
johnmasino | Joined since 2014-05-12

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2016-07-23 23:19 | Report Abuse

Buy other stocklor..


2016-07-23 21:56 | Report Abuse

Apparently Schlumberger Joins Halliburton in Calling Oil Cycle’s Bottom

The world’s two largest providers of oilfield drilling and fracking services have now declared that the worst may be over in the two-year-old oil market crash.
Schlumberger Ltd. said Thursday that the oil industry appears to have reached the bottom of the cycle, echoing smaller rival Halliburton Co., which on Wednesday said the North American market reached its lowest point in the second quarter and is poised for modest growth the rest of this year.


2016-07-22 15:37 | Report Abuse

Look who's back! It's CKSAM the fugly clown with the face of a bear...LOL.. He was DEAD wrong when he claimed SKPETRO's last quarterly result would show huge losses when it actually turn out to be profitable..LOL. Should anyone believe this imbecile knowing that he's bearish remarks are asinine? LOL!

Now this very same clown is posting links to support his claims that oil prices will crash. LOL.


2016-07-16 22:01 | Report Abuse

While many are focusing on the US and OPEC's oil production, many hardly notice that China's oil output has declined significantly. This is a clear indication that oil is slowly reaching a balance where demand will eventually overtake supply..

Quote from the article.
The trend is seen to continue: an analyst from North Square Blue Oak told Bloomberg that “Domestic crude production will remain weak, while coal-output cuts may even deepen in the coming months. China’s demand for overseas energy supplies including crude oil and coal will continue to grow in the second half year.”


2016-07-16 14:36 | Report Abuse

limchewi: yup, still invested with SKPETRO. Haven't sold a single share yet as I'm waiting for it to hit my TP. Relax, SKPETRO fundamentals are improving. The recent RSC Berantai cessation was actually good for SKPETRO as it would help it get cash back to reduce it's debt. All in all, I see SKPETRO's fundamentals improving over the coming months as oil prices slowly but surely climb up. You guys just need to be patientlar..short term might be volatile but long term, definitely going up!


2016-07-13 22:14 | Report Abuse

India Putting Floor Beneath Oil Prices As Demand Continues To Soar

A bit dated but hopefully we can see India increasing it's demand for oil..


2016-07-13 22:11 | Report Abuse

Citibank: We’re Nearing A Bull Market For Oil

Echoes my sentiments perfectly. It's a matter of time before oil prices surge to an all time high..LOL


2016-07-10 01:41 | Report Abuse

According to the IMF studies shown in the chart above, the lowest break-even oil price is USD49 and that's not even commercially feasible! Arab Saudi's break-even oil price is actually USD86/barrel when fiscal costs are included. For OPEC, average break-even price is USD90/barrel.

One thing to note from that article is that the cost to produce oil has actually increased overtime, contrary to popular belief!

Quote from the article:-
"The disturbing truth is that the real cost of oil production has DOUBLED since the 1990s. That is very bad news for the global economy. Those who believe that technology is always the answer need to think about that."

So the point is, there's no way oil prices can remain at USD50/barrel forever. Eventually, oil prices will have to rise to above USD50/barrel in order for the oil players to survive.


2016-07-10 01:33 | Report Abuse

Tight oil may have bought us a few years of abundance but the resulting over-supply, debt and prolonged period of prices below the cost of production have exacted a terrible cost. Under-investment, a damaged service sector, weak oil company balance sheets and a decimated work force practically ensure cripplingly higher prices a few years in the future.


2016-07-10 01:30 | Report Abuse

Relax kinfatt999. Read the following article which gives a superb view of why oil prices can only go higher...


2016-07-01 22:34 | Report Abuse

A superb and well thought out analysis by an oil analyst expert on why oil prices will rise to at least USD80/barrel soon. This is the reason why I'm still holding my stakes in oil companies (SKPETRO being one of them). In mid to long term, oil will be a scarce commodity and when that happens oil prices will rise to even beyond USD100..LOL

We could see SKPETRO hit RM4.00 and above in the mid to long term (2 to 5 years).


2016-06-30 09:34 | Report Abuse

What happened to all my haters like "stewpid dog" cooling and cksam? LOL..all run away already?


2016-06-29 10:49 | Report Abuse

kinfat999: The worse is already over. Buy and hold until it hit RM2.00 and above..


2016-06-29 08:10 | Report Abuse

KLCI King: another clown trying to dismiss me, LOL...i always win u retard..


2016-06-29 00:19 | Report Abuse

limchewi: Glad to get some love from a lady.. :-)

Joblessrich: You are welcome.. :-)


2016-06-28 23:21 | Report Abuse

Another thing i notice about people is this forum is that they are quite ungrateful..
when sentiments are bad, everyone will bash u..when sentiments are good and the stock price is moving in their favour, no one even comes out and say thanks..

how sad..


2016-06-28 23:18 | Report Abuse

limchewi: i hope u can sleep well now. Luckily you didn't sell all your stocks at a lost. Now that SKPETRO is doing well, we should see it's stock price climb all the way back to RM2.00 and beyond..


2016-06-28 22:00 | Report Abuse

How come no one thank me? I've been saying all along that SKPETRO stock will hit RM2.00 and above!


2016-06-28 21:53 | Report Abuse

Just saw the latest quarterly report. Very good IMO considering how low oil prices were the past few months. But this report only reflects the performance of the company the last 3 months when oil prices were at their lowest! Imagine what the future earnings will be now that oil is on the rebound!

What happened to all my haters and the clown cksam and "stewpid daug" cooling? All run away already or are they still waiting for SKPETRO at 80cents?? LOL

My short to mid term TP is RM2.00..long term, above RM3.50


2016-06-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

I've said this repeatedly and I will say it again. In 2 to 5 years time, SKETRO will hit RM3.50 and beyond.

My prediction for Supermax last year was spot on! When Supermax share price was around RM2.10 range, I predicted that it would rise to RM3.00 and beyond. Sure enough, not only did Supermax hit RM3.00, it soared to an all time high of RM3.40.

I was right before and I will be right again. That's why I'm still keeping my SKPETRO shares and even accumulating more as the share price goes lower!



2016-06-27 21:33 | Report Abuse

Good news for long term investors like me. My TP for 3 to 5 years is now RM3.50 and beyond..LOL


2016-06-27 21:32 | Report Abuse

SapuraKencana Energy Sarawak Inc (“SKE”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad, is pleased to announce the signing of the SK310 Upstream Gas Sales Agreement in relation to the production of gas from the B15 Gas Field on 23 June 2016, between Petroliam Nasional Berhad ("PETRONAS") as Gas Buyer and the SK310 Production Sharing Contract ("PSC") Contractors as Joint Sellers. SKE is the Operator of Block SK310 PSC which was awarded by PETRONAS on 17 June 2008. SKE has participating interest of 30%, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. 40%, and Diamond Energy Sarawak Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, 30%.

The B15 Gas Field which was discovered in December 2010 is located within the SK310 PSC area, offshore East Malaysia. The development will comprise a central processing platform with a 35km gas evacuation pipeline to be tied into existing infrastructure. The B15 Gas Field will deliver gas to the Malaysia Liquefied Natural Gas (MLNG) complex in Bintulu, Sarawak. The first gas delivery is targeted for the fourth quarter of 2017.

This announcement is dated 27 June 2016.


2016-06-27 00:11 | Report Abuse

limchewi: Yes I will hold forever until it hits my TP of RM2.00 or higher.. :-)


2016-06-24 23:49 | Report Abuse

CKSAM: I'm not sure whether ur blind, stupid and can't understand simple English but if you have even made an effort to read my past comments here on Supermax's investment, you would know that I've already sold off all my Supermax shares at a handsome 50% profit last year. As of now, I own zero Supermax shares..

I'm waiting for Supermax to bottom out and then I'll decide whether to go in or not for another round of profit..LOL

cksam Wonder where are all those clowns that shouted "be greedy when others are fearful" ? Clowns like Johnmasino and the callme777 with his 100k to buy? Heck this is the real test for you boys. Buy now lah and be greedy buy more. I am fearful now. Johnmasino has already got his hands full with supermx after buying all the way from RM 3.50 till RM 2.20. I just wonder if he is still averaging down?


2016-06-24 23:35 | Report Abuse

limchewi: I thought u sold of all your SKPETRO shares already. My long term view on O&G sector still remains. I'm still bullish on SKPETRO for the long term and I know it will hit RM2.00 and above, most likely by next year.

Meantime, I'm staying by the sidelines and looking for bargains untill the Brexit fear subsides. If SKPETRO hit's 80cents, I'll definitely increase my stake.



2016-06-22 01:24 | Report Abuse

"stewpid" cooling my little simple-minded pup, keep posting more negative comments..LOL


2016-06-20 22:33 | Report Abuse

cooling: have u finish licking up ur crap already? ur job is to lick and eat crap! LOL

go now my little, "stewpid" pup..LOL


2016-06-20 22:04 | Report Abuse

OOOIII people...why u all still buying when stupid dumb bears like OptmiusClown, stewpid dog cooling, cksam have been screaming like monkeys that SKPETRO will go bust in 10-20 years??

By right, this share will be worthless in 10-20 years because everyone will be using electric vehicles and crude oil will no longer be needed. This share is WORTHLESS!!



2016-06-20 21:58 | Report Abuse

chpu2001: 2020 we no need clowns like OptmiusClown, stewpid dog cooling, dumbass cksam to post negative comments here...oil wouldn't be needed already because everyone will be using electricity for cars...LOL


2016-06-20 21:56 | Report Abuse

iHunter : LOL....good good...Im waiting at 80/40/10/0.01 cents....LOL

Oooi...OptimusClown, cooling, why didn't shit from your mouth today? U clowns are supposed to spread doom and gloom so that shareholders will sell on panic...keeping posting more bad news on oil and SKPETRO PLEASE!!! I NEED YOU TO SPEAD FEAR AND TERROR SO THAT INEVSTORS WILL SELL ON PANIC AND I CAN BUY AT 80 cents!!! LOL



2016-06-20 16:22 | Report Abuse

cooling: Oooiii stewpid dog, go post some more negative comments, ur doing a good job..LOL


2016-06-20 16:21 | Report Abuse

cooling : ur MY stewpid dog actually because you're actually helping me to push down the price to buy cheaper..LOL..



2016-06-20 16:18 | Report Abuse

cooling: ur a dumbass, imbecile with crap for brains...LOL...go up or down will benefit me u retard..LOL


2016-06-20 00:17 | Report Abuse

cooling: ur a bloody retard. All you do is come to this forum and post childish, silly rumours to scare long term investors into selling their stocks at a lost. You can't even post a long, sensible comment to support your views. The fact that you had to sprout racial comments like "worst than Indian" shows the simple-minded simpleton you are.

Indian bros here: all of you should whack this racist SOB for denigrating you.


2016-06-20 00:00 | Report Abuse

cooling; are u a bloody racist? what do u mean by "worst than Indeeian"? do u mean "worst than Indian"?

Celaka u, dont play the racial card here u imbecile..


2016-06-19 23:53 | Report Abuse

chpu2001: U kidding or what..LOL?


2016-06-19 23:50 | Report Abuse

I think the oversold is done. EPF has only sold a mere 0.3% stake with 15.02% stake remaining. If EPF wanted to cash out, they would have sold a bigger stake than 0.3%. This rumour that EPF is selling because SKPETRO has no future is WAY OVERBLOWN..LOL

"According to SapuraKencana's filings on Bursa Malaysia, the pension fund had sold a total of 18.23 million shares or 0.3% stake in the group since beginning of the month.

Nevertheless, the filing showed EPF had bought 1.2 million and one million shares on June 8 and 9 respectively.

After the transactions, EPF holds 900.04 million or a 15.02% stake in SapuraKencana."


2016-06-19 16:19 | Report Abuse

chpu2001: Ahaha...actually those clowns like cksam, Optimus Prime etcs are helping us to push the price down further for us to buy cheaper..wakakakaka...they think that by spreading fear and terror they can cause us long term investors to lose money..but in reality, they are just helping us get richer in the long term..WAKAKAKAKAKAKA


2016-06-19 00:40 | Report Abuse

cooling: con man? LOL...another clown trying to insult me because he's jealous i made so much money on the pas...wakakakakakakaka..

Oooiii....I already said that if SkPETRO fall further, it will benefit me coz I still have 70% of my funds left to average down..LOL..

You think I went all in issit? LOL...stupidlar u..

If SKPETRO drops to 10 cents, I can get to average down my buying price to 15 go up or down, I will win..



2016-06-19 00:33 | Report Abuse

limchewi: cksam's points are valid. May I add some more points as well..

6) NEVER invests more than 10% of your total portfolio into a single stock. From what I can see, it looks like you've invested everything into SKPETRO and that's a bad idea

7) NEVER listen to anyone's buy or sell calls including mine. Do your due diligence and decide for yourself using your head, not your emotions.


2016-06-19 00:25 | Report Abuse

cksam: if you look at my comments about SKPETRO, i was on the mark correct? Look at the current price now RM1.41, below RM2.00.

Now that it's way below RM2.00' I've bought it..because it's way oversold...LOL

The dividend yield of SapuraKencana is a shitty, paltry 1% compared to SeaDrill's 19%
Goodluck to those who bought into this stock. I expect this stock to sink all the way to below RM2.00.

For me, personally, I wont even buy this stock.


2016-06-19 00:20 | Report Abuse

cksam: LOL...woah you got so much time check through my previous postings...LOL...Looks like someone butthurt I'm making alot of money..LOL

Yes, I used to bash SKPETRO last time because it was way overpriced. I admit that some of my comments are uncharitable, but at least I had the guts to buy SKPETRO when it was oversold.

Oh, about TOPGLOV shares, i already sold all at a profit..although my call was of the mark. No one saw that the ringgit could strengthen against the USD. I sold off all my export-driven stocks already and move to buy oil and gas counters..LOL..


2016-06-18 23:30 | Report Abuse

muscle: i remember you from Supermax forum. Last time, when I told you that Supermax shares will rebound back to RM3.00 and beyond, you didn't believe me and I think you sold off your shares at a loss. Months later, Supermax shares went up to RM3.40++, exceeeding my predictions..LOL. I sold of all my shares at a handsome 50% profit.

So who is the ignorant and naivce one based on past performance? You or me..LOL



2016-06-18 23:27 | Report Abuse

Low and get lower. Good! Then I will buy even more...LOL..lets see how low it can go. The lower it goes for me, the better..LOL

I know you clowns are all waiting at 80cent or 10 cents. You think you all are the only ones who will benefit if SKPETRO sinks to those prices? It will also benefit me. LOL

lux88 Cut loss and change to better counter.
Low can get lower.


2016-06-18 23:25 | Report Abuse

lux88 Cut loss and change to better counter.
Low can get lower.

LOL....good! Then I can average down my price...LOL..


2016-06-18 22:44 | Report Abuse

limchewi: Bro, remember, your investments in SKPETRO is for mid to long term i.e. (3 to 5 years). So don't worry too much about daily price fluctuations. Just close your eyes, and wait for oil price to rebound back. Your patience will definitely be rewarded.



2016-06-18 22:39 | Report Abuse

limchewi: I guarantee you than within the next five years, maybe even by next year, oil prices will rise to above USD50. If it doesn't happen, you can shoot me..LOL..


2016-06-18 22:34 | Report Abuse

limchewi: Bro, i think you need to take your mind off fo now. My advise is too relax, don't think about SKPETRO or investments for today. Have a good nights rest, refreshen up, and once your mind is not too clouded with fear, read up on fundamentals of oil and then decide whether to keep or sell.

For me, I will keep forever until SKPETRO hits RM2.00 or above. I know it will happen because oil prices are already range bound. The worse already over! LOL..and things can only get better. One just needs abit of patience and perseverance.




2016-06-18 22:28 | Report Abuse

limchewi: Aiyo bro. Where you get this rumour that SKPETRO will no longer get any contracts? Is it from that dumbass cooling? LOL..of course they will get contracts. Did you read recently that SKPETRO that they made some significant gas findings offshore.It will take sometime for them to monetize those finding but rest assured, there will be income coming in.

If SKPETRO can no longer get any contracts, I won't be confident keeping and holding this counter.