Bursa Malaysia (KLSE) Stock Investment Portal | I3investor

monetary | Joined since 2019-09-03

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2020-03-23 08:21 | Report Abuse

Dow future limit down! SELL!!!


2020-03-23 08:08 | Report Abuse

o ya. go contact myeg. perhaps they know where to get these low skill workers.


2020-03-23 07:59 | Report Abuse

If u know ppl in TM u can also get some low skill job. Just get a 3ton lorry n hire a few foreign passport holders who have done similar works. Redtone, binacom or TM technicians n engineers don't korek lobang tanam cable. Kikiki.... Can u submit a design n proposal to mcmc?


2020-03-23 07:52 | Report Abuse

Ok. Mr pusing pusing bicycle. U have scared away weak holders. 9am u can start buying bellow 20c. I will b buying too.


2020-03-22 17:47 | Report Abuse

In fact nfcp isn't a big thing. The good thing is not many can do so less mouth share the not so big cake. Besides, take a look at the share base of redtone n binacom. Small income alrdy boost eps kaw2. Ok. Enuf lesson for u. U can continue cycling in ur brain.


2020-03-22 17:44 | Report Abuse

U must b the 3rd MOF after nibita & cimb ceo. U have power to announce delay? Nfcp 2 only cost around 960mil while other projects 10s of billion. Small investment huge return. So most unlikely to delay. Alright. U can continue to cycle in ur brain. Pusing pusing pusing.......


2020-03-22 17:38 | Report Abuse

sohai. trade receivable increases at higher rate than trade payable doesn't mean v high profit margin. It means redtone offers longer credit term which is normal when dealing with gov job. On the other hand, redtone manages to pay it's creditors up to date. Can u read cash flow statement?

If u don't know, ASK. Don't BARK.


2020-03-22 08:37 | Report Abuse

paktua trooper remember to add bellow 1. u can retire from trading soon. just sit still n si ur money grows.


2020-03-22 08:22 | Report Abuse

stop complaining u can't get the cheapest price. many can only see or just hold a day or two for small gain.


2020-03-22 08:20 | Report Abuse

gold bars everywhere. if u r among those who can afford to buy at this difficult time u r truly blessed.


2020-03-21 20:23 | Report Abuse

I wont be part of this anymore.

So this is the last statement from the great TA sifu? He sold on Fri? No other stocks to invest ka? Why play with volatility?


2020-03-21 19:58 | Report Abuse

still no words from the TA god? perhelps he sold on Fri? Don't b greedy. stay away from o


2020-03-21 15:08 | Report Abuse

Calvin. whatever we say Mon all stocks will retrace. believers can collect. non believers can sell. Philip. I will b glad if u can give more concrete input so tat ur reputation among i3 members won't b jeapordised. I always enjoy reading ur research.


2020-03-21 14:57 | Report Abuse

This is from binacom lastest Qr

Utilisation of Proceeds Raised from Public Issue

Enhancing fiber optic network installation and commissioning services capability
Timeframe : Within 36 months
Proposed amt: 4.8mil
Percent utilised: 1.17%

Only 1.17% fund utilised? Is it ready for nfcp3?


2020-03-21 14:30 | Report Abuse

For me it's good not to carry out the plan too aggressively. Otherwise a lot of sub contracting needed to meet deadlines. That in fact reduces profits. For the time being nfcp1&2 at internet speed of 15mb/s is ok. The test can come a yr or 2 later.


2020-03-21 14:25 | Report Abuse

Philip. I m ok wit u. Appreciate ur inputs. It will reinforce my understanding of my investment.


2020-03-21 14:20 | Report Abuse

Philip. If u study nfcp1 award carefully u can observe out of 152 sites only 5 sites r fiberised at achieve 30mb/s. I opien the revised 15mb/s from 30mb/s as u claimed won't affect Redtone n binacom too much IF what u claimed is true.


2020-03-21 13:58 | Report Abuse

Philip. I appreciate if u can share the source that can provide concrete conclusion but not 'may be''. Assuming ur claims r correct the following will b the revised scope of work for Redtone n Binacom n Ock.

NFCP1 152 sites

Kelantan (cluster 6 & 7) 34sites
Sabah (cluster 11 to 16) 115sites
Sarawak (cluster 17 to 27) 185sites
Trengganu (cluster 16 & 18) 34sites
Sub total sites for nfcp2 368sites

Total sites for nfcp 1&2 520sites (original plan 652)

It's still hard to digest. As ur claim of revision of internet speed from 30mb/s to 15mb/s, can u advice how it will affect Redtone n Binacom scope of works? Pls advice.


2020-03-21 07:46 | Report Abuse

Mon not going up or down. Is the prediction still valid? Investors opien current price r near bottom so all will avg down to support share price? Any advice?


2020-03-20 19:16 | Report Abuse

l like nfcp. unlike others goreng 1x cabut nfcp got episode 1 to 6. it's beef stew not grille steak.


2020-03-20 17:47 | Report Abuse

fell bellow half of its nta. perhelps worth a look if market confirm uptrend.


2020-03-20 15:32 | Report Abuse

Goshen has improved a lot. he cut win. I thought he will cut loss.


2020-03-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

Celcom has strong presence in Sabah Sarawak. A frumer who is insider once told me ock does installation, commissioning n maintenance jobs for celcom. Perhaps celcom will get some shares in nfcp2?


2020-03-20 14:27 | Report Abuse

Binacom free floate is v low so the share price movement more vibrant. Besides, nfcp1 part2 maxis has hgher share than u mobile. So ppl tends to chase binacom. I think U Mobil will have higher share in Nfcp2 which involves Sabah Sarawak. At tat time perhaps trading of redtone will catch up with binacom.


2020-03-20 08:38 | Report Abuse

still scaring ppl wit covid19? China alrfy found vaccine. kikiki...


2020-03-20 08:19 | Report Abuse

U need lower price to avg down.


2020-03-20 08:17 | Report Abuse

Calvin. silent. u have shared enuf.


2020-03-20 07:34 | Report Abuse

perhaps it has stabilized at this level.


2020-03-19 18:09 | Report Abuse

sold all at 2.2. not going to enter again. conserve bullet for other stock.


2020-03-19 16:37 | Report Abuse

tomorrow trader take profit bcoz they bought a lot at low price. don't chase high. it's not over yet.


2020-03-19 16:24 | Report Abuse

tonight Dow is set to dive below 16000. Goshen. sell b4 too late.


2020-03-19 15:26 | Report Abuse

if Goshen bought will at least drop another 20c. Goshen must cutloss b4 it rebounds.


2020-03-19 15:16 | Report Abuse

don't dumb dumb wait for the bottom.


2020-03-19 15:15 | Report Abuse

keep ur eyes on some cash cow own by tycoon. can suspend trading n announce privatization. kikiki....


2020-03-19 13:03 | Report Abuse

perhaps market won't assign previous high PE to rev. ppl have weaker spending power.


2020-03-19 12:29 | Report Abuse

There is a saying the safest place is actually the most dangerous. Fit Genting n banking industry well.


2020-03-19 12:16 | Report Abuse

it will pull out from jpn. in fact I doubt any of the contenders will proceed. all in deep trouble now.


2020-03-19 12:10 | Report Abuse

I bought at 3.5c a month ago ended up selling my right at 5c. history repeats? damn. t isn't history. a month ago.


2020-03-19 12:07 | Report Abuse

genting will take yrs to recover. invested too aggressively b4 the crash.


2020-03-19 12:03 | Report Abuse

it's proven again. no one can predict the market. allowance for error exceeded.


2020-03-19 11:23 | Report Abuse

genm market cap 11.6bil. genting market cap 11.4bil. is Mr market ok? may b infected by corona virus. kikiki...


2020-03-19 09:26 | Report Abuse

but I still si jobless ppl smoking n talking in cell phone.


2020-03-19 09:25 | Report Abuse

the economy is dead. it needs a longgggg time to heal.


2020-03-19 09:22 | Report Abuse

stay away from commodities. recession. low demand. buy smartphone n cigarette. that's what jobless ppl do.


2020-03-19 08:17 | Report Abuse

Yesterday he expressed have sympathy to ppl holding shares. Today 180 degree changed. Apparently the great TA sifu has many followers. Anyway I believe he is quite close. Even the most sophisticated scientific instruments have some allowance for error.


2020-03-19 07:57 | Report Abuse

to b discipline must cut. no way 0.79 can hold til May.


2020-03-19 07:35 | Report Abuse

I time of recession I only buy phone n cigarette bcoz jobless ppl do the same.


2020-03-19 07:13 | Report Abuse

but in the morning sell on rebound!


2020-03-18 18:43 | Report Abuse

stop putting more money into stock market until covid 19 is over. recycling.