Blog Posts
2020-12-24 00:00 | Report Abuse
The government is finalising agreements for three vaccine makers to collaborate with local companies and help grow the local pharmaceutical industry, said Special Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee Committee (JKJAV) co-chairperson Khairy Jamaluddin.
2020-12-23 23:58 | Report Abuse
Khairy said Malaysia is looking to develop its vaccine-making capacity in three aspects – manufacturing, research and development, and technology transfer.
2020-12-23 23:57 | Report Abuse
2020-12-22 14:53 | Report Abuse
So like what freddiehero says, when did you enter?
2020-12-22 14:52 | Report Abuse
The battle is between pressing it low enough to be attractive for new buyer and stable enough to avoid panic selling by existing holder.
2020-12-22 14:51 | Report Abuse
When PP announced, of course price will be pressed down.
2020-12-22 14:50 | Report Abuse
If Mah Sing from property switch to Gloves, Mtouche from media to test kits. Why not? Have faith and keep accumulating
2020-12-22 00:37 | Report Abuse
no one can deny that they are dumping. Market cap has dropped since weeks ago. On top of PP which no buyer wants at premium, so everyone can think logically what will happen next? Unless MTOUCHE owners won't settle for a discounted share and risk not fulfilling the revenue expected from Covid test kits.
2020-12-21 11:27 | Report Abuse
PP will press down price, and it is now year end time for profit taking. Expect to stay at 6.5 or even 6 until next year for accumulation.
2020-12-19 00:29 | Report Abuse
maybe fakesifu was counting on pressing down price to below 6 sen then boomz
2020-12-18 22:16 | Report Abuse
this explains it all...well done strong holders
2020-12-18 12:48 | Report Abuse
if mqtech manage to save themselves next week, then this will be the Christmas miracle LOL
2020-12-18 12:47 | Report Abuse
collab to find new 'venture' to save both from drowning
2020-12-16 20:10 | Report Abuse
stay tuned for Inix and Mqtech collab
2020-12-15 09:47 | Report Abuse
sharks camping today, because bad weather ahead in parliament
2020-12-14 23:57 | Report Abuse
but now JD has funds and a JV with Mqtech. So maybe join Inix instead lol
2020-12-14 23:39 | Report Abuse
The recessive economic development and the effects of the corona crisis lead to opposing developments in the Industrial and Medical Sectors: In the medical protective gloves business, a significant increase in demand and a sharp rise in prices have been observed since the outbreak of the corona crisis.
The emerging effects of the global pandemic are considered to be of limited sustainability. For this reason, the fundamental strategic decision of 28 January 2020, according to which Semperit will focus on the industrial rubber business in the future and separate from the medical business, is still valid, regardless of the developments recently observed in the wake of the corona crisis.
However, in view of the extremely positive earnings contributions and the high margins that are currently resulting from the exceptional economic situation, the Semperit Group will probably continue the medical business at least until mid-2021.
2020-12-10 14:53 | Report Abuse
Henryz79, i kasi you 10 like
2020-12-10 14:10 | Report Abuse
well for kamarudin menarun to remain, im sure he has every reason to not cash out too soon like what he did with his stake in air asia back then.
2020-12-10 09:37 | Report Abuse
few days ago can't get at 8, now anyone also can
2020-12-10 09:36 | Report Abuse
pushed down to 7.5 before closing so that opening can hover to 8. Damn, who is playing? Haha
2020-12-09 16:21 | Report Abuse
hmm..will Friday be the announcement?
2020-12-09 16:21 | Report Abuse
kdrama also not as suspense and dramatic like mtouche lol
2020-12-09 15:59 | Report Abuse
8.5 pun one selling at 8
2020-12-07 11:46 | Report Abuse
i'm confused by hsyabird haha. But like what Soros said, it is okay to change your investment style to fit the conditions
2020-12-04 19:40 | Report Abuse
price go back to 8, volume 90mil. Dumping laa...
2020-12-03 21:28 | Report Abuse
agak pelik memandangkan jumlah permintaan vaksin di Indonesia lebih dari sini
2020-12-03 18:25 | Report Abuse
If Bintai that's clearly in vaccine got UMA today, can u imagine what would happen to Mtouche if the Pfizer link gets overplayed?
2020-12-03 18:24 | Report Abuse
nothing spectacular discussed today. Just reelecting directors, remuneration and issuing new shares (to pay for it) lol
2020-12-03 12:52 | Report Abuse
news is out. mtouche not involved
2020-12-03 12:41 | Report Abuse
Bintai break RM1. Mtouche just need 50% huat chai!
2020-12-03 11:52 | Report Abuse
Looks like nothing is happening today. Back to 7.5 despite the speculation...
2020-12-24 00:45 | Report Abuse
Khairy said Malaysia is looking to develop its vaccine-making capacity in three aspects – manufacturing, research and development, and technology transfer.