
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2023-10-21 11:10 | Report Abuse

It is believed that stony would appeal but it is expected to be rejected by SE for the reasons already mentioned above.


2023-10-21 11:08 | Report Abuse

Thats why stony is reluctant to submit RP of AAX as it is believed to be involved in capital structure among other things which would piss off the shareholders of AAX


2023-10-21 11:04 | Report Abuse

You seem to be in the state of confusion. There is no need for both companies to submit the RP together .RP of AAX is closely embedded to the Cap A . Hence RP of AAX is prerequisite to the RP of Cap A. Basically, RP of Cap A is said to be secondary and unnecessary.


2023-10-21 10:57 | Report Abuse

As reiterated many times , stony never intended to submit RP for AAX from day 1 and resorted to shortcut of relief of upliftment. Following the rejection of relief ,he is even insinuating that he will appeal. As highlighted , since AAX and Cap A are not mutually exclusive, SE is expected to reject the appeal which would depress the price further

If I were stony , I would just submit the RP in time to save the asses of both companies . Deadline for submission of RP has been fixed and time is running out second in second out...................


2023-10-21 10:44 | Report Abuse


Exactly . Its both or never. Both AAX and Cap A are not mutually exclusive ie they are closely tied together like the conjoined twins who are inseparable .

It is sad to hear one commentator saying a plan is not a big deal. Well , a plan is a big deal as it will show how Cap A is to be redeemed from death. No plan, no direction, no way out .....


2023-10-21 07:42 | Report Abuse

It is acknowledged by SE that AAX is profitable but it can not grant relief for upliftment to AAX alone without uplifting Cap A. It is both or nothing.

Unfortunately, Cap A is far from satisfaction in terms of gearing level.Relief for upliftment is out of the question.It must be assisted by AAX through its RP. Too bad for AAX.


2023-10-20 16:13 | Report Abuse

No RP for AAX , no upliftment and the same goes to Capital A .End of the story


2023-10-20 16:09 | Report Abuse

As said before. Upliftment of AAX and Capital A is not mutual exclusive . No such thing as one can be uplifted while another one can not... Upliftment of both or nothing.


2023-10-20 16:08 | Report Abuse

Stony never intended to submit the RA for AAX but hoping the SE would grant him with the relief so that he can just submit RP for Capital A..


2023-10-20 16:02 | Report Abuse

I have said it before. Upliftment of AAX and Capital A is not mutual exclusive . No such thing as one can be uplifted while another one can not... Upliftment of both or nothing.


2023-10-18 08:19 | Report Abuse

It is believed that the promoters must have fanatically kept averaging down and got their fingers burnt

Now they are promoting hard in desperate moves to recoup but its of no avail.It is going to be stagnant if not depressed further


2023-10-17 22:16 | Report Abuse

Jaks has been calling for the wolves so many times and turn out to be false hopes in the end

Jaks is expected to decline below 20 by the end of this year if not faster...


2023-10-16 22:32 | Report Abuse

Jaks is expected to decline below 20 by the end of this year if not faster....


2023-10-14 10:17 | Report Abuse

These so called " promoters " of Jaks have abused I3 forum where they start to hurl slanders , gibberish etc when their posts are refuted with justifications and true facts. They are bunch of egoists who are delusional of the highest order. Parasites of I3 .


2023-10-13 17:18 | Report Abuse

No dividend payout in the past and the proposed DRP are the demonstration of cash stricken with which the company has been faced since inception .No wonder they have been relying on RR and RI to raise fund for their projects as a result of which the share capital has been ballooning to 2.5 b as at to date. External borrowing appears to be out of the question in view of its pathetic financial situtation.

The low gearing is basically a " disguise " due to the difficulty in raising external borrowing and enormous increase in share capital through RR and RI over the years since outset.


2023-10-13 12:45 | Report Abuse

Despite of of massive Accumulated Profit : 343,661,000, Jaks has never rewarded its investors with dividend. It even has proposed DRP to avoid payment of dividend and use DRP as a lame excuse of reserving the fund for investments. What investments are they referring to ? Basically ,all are building castle in the air. No parties are keen to join with them for future developments given their pathetic shape.

No matter how the promoters to hype on jaks to win the argument swith gibberish or what , the investors are not gullible to be drawn and are more than capable of discerning what is nonsensical and otherwise.


2023-10-12 17:45 | Report Abuse

Stop misleading others with your ill-information and prejudiced perspectives....


2023-10-12 16:49 | Report Abuse

You are procrastinating to hype on this counter. Get a fxxking life , please .


2023-10-12 16:47 | Report Abuse

MV= P/E ratio x EPS. For Jaks , PE is approximately 15 and EPS is about 2.5 on average so MV should be RM 0.375 . but why is it still bloody stagnant at 0.20-0.21?

The current reflection of share price of 0.21 can only be interpreted as " pathetic" due to its poor demand where most investors have ditched/sidelined this counter for the obvious reason(s).


2023-10-12 12:03 | Report Abuse

Faced with serious cash stricken,it is expected that another cash call via Right Issue (RI) would be raised in order to subscribe for additional 10% ownership interest in JHDP which costs around USD50 - 55 millions (RM230 - 250 millions) under option.

Given the pathetic current share price ,Do you really believe that the existing shareholders would exercise the option by taking up the RI even though the payback is 5 years with handsome profit?

With the current MV of 0.21 which has been stagnant with no sign of growths , majority of the existing shareholders are said to be pissed off with the company for their huge capital loss suffered and likely to refuse to subscribe for the RI in protest.

On the other hand,the material litigation with star is yet to be over. It remains to be seem if the company could win the case or not in the Federal is said the chance of winning is to be 50: 50.

In short,the worst has yet to come.....


2023-10-12 11:42 | Report Abuse

Referring to the proposed DRP , basically, the company is telling the whole world that they would declare " Dividend" but they are unable to pay . They are insinuating that they are cash stricken . They dont have " hard cash" to pay ie no physical payment of Dividend but merely for accounting purposes. Their reason given to you is that the company is in need of fund as working capital to fund the oversea projects.

To put it another way, the company is severely faced with difficulties to raise funding be it external funding ( the external borrowing to date stands at RM 600m and needless to mention PP and RI . RI is out of the question given the bad shape of the company. The only option left is PP. Even For the recent PP, despite it is not sizable , the company still finds it difficult to raise as a result of which desperate time extension is sought to complete the PP. so pathetic. More to reveal.


2023-10-12 11:42 | Report Abuse

From your posting, the share of JV profits is shown to be reducing in the interim which signifies that the projects are near completion if not completed. For this reason, the cash inflows should have been improved with the collection and return of retention .Why is the cashflows still depleting fast and furious? The proposed DRP and time extension of PP tell it whole.


2023-10-12 11:41 | Report Abuse

The proposed DRP is really a mockery to the investors. Dividend declared to you but no physical payment. The investors are believed to be very pissed with this proposal. Fundamentally speaking, the investors are looking for two things in their investment returns. First is the " Dividend" and second is the " Capital gain through appreciation of share price ".

As at now , No physical delivery of dividend , No appreciation of capital gain but capital loss , on top of all things , the company is appealing to investor to pump in more investment through PP and RI. Do you really believe that the investors are keen to continue to support the company ? Basically , the investors have lost confidence in this company.


2023-10-12 11:39 | Report Abuse

The debt to equity ratio is " healthy " in disguise due to its massive share capital of 2.9 b . The massive share capital has basically been built up through issuance of warrants , PP and RI over the years with the agenda to keep the debt to equity ratio low as a means of window dressing.

However , it is believed that investor including the existing shareholders are no longer fooled to invest into the company through their further issuance of warrants , PP and RI and likewise the lenders are no longer keen to provide funding irrespective how " healthy " the Debt to Equity ratio shows. Thats why the company is faced with difficulties to raise fund be it internally or externally from now.


2023-10-12 11:39 | Report Abuse

It is the fact that the collection problems has been deteriorating from one year to another.

This can be evident from the audited reports where the impairment for trade receivable has been increased to 17.5% representing RM 48m+++ in 2021 from 14% representing RM 41m++ in 2020

whereas non-trade receivables, it can be evident from the audited report where the impairment for non- trade receivable has been increased to 35 % representing RM 66m++ in 2021 from 28 % representing RM 41m++ in 2020.

It is expected the impairment will be even higher in 2022 and 2023


2023-10-12 07:17 | Report Abuse

It is evident from the reflection of share price that this counter has been ditched by investors.

No need to procrastinate to hype as it is futile


2023-10-04 14:02 | Report Abuse

what exactly smallbilis wrote ?


2023-10-04 12:42 | Report Abuse

It is believed that Jaks has been ditched by most of the investors but some are still pathetic to have chosen to be ignorant of it and blinded to it despite of the fact that there have been many harbingers of downfalls to come.....


2023-10-04 09:08 | Report Abuse

Two and three months ago, it was 21 and now is still 21 . thats why i say it is stagnant if not lower than 21 soon .....


2023-10-04 08:53 | Report Abuse

it is expected that someone will be banned for personal abuse with abusive remarks


2023-10-03 21:25 | Report Abuse

What happened to cowfish?


2023-10-02 16:22 | Report Abuse

0.66 is in your fantasy, not in a million years....


2023-10-02 15:03 | Report Abuse

Eat coconut can make you nut .....


2023-10-02 09:49 | Report Abuse

No matter how jaks is promoted, it wont spike but remains stagnant at 20-22 for many years to come if not century. Investors have long ditched this counter for other more potential ones.

Now then the problems exactly lie with Jaks have been exposed in the earlier posts. It is believed that only Jaks could salvage themselves and no one else , not even the promoters here .....


2023-10-02 09:20 | Report Abuse

Jaks is hopeless


2023-09-29 15:37 | Report Abuse

The temporary downtrend is the pre-sign of subsequent rebound where collection is in the process now for the convenience of some " investors " before it surges.....


2023-09-29 14:59 | Report Abuse

cheap sale now with rebound on agenda?


2023-09-29 14:56 | Report Abuse

it is cheap sale now . If you dare, buy and hold. Your investment will be double in due course


2023-09-19 09:23 | Report Abuse

fly Robin fly..... up up to the sky ........................


2023-09-18 11:07 | Report Abuse

You may refer to my previous posts relating to this counter, which are self-explanatory.


2023-09-18 10:46 | Report Abuse

Counter of no hope and why keep hyping on it ?


2023-09-18 10:18 | Report Abuse

Sharks are believed to have abandoned this useless counter from the way it goes .......................


2023-09-18 10:07 | Report Abuse

All the sifus are bullshxtting . Basically , they are desperate to exit by appealing you to push up. It will never reach the TP as advised , not in a million years.


2023-09-18 10:03 | Report Abuse

All Jaks knows is to suxk out more funds from shareholders via RI and PP and never reward the shareholders/investors with dividends since outset and capital gain. All the Shareholders/investors are believed to be suffering from huge capital losses. Shareholders/investors are said to begin to ditch this counter fast and furious....


2023-09-18 09:56 | Report Abuse

Jaks is basically gone case


2023-09-15 17:07 | Report Abuse

LG with M on top


2023-09-15 16:01 | Report Abuse

go johnny go ..... go johnny go ..... go johnny go..........johnny be good...............


2023-09-15 09:50 | Report Abuse

Selling pressure is taking the heat now


2023-09-15 09:29 | Report Abuse

profit taking is in progress


2023-09-15 09:24 | Report Abuse

How to push with whopping 4.2 b shares base ?