Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-07-13 21:01 | Report Abuse

sad... i start jealous liao... T.T


2015-07-13 20:57 | Report Abuse

this hour normally i work from home.. no work from office la... hahaha..


2015-07-13 17:38 | Report Abuse

hrm.. may be u should look at a few profile like for constructions, i am looking at tambun indah, tiger, jag, for agri, im looking at TDM, rubber/gloves, hartalega, topglove, carepls, if 1mdb issues can resolve, probably myeg also not bad, malakoff is a long run, i guess it will be good if we can spot the good entry point, affin hwang is keep promoting this malakoff thing as i do not have much info on it, just know it unofficially links to "johorian boss".. dunno true o not.. but need to be very very careful la.. can set some safety measure if wanna play geh...


2015-07-13 17:29 | Report Abuse

Hi everybody!.. wish u all have a great evening ya!! BYE!!


2015-07-13 17:29 | Report Abuse

wa... today i got this chance to ask this question liu..

huat liao ber? hehehe


2015-07-13 14:08 | Report Abuse

thanks abang simon.. i wont amkan la... bcos u and region got earn ma... as we 1 team.. teammate earn profit we also happy for them wert....


2015-07-13 13:55 | Report Abuse

wakakaka... simon first time call us sei zai.. but i taken profit liao.. u 2 slowly enjoy.. i make kopi o 1st.. later u all earn starbucks liu rmb to buy me ice blend mocha ya.. .hehehe


2015-07-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

abang simon... faster call news paper say cheat kor already resolve the WSJ issue... sure shoot up to 1900 today.. lol


2015-07-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

omg... conniee... u mean.. biceps... and triceppss... which i have... none of them..... hahaha


2015-07-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

1720 possible?


2015-07-13 11:40 | Report Abuse

connie.. .CI is green now... i think i stop rowing using leg.. now use 2 hands only.. later when the right time we charge in and i will use left leg and right leg and middle leg to row!.. but for contra HK does not look very happy now...


2015-07-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

this afternoon will get megakill? region and simon? i sit back cucuk ward can liao... watch kopi enjoy u 2 earn fat fat ehhehe


2015-07-13 11:31 | Report Abuse

wa.. huat huat region simon... hehehehehe


2015-07-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

china and hsi today seems very quiet...


2015-07-13 11:08 | Report Abuse

hehehe good good.. i minum kopi 1st.. port folio clean liao... later if CO slide down a bit i top up lagi.. heheh


2015-07-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

YES... eh u all pun take profit d? lol


2015-07-13 10:33 | Report Abuse

oh ok ok connie... later if u think its about time u yelled NUMBER 5!!!! then i will use it...


2015-07-13 10:26 | Report Abuse

heheh im also in at .145.... if not right.. we jump out faster ok... hehehe


2015-07-13 09:52 | Report Abuse

i already row very hard with all my 4 limbs now... however i think there "might be" a slight pull back lei... i look at the 15m band and slow stoch macam a bit kua jiong like that...

if necessary then i will include my 5th limbs in rowing! hope HK can sustain this high stoch and bb..


2015-07-13 09:40 | Report Abuse

good luck region and simon! i also q .145.. but macam susah get.. see got luck bo..


2015-07-13 07:56 | Report Abuse


tsy.. erm.. my guess la (tembak style, don trust ya).. may be will not move much la... if up may be a bit, if red may be also a bit... i will try to row la... but i already stand by 1 safety vest for connie... so... connie... safety is our main priority ya.... hehehe

abang dk... actually to row this boat now i am thinking to have plan C instead... so plan B is to use leg to paddle the boat so it can move a bit even if my hand muscle tired... so left leg and right leg paddle like nobody business.. so left right leg muscle is crucial... but my plan C is... to strengthen my middle leg muscle.. so if plan B don work.. my plan C is to use middle leg to become the propeller to spin like a motor and cabut... so middle leg muscle also very important ok... heheheh


2015-07-13 07:44 | Report Abuse

Ok noted... then i 6c6c my hk lo... earn a bit may b i sell le


2015-07-12 21:02 | Report Abuse

captain simon, please tell us where u wanna push.. HK? HG? HB? HT? HM? HO? HZ???!!!! or all push together? hehe


2015-07-10 22:28 | Report Abuse

ya la... steam pls.. alibaba pls add my steam


2015-07-10 20:21 | Report Abuse

Snake... i scare china cw la... updown so drastic....


2015-07-10 17:06 | Report Abuse

can can... but u must spefically tell me which part of muscle.. later wrong part of muscle do wrong thing pulak... heheheh


2015-07-10 17:05 | Report Abuse

ok... COW region.. sounded a bit like earth shaker / centaur warchief... hahahahha


2015-07-10 17:04 | Report Abuse

ok u too tsy.. have a fantastic weekend ya! this weekend imma going to the best toufufah place in malaysia... hehehe...

same goes to u all ya... have a joyful weekend to connie seph tm hawk rchi ding2 dunknow jc duit fyh twobits and all!


2015-07-10 17:01 | Report Abuse

wakaka.. same la simon.. i betoi betoi salute region.. got ppl buy put + call same time and make money from both wan... give u 90 degrees tabik!


2015-07-10 16:58 | Report Abuse


but u know bcos this turbo is using gas compression and bursting out with fueling with NOS, so may only last a while...


2015-07-10 16:57 | Report Abuse

hk keep buying on...


2015-07-10 16:57 | Report Abuse

tsy.. sometime ghost story need to be kua jiong a bit baru ada ummpphh ma... no casualties will be filed.. no worry... even if i say connie is heavy... oops? no i mean h**vy....

Posted by tsy88 > Jul 10, 2015 04:52 PM | Report Abuse

Farfar .. awww, fatality ? Dont want to hear this word !! Scared die me !!


2015-07-10 16:55 | Report Abuse

simon, u see he diam diam 2nd half of the day sure already start bring lui go raya shopping liu... hehehe

ozzie... i wish Jho Low the best luck, if his boss is out from the picture (whether by force or by his own will).. i think he need to where pampers all time...


2015-07-10 16:53 | Report Abuse

wa.. .54kg 5ft5in.. very setanlerd size lei... i think is bcos i keep distracted by connie's bikini so i didnt row hard enuf la... ok ok... i think the boat start moving now d... later i say TUUURRRRBOOOO!!! u push the botton ya...


2015-07-10 16:46 | Report Abuse

paling pandai is region liao... he no sikit sikit wan.. he will simpan lama and when release terus jadi bukit... lol


2015-07-10 16:45 | Report Abuse

tsy ah.. i didnt mentioned the word "h**vy" lo.. i know u lady to lady u can use that word.. but laki and lady cannot simply use that word wan lo... i will be facing risk of fatality ok.... heheheheh


2015-07-10 16:44 | Report Abuse

bro hawk! i think he will be putting up some weight becos this period of time mostly will be grabbing his popcorn and sodas... watch movie

Posted by skyhawk > Jul 10, 2015 04:20 PM | Report Abuse

farfar...d silent killer is rdy to strike soon !!


2015-07-10 16:42 | Report Abuse

i untung sikit2 at CR and CO.. ok la.. no fish, got prawn also ok ma... hehehe


2015-07-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

tsy... i row very hard d.. i farfar but the boat no farfar... i think connie need to lose some weight la... ehhehehe


2015-07-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

sure thing simon, just now u already mentioned ma.. wait monday only decide.. i hold some hk now la... if cannot monday morning i will monitor closely and cleared off.. hopefully no loss lo...


2015-07-10 16:17 | Report Abuse

err.. more like we open war with bursa, but in dota style... wakaka...


2015-07-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

who know dpm got quiet quiet o not.. may be he already engage with losima coconut team....


2015-07-10 16:15 | Report Abuse

u cheat la simon... u can cheat other ppl outside this forum but u cannot cheat me, region, alibaba... we like war also... but we don war btwn each other... we war against the bursa! gogogo!


2015-07-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

ding ding... enjoy ur weekend ya! have the best quality time with ur love ones...


2015-07-10 16:11 | Report Abuse

oh.. i tatao lo... u say i baru tao... that ifca forum if i spend 5 mins there reading the comments i will pengsan... i very scare to go there la... hahaha


2015-07-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

uiyok.. yuan lai ozzie stay at spore ha?


2015-07-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

its ok connie.. u continue reading ur lords of the ringgit first...

i continue rowing... if today cannot finish rowing monday i row again... i think its almost the end of ur book 1 already right (referring to the fellowship of 1mdb).. did u read till our AG said "U SHALL NOT PASS!!!"?


2015-07-10 15:38 | Report Abuse

farfarlogy supports school of rock, no school of thoughts... hehe


2015-07-10 15:22 | Report Abuse

i think getting worse la kot... now my fren working at spore last time come back once every 6mth... now come back every month... i think later on every week also come back.. they say, spending in msia become like very cheap....


2015-07-10 15:21 | Report Abuse

FF not farfar meh????!!!!