
issic622 | Joined since 2017-06-06

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2019-06-05 13:47 | Report Abuse

Please trust me temporary don't buy first. wait for Q2 result, it will be a very bad result due to Raya, caused lower sales as per mention in Q1 financial report.

Besides, insider news, now annjoo perform it blast furnace major maintenance, it take one month for production stop to complete maintenance. so believed big loss in Q2, no output, high repair cost + overhead


2019-01-15 20:38 | Report Abuse

GENM 从 10/10/2018 的 RM 5 ,因为各种不利消息的因素 , 包括主题乐园延迟, 业绩 Impairment , 赌博税 , 与DISNEY合约问题 , 导致股价不断狂跌 , 最低也到了 RM 3.01 , 跌了 40 % .那这次是反转还是反弹罢了呢 ?

以技术面来分析公司股价 , 在 5/11/2018 , 因为预算案里多加了税务 , 导致公司隔天暴跌了 30 % , 在 27/11/2018 , 又因为合约上的问题, 威胁了公司主题乐园的开幕预期 , 造成多一次的暴跌 , 但以成交量来看 , 并不比上次暴跌的买盘多. 经历了 3 次的大跌 , 很多投行也开始下调了公司的目标价 , 散户也几乎走完了.

以图表方式分析 :

股价在多次的暴跌下明显的形成了下跌趋势 ( Downtrend Line ) . 在 19/12/2018 , 出现了大绿柱 , 相信是因为开始有投行 Buy Call 的原因 , 让股价有了反转点 ( Reversal Trend Line ) . 随后股价也在 Trend Line 里往上徘徊 , 属于健康行上升趋势. 如今的股价 ( RM 3.33 ) 也形成了两条 Support Line , 分别是 RM 2.78 和 RM 3.05 , 只要没有往下突破 , 还是属于上升趋势. 在 RM 3.33 也遇到了两大阻力 ( Resistant Line ) , 分别是 Downtrend Line 和 Reversal Line , 只要在近日往上突破 , 通常这上升趋势就属于短型的 , 如果往下回调了再突破 , 就属于长期上升趋势. RM 3.53 和RM 4.29 是它比较大的 Resistance .

以成交量方式分析 :

5/11/2018 的成交量也是几年来最大的数目 , 高达 379 M , 但当时的暴跌有明显的大户接票 , 导致跌幅下降 . 过后的几天又高开低收 , 打击了散户的信心 . 27/11/2018 的暴跌 , 成交量不必以往的大 , 接盘量也明显的下降了, 原因是大家都不想继续持有 , 对公司没了信心 . 过后 , 却有几家投行调高了目标价 , 大量吸票 , 形成了这次的上升趋势. 往上突破的绿柱也有很大的买盘 .

以技术指标方式分析 :

Bollinger Band 有了明显的反转指标 , 股价一直徘徊在 MA 20 上 , 也挑战了突破上方的阻力, 相信股价在这几天会有所回调 ( RM 3.20 – RM 3. 30 ) . MA 5 , 50 开始往上交叉 , 只要保持下去 , 上升趋势就可以维持 .

Acc / Dis 和 OBV 指标显示有散户和大户开始收集 . MACD 指标也出现了金叉, 再次确认了这次的上升趋势 . 买力不断上升.


究竟这次的上涨会是反弹还是反转呢 ? 我们相信以公司的基本面来看 , 股价还是有点被低估的 , 这次的上涨是属于有理由性上涨 . 身为 30 大蓝筹股的公司 , 相信不会这么容易就被打败 , 后续应该会有所作为 . 如果你属短期玩法 , 不建议你在这价位入场 , 除非你愿意陪它成长. 我们估计股价会在 RM 3.20 – RM 3.50 徘徊 , 待业绩出炉后在打算股价的动向。


2019-01-10 11:50 | Report Abuse

big block 3.30


2019-01-10 08:32 | Report Abuse

Please refer to my latest update for Kampar terminal.


2019-01-05 20:29 | Report Abuse

Theme park open before CNY???


2018-12-09 11:08 | Report Abuse

To make it clear, need to let urs know ptrans is involve more in term of invest in property, land purchase, building construction, in order to grow their business. All these thing need a lot of cash. It is not enough just used fund from IPO, private placement. Long term borrowing is needed for them to ensure business continue growth. When u look at the borrowing maybe will worry, but try look at their fixed asset then u may understand.

Example, how u buy ur property, all is through housing loan right. Remember the asset u buy may revalue bz land price will increase from year to year. So, I feel the borrowing is fine for me. 

1. Long term borrowing interest is not that high. U may check the interest paid as compared against with total borrowing. Plus the latest budget gov announced will provide loan with interest as low as 2% for those transport company application. 

2. All those investment can apply grant from gov with 60% tax allowance. That is the reason ptrans keep invest, others than can ensure business growth, ptrans also enjoy benefits from gov. U also can see the tax allowance is keep in balance sheet, all these can be generated as future income. U can read my post to understand more about the latest financial statements.


2018-12-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

I’m believe what mention by the MD, quite honest.
1. Dividend will increase from year to year.
2. Kampar terminal is on track, and first phase operate in Q4. (now MYBAS is start the route from MedanKit to Kampar terminal)
3. Transfer to main market, will get confirmation by SC in end Nov18. (now is just beginning Dec18).
This all mention by the MD and is happened on time.

1. The Key bus terminal player in Malaysia.
2. Opening at least 5 terminal within 10 years.
3. Apply to fall under Reits status.
4. Attract more investment bank to invest in Ptrans.


2018-12-07 10:19 | Report Abuse

Moneycome… by right u should purchase mother which give u dividend every year..
But WA will give u capital gain higher than mother when overall result is performing.


2018-12-06 21:49 | Report Abuse

U may hold it first


2018-12-06 18:05 | Report Abuse

Good news to all of us


2018-12-06 18:05 | Report Abuse

Dear all.... Trf main board approved by sc


2018-12-06 16:39 | Report Abuse

why I said so, because mother share is sustain there. but WA is keep dropping. this look like to attract people for exercise of warrant.


2018-12-06 16:37 | Report Abuse

recently what I foreseen is warrant price is pushing down..
encourage people to subscribe as mother share??

recently exercise of 18m shares.


2018-11-30 18:13 | Report Abuse

Cuteboy, at the end share price will follow profit.. If profit is keep generate n improve.


2018-11-30 17:55 | Report Abuse

Detail may search from FB perak transit or amanjaya terminal.. There is a lot of activities hold in amanjaya


2018-11-30 17:05 | Report Abuse

No ideas about the price going down.
I'm looking for future.
MD statement is correct, the first phase of Kampar terminal is take place.
The first route under mybas is from medankit to kampar new terminal. Mean that FY2018, kampar terminal is start to contribute some income.

Understand from news, MD is mention the trf to main board is estimate by Nov18. But now is almost Dec. Hope SC manage to finalise it in the month of Dec.


2018-11-26 07:04 | Report Abuse

● 9MFY18 net profit at RM26.9 million, as compared to RM20.4 million in 9MFY17
● Increase mainly due to: i) Stronger revenue contribution from Perak Transit’s
integrated public transportation terminal operations, ii) Revised upward of
rental of A&P
● Future catalysts: i) new integrated public transportation terminal in Kampar, ii)
transfer to the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia

Perak Transit Berhad (“Perak Transit” or “Company”) registered a record high profit after tax and minority interest (“PATAMI”) of RM26.9 million in the first nine months of financial year ended 30 June 2018 (“9MFY18”), as the Company’s bottom line surged by 32% as compared to RM20.4 million in the corresponding period last year. Perak Transit’s revenue also improved by 4% to RM85.0 million in the six-month period, as compared to RM81.5 million a year ago.

The Company’s stellar financial performance in 9MFY18 was primarily driven by stronger revenue contribution from Perak Transit’s integrated public transportation terminal operations, which to date contributes 38% of the Group’s revenue. Additionally, the revised upward of rental of Advertising and Promotion (“A&P”) contributed to the performance.

Perak Transit Group Managing Director Dato’ Sri Cheong Kong Fitt said: “We ended the nine months of FY18 with our best-ever quarter and going forward, we expect to see the strong momentum to continue. We are on track to achieve another record full-year net profit for the current FY18, after hitting an all time high of RM28.8 million PATAMI in FY2017.

“Our next catalysts are intact, which is the new integrated public transportation terminal in Kampar to be completed by 4 th quarter of 2018, as well as our plan to transfer to the Main Market of Bursa Securities.”

In the third quarter ended 30 September 2018 (“3QFY18”), Perak Transit posted a PATAMI of RM8.4 million, representing a 26% increase as compared to RM6.7 million in the preceding quarter. The Company’s revenue in 3QFY18 rose by 4.5% to RM27.7 million from RM26.5 million in the same period a year earlier.

“Perak Transit’s strong third quarter financial results coupled with continuously improving operational and customer service metrics highlight the underlying strength of the business as well as the Company’s positive momentum since the initial public offering in 2016.,” added Dato’ Sri Cheong.


2018-11-20 11:28 | Report Abuse


大馬股市唯一經營巴士總站的公司霹靂運通(PTRANS,0186,創業板) ,憑著怡保Amanjaya長途巴士總站帶來的可持續性收入,已準備好從創業板轉往主板上市。而即將于年底開始啟用的金寶長途巴士總站(Terminal Kampar,通稱金寶車站)加持下,料可迎來另一項重要里程碑。
霹靂運通是在2016年10月上市創業板,手中的王牌之一是坐落在怡保美汝鎮( Meru Raya)的Amanjaya長途巴士總站,該總站是霹靂運通最大營收和盈利貢獻來源,去年雖只貢獻營收的38%,但卻貢獻了83%的毛利。
《資匯》曾在第396期的上市公司( 2016年9月26日,標題:瞄準長途巴士總站商機,霹靂運通上市展拳腳),分析和報導霹靂運通。
當時該公司的IPO新股售價為每股15仙,集資3675萬令吉,其中2000萬令吉( 54%)用來興建金寶車站、1047萬令吉( 28.5%)作為營運資本,其餘為上市費用。
張氏兄弟是以經營巴士起家,在2006年創辦The Combined Bus公司后,延伸經營怡保巴士總站。
值得一提的是, AmanJaya總站及金寶車站的定位大不相同。
張珌瑞解釋說,由於去年人流量高達200萬人次, AmanJaya總站的主要收入來自廣告和宣傳( A& P)業務,占該業務營收50%;而擁有更大的出租空間的金寶車站,則主要靠租金收入為主要收入。
他說,金寶人口約3萬人,有拉曼大學( UTAR)和拉曼學院的加持,周邊地區人口有10萬人,相信金寶車站未來的人流量相當可觀。


2018-11-08 16:11 | Report Abuse

the mistake is still can acceptable... some you can see negative result, post become positive.. this more dangerous.


2018-11-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

Previous QR amendment is to change the NTA from sen to RM... Previous u can see the NTA is 19++ now back to normal at 0.19...

When they amend the announcement about the NTA, wrongly post the Net Profit for Q2 result, so post again 3rd revision.