
moneymakerx | Joined since 2020-09-11

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2020-12-09 11:58 | Report Abuse

partimeshark, turn fulltime please. we need more of your god to tell more. 10B, where to get.


2020-12-09 11:56 | Report Abuse

CharNia, very close. around 31-33 cents EPS


2020-12-09 11:54 | Report Abuse

PAT should be between 2.6-2.9B for realistic calculation. div 0.15-0.18


2020-12-08 18:57 | Report Abuse

There is going to be waves to come, but those in the know, ride the waves only. tomorrow red or green. The market is big enough for you to take profit. the big whales are now not in radar d. Below 5% and they can swim whichever way they want. but the sharks can only do so much, but dont swim with the sharks, too small.


2020-12-08 18:54 | Report Abuse

SafetyFirst burnt till very sorchai d. last week come here to boast about the bintai counter. Now in bintai counter also shout run. Everyday run, run to where oh? might as well put in FD dont need to run everywhere. Like no head fly.


2020-12-05 11:32 | Report Abuse

investmalaysia, before the US and UK people come saying that Malaysian companies are enslaving the workers. These workers are very happy to have OT everyday because they could bring home 3-4k per month. But because of nonsense like BSCI, and the false claim that these workers are forced to work OT. Their pay got a big cut.


2020-12-05 11:30 | Report Abuse

faralenz, it shows you know nuts about thte 3D jobs in Japan. They too have the problem like everyone else, They too hire a lot of unregistered foreigners in their 3D jobs. Please dont spew nonsense. and if you have even a month experience in the industry, you will know local and foreginer worker, their productivity is not even on the same level, let alone the ability to deliver.


2020-12-04 16:27 | Report Abuse

Collection mode on.


2020-12-04 16:26 | Report Abuse

Looks like there are big sharks pressing down the price with such big block.


2020-12-04 12:23 | Report Abuse

SafetfyFIrst, bintai director showing his hands liao. you still hold 67%?


2020-12-04 12:21 | Report Abuse

are you his brother edwinyap? Why you come here to badmouth him? no one in this forum mention him also, but only you and only you want to mention his name. if you dont like him, go face to face with him la. sorchai


2020-12-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

Trading2U, there are many in the money SCW in December. The storm should subside considerably starting Jan 2021


2020-12-04 09:51 | Report Abuse

SafetyFirst, then you buy what you believe, I believe no one but myself, dont know which sorchai keep saying sifu here sifu there. Believe in your own research.


2020-12-04 09:39 | Report Abuse

sieng1987, there are surprisingly a big group of people who really reverse-pyscho gao themselves for this. So they think they are the contrarian 'investor'


2020-12-04 09:35 | Report Abuse

what a profit. bintai up 1100% you get 67%. go back bintai and earn more.


2020-12-03 19:34 | Report Abuse

ChaseBro, these estimation is quite conservative, but very good to compare my metrics to yours. THank you for sharing. Today the barking has stopped at least.


2020-12-03 17:45 | Report Abuse

Hello_cannot, you insider is it? I averaged to 0.6 last few months. took me a while.


2020-12-03 17:32 | Report Abuse

With the exception of PBB, the ones you listed there, most are monopolistic in policy. So the money they earned actually can be considered profiteering, but because of our protectionism policymaker, their profit is up there. TNB crying every year saying loss making if not increase price. so who is paying the high exlectricity and indirectly pumping up TNB?

TG is wholly owned good business, and you want to compare apple to apple? sau pei la.


2020-12-03 17:27 | Report Abuse

newkid, you memang still newkid after all these years. Any plan of Maybank to list overseas soon? TG is going places, it's only a matter of time when it outgrow Malaysian market. So, I think you dont even know that. or see the potential.


2020-12-03 17:24 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun, 300% increase in share price. but profit goes up 10-15X. After 2021, the profit will stay at 5X. So, even if using really ultra forward PE to 2022-2023. The price should priced around RM12-RM15


2020-12-03 15:20 | Report Abuse

SafetyFirst, you are naive to assume that I didnt exit from Bintai. Sochai. up 10X d, still want to go in.


2020-12-03 10:47 | Report Abuse

9th floor. sorry bro/sis. you are very late to the party. this is a bluechip turned goreng stock. TG is on double digits expansions, which means more growth to EPS in the coming year. cut loss if you need to. the support is there.


2020-12-03 10:37 | Report Abuse

Looks like the train started again. coming weeks ahead. will have a few roadbumps. 10th Dec, 17th Dec, and 30th Dec. Hopefully these dips are good for those who missed out earlier. Happy investing.


2020-12-03 09:39 | Report Abuse

morning red a bit, so he appear.


2020-12-03 09:16 | Report Abuse

boss price is not at RM2, for those who were in TG for at least 8 years, their tickets would mostly be around RM0.5 if they dont sell. But you wouldn't know that because you never have the patience or even the knowledge, you just know RM5 is the price to enter, or RM2 is the boss price. that's your shallow edwinyap.


2020-12-03 09:14 | Report Abuse

Hell No, he dont have that kind of patience. I think RM5.1 he will let go d. Earning peanuts.


2020-12-03 09:00 | Report Abuse

fofo, there are a lot more factories that have covid cases than Topglove, our media dont cover it because of publicity. This will be faded off soon as COVID discriminate no one and we have a lot of non-symptomatic carriers, which is the worrying sign.


2020-12-03 08:59 | Report Abuse

how do you guarantee? with your words? your words mean nothing. Give us your public address and your name, so that we can know where to find you when your guarantee didnt happen


2020-12-03 08:57 | Report Abuse

if fund manager really can predict the future, they wouldn't lose so much on their CW.


2020-12-02 22:51 | Report Abuse

So much for vaccine confidence. they must really know something that 99% of the world don't.


2020-12-02 21:51 | Report Abuse

Comfort within expectation, their margin could do better but their product offering is a bit limited compare to the big boys, hence the margin eventhough inflated but still cannot fight with the big boys


2020-12-02 21:40 | Report Abuse

ocpd, I can show you the number, but you didnt pay for the report. So either you fork out your own money to buy the report, or just take my words for it. Either way you have doubts, you will doubt all the numbers anyway. your peanut brain cannot process this.


2020-12-02 20:50 | Report Abuse

ocpd, I am sure you know that US alone consumes more than 300b gloves annually. and that's just US. So yearly capacity of 200B gloves, is not even enough to serve US. and we have 200++ countries that need to use as well. but I guess your math is just as terrible as your comprehension.


2020-12-02 20:44 | Report Abuse

ks55, your nonsense comparison again with parkson. you dont need to be an economist to understand that, because you may not even have the brain to understand the difference


2020-12-02 20:44 | Report Abuse

lopa46, there are so many orders from US that they already have a way to import. CBP is only a stunt, you really think a ban can do anything in life and death situation?


2020-12-02 20:42 | Report Abuse

ocpd, omg you are right. why do we need so many? We should just close down all glove factories and rest for may be another half a century. Tomorrow one carton of nitrile glove will no longer sell for $120, but may be RM1


2020-12-02 17:11 | Report Abuse

NJHL1234, that's because you are new to the game. Well, don't beleve, just stay sideway. Let the people who knows, earn the money.


2020-12-02 13:08 | Report Abuse

Mercator given their valuation, they are very tiny to even compare, and they do buy from TG for their market.


2020-12-02 13:07 | Report Abuse

AllYouCanBuy, do you not know these are bought by the workers? Of course not, you peanut brain. Now these workers salary has gone up way way way beyond the minimum pay from Malaysia. And no one bats an eye on that, but slim mattress, the world goes wild.


2020-12-02 12:45 | Report Abuse

balanceview, these analysts are usually very slow in calculation. Forward PE is single digit. but well, they like to show the half truth. So that's their usual tactic


2020-12-02 12:27 | Report Abuse

Mak_kiah, you are optimistic. PAT should be around 100mil only.


2020-12-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

dusti. if any major shareholder who is in need of rescue. that's EPF for you.


2020-12-02 10:02 | Report Abuse

There was a struggle to decide whether to expand further locally or to other regional countries. Now the resolve is a lot stronger, the true face is revealed, and past lessons are learnt the hard way.


2020-12-02 09:21 | Report Abuse

NJHL1234, not me. but you can have your doubts.


2020-12-02 09:11 | Report Abuse

Allyoucanbuy. They started building blocks of hostels for workers years ago and because of rapid expansion, TG sold most of the taman house because it's getting too big to handle in an area where the workers may wander around. Building things take years, expansion take years. If to have a baby, it will take 10 months, making 10 women make a baby doesnt reduce the time needed.

You see what you want to see, but these policies typically takes time and require a lot of due dilligence and processes. You really think it's like buying vegetable? These are short term measure but it's a measure nontheless. You really have no idea how workers generally their quarters look like. Bashing for the sake of bashing. Champon keyboard warrior.


2020-12-01 21:34 | Report Abuse

We are never short of nay-sayers or people who just want to believe in what they want to believe in. TG SBB also can complain, also can be made a topic of discussions. If you don't believe in the management, there are many other counters you can go to. Why the need to bash or critique, I also dont know. Many dont see what's being developed at the back scene. Because I think action speaks louder, and now TG is being forced into tackling all sorts of humanitarian problems as they are being the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

TG has been actively engaging with the authority and doing all it can. And I think need to give credit where credit is due. But it's good also that many missed all these smaller details but harping on the issues that were already being fixed on actively. The management is not even denying these were wrong but they are quick to fix the issues.

But you will still hear many who say TG is only interesting in making money. Hello, US is printing money. Yet many praise US for banning because of technicality and the reporter now is still on manhunt and is afraid to face the music. People are quick to judge and there you have it, is why these peoiple will forever stay peasant and forever complain. Because when I see bad news, I see opportunity for TG to stay ahead in the competition. If internally it was a struggle, then now perhaps it's time to relook into the priorities and get it done right.

Being big has downside as well, as being complaecent will make sure you are doomed. Look at Nokia, Kodak. It's a good wake up call. To stay big and continue to grow big, they need to grow in all aspect, and this is exactly the right reason.

I will still stay invested after so many years invested in TG, this is honest and hardworking folks these naysayers are trolling. You think they know any better?


2020-12-01 13:13 | Report Abuse

SafetyFirst, tell me when you ipo your company. I will stir clear of it. And goreng the manager? there is 21,000 workers. It's like managing a small city. The worker brings over their culture and lifestyle. Discipline can only go so far. Coupled with more outside pressure, soon these workers will have no value and will be replaced in the next few years.


2020-12-01 11:01 | Report Abuse

5X money you earn yourself. no need to come to other stock and promote your penny stock. Unless you want to dump on them.


2020-12-01 10:59 | Report Abuse

Go back to your goreng counter la abdulhamid.


2020-11-30 21:48 | Report Abuse

Coming quarter should be around 1.8B-2B PAT