
Investo | Joined since 2014-08-24

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2017-03-20 13:18 | Report Abuse

Lunch time..............;-)
Wah up so much 2day. At last above my breakeven of 2.03. Wait 5 months oredi. So sell all at 2.15. Maybe can up more b4 GE14 but dun wan 2 wait, got safer N better stocks 4 me. Laugh


2017-03-20 08:46 | Report Abuse

As predict, very fast gang attack again.
No choice, here is CNP V2 then. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Mar 10, 2017 08:22 AM | Report Abuse
Readers can see lcon8888 N gang like 2 attack others but never talk about own track record. This is becoz they ashamed becoz their call all wrong N that is why their AA still not breakeven. The gang maybe also punting CW N AA so anyone who negative AA they attack. See they promote CWs near expiry oredi, maybe they caught inside N soon the CW will expiry. Keep call buy. So becoz gang afraid readers listen big picture 2 get balance view, they gang up 2 busy spam attack.

I put Icon8888 call record here again. He say big picture dun work but my trade record prove it work 9 out of 10 times. Icon8888 market plan 2 hold forever AA, dun sell, keep buy is wrong about 10 out of 10 times - see old post of Icon8888 below which he never talk about. Like stock scam movie, scary. Readers beware. Laugh

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Sep 27, 2016 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
I tambah makan yesterday and today. Minimal downside risk

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:45 PM | Report Abuse
three strong results today : Jaks, Air Asia and Thong Guan
I am happy

Posted by Icon8888 > Dec 15, 2016 04:38 PM | Report Abuse
Bought more today at 252
I never sell based on whatever picture


2017-03-20 08:12 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday...........back 2 work :-)
PMetal how 2day, a bit of profit taking last week. Up a lot oredi la. Laugh


2017-03-20 08:11 | Report Abuse

Wah forum over weekend no attack spam, happy everyone did not wait 1 year then only learn spam attack is lose-lose plan. When argue what is said make things worse even N readers can see clear why all argue. All now smart, just ignore other people N quietly get on with what everyone wan 2 do. Everyone happy but hope it can last long. Laugh


2017-03-20 08:05 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday...........back 2 work :-)
AA 2day how? Hope up more. Yes i got read that foreigners buy Malaysia share last week. Same time BWC upgrade big picture on market N AA, say time 2 put back money into stock market last week. Even foreigners also got learn 2 time buy or sell shares. Lucky i buy back fast now 95% in stocks N my average price in my 4th round in AA now 2.86 My win-win plan working well. Laugh


2017-03-17 20:22 | Report Abuse

BWC i see no much spam attack from later afternoon. CNP V2 working well again, Hope everyone stay smart N know it is lose-lose plan. Dun wait until 1 year later only learn. Laugh .


2017-03-17 20:13 | Report Abuse

Going home time................:-)
AA up again a bit only but better than down.
KLCI jump again, second day oredi, index up about 30 points since BWC use big picture 2 upgrade AA call N say time 2 put back money in stock market yesterday. Again cannot bluff - anyone can easy check comment history. Lucky in my 4th round in AA my average is 2.86. So again making oredi. Hope next week will make more. My win-win plan working well. Laugh


2017-03-17 13:14 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 N gang not smart, if i is them I do my work quietly N won't look 2 argue everywhere. Can blame no one becoz own fault, the more they argue the more clear the bad things they doing on this forum. Like a stock scam movie, scary.


2017-03-17 13:08 | Report Abuse

Lunch time.............;-)
AA up 1 sen. Better than down. Market still ok so hope afternoon b4 close AA up again. Laugh


2017-03-17 08:31 | Report Abuse

U keep say ignore me but u keep talking 2 me. Real clown, English dun understand. Laugh


2017-03-17 07:57 | Report Abuse

I warn readers this forum got gang N scammers long time oredi. Now got more N more people agree also. Thx valuegrowth N BWC 4 helping 2 warn readers beware. Laugh

Posted by valuegrowth > Mar 16, 2017 10:22 PM | Report Abuse
When online, users are advised to ignore scammers and ruffians. Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Mar 16, 2017 09:53 PM | Report Abuse
When online, users are advised to ignore scammers and ruffians. Hehe


2017-03-17 07:57 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 N gang complain other ppl copy N paste but now they copy N paste. These ppl really no shame. They also waste energy N time 2 write long spam in forum but BWC easy only just use CNP V2. Laugh


2017-03-17 07:56 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday...........weekend coming oredi :-)
AA 2day how? BWC upgrade AA N market 2 buy yesterday morning N index jump 19 pts, RM strong also. Big picture again correct, all can see. Even got people here who say market cannot time but got buy AA yesterday. I bought back more AA yesterday at 2.87-2.88 N now my average is 2.86 N 95% in stocks. This is my 4th round in AA oredi - all my trades given clear in my comment history, anyone can check. Hope AA up 2day. My win-win plan working well. Laugh


2017-03-17 07:54 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday...........weekend coming oredi :-)
PMetal 2day how? Market bullish now but PMetal up a lot oredi. Laugh


2017-03-16 20:16 | Report Abuse

batu88, dun waste time ask BWC teach u. Me also he just ask me 2 follow his big picture. 4 U, i think he will just ignore. Laugh


2017-03-16 20:11 | Report Abuse

Going home time..............;-)
AA up a bit only but KLCI jump N RM strong also. Same day BWC upgrade big picture call 2 buy. Looks like right again, good timing. Laugh

I read many ppl here say they buy AA 2day also. If hold forever then should be oredi invested but how come now wan 2 time N buy? Maybe they dare not admit but they follow big picture upgrade 2day or maybe they follow my trade this morning when i comment i buy AA. Laugh


2017-03-16 13:51 | Report Abuse

Yah yr average 2.5++ but 1st round only becoz follow hold AA forever plan. Not smart. Laugh


2017-03-16 13:49 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 N gang start attack again. Not surprise.
They trading CW N AA too much and dun know how 2 call market correct. So all they can do is try 2 promote AA like mad N hope ppl push up 4 them. Anyone who comment negative on AA, they gang up 2 attack, hope can hide balance view from readers,. If attack dun work, they get desperate N start use bad words N lies, show how low class they are. Lucky got good admin N CNP V2. Laugh


2017-03-16 13:37 | Report Abuse

Lunch time................;-)
This morning bought more AA at 2.87 - 2.88. So 4th round in AA average price is 2.86 N now 93% in stocks KLCI got jump. Market up like BWC say this morning big picture. But why AA up so little ah? Hope afternoon up more. Laugh


2017-03-16 09:08 | Report Abuse

OK buying back what i sold earlier at 2.88. Laugh


2017-03-16 08:56 | Report Abuse

cruger, first from yr old comments clear u are part of gang.
Yr comment too long, i read a bit only, ignore rest.
U should ask yr Icon8888 N gang 2 stop attack instead ask victim 2 ignore.


2017-03-16 08:53 | Report Abuse

BWC! U upgrade AA back 2 buy? I thought i buy cheap 2day. Laugh


2017-03-16 08:20 | Report Abuse

早安 Thursday........... :-)
PMetal how 2day? Profit taking continue or not? Laugh


2017-03-16 08:18 | Report Abuse

Got Icon8888 N gang delete his crude comment, maybe he scare admin ban or maybe he scare low class. Laugh. Shows CNP V2 working well.

He talk he scare karma. If he belief karma then he should worry more IF he got join gang trap readers 2 lose money. Not good moral. Learn make honest money. Laugh


2017-03-16 08:05 | Report Abuse

早安 Thursday........... :-)
AA how 2day? Will fall more so i can buy more cheap? Lucky i neutral AA only, now 75% in stocks so up or down also ok. BWC say short term trend not clear, so got some cash can help manage risk. My win-win plan working well! Laugh


2017-03-15 20:12 | Report Abuse

When Icon8888 N gang/clones need 2 use crude words, it shows not only they no class but also shows they are more N more desperate becoz cannot win argument N their AA still not breakeven. CNP V2 must be working very well. Laugh


2017-03-15 20:07 | Report Abuse

Going home time..............;-)
AA down again. 1 sen from my 4th round in AA breakeven. Lucky i follow BWC go neutral AA only, with 75% in stocks if AA fall more i can buy cheaper again. My win-win plan working well. Laugh.


2017-03-15 13:29 | Report Abuse

Wah now got put warrants also. Last time only got call warrants so Icon8888 N gang call is hold AA forever no matter what, even when AA fall about RM1 end last year, gang buy call more more louder. Now if gang trade put warrants, soon Icon8888 N gang will call sell forever N start attack those who call buy instead. Lets wait N see,

They not shame, they tell victims they must take responsibility if trap.. Also same like snatch thief tell victim it is her fault becoz never take care of hand bag properly. Laugh


2017-03-15 13:12 | Report Abuse

Lunch time................:-)
AA down again! Soon reach my average 2.85, if fall more then i can buy more since i only 75% in stocks. No wonder BWC say AA call is neutral only so can buy more at low price when AA fall. Trend not clear so cannot trade, i smarter now. Laugh


2017-03-15 08:36 | Report Abuse

BWC! Good morning. 60% - 70% sound so low but is so good oredi? Then my win-win plan must be doing very well! No wonder got ppl jealous. I follow big picture mainly la with a bit of my trading too. Laugh


2017-03-15 08:09 | Report Abuse

早安 Wed..........mid-week oredi. :-)
Supermx still down near 2.00 stock need big earnings 2 start make market look at it again. So far results disappoint. I lucky follow BWC call 2 sell early Dec. So far so right, 4 month oredi!

Many sifu keep talk new plant, new contact len business here but they talk this very long time oredi. So far look like they miss big picture. Yes one day Supermx may move but if results again not good, maybe move down, not up. Got many stock in Bursa, i think got better stocks 4 now. Laugh.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 5, 2016 09:15 AM | Report Abuse
@Investo, ok to sell all. happy you made reasonable profit, in this markets that is not easy to do anymore. There are many stocks now that has fallen a lot recently and may be more interesting than Supermax. Also big picture suggests markets still uncertain so raising more cash is also a good idea. Supermax longer term still ok but after recent weak results and the sharp correction on the broad market recently, I agree it is best to downgrade Supermax back to a neutral, prefer other stocks for now. As usual, best to check out the stocks yourselves and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-03-15 07:57 | Report Abuse

早安 Wed..........mid-week oredi. :-)
PMetal like hold now. I hear US may up interest rates tomorrow. Maybe after that only market N stocks come back. Laugh


2017-03-15 07:54 | Report Abuse

Wah, whole night only 1 spam attack from Icon8888 gang. This CNP V2 real working well. Laugh.

batu88, real embarrassing la, u give Icon8888 N gang best track record is one vague prediction only. I dun see a tp or any buy or sell call in comment even. Laugh

I use big picture N my track record got stock name, price i buy or sell in my comment history, Cannot be more opposite 2 yr vague 1 prediction. But since Icon8888 gang still confuse big picture, i dun mind help those who dun know how 2 read, just follow my trade. I put my 2nd round old post here again 2 help u. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jun 24, 2016 07:25 AM | Report Abuse
Lucky i folluw buywithconviction N buy back last a few days. Hope AA fly 2day again. This time i wan 2 keep. :-)

Posted by Investo > Jun 21, 2016 12:56 PM | Report Abuse
Supermx price weak, Supermx Cs risky. i think AA more safe. AA i folluw bwc, he say buy with conviction if can hold. His big picture good but he humble, keep say can B wrung, make own decision. 4 me, if AA fall more i buy more as long will rebound high.

Posted by Investo > Jun 21, 2016 07:28 AM | Report Abuse
Brexit no more, all markets up! Bwc right again, say opportunity to realign portfolio. Get ready 4 rebound! Laugh. Big bro Topglove report bad result, mabye that is Y bwc say big picture for glove still weak, i skared 2 buy Supermx. Many ppl dun listen big picture, make wrung call N lose big money on Supermx N glove. I buy more AA again. Keep Padini, EG N Armada. This forum got ppl work in gang? Readers decide;

Posted by Investo > Jul 11, 2016 07:44 AM | Report Abuse
I buy back AA last 2 weeks. Dun move so i can buy AA N Cs more. This is my 2nd time play AA aready. To me, looks good, can more up. Laugh.

Posted by Investo > Aug 24, 2016 07:34 AM | Report Abuse
Aiyah AAX results good or bad? Everyone argue, not sure. I sell AA a bit yesterday becost scared market weak. If fall more, i buy back cheaper. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Sep 7, 2016 08:11 AM | Report Abuse
AA i follow BWC coment, sell some a few days aready. Now i wait, if fall i buy back cheap. If up i still got. Laugh.


2017-03-15 07:44 | Report Abuse

早安 Wed..........mid-week oredi. :-)
AA 2day how? Yesterday AA down a bit. Like BWC say big picture short term not certain.I think AA dun move until interest rate in US news over properly. I now 75% in stocks, this is my 4th round in AA oredi, my new average price in AA is 2.85. Look good. My win-win plan working well. Laugh


2017-03-14 17:14 | Report Abuse

Forum like this good lah, peaceful like after CNY.
See how long sifu N gang/clones can tahan b4 too itchy again.
Maybe after make confession this morning, decide 2 turn be good people at last. Laugh


2017-03-14 17:07 | Report Abuse

Going home time..............;-)
AA down a bit. Last week AA up becoz got a few analyst reports out, maybe company got give updates, now that over so AA back 2 big picture which say short term boring. Now i am 75% in stocks, so if fall i can buy lower. I learn lesson, when trend not clear then risk management very important, must be discipline in stock market. Laugh


2017-03-14 12:56 | Report Abuse

Wah, in morning gang very well behave like good boys oredi. Now both side happy. CNP V2 really working well! Laugh


2017-03-14 12:50 | Report Abuse

Lunch time...............;-)
AA down 2day. Hope afternoon up back. Chart looks good but big picture uncertain short term so better careful a bit. No wonder BWC say neutral 4 now only. This trader now must be discipline becoz trend not very clear. If sell all or buy all can get caught. Especially CW that going expiry, if go in must know risk 1st. Laugh


2017-03-14 09:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyah it was clear 2 readers N admin that Icon8888 is the cause all this fighting on forum long time oredi. He use his gang N fake IDs make spam attack others N defend ownself .But now he black N white confess oredi. Laugh.


2017-03-14 08:45 | Report Abuse

U just made 2 negative comments. Laugh
Use CNP V2 easy job. Happy both side happy now.

My comment history got my trade record 4 all can check - stock, price buy or sell given on trade date. Since got ppl ask my results, yesterday i got give my 3rd round ol post. 2day is my old post 4 my 2nd round profit in AA last year. Maybe gang sifu can also show their trade record or they shame their old post? Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jun 24, 2016 07:25 AM | Report Abuse
Lucky i folluw buywithconviction N buy back last a few days. Hope AA fly 2day again. This time i wan 2 keep. :-)

Posted by Investo > Jun 21, 2016 12:56 PM | Report Abuse
Supermx price weak, Supermx Cs risky. i think AA more safe. AA i folluw bwc, he say buy with conviction if can hold. His big picture good but he humble, keep say can B wrung, make own decision. 4 me, if AA fall more i buy more as long will rebound high.

Posted by Investo > Jun 21, 2016 07:28 AM | Report Abuse
Brexit no more, all markets up! Bwc right again, say opportunity to realign portfolio. Get ready 4 rebound! Laugh. Big bro Topglove report bad result, mabye that is Y bwc say big picture for glove still weak, i skared 2 buy Supermx. Many ppl dun listen big picture, make wrung call N lose big money on Supermx N glove. I buy more AA again. Keep Padini, EG N Armada. This forum got ppl work in gang? Readers decide;

Posted by Investo > Jul 11, 2016 07:44 AM | Report Abuse
I buy back AA last 2 weeks. Dun move so i can buy AA N Cs more. This is my 2nd time play AA aready. To me, looks good, can more up. Laugh.

Posted by Investo > Aug 24, 2016 07:34 AM | Report Abuse
Aiyah AAX results good or bad? Everyone argue, not sure. I sell AA a bit yesterday becost scared market weak. If fall more, i buy back cheaper. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Sep 7, 2016 08:11 AM | Report Abuse
AA i follow BWC coment, sell some a few days aready. Now i wait, if fall i buy back cheap. If up i still got. Laugh.


2017-03-14 08:39 | Report Abuse

早安 Tuesday........... :-)
PMetal 2day how? Aluminium price keep increasing? But PMetal cannot everyday up la. Trend still ok by chart. Laugh


2017-03-14 08:37 | Report Abuse

BWC, i see forum last night again full spam attack by Icon8888 N gang but u easy just use CNP V2. 1 - 2 times only. Laugh. Let them work hard, we focus make profit N make comment like normal. CNP V2 easy help readers get balance view on AA N let readers understand why gang keep attack so readers can beware why gang keep call buy. Laugh


2017-03-14 08:37 | Report Abuse

早安 Tuesday........... :-)
AA 2day how? Since yesterday i bought back half oredi at 2.85, if now up i make more 4th round profit, if down i get chance buy lower. My win-win plan working well again! BWC is right, make money in stock market need open mind N discipline. Laugh


2017-03-13 17:13 | Report Abuse

Again gang dun know how 2 read comment history N dun know my trade record. I put my 3rd profit here (1st N 2nd round next time) here again 2 help them. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Mar 3, 2017 01:48 PM | Report Abuse
BWC say AA will be boring 4 now so I sell all my AA this morning at 2.68-69. Good profit from my average 2.43 N this is my 3rd round in AA. I know BWC recommend sell some AA only but i more trader than him la, When time 2 buy again, i hope can buy back fast N lower! Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 18, 2017 01:46 PM | Report Abuse
This morning BWC say buy with conviction! I quickly chase, buy more AA at 2.48, breakeven price now at 2.43 N , now 100% in stocks! Those who confuse N say dun understand BWC's big picture can just follow my trades la, i dun mind got follower N help those who dun learn 2 read. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 17, 2017 05:33 PM | Report Abuse
AA up again! BWC say good chance this bounce is real. So i got buy more AA at 2.40 N my breakeven still at 2.40, now making profit aready! All proven N readers can easy check - my buy or sell price given in my coment history, cannot bluff. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 11, 2017 01:32 PM | Report Abuse
AA up not bad! Yah la, i got say look like got buying support last few days!
This morning i quickly grab more AA at 2.20. So now average at 2.40 N i am 85% in stocks. Hope this time real rebound or not soon also run out of cash. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 10, 2017 05:28 PM | Report Abuse
Wah up a bit only again but up better than down. High vol N look like got buy support too.
Missed big fall in AA becoz weak big picture in Sept - Oct. Now slowly buy AA cheap cheap. Average price 2.45 N 80% in stocks only. Last time i buy sell buy sell, lose or no make money but now sitting on good profit so relax when this round AA move down - my trade record readers can easy check in coment history: got stock name, price buy or sell given same day trade. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Dec 23, 2016 07:35 PM | Report Abuse
I think fundamental not change but big picture change. Lucky i follow BWC 2 raise cash b4 US election N then use my win-win plan 2 buy back when price fall. Hope rebound soon. Merry Xmas N Happy New Year! HoHoHo

Posted by Investo: Sep 6, 2016 07:51 AM | Report Abuse
AA follow BWC advise, been take some profit so if fall more can buy cheap more. Laugh


2017-03-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

BWC, once u use CNP V2, spam attack got stop. CNP V2 working well. Laugh


2017-03-13 17:09 | Report Abuse

Going home time...........;-)
AA close 2.91. I bough back half of AA i sold earlier at 2.85. My 4th round in AA making bit profit oredi. Hope it continue 2 up. If fall i only 75% in stocks so can buy more at lower price. No wonder BWC call on AA is neutral. In this market, big picture uncertain. Neutral call is 2 control risk and make opportunity. My win-win plan working well again! Laugh


1 minute ago | Report Abuse

BWC, really lah CNP V2 working well. This morning again very few spam attack by sifu N gang. Only got a few repeat same old 1 line attack. Yes it true, soon a sifu will attack yr big picture but scare 2 let readers know his own call record. With big picture we got 3 round of profit in AA oredi but gang still not breakeven. Laugh


2017-03-13 13:24 | Report Abuse

Lunch time.................:-)
i buy back AA at 2.85 this morning when AA start shoot up again. AA like dun wan 2 fall any more so got downside support oredi. Also volume up when AA up so it is positive chart sign. So i now follow BWC advise oredi, have neutral on AA. I buy back half i sold b4 N now 75% in stocks back. My 4th round in AA start oredi, hope afternoon up more! Laugh


2017-03-13 08:31 | Report Abuse

BWC, the CNP V2 working well! Only a few spam attacks N they repeat same attack only. Once in a while put our CNP V2 own comment 2 defend N tell readers why gang keep attack. Laugh.


2017-03-31 10:22 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday...........back 2 work :-)
AA 2day how? If fall more then i can start 4th round in AA make profit again. Laugh. Still got ppl dun know how 2 read my track record i give in comment history, maybe they fail primary school, keep ask how much profit made using big picture. 2 help them i put some my old post here. This one is my 3rd round in AA (later i give 2nd round) . I put same day i trade so cannot bluff. Some sifu suddenly say they make big profit but calls record on forum all wrong or dun have. Like that anyone can say la. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Mar 3, 2017 01:48 PM | Report Abuse
BWC say AA will be boring 4 now so I sell all my AA this morning at 2.68-69. Good profit from my average 2.43 N this is my 3rd round in AA. I know BWC recommend sell some AA only but i more trader than him la, When time 2 buy again, i hope can buy back fast N lower! Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 18, 2017 01:46 PM | Report Abuse
This morning BWC say buy with conviction! I quickly chase, buy more AA at 2.48, breakeven price now at 2.43 N , now 100% in stocks! Those who confuse N say dun understand BWC's big picture can just follow my trades la, i dun mind got follower N help those who dun learn 2 read. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 17, 2017 05:33 PM | Report Abuse
AA up again! BWC say good chance this bounce is real. So i got buy more AA at 2.40 N my breakeven still at 2.40, now making profit aready! All proven N readers can easy check - my buy or sell price given in my coment history, cannot bluff. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 11, 2017 01:32 PM | Report Abuse
AA up not bad! Yah la, i got say look like got buying support last few days!
This morning i quickly grab more AA at 2.20. So now average at 2.40 N i am 85% in stocks. Hope this time real rebound or not soon also run out of cash. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Jan 10, 2017 05:28 PM | Report Abuse
Wah up a bit only again but up better than down. High vol N look like got buy support too.
Missed big fall in AA becoz weak big picture in Sept - Oct. Now slowly buy AA cheap cheap. Average price 2.45 N 80% in stocks only. Last time i buy sell buy sell, lose or no make money but now sitting on good profit so relax when this round AA move down - my trade record readers can easy check in coment history: got stock name, price buy or sell given same day trade. Laugh

Posted by Investo > Dec 23, 2016 07:35 PM | Report Abuse
I think fundamental not change but big picture change. Lucky i follow BWC 2 raise cash b4 US election N then use my win-win plan 2 buy back when price fall. Hope rebound soon. Merry Xmas N Happy New Year! HoHoHo

Posted by Investo: Sep 6, 2016 07:51 AM | Report Abuse
AA follow BWC advise, been take some profit so if fall more can buy cheap more. Laugh