
monetary | Joined since 2019-09-03

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2020-05-28 12:39 | Report Abuse

Digital platforms many can do n u don't know how will get jobs. The infrastructures only 3 players. Out of those 3 Redtone has the best track record n the most impressive balance sheet. Sold some on Wed. Waiting to reload!


2020-05-28 11:07 | Report Abuse

but 200ema is strong support.


2020-05-28 11:05 | Report Abuse

worst case scenario. close the gap. 0.375


2020-05-28 10:54 | Report Abuse

bought 1.39 sold 1.42. tq gushen the cheerleader.


2020-05-28 10:17 | Report Abuse

KLK also has significant forex loss. It's weak Rupiah. TSH has 3mills in Sabah 3mils in Indonesia.


2020-05-26 20:23 | Report Abuse

The gov will require telco players to purchase spectrum in every few yrs. The investment in spectrum normally will b armotised in less than 2 yrs. During the armotisation period, the accounting profit margin for telecommunication services is around 20%. Once it's fully armotised then the telco players will enjoy 30% to 40% profit margin for a yr or 2. The same cycle repeats.

Just some sharing with those who like to invest in Redtone. I believe the forum will serve it's purposes more meaningfully is if forumers give valuable inputs rather than posting rubbish.


2020-05-26 17:18 | Report Abuse

Investgaogao TSMC announce will open factory in US soon, Will it be a big challenge for Inari in the future the company busineess from broadcom
25/05/2020 2:36 PM

Nothing to do with inari. Trump fears China invades Taiwan & block the chips shipment to US which is needed for their defence agencies. Besides, Trump also want most advance chips to b produced in America to block Huawei access to the latest chips. Broadcom does different type of chips, mainly wifi bluetoith & rf chips.


2020-05-26 17:06 | Report Abuse

The best construction stock for 2020 2021. Federal put most of its fund in srw sabah. Petronas also start paying sale tax to srw.


2020-05-26 15:46 | Report Abuse

Told u alrdy. Oil palm stocks only refer to cpo price. Jtiasa n Rsawit have the lowest production per arc but they r the most bullish oil palm stocks in every oil palm rally. The Indian used to b very snobbish saying palm oil is low class edible oil. Now every countries in recession India will consume more palm oil so do other countries. Low production can boost CPO price. CPO price is the most important catalyst for oil palm stocks.


2020-05-25 10:09 | Report Abuse

Brazil no 2 in covid 19 case after US. The rest of S America will follow suit. Need low cost ventilator.


2020-05-25 09:17 | Report Abuse

share market doesn't care. only CPO price relevant. jtiasa tdm rsawit never make profit but still go up.


2020-05-22 16:52 | Report Abuse

After today dish washing kepala pusing n gang will disappear.


2020-05-22 13:11 | Report Abuse

Goshen. 5G dying? If smartphone a b & c 4G but smartphone d 5G how are a b c & c going to sell? Do u know why Canada kidnapped Huawei CFO? Do u know why USA keep harassing China? All bcoz of 5G. Do u know why China doesn't go to war with US? Bcoz their missiles don't have powerful chips in them to allow pinpoint accuracy. Read more Goshen. 5G is unstoppable bcoz everyone tries to b the 1st to implement it. And it all start from this fxxking smartphone.


2020-05-22 10:52 | Report Abuse

yes. ugly! just get small position today. Q at 0.75 tomorrow.


2020-05-22 09:53 | Report Abuse

1.38 only 850lots traded. the dumb crab quickly crawl out from the hole claims it's victory. lol! now 1.4 lar!


2020-05-22 09:41 | Report Abuse

Huawei will b out of smartphone market for a v long time unless the trade policies r revised. China managed to copy the kirin710 tech from tsmc which is used in 2018 models. In fact it's of lower grade, 14nm chip. The original krin710 made by tmsc is 12nm. So they named it kirin710A. Huawei still can keep it's 5G base station equip n laptop business. Smartphone is over.


2020-05-22 09:26 | Report Abuse

take away forex loss it's a superb result!


2020-05-22 09:24 | Report Abuse

Goshen talked until sunset can only talk down 4c. What a pitty....


2020-05-22 08:55 | Report Abuse

most probably job flow comes in late 2Q20. progressive payment claims start in 3Q20. From there will see consistent mtns income stream.


2020-05-22 08:50 | Report Abuse

nfcp not reflected in redtone financial statements yet lar. this is a long episode story. no fast n furious here.


2020-05-22 08:48 | Report Abuse

hey dude. nfcp1 commensed in mid Feb. 3months how many towers r erected? epcc not yet started.


2020-05-21 21:10 | Report Abuse

@louis. property division doing ok?


2020-05-21 20:22 | Report Abuse

depends on when edotcom hand over the towers for epcc.


2020-05-21 20:15 | Report Abuse

I like the super duper phase. I thought only Trump dumb enuf to say tat. Lol! Anyway I thank Trump for killing huawei.


2020-05-21 20:13 | Report Abuse

Lai lai lai. Pls limit down. I sold some yesterday. Waiting to buy back. Without huawei Apple is taiko again. Even profit down 20% I also sapu.


2020-05-21 20:07 | Report Abuse

To have a true insight of the company's profitability is to find its operating profit. Add back the armotisation. Subtract all non core business incomes like interest income etc.


2020-05-21 20:04 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow many will sell bcoz ppl don't understand accounting. When they see reduction in profit they sell.

Armotisation isn't a cost paid in cash. It's investments alrdy paid earlier like cost of buying land. In redtone case is money paid on spectrum which is recorded as intangible asset. If u look the intangible asset of prevuous Qr it has decreased by around 3mil. The reduction has been armotised. Note. There isn't any additional cost paid. It's just accounting practise.

Calvin. The cash management fund of 37mil is from trade receivable. If u look at previous Qr trade receivable decreased by around 37mil.


2020-05-21 17:06 | Report Abuse

going to hit 5 next week


2020-05-21 09:55 | Report Abuse

fxxk! told u don't touch. now huat liau. how? lol!


2020-05-21 08:29 | Report Abuse

Gtronic MPI good result. I think Inari should b ok.


2020-05-20 20:27 | Report Abuse

too much cash. pay dividend la, dude.


2020-05-20 18:36 | Report Abuse

I have no idea what's the insider selling about. Huawei is trying to stock 5nm & 7nm SoC chips for the rest of 2020 but TSMC rejected it's order. Basically iPhone 12 will b the champ in 2H20. That should b a very positive catalyst for Inari.


2020-05-19 22:50 | Report Abuse

similar chart pattern like MI.


2020-05-19 15:23 | Report Abuse

wash clean clean. G job, operator. tomorrow fly.


2020-05-19 15:19 | Report Abuse


One of the points to consider is US hardens stances towards Hua Wei. This might affect TSMC and its related machine supplier.
18/05/2020 10:26 PM

Those have their niche in the business will find their space in the new ecosystem. Avoid 2nd liners. Buy good stocks like MI & Penta.


2020-05-19 09:49 | Report Abuse

it's naive to say carimin n dayang earning decoupled from oil price.

Current Prospect
The global COVID 19 pandemic and plunging oil prices has caused much uncertainties to the oil
& gas industry. It is anticipated that many project work activities may be deferred and face risks of
cancellation. The Group will take proactive and appropriate measures to remain resilient in
managing the unprecedented challenges.


2020-05-19 09:07 | Report Abuse

huawei either get access to Samsung chip or it will drop back to kirin710a, 2018 tech. no more 5G phone.


2020-05-19 08:04 | Report Abuse

in midterm huawei is finished. iPhone will b market leader again.


2020-05-18 19:30 | Report Abuse

tomorrow will close above 50s


2020-05-17 19:18 | Report Abuse

u aren't sharing view. u just copy n paste rubbish.


2020-05-17 16:44 | Report Abuse

Kepala pusing. Welcome back!

Telecommunication segment is steady recurring income whereas mtns & ids r project based. So mtns & ids contributions won't b consistent. Moving forward nfcp will boost mtns segment n industry digitisation will replenish ids book order. Thats how we invest. We look forward. Not the rear view mirror!


2020-05-17 13:32 | Report Abuse

stcws. 飞机不能飞。电话可以用吗?


2020-05-17 13:31 | Report Abuse

company can print more shares n director can sell more shares. shareholders can demand management to stop esos but allow management to increase staffs' salaries n directors renumeration. Can voice out in agm.


2020-05-17 13:25 | Report Abuse

Redtone so bad ar? why u spend time typing long? does it worth ur effort? u must b here to save newbies, right?


2020-05-17 13:23 | Report Abuse

The management doesn't make positive comments in Qr? I think ppl have different perceptions even they read the same thing. Perhaps u r in negative mode.


2020-05-17 13:16 | Report Abuse

TSMC 2020 capex is 15 to 16 bil compared to 2019 14.5 bill. No sign of slowdown in semiconductor industry. The ATM segment is sustainable. The increasing no of camera in smartphone n utilisation of sensors in automotive also boost it's sensor segment. The yr 2021 will b the yr of industry 4.0 n Penta is well positioned for factory automation. Covid19 is a blessing of disguise for its medical segment. At PE 26 it's 1 of the cheapest tech stock in klse.

May I know why is it overvalued? Why do u expect bad QR moving forward?


2020-05-16 18:36 | Report Abuse

video conference.