
mikenkh | Joined since 2011-04-12 10:20:20

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2011-10-29 10:15 | Report Abuse

Dear Alex, this is certainly a discussion topic that concerned every Malaysian, especially parents. Your thoughts and logical suggestions honestly are shared by many even those who made the dicisions to decree otherwise, albeit publicly! I believe its about survival-bread and butter issue.

The core support for UMNO still comes from rural folks and the chegu lobby now that Chinese and Indian support are less reliable. See what happens in Sarawak. The implication is vital for continuing Malay support for BN, while the Chinese should be happy with the status quo anyway.

But Alex, deep inside I suspect Najib has something up his sleeve just before calling elections. That will be a master stroke. Make no mistake. Khairy is merely in the forefront testing water.

Anyway, we must't be too political in this platform, otherwise things get messy. Congrats- I am excited and greatly stimulated. The Chinese version is also good reading. Thanks a lot.

2011-10-27 19:26 | Report Abuse

An enlightened contrarian is highly intuitive, inquiring and disciplined. His mindset is seeing outside the box. Not only knowing why people buy and sell, also knows precisely why he himself act otherwise. He capitalizes on our fear or euphoria. He is one step ahead and in control. I am not anywhere near I admit. I am just biginning to appreciate the finesse in the trade.

2011-10-27 18:13 | Report Abuse

Yes, a contrarian is someone who operates the opposite way. It sounds simple enough but lots of skill needed to win. I started as a guy who only pick up bombed out stocks I believed have value. You need lots of patience and staying power. You knew already you get paniky as prices keep falling somemore. Hence, we should know why we went in the first place,PEGDY and all that! How to average down and when to stop and when to sell as planned.

Over time I found out, its safe fundamentally but money tied up too long. I now modify my approach with a much shorter timeframe. It's similar but less stress on PEGDY. The key is to recognize the TREND or swing pattern if you like. You act accordingly. So far, its working fairly well but I am still improving on my skill and experience. Anything to offer for sharing?

2011-10-27 12:52 | Report Abuse

I think much water has flowed under the bridge re-Eng. Literally!! I meant so much events happened.I hope you know the score ! You grab the grim picture ? It will be long and painful if at all boleh recover. Frankly many of us are merely sharing our views only. There is no hidden agenda, purely fellowship and mutually to enrich our experience. This portal would have served its purpose. Good luck and good bye.


2011-10-27 12:28 | Report Abuse

Hey, Lim this is interesting. I didn't expect the philosophical side of you at your age. True, money is not everything but it is also said everything in life requires money. Here lies the real issue- what you want vs what you need. Its about your attitude and values, reflected in in your attitude in life. You will have peace and joy if contented, if not very unhappy and unsatisfied, wanting endlessly. Money is not the root of all evils, it's the love of money our problem.


2011-10-27 10:18 | Report Abuse

Right, Steve you got it. The owners are indeed connected to OSK now that you mention it, joining up with RHB. Not bad! I was told the son will now hemp the property arm, leaving the older Ong/Wong to get into the banking arena. Previously I just answer the ? Div issue. Now that the OSK part is out of the way and a new blood came in, is it time to realise its potential?

2011-10-26 08:33 | Report Abuse

Hey, I am no sifu, just a bit wiser after surviving from 4 crashes. Instinctly you learn to drive carefully. If not wrong Lim you are just 39-excellent, bright future ahead. Yes I cannot agree more you have to read the market-movers mind and think ahead to make money. This is not easy. It comes with years of experience.
Coming back to Eng, the original intention was good. The situation changed. Don't expect Teh and CO to do charity. Last night I saw news- really bad 2.7 m high water. Br Lim is right-never too sure too believing. At first I also thought, sell all and dump into Eng for a sure 50 sen gain. Why not-25% gain.
When disaster struck I ran. There were many instances of offers withdrawn or deals turn sourin downturn . It is only human, you die better than I die. It's a ruthless world in business.
For your info, when CIMB grab Southern Bank owned by Killinghall, we thought we get at least 5 even Blomberg thought so. But finally only 4.28. Politics!! Because we make noise at EGM, a sp div was given, adding to 4.50 plus. Kalau today's standard, Killinghall at least 7-8. Those who went in above 4 make peanuts for holding 9 months. Of course many worst cases like KNM. No end to learning. Cheers, have a good time. God bless.


2011-10-25 19:19 | Report Abuse

I think the dividen has been decided possibly 5-6 sens maybe more even. Announcement usually in November. NTA is about 2.50, but somehow the Wong & Ong brothers, now son joining don't goreng. PE and DY very attractive, but not reflective in price performance. I really don't know why. Wait and see the volume done. Will that help?

2011-10-25 17:27 | Report Abuse

Gan, now that your money is so hard earned, be more cynical about news and write up. Nobody is duty bound to tell the truth. Fund managers, brokers will send out pigeons after loading up. You rush in blindly, ngap. I am not saying all crows are black or are they! Sorry if I hurt some feelings.

HK is worst and more sophisticated. They get papers, office colleagues, hawkers even housewives to sing good praises for a counter. Sure, it goes up, you bet. Then drop like a ton of bricks. If you do this make sure you are disciplined, know when to go in and get out fast. Otherwise be patient. Pick up some. hammered down gems, wait, maybe collect dividen and sell. No great money but learn slowly.Good medicine is mostly bitter. Cheer up guys. This is not the end.

2011-10-25 15:47 | Report Abuse

you stirred me up Steve. I was just initiated into stocks by a good hearted colleague and to a good broker. I was advised never to gamble, just pick stocks like Wearnes, Consplant, Inchape, Perlis Plant to name a few. Came 77, Hwatai( biscuit) Repco ( exhaust)goring to 100. Many more astronomical prices. It was cracy. Then 97 crash. Thank God I was spared, brokers told me don't follow. Use your brains! Still hurt a bit, with crash helmet, head not broken but body bruises.

However this is important lesson. Maybank was 1.85. IOI 1.20 I sold PPB 3 plus very happy. If I kept till today, you will not read me here. Can keep so long ah. Yes some of my old kakis are still holding some of these. After 4 crashes,anyone will at least be wiser. But I don't have all the answers. Chinese idiom, live old learn even when old.

2011-10-25 14:45 | Report Abuse

I also went into this counter because it has gone really low. 1.19, then 1.11 even. In and out. The last I went in 1.15 yesterday I came out 1.21 as usual too early. Why again! It is a good trading buy good volume and spread.

However concuring with Lim the analylist did not caution about loss in nursing students enrolment, problems of revised entry qualification,PTPN funds dried up and so forth. I believe the recent run-up is due solely to new owner coming in. Anyway act cautiously.

2011-10-25 12:19 | Report Abuse

Sorry for the bad spelling. Old man can't see clearly. Gan, I believe you are indeed Gan AH Sai. A name can arouse animosity if poorly spoken or said. It delivers a different meaning. I am 100% sure that was not your intention to provoke people. Anyway,
some food for thoughts from Hongki who wisen me up.
1. Even LI Kashing cannot afford to average down all the time.
2. Don't bang your head against the wall to prove your loyalty.
3. Missed opporunity is also money loss. Let money works for you.

I said enough. Thanks for your time.

2011-10-25 12:00 | Report Abuse

By the way I was like you in my 30s. So gungho. Taken for a ride by rumours, tips etc. Paid heavy tuition fees. Fortunately learn the hard way from experience and sharing with you people. Remember those days no website, no portals. You are lucky you have Lim and others to sober you up and lterally push money into your pockrt Thank him OK

2011-10-25 11:52 | Report Abuse

Good you are less emotional now, more focussed and able to sense danger. Frankly I believe, more bad news will follow. 45 days extension is merely to buy time and abort gracefully. The present picture and looking forward the months ahead is not good. Don't underestimate the damage.How good Eng was counts little.

News & Blogs

2011-10-21 10:55 | Report Abuse

Hi Gan and Lim. Please agree to disagree. All said and done must be in good faith. Even Soros and Buffet made mistakes. But we must learn to rise from the ashes. Live to fight another day. Just a little food for thought.

It is not absolutely necessary to predict the actual lowest price but more vital to know it can go down some more beause of unfavourable factors or catalytic circumstances. All things considered, this is the more likely case. The trend is obvious already. I believe the buying are solely those who sold much higher returning for another meal.

Frankly only the die-hearts are averaging down now. There will be more selling if the price goes up with volume. There again its another chance to unload if you like. It is unwise to do anything now. There is no volume. We also wait lah.

The point I want to get across is to recognise and trade with the trend in stages be safer. Be patient.

News & Blogs

2011-10-21 10:05 | Report Abuse

I feel we should be more constructive and focussed, less vindictive and emotional. This portal is supposed to mutually beneficial, sharing info, experience and expertise. Lets cool down.

After the offer came, the situation in US, Europe worsened. I suggested to CK, the deal may be aborted. I caution only. It went below 2.00 Turn over low. Then the floods came. Selling intensify and the rest we know.
Irrespective of our position, if you are a punter, we should have followed the trend. Remember the golden rule. Don't go against the trend. Leave emotions aside. Live to find another day etc.

I am no exception even frankly after 40 years. So guys, take all these with a pinch of salt. In heavy weather like now, I agree charts, fundamentals won't work well. Even HSBC the rock falls.

I am not offering a solution. I am pleading for cool heads. I really don't know how low it will go. There is danger of more bad news to come. It will take a while to find a true bottom.

Yes, don't believe all the news especially from broking houses. Always use your own judgement, why do people buy or sell. Think carefully, not forgetting the overall trend, volume at that point in time.

There are still some counters for long term. Maybe unload some Eng to get back 12-15 % return in the same time-frame or sell-off, buy back much lower. Just for discussion only Thanks

2011-09-26 10:20 | Report Abuse

CK you are entitled to your views. Best of luck. However it is prudent to note that in the past mergers and takeovers did get aborted during downturns. Your assumptions of their respective prices are good for fair weather, but we are sailing through rough waters with strong headwinds. It is not unthinkable to ditch a leaky boat.

2011-09-22 11:49 | Report Abuse

I do feel the same. Price and time-frame wise it is attractive. In view of the uncertainy and worsening financial climate, is there a possibility of the deal being aborted?

2011-08-09 17:35 | Report Abuse

I also believe there will be many more rounds of down then up but given the rather big splash in the pool, it will take a while for the fish to come back to bite. Skill and a cool head is crucial to operate in between. Thanks for the useful posting.

2011-08-05 13:07 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the advice to be cautious. However, this time round the factors in 2008 are different, no liquidity, derivative scam etc. After that the bull run with the FED stimulus and now we find ourselves in this perhaps tail end scenario. To me, out of fear, people just cah out. Good move. So is this great time to move in slowly but of course guts, judgement, resources and stamina needed. Guys, good luck

2011-07-19 11:49 | Report Abuse

Don't feel responsible if people followed blindly and got hurt.It's our own decision and responsibility for executing a trade. I must say you guys out there a doing a great job. A long haul guy like me need chartist like you to help fine-tune the point of entry and exit. It makes a big difference. Your new direction would stimulate greater strategic and reflective thinking for all concerned. Congrats!

2011-07-14 12:43 | Report Abuse

I truly appreciate your honesty and willingness to share your mistakes openly. Some people are vindictive by nature. Just ignore. However this helps to make you a better person ultimately. Cheers.

2011-07-13 17:58 | Report Abuse

I believe this Bersih rally will not end the mini bull run presently as events unfold. However most people are rather apprehensive about the situation in US more so Europe.If they catch cold we sneeze for sure. Your advise to be more defensive and reduce exposure is most appropriate. Undoubtedly poperty is good but chasing properties in poor locations at inflated prices can be fatal especially in a downturn. But there are still some hidden gems in this sector. Any suggestion ! Thanks

2011-07-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

I think Graham's method is less applicable in an already inflated market, high PE, low DY etc and perhaps your idea of 2X or 3X NCAV applies,so make hay while the sun shines. To me I feel Graham's principle is very sound in a hammered down market when we pick up real bargains. You need resources and patience to sit it out. I do that but honestly I sell too fast. Thanks for reminding me to stick to a winnable method.

2011-07-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

Very much like you I observed politics overseas especially in China, the cultural revolution and then locally the pre and post May 13 era when I just started work. Politics is a dirty business. Most politicians use people and situations to get to the top. How many are true patriots like Lincoln. How many really love the people like you and I. Many are cursing the system that got them elected, so if there are shortcomings trash it out. Today there are ample space, printed or cyber available to air grouses. By the way the amount of hate mail and unauthenciated accusations from anti-establishment writers are overflowing. So why go to the streets. Anything can happen. Emotion is a beast, you let loose, you cannot contain. Look at the bloodshed and flames ignited in the middle east now. God please help us.

2011-07-04 10:17 | Report Abuse

Your perceptions are correct.However it is wrong to use the term catalyst stock. A catalyst is simply an activating agent or a contributing factor. A good stock being stable moves slowly over time. An average stock moves more merely because it is pumped up by lots of stories, good news included. But punters love this aspect, aha this is good stock. You are not wrong really. It boils down to taking a short or longer term time frame. Cheers.

2011-06-30 09:43 | Report Abuse

A very comprehensive assessment of the situation. Well done.

2011-06-28 10:05 | Report Abuse

I agree fully. Great stuff, very honest and right to the point. Personal emotions especially accentuated from past experiences will always have a part to play in our judgement. We ourselves are our worst enemies.

2011-04-26 00:12 | Report Abuse

Thought today it will break-out again.Certainly looks promising. I agree it is a good bet to hold.

2011-04-18 23:19 | Report Abuse

Don't take it badly guys,the groundswell during the runup puts fear in the minds of punters, who obviously believed a tsunami was brewing. If we thought harder,should unload some and bought back late Friday. Sold again this morning.We are all learning.Keep it up TG.

2011-04-16 09:51 | Report Abuse

Spot on. From a trader's perspective sentiment is crucial in the short term.Your have got the bigger picture of things. Thanks for sharing.

2011-04-15 08:49 | Report Abuse

At that point in time, chart and fundamentals wise, your call is on a even keel. Maybe the underlying anti-BN sentiment was not given the right weighting. When the dust settles, it will be business.