
kenie007 | Joined since 2019-10-21

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2020-11-09 01:45 | Report Abuse

Netx 一直烧钱做那些产品不能商业化的 !感觉好像小孩子拿投资人的钱来玩masak !


2020-11-09 01:43 | Report Abuse

一直做 R&D 产品出来不对时机也拿去市场 ...结果呢烧投资人的钱!不可以等对的时机才推出市场?看来领导的判断能力有问题 ?


2020-11-09 01:36 | Report Abuse

2018年集资拿投资人几千万做 allz wallet merchant ~ allinpay(wechat pay)结果做几个月就没做了 !


2020-11-09 01:34 | Report Abuse

集资拿投资人几千万做 allz 360 O2O ,2016年结果做几个月就没做了 !


2020-11-09 01:33 | Report Abuse

集资拿投资人几千万做 allz mPOS EFTPOS payallz POS 结果招一年就没招了 revenue 一年才几百千... 将生意量好像有做没做没区别!人家Ghlsys revenue 都几千万 !


2020-11-08 23:56 | Report Abuse

good123, Budget 2021 provides tax incentives to encourage manufacturing businesses to relocate to Malaysia, including a concessionary tax rate of 0-10% for 10 years to selected businesses in the service sector that has a significant multiplier effect to the Malaysian economy.

Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing remain as the core of the overall business ecosystem, hence, it was timely for the government to introduce a game-changing incentive package, he added.

Chief executive officer Surina Shukri said this would further boost MDEC-focused areas such as catalysing Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), digital creative content (DCC) and drone technology as well as instilling confidence to attract continued investments in its bid to strengthen Malaysia’s position as the Digital Pulse of ASEAN.

“MDEC will support business digitalisation efforts including supporting automation and modernisation activities under Budget 2021 such as Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Digitalisation Grant Scheme and Automation Grants, SME digitisation initiatives, Shop Malaysia Online and agricultural sector empowerment such as the e-Satellite Farm programme,”


我听good123 放屁就有 真正事实如下 :
stockraider YES agreed Technology business is high growth sector but not this ( Netx mlab, xox vsolar trive kgroup sanichi vc nexgram lambo dgb m3tech mnc mtouche inix ) ( 这些公司老板懂事都无心做生意好像混饭吃找吃脚!年年都 MOU ! MOU 来 MOU 去都是以上公司跟以上公司应为他们老板股东全部都是kaki lang 最后MOU TERMINATE, 做一年两年又换跑道换项目,他们都是亏了几乎20年,有budget 没budget incentive 都没关系 应为他们都是年年火力全开可以发行什么就发行什么死命做 private placement ,shares issuance scheme ,employee shares options scheme ,right issue 像股民乞讨钱集资进公司 ,公司3年做什么东西出来 ?没看到象样东西
公司5年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到公司壮大
公司10年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到生意变大
公司15年做什么东西出来 ? 什么都没有看到
公司20年做什么东西出来 ? 有有有就是烧钱烧了这么久
这些公司做了什么成绩出来?什么成长跟他们无关!派 dividend 没有你就想拿他们一分钱慢慢等啦!等了都没有应为钱老板从你们那边吸进去怎么可以吐出去的!
老板懂事有了钱只会住大羊坊开豪车吃香喝辣花天酒地过生活 钱花完了老板股东就卖完手上股票就做shares consolidation 后right issue 比市场价低很多比如 20%~ 50% 买回股权中间又一大笔钱花!
以上公司根本不是 growth company 投资者投资了他们都是亏钱的!

这个Netx 在30大股东看到 lim kopi lah...tan kuku lah... yongtauhu lah....lau lah...lee lah...choo lah... chung lah...chan lah...hong lah....liew lah...全部都是打酱油的番薯木薯马铃薯 散户 !


好的公司有前景的公司就会在30大股东会看到很多Profesional Investment Fund manager 红毛队国家队入股的!

BUDGET 2021 受益于真正好好经营公司的老板,好公司年年赚钱有dividend 分,公司赚钱充满现金也不需要发行股票集资,公司都有钱一直发展公司越做就越大一直在成长就是以下公司 :
Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing收益以下公司 :
Tech growth company like ( inari unisem gtronic dufu ataims vs uwc jhm revenue ghlsys myeg microlin penta vitrox genetec mi greatec istone ) because they boss are businessman doing well business is profitable company


2020-11-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

如果你们不会可不是 浪费时间和精力还加浪费血汗钱 !


2020-11-08 15:48 | Report Abuse



2020-11-08 15:46 | Report Abuse

知道他是老千股 要像我这种会抓老千的 "千王之王 "才有资格玩的!


2020-11-08 15:40 | Report Abuse

会投机厉害投机有时间看股票就来玩netx ,不会投机输不起钱只会投资没时间看就远离老千股,炒股,仙股!


2020-11-08 15:37 | Report Abuse

Good123 如果你讲投机 趋势好会 goreng 上 趋势没了 dump 暴跌 我不会说什么!


2020-11-08 15:29 | Report Abuse

Good123 你问大家看评论的人,mikecyc 是不是写的东西在跟你吵架打架轰来轰去!


2020-11-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

Netx 公司目前没有核心技术没有核心业务能赚钱 ,公司不能成长你们投资怎么能赚钱所以投资的人都是会亏钱,公司目前只能做 corporate exercise生存 !公司只能生存你们只能做公司的大儿子 。


2020-11-08 15:17 | Report Abuse

BuahCiku 你会写 xiaoren 你是华人。我写华文是给华人看 ! 其他不会看的继续做大儿子


2020-11-08 15:14 | Report Abuse



2020-11-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

有xox 股票都会被坑 !


2020-11-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

XOX下来还有很多 Corporate exercises 都会对旧股东不利!


2020-11-08 15:10 | Report Abuse

So in reality like share splits, bonus issue does not increase the value of investors’ investment.


2020-11-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

做 bonus issue 挖完公司现金 ,剩下烂摊子!
Accumulated losses 52.3 mil最少 和 变 shares issued 4.4 bil


2020-11-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

本来公司赚钱有retained earnings 做bonus issue是正常的就像我写bonus issue 这样做,Accumulated losses 52.3 mil 还做不正常的就是要走灰色地带,你懂的的啦挖公司现金!


2020-11-08 15:01 | Report Abuse

Bonus Issue
Bonus issue is the issuance of shares, free of charge, to all shareholders of the company. Bonus issues are issued from retained earnings (or accumulated profit) or share the premium account of the company.


2020-11-08 15:01 | Report Abuse

公司没赚钱,年年亏钱! 还敢做 bonus issue of up to 1,336,281,385 free warrants in the Company on the basis of 3 Warrants C for every 8 existing ordinary shares in the Company 为什么要做 ?难道你不知道 ?公司 发行SIS lah...PP lah... ICPS lah... RI lah..向大众集资钱进公司有了钱不拿去做生意(shares issue 变3.1bil .)打公司钱的主意! 玩 Corporate exercises 把公司钱换成红股可以在公开市场卖掉变现金!当xox 小股东是水鱼lulu 啊 !


2020-11-08 14:56 | Report Abuse

polycarp nickname 我看你才是隐藏的老千一份子!


2020-11-08 14:53 | Report Abuse



2020-11-08 14:32 | Report Abuse

balance sheet XOX Accumulated losses 52.3 mil


2020-11-08 14:31 | Report Abuse

xox就是老千公司 !


2020-11-08 14:22 | Report Abuse

total shares issued 3.1bil


2020-11-08 14:17 | Report Abuse

SOS xox died lah !!!


2020-11-08 14:04 | Report Abuse

Budget 2021 provides tax incentives to encourage manufacturing businesses to relocate to Malaysia, including a concessionary tax rate of 0-10% for 10 years to selected businesses in the service sector that has a significant multiplier effect to the Malaysian economy.

Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing remain as the core of the overall business ecosystem, hence, it was timely for the government to introduce a game-changing incentive package, he added.

Chief executive officer Surina Shukri said this would further boost MDEC-focused areas such as catalysing Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), digital creative content (DCC) and drone technology as well as instilling confidence to attract continued investments in its bid to strengthen Malaysia’s position as the Digital Pulse of ASEAN.

“MDEC will support business digitalisation efforts including supporting automation and modernisation activities under Budget 2021 such as Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Digitalisation Grant Scheme and Automation Grants, SME digitisation initiatives, Shop Malaysia Online and agricultural sector empowerment such as the e-Satellite Farm programme,”


我听good123 放屁就有 真正事实如下 :
stockraider YES agreed Technology business is high growth sector but not this ( Netx mlab, xox vsolar trive kgroup sanichi vc nexgram lambo dgb m3tech mnc mtouche inix ) ( 这些公司老板懂事都无心做生意好像混饭吃找吃脚!年年都 MOU ! MOU 来 MOU 去都是以上公司跟以上公司应为他们老板股东全部都是kaki lang 最后MOU TERMINATE, 做一年两年又换跑道换项目,他们都是亏了几乎20年,有budget 没budget incentive 都没关系 应为他们都是年年火力全开可以发行什么就发行什么死命做 private placement ,shares issuance scheme ,employee shares options scheme ,right issue 像股民乞讨钱集资进公司 ,公司3年做什么东西出来 ?没看到象样东西
公司5年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到公司壮大
公司10年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到生意变大
公司15年做什么东西出来 ? 什么都没有看到
公司20年做什么东西出来 ? 有有有就是烧钱烧了这么久
这些公司做了什么成绩出来?什么成长跟他们无关!派 dividend 没有你就想拿他们一分钱慢慢等啦!等了都没有应为钱老板从你们那边吸进去怎么可以吐出去的!
老板懂事有了钱只会住大羊坊开豪车吃香喝辣花天酒地过生活 钱花完了老板股东就卖完手上股票就做shares consolidation 后right issue 比市场价低很多比如 20%~ 50% 买回股权中间又一大笔钱花!
以上公司根本不是 growth company 投资者投资了他们都是亏钱的!

这个Netx 在30大股东看到 lim kopi lah...tan kuku lah... yongtauhu lah....lau lah...lee lah...choo lah... chung lah...chan lah...hong lah....liew lah...全部都是打酱油的番薯木薯马铃薯 散户 !


好的公司有前景的公司就会在30大股东会看到很多Profesional Investment Fund manager 红毛队国家队入股的!

BUDGET 2021 受益于真正好好经营公司的老板,好公司年年赚钱有dividend 分,公司赚钱充满现金也不需要发行股票集资,公司都有钱一直发展公司越做就越大一直在成长就是以下公司 :
Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing收益以下公司 :
Tech growth company like ( inari unisem gtronic dufu ataims vs uwc jhm revenue ghlsys myeg microlin penta vitrox genetec mi greatec istone ) because they boss are businessman doing well business is profitable company


2020-11-08 13:58 | Report Abuse

Budget 2021 provides tax incentives to encourage manufacturing businesses to relocate to Malaysia, including a concessionary tax rate of 0-10% for 10 years to selected businesses in the service sector that has a significant multiplier effect to the Malaysian economy.

Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing remain as the core of the overall business ecosystem, hence, it was timely for the government to introduce a game-changing incentive package, he added.

Chief executive officer Surina Shukri said this would further boost MDEC-focused areas such as catalysing Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), digital creative content (DCC) and drone technology as well as instilling confidence to attract continued investments in its bid to strengthen Malaysia’s position as the Digital Pulse of ASEAN.

“MDEC will support business digitalisation efforts including supporting automation and modernisation activities under Budget 2021 such as Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Digitalisation Grant Scheme and Automation Grants, SME digitisation initiatives, Shop Malaysia Online and agricultural sector empowerment such as the e-Satellite Farm programme,”


我听good123 放屁就有 真正事实如下 :
stockraider YES agreed Technology business is high growth sector but not this ( Netx mlab, xox vsolar trive kgroup sanichi vc nexgram lambo dgb m3tech mnc mtouche inix ) ( 这些公司老板懂事都无心做生意好像混饭吃找吃脚!年年都 MOU ! MOU 来 MOU 去都是以上公司跟以上公司应为他们老板股东全部都是kaki lang 最后MOU TERMINATE, 做一年两年又换跑道换项目,他们都是亏了几乎20年,有budget 没budget incentive 都没关系 应为他们都是年年火力全开可以发行什么就发行什么死命做 private placement ,shares issuance scheme ,employee shares options scheme ,right issue 像股民乞讨钱集资进公司 ,公司3年做什么东西出来 ?没看到象样东西
公司5年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到公司壮大
公司10年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到生意变大
公司15年做什么东西出来 ? 什么都没有看到
公司20年做什么东西出来 ? 有有有就是烧钱烧了这么久
这些公司做了什么成绩出来?什么成长跟他们无关!派 dividend 没有你就想拿他们一分钱慢慢等啦!等了都没有应为钱老板从你们那边吸进去怎么可以吐出去的!
老板懂事有了钱只会住大羊坊开豪车吃香喝辣花天酒地过生活 钱花完了老板股东就卖完手上股票就做shares consolidation 后right issue 比市场价低很多比如 20%~ 50% 买回股权中间又一大笔钱花!
以上公司根本不是 growth company 投资者投资了他们都是亏钱的!

这个Netx 在30大股东看到 lim kopi lah...tan kuku lah... yongtauhu lah....lau lah...lee lah...choo lah... chung lah...chan lah...hong lah....liew lah...全部都是打酱油的番薯木薯马铃薯 散户 !


好的公司有前景的公司就会在30大股东会看到很多Profesional Investment Fund manager 红毛队国家队入股的!

BUDGET 2021 受益于真正好好经营公司的老板,好公司年年赚钱有dividend 分,公司赚钱充满现金也不需要发行股票集资,公司都有钱一直发展公司越做就越大一直在成长就是以下公司 :
Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing收益以下公司 :
Tech growth company like ( inari unisem gtronic dufu ataims vs uwc jhm revenue ghlsys myeg microlin penta vitrox genetec mi greatec istone ) because they boss are businessman doing well business is profitable company


2020-11-08 13:57 | Report Abuse

Budget 2021 provides tax incentives to encourage manufacturing businesses to relocate to Malaysia, including a concessionary tax rate of 0-10% for 10 years to selected businesses in the service sector that has a significant multiplier effect to the Malaysian economy.

Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing remain as the core of the overall business ecosystem, hence, it was timely for the government to introduce a game-changing incentive package, he added.

Chief executive officer Surina Shukri said this would further boost MDEC-focused areas such as catalysing Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), digital creative content (DCC) and drone technology as well as instilling confidence to attract continued investments in its bid to strengthen Malaysia’s position as the Digital Pulse of ASEAN.

“MDEC will support business digitalisation efforts including supporting automation and modernisation activities under Budget 2021 such as Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Digitalisation Grant Scheme and Automation Grants, SME digitisation initiatives, Shop Malaysia Online and agricultural sector empowerment such as the e-Satellite Farm programme,”


我听good123 放屁就有 真正事实如下 :
stockraider YES agreed Technology business is high growth sector but not this ( Netx mlab, xox vsolar trive kgroup sanichi vc nexgram lambo dgb m3tech mnc mtouche inix ) ( 这些公司老板懂事都无心做生意好像混饭吃找吃脚!年年都 MOU ! MOU 来 MOU 去都是以上公司跟以上公司应为他们老板股东全部都是kaki lang 最后MOU TERMINATE, 做一年两年又换跑道换项目,他们都是亏了几乎20年,有budget 没budget incentive 都没关系 应为他们都是年年火力全开可以发行什么就发行什么死命做 private placement ,shares issuance scheme ,employee shares options scheme ,right issue 像股民乞讨钱集资进公司 ,公司3年做什么东西出来 ?没看到象样东西
公司5年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到公司壮大
公司10年做什么东西出来 ? 没看到生意变大
公司15年做什么东西出来 ? 什么都没有看到
公司20年做什么东西出来 ? 有有有就是烧钱烧了这么久
这些公司做了什么成绩出来?什么成长跟他们无关!派 dividend 没有你就想拿他们一分钱慢慢等啦!等了都没有应为钱老板从你们那边吸进去怎么可以吐出去的!
老板懂事有了钱只会住大羊坊开豪车吃香喝辣花天酒地过生活 钱花完了老板股东就卖完手上股票就做shares consolidation 后right issue 比市场价低很多比如 20%~ 50% 买回股权中间又一大笔钱花!
以上公司根本不是 growth company 投资者投资了他们都是亏钱的!

这个Netx 在30大股东看到 lim kopi lah...tan kuku lah... yongtauhu lah....lau lah...lee lah...choo lah... chung lah...chan lah...hong lah....liew lah...全部都是打酱油的番薯木薯马铃薯 散户 !


好的公司有前景的公司就会在30大股东会看到很多Profesional Investment Fund manager 红毛队国家队入股的!

BUDGET 2021 受益于真正好好经营公司的老板,好公司年年赚钱有dividend 分,公司赚钱充满现金也不需要发行股票集资,公司都有钱一直发展公司越做就越大一直在成长就是以下公司 :
Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing收益以下公司 :
Tech growth company like ( inari unisem gtronic dufu ataims vs uwc jhm revenue ghlsys myeg microlin penta vitrox genetec mi greatec istone ) because they boss are businessman doing well business is profitable company


2020-11-08 12:33 | Report Abuse

Victor Yong Jagdev noted that Budget 2021 provides tax incentives to encourage manufacturing businesses to relocate to Malaysia, including a concessionary tax rate of 0-10% for 10 years to selected businesses in the service sector that has a significant multiplier effect to the Malaysian economy.

Sectors related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digitalisation and manufacturing remain as the core of the overall business ecosystem, hence, it was timely for the government to introduce a game-changing incentive package, he added.
07/11/2020 8:00 PM

Victor Yong KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 7): The diverse scope of tax reliefs provided by Budget 2021 will help maintain existing investments and also attract new digital investments which will benefit the people, the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) said.

Chief executive officer Surina Shukri said this would further boost MDEC-focused areas such as catalysing Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), digital creative content (DCC) and drone technology as well as instilling confidence to attract continued investments in its bid to strengthen Malaysia’s position as the Digital Pulse of ASEAN.

“MDEC will support business digitalisation efforts including supporting automation and modernisation activities under Budget 2021 such as Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Digitalisation Grant Scheme and Automation Grants, SME digitisation initiatives, Shop Malaysia Online and agricultural sector empowerment such as the e-Satellite Farm programme,” she said.

She said the provision for the transition of existing workforce talent would enable MDEC to continue its initiative to provide digitally skilled talent for employee marketability and job matching.

Surina said MDEC would continue to work closely with ministries and strategic partners to support computer and digital technology graduate programmes at Premier Digital Tech Institutions (PDTIs) and other skills institutes.

“This year, MDEC has also organised the #MyDigitalworkforce Week which saw more than 10,000 applications submitted and they are ready to fill job opportunities that require digital technology skills,” she said.

Meanwhile, MDEC chairman Datuk Wira Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff said MDEC welcomed the RM100 million allocation to facilitate the transition of existing workforce talent to meet the needs in the expanding information and communications technology industry.

“Currently, digital economy-related companies need to take the opportunity to grow their business more innovatively and offer solutions based on the new norms needed by the people and business amid a highly uncertain environment.

“MDEC is confident that the strong foundation that has been built, including the digital economic framework, will provide the resiliency that the country needs at this time in driving economic growth as well as caring for the people,” he added.
07/11/2020 9:19 PM


2020-11-07 19:24 | Report Abuse

Netx目前没有一个核心业务能稳定盈利的 ! Netx 目前不用看啦..等有在来看 !


2020-11-07 18:54 | Report Abuse

好的公司有前景的公司就会在30大股东会看到很多Profesional Investment Fund manager 红毛队国家队入股的!

这个Netx 在30大股东看到 lim kopi lah...tan kuku lah... yongtauhu lah....lau lah...lee lah...choo lah... chung lah...chan lah...hong lah....liew lah...全部都是打酱油的番薯木薯马铃薯 散户 !


2020-11-07 18:38 | Report Abuse

stockraider Netx在自己国家都搞不到执照,每个国家都一样外来公司在当地拿执照更难除非你是美国大公司/巨无霸大公司才没办法给你执照! 我听你stockraider 放屁就有 !


2020-11-07 18:31 | Report Abuse

Netx mlab, xox vsolar trive kgroup sanichi vc nexgram lambo dgb m3tech mnc mtouche inix 不要讲这5年做了什么 ? 这些公司 已经 20年了 ,做科技做小便出来 !做互联网做大便出来 ! 做物联网做你victor yong 和 stockraider 出来车大炮 !都做科技R&D 20年了做生意做了什么 ? 我爸爸我妈妈做我出来,20年后我会 生孩子 赚钱养他们!


2020-11-07 18:21 | Report Abuse

stockraider Netx in own country malaysia do business cannot alive ...go outside market outside world this lousy company can survive kah? laughdiemeliao .....


2020-11-07 18:16 | Report Abuse

Victor Yong you can call steve tan potong lancauu masuk islam first like that become bumi company :) :) :) .. now Netx is not syariah company how can award license and govt award contract :( :( :(


2020-11-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

boost - khazanah stakeholder
tng - khazanah stakeholder
myeg- EPF + tabung haji + zahid + dato puan noraesah (asia internet holding)stakeholder
htpadu - Permodalan Nasional Bhd stakeholder
iris - rozabil + felda stakeholder
dnex - bumi company
ghlsys -amanahraya stakeholder
revenue-cimb commerce stakeholder

they all past take license they all have bumi stakeholder ....stupid la Victor Yong


2020-11-07 17:37 | Report Abuse

stockraider NETX 不是bumiputra company 也没有 bumiputra sharesholder and Government fund holder ) that why Netx don't have any license and government related project contract ! 难道你不知道 license 全部给 bumiputra 的 !我看你还是慢慢做百日梦吧 !


2020-11-07 17:35 | Report Abuse

Bank Negara plans to issue up to five digital bank licences.
Last year, technology firm Grab, telco Axiata Group Bhd (which owns e-wallet Boost) and at least five banks — CIMB Group Holdings Bhd, Affin Bank Bhd, Hong Leong Bank Bhd, AMMB Holdings Bhd and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Bhd — signalled their interest in pursuing a licence.

Since then, a few more have openly expressed interest, including Sunway Bhd, Green Packet Bhd, gaming firm Razer Inc and Hong Kong-based investment banking firm AMTD Group. Property firm Paramount Corp Bhd and US financial start-up MoneyLion Inc were also reported to be keen.


2020-11-07 17:30 | Report Abuse

eFX 名字取到多么美 多么像国际外汇平台 !平台网页又没有交易平台又没有...平台呢?
连人家其他非法外汇平台公司都出来了一大堆了 ibs mbi jjptr instaforex,rcfx,gmefx


2020-11-07 17:21 | Report Abuse

老板这5年做到什么东西出来? 我看取名字最厉害


2020-11-07 17:21 | Report Abuse

Netx 名字取到多么美 多么像互联网科技公司这5年做到什么东西出来?
人家其他公司名字取到不美可是生意做到有声有色就像 lazada, lelong, mytukar, carsome ,iproperty,mudah,myeg


2020-11-07 17:19 | Report Abuse

payallz 名字取到多么美 多么像支付系统 !老板这几年做到什么东西出来?
人家其他公司名字取到不美可是生意做到有声有色就像 revenue,boost,tng,ghlsys


2020-11-07 17:19 | Report Abuse

vsolar 名字取到多么美 多么太阳能!老板这5年做到什么东西出来?太阳厂呢?
人家其他公司名字取到不美可是生意做到有声有色就像 cypark ,kpower ,slvest


2020-11-07 17:18 | Report Abuse

fintec 名字取到多么美 比 fintech 金融科技还金融科技 !老板这5年做到什么东西出来?
人家其他公司名字取到不美可是生意做到有声有色就像ipay88,funding society,fundatic,duit now


2020-11-07 16:52 | Report Abuse

这里全部是番薯木薯投资者没脑不然就是进风进水,分析推荐这间公司的人讲到头头是道跟加脑残.....烂鸟Gemspot App 最多花不到1百万就做出来了! 招商家加盟 Gemspot 里面才百多个商家罢了一年 marketing 最多用两三个人去招给高高高高及及及及薪新新新水最多也一百多万,怎样年报烧几千万?做生意memang 很难赚钱MEMANG 很难是真的 , 我看老板就是有这种想法用渔网超级 NetX捕抓你们钱跟容易跟多又肥又大单更加好赚!


2020-11-07 16:22 | Report Abuse



频繁的资本运作( 公司没能力赚钱一直亏钱集资生存 )、特别是供股(包括公开发售 PP,SIS,ESOS,RI )和合股(shares consolidation )是识别“老千股”的一个典型特征和首要依据。







2020-11-07 16:22 | Report Abuse





