, no effort. I think they also know readers know their trick oredi Laugh


2017-03-10 13:51 | Report Abuse

Lunch time...............;-)
AA flat in morning. BWC u are right, maybe i get chance 2 buy if AA fall back. I wait until big picture give buy signal again. If AA dun fall, it is only one fish in big ocean, i season trader la, plenty more fish can catch.

Icon8888 like a not working clock it will tell right time twice a day. Becoz he keep hold call for 1 year sure got time AA go up after fall. Then he make big fuss he is right. No choice la, losers have to pretend a small right also like big success 2 them. Laugh


2017-03-10 08:29 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday...........weekend coming oredi :-)
PMetal how 2day, news keep coming good. Laugh


2017-03-10 08:28 | Report Abuse

pls dun spam attack n lie as gang, no one interested. It is a lose-lose plan. Laugh


2017-03-10 08:24 | Report Abuse

VG, why all in Icon8888 gang dun know how 2 read? Check my comment history - all my trades got give there. Laugh.


2017-03-10 08:22 | Report Abuse

Readers can see lcon8888 N gang like 2 attack others but never talk about own track record. This is becoz they ashamed becoz their call all wrong N that is why their AA still not breakeven. The gang maybe also punting CW N AA so anyone who negative AA they attack. See they promote CWs near expiry oredi, maybe they caught inside N soon the CW will expiry. Keep call buy. So becoz gang afraid readers listen big picture 2 get balance view, they gang up 2 busy spam attack.

I put Icon8888 call record here again. He say big picture dun work but my trade record prove it work 9 out of 10 times. Icon8888 market plan 2 hold forever AA, dun sell, keep buy is wrong about 10 out of 10 times - see old post of Icon8888 below which he never talk about. Like stock scam movie, scary. Readers beware. Laugh

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Sep 27, 2016 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
I tambah makan yesterday and today. Minimal downside risk

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:45 PM | Report Abuse
three strong results today : Jaks, Air Asia and Thong Guan
I am happy

Posted by Icon8888 > Dec 15, 2016 04:38 PM | Report Abuse
Bought more today at 252
I never sell based on whatever picture


2017-03-10 08:03 | Report Abuse

Hah? Icon8888 say big picture dun work? Laugh. He lying again or dun know how 2 read, fail primary school.
In my comment history anyone can see I got give price i buy or sell stocks on trade day. My trade history got maybe 10 stocks over 1 year by follow big picture. About 9 out of 10 times very right, make good profit, like that big picture wrong? Like that luck?
Icon8888 not only loser but also now lier. Laugh.


2017-03-10 07:54 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday...........weekend coming oredi :-)
AA how 2day? If AA up again, i chase ah? I trader la, i make 3 rounds in AA oredi, if miss AA this round still got so many more fish in ocean.
Only losers who dun understand stock market make so much noise when other ppl miss one time. No wonder Icon8888 N gang still not breakeven their AA. Laugh


2017-03-09 20:27 | Report Abuse

BWC is right, big picture weak now, so our KLCI also got fall. Maybe affect AA rally if market fall more. Laugh


2017-03-09 20:21 | Report Abuse

BWC, i like our new method Copy N Paste V2. The gang now make less spam attack, not like yesterday. becoz yr few comment can oredi defend their many attacks N warn readers. Our CP V2 working well! Laugh


2017-03-09 20:21 | Report Abuse

Going home time.............:-)
Aiyoh AA up again, this time strong. Sob Sob. Look like i miss this rally. Laugh. No problem la, every good investor know u can't N dun need get all correct, just the big moves. I made profit in AA 3 rounds oredi, money in pocket - all trades buy or sell i got give on trade day in comment history, cannot bluff. This time it is my fault, BWC warn me not 2 sell all but i trader. I learn from this lesson. Laugh

Pity Icon8888 N gang who hold forever N dun sell in Sept when AA above 3.20 N keep shout buy buy all way down till 2.30. Now AA up but they still not breakeven yet so they cry N attack other ppl. My 3 round profit in pocket oredi. My win-win plan working well! Laugh


2017-03-09 14:04 | Report Abuse

At last BWC agree with me. I say many times b4, all this attacking by gang I think the whole problem is becoz got some sifus punting AA N CW so they wan 2 push up price. So gang keep call AA buy no matter what N many times this calls wrong oredi. So even now AA up, they not breakeven yet N still lost money.

So they act like losers, start attack other ppl who don't agree AA is buy, At 1st just attack, then use whole gang N fake IDs 2 attack, then use vulgar words but admin ban so now gang try use lying attack even. Readers always be careful. Laugh


2017-03-09 13:50 | Report Abuse

Lunch time....................:-)
Forum much better oredi this morning. Gang so few spam attack. BWC copy N paste v2 working well! Yesterday BWC copy N paste so many times, waste time N admin think he comment all those bad words but today i see he keep use 1 - 2 same comment only. So much easy 2 now. Laugh

Now got this method BWC we can focus on making profit and make comment like normal. This new method to defend N same time warn readers gang keep attack n call buy becoz punting too much take very little time only, can keep doing. Laugh

AA up again! I think becoz oil price fall sharp. See afternoon how. Make 3 rounds oredi so if really miss this round can't help. Not fortune teller. New stock also doing well. My win-win plan working well. Laugh


2017-03-09 09:24 | Report Abuse

AA down. If continue fall maybe my plan 2 buy back lower will work. Then my 4th round in AA start! . Laugh.


2017-03-09 09:20 | Report Abuse

BWC, that is why i dun waste time reply their attack. Just focus on make money N make comments like normal. If they keep attack anyone who give balance view, we just remind readers why gang attack so much. This is simple method, no waste time N still continue comment on forum. Laugh


2017-03-09 08:29 | Report Abuse

早安 Thursday........... :-)
Aiyoh, like that everyday also show time la. Laugh


2017-03-09 08:27 | Report Abuse

早安 Thursday........... :-)
AA how 2day? I read oil fall bad last night, can be good 4 AA. But BWC say got market uncertain short term, so i wait 1st, meanwhile i punt other stocks. Laugh

Wah, last night gang very quiet. Maybe they scare BWC new copy N paste version 2!!
I see them long aready, i think the whole problem is this ppl punting AA N CW so wan 2 push up price. But call wrong so not breakeven N lost money. So losers start attack other ppl, at 1st just attack, then whole gang attack, then use vulgar words but admin ban so now gang try use lying attack even. Laugh


2017-03-08 20:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh, up 12 sen over 3 days only la. Some ppl act like losers la. Laugh

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Mar 8, 2017 05:06 PM | Report Abuse
Always good to get a balanced view. AA up only 12sen over last 3 days, good start but hardly a clear move yet. Keep eye on big picture. hehe


2017-03-08 20:26 | Report Abuse

Going home time.................:-)
Aiyoh, the hold forever AA sifu make personal attacks again and lying again. This is how low he gone down. Since he can't get call right N so long also empty hand N his AA still not reach breakeven, no choice, he can only busy bluff N attack others. Exactly what loser do. Laugh

Actually i think gang dun stop attack becoz they punting AA N CWs too much. They gang up 2 promote AA N hope other ppl push up price 4 them. Any one call sell, they attack becoz scare AA fall. Sound like stock scam movie, scary. :Laugh


2017-03-08 13:30 | Report Abuse

So easy. BWC u should also try it since gang comment got bad words, u repost admin think u say bad words. Laugh


2017-03-08 13:28 | Report Abuse

The attacks become same oredi. The attack now can simple name calling only like still in primary school. Shows copy N paste working well. Laugh


2017-03-08 13:04 | Report Abuse

Yes admin can't tahan repost of gang bad words. Laugh


2017-03-08 13:03 | Report Abuse

Lunch time...............:-)
So many spam attack but now forum peaceful again. Gang so many so busy waste time N make fake ID even but easy 2 defend with copy N paste method. BWC is right, that is good way 2 deal with bad ppl. When they get no reply, only get scold themselves, they tired N stop spam attack. BWC, i think u should not waste time with losers, be like me, only break time copy N paste. Other time focus make money. Laugh

AA flat. Cannot up everyday la. Lucky big picture say dun chase. I busy with new stocks. If AA fall then i ready at low price for 4th round in AA!! My win-win plan working well. Laugh


2017-03-08 13:00 | Report Abuse

This whey2 definally is Icon8888, see how he spam attack N lie also. Laugh


2017-03-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

BWC comment deleted is the re-post of gang comment la - shows admin agree gang use bad words. Laugh


2017-03-08 08:23 | Report Abuse

Wahahaha Whey2 clown is back... come come continue wheying. Laugh


2017-03-08 08:21 | Report Abuse

Yes, i also worry a bit AAC sale. Hope no delay or worse is decide dun sell. Last year got many sifus keep say AAC soon, keep call buy buy but AA then drop RM2.3. Maybe sifu punting too much CWs so must keep call buy N attack anyone who give balance view. Laugh

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Mar 7, 2017 07:54 PM | Report Abuse
I hope so too but must be careful about being too optimistic about AAC sale. Many sifus have been promoting this stock since last year, every time saying AAC sale soon and will cause AA to fly soon. If the pricing and timing go well, yes the AAC sale can push AA price up but there may be hurdles and delays before it is confirmed. No crystal ball.


2017-03-08 08:08 | Report Abuse

早安 Wed...........mid-week oredi :-)
PMetal up so much but still like wan 2 up more. So far good news. Result good, got big plans 2 expand, China cut production etc etc. Wonder can up how long. Laugh


2017-03-08 08:05 | Report Abuse

ts have been 10 hours since last bullet fly.
Here is confirmed the end of 87th Battle of VG N icon8888 gang


2017-03-08 08:01 | Report Abuse

Juz ignore this chaos he making (Chaos)...He's a pathetic soul...He's life seem to revolve around this forum N lying.


2017-03-08 07:59 | Report Abuse

Haha u really funny Wheywhey, come continue spam attack. Laugh


2017-03-08 07:58 | Report Abuse

早安 Wed...........mid-week oredi :-)
Wah forum busy whole night. Icon8888 coward hide behind gang N use so many attack 2 BWC but BWC just reply back what bad thing gang say. End of day, so many gang scold themself N Icon8888. Laugh

All waste time, lose-lose. Gang cannot stop attack becoz they scare of big picture make their hold forever AA call look bad. What 2 do, cannot make right calls so only thing can do is attack other ppl instead la. Laugh

2day AA how? I sell all at big gain last Friday oredi. Hope 2 buy back lower but AA keep up. Lucky i got use profit 2 buy new stocks N they up also. AA see how 1st. BWC if must chase pls update ok? Laugh

Posted by Investo > Mar 3, 2017 01:48 PM | Report Abuse X
BWC say AA will be boring 4 now so I sell all my AA this morning at 2.68-69. Good profit from my average 2.43 N this is my 3rd round in AA. I know BWC recommend sell some AA only but i more trader than him la, When time 2 buy again, i hope can buy back fast N lower! Now i only 50% in stocks, my PMetal making very good profit but FGV still losing a bit. This morning i got see a few stocks very interesting, now got money oredi so maybe will buy 4 fast punting. Laugh


2017-03-07 17:25 | Report Abuse

Going home time...............;-)
AA up again. I sold all my AA last Friday oredi, my timing is bad 4 now but still early, only 2 days. See up can keep going or not. Also lucky i got use money 2 buy new stocks. BWC if must chase back pls let me know. Laugh

Forum back 2 peaceful afternoon. This copy N paste very useful, very fast gang keep quiet becoz what bad things they say, is said back 2 them, no need waste time 2 think reply. But i prefer if no attack, it is lose-lose when waste time argue. Hope gang stop attacks N let ppl free 2 comment N get balance view.


2017-03-07 14:19 | Report Abuse

Quite pity to batu88 actually, gang try very hard to promote Icon8888 as sifu level so that others can respect/admirer him. But at the end, his calls most wrong N no one fall his trap 2 everyday hold forever AA, his attack N lies. Ya, Icon8888 N batu88, try not to waste your time here but study more about your stock. Lol..


2017-03-07 14:16 | Report Abuse

Haha u r so funny whey whey aka Icon8888


2017-03-07 13:49 | Report Abuse

Haha Whey whey is totally an idiot only know copy n paste


2017-03-07 13:42 | Report Abuse

Whey whey, so why dont u leave this forum together with ur lover Icon8888? :)


2017-03-07 13:25 | Report Abuse

Lunch time................:-)
Aiyoh, i thought since CNY no more spam attack then this forum peaceful oredi. But Icon8888 old habit, make attack again, this time not just disagree opinion but say big lie. I follow big picture last year la, make until above RM3, then big picture call sell in Sept b4 US election, so i take profit N miss big fall - anyone can check my comment history, price buy or sell ali given clear on day got trade.

BWC i surprise u so busy defend. U advise many times keep focus on making profit but.u waste time with this same gang. U see no one tell Icon8888 stop lying but all only attack u. This shows again most ppl comment in this forum is gang. Balance view on AA no use since most ppl here not real readers. Actually if got real investor wan 2 make money, this is wrong forum, this become more 4 gang to scam only..Laugh


2017-03-07 08:02 | Report Abuse

早安 Tuesday........... :-)
PMetal hero! More 2 come? Laugh


2017-03-07 08:15 | Report Abuse

早安 Tuesday........... :-)
AA 2day how? Yesterday ppl say foreigners push up index. Why ah? Anything happening? If foreigners come, then whole market can up. Good 4 everyone.

BWC say big picture coming weeks ok but short term got uncertain. So I wait N see if can buy back AA lower price. Mean time i punt new stocks. Laugh

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Mar 3, 2017 09:44 PM | Report Abuse
After looking at the price action of AA recently, I think Investo may be right to sell first. AA's results was reasonable but not good enough in these uncertain markets. The longer term big picture is ok but nearer term macro headwinds are beginning to blow. No crystal ball but AA is back to a neutral for me, prefer other stocks for now. Always get a balanced view on AA and make your own decisions. Happy Weekend! Hehe


2017-03-06 20:11 | Report Abuse

Going home time..............;-)
Wah, what happen 2 market, index up so much? AA also up. BWC, yr downgrade AA timing this time not so good la. Laugh. But AA every day up N down only fortune teller can tell. We see how AA move in coming days,.

I make money 3x in AA oredi - price buy/sell given on trade date in coment history, cannot bluff. Now i use profit from selling AA 2 buy new stocks. I keep eye on AA. In future if fall then i buy back lower.


2017-03-14 17:39 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday..............back 2 work :-)
PMetal 2day how? Still up? Laugh