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2020-12-22 09:27 | Report Abuse

I think the naysayers can keep hiding their heads under the sand. SARS vaccines every year is guess work. It means the experts guess which variants they want to protect the world against. and make that guess and make the vaccines. That's how it works. If you dont believe me, that's up to you. You dont see thousands of vaccines because SARS is not particularly deadly so WHO will only approve those guess work because certain countries paid more. And yes, until we found the vaccines that can even combat every variants of SARS, it's still guess work./


2020-12-19 23:36 | Report Abuse

It seems this weekend, all the news are pointing towards cautious of recovery, what a change of news trend


2020-12-18 18:14 | Report Abuse

everytime there is a goreng, there will be news on Sunday evening. very consistent at that timing.
With moderna being a better vaccine than the rest. there should be news about that.


2020-12-18 17:58 | Report Abuse

Ya maxtfs. you are resourceful. sauce please.


2020-12-18 17:56 | Report Abuse

AlvinTSK, foreign worker salary already 3-4k la.


2020-12-18 17:55 | Report Abuse

I dont remember gloves being bashed so hard in the last 10 years. What changed? New Normal.


2020-12-18 17:35 | Report Abuse

Analyst ran out of material to spin, and yet want to be seen as doing his job, so no choice, have to write something as artificial as ESG. like we are a developed nation. Analyst already bagi hint and chance liao.


2020-12-18 17:33 | Report Abuse

Let's see if tonight and weekend got negative news coming out. Quite a big chunk transacted when market closing. Likely closing positions. This is just dark art.


2020-12-18 14:31 | Report Abuse

burstglove, keep it coming. The more naysayers, the better. If not no one is interested in TG. Got more?


2020-12-18 14:13 | Report Abuse

yingzhe17, you want to lansi also no chance la.


2020-12-18 12:56 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, then you sohai again la. 1919 is when WW1 ended. and WW1 was the contributor of the spread of the Spanish Flu. Without which, people just reside at home more with day to day activities than crossing borders. But with today's interconnectedness. traveling across the world are matter of within 12 hours. That means any virus capable of hiding in unsymthomatic carriers will mean those vulnerable will get infected.

The world took a while to recoup from WW1, and virus was starved off with isolation. So what happened before will be hard to be replicated now.


2020-12-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

laychee, I cannot stood so low to splash paint la. There are countless ways to make money in stock market. but taruh on other people's bowl is not my cup of tea. Karma is a biatch


2020-12-18 12:35 | Report Abuse

burstglove is actually stockraider. this sohai created another account to spew acid.


2020-12-17 22:34 | Report Abuse

China ban on Australian coal has caused electricity supply problem in some of their major cities. If they dont resolve it soon, it will impact China manufacturing line as now usually they will burn a lot more coal to sustain production of vinyl gloves.


2020-12-17 22:31 | Report Abuse

EdwinYap comes back liao. your gugu will tiok d this Friday and end of the month. I feel bad for you. No idea what group you are talking about. Instead of keep talking bad about others in this group. why not you say exactly which group you are refering to? and how did they cheat your friend to lose 100k?


2020-12-17 20:15 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon burned 90% of his worth goreng shares. I hope he dont bring more people to holland.


2020-12-17 20:11 | Report Abuse

I myself although invested in TG, doesn't wish COVID to get worse. I had extraordinary gains throughout the years with TG. 20X from what I had invested in TG. But we have to be realistic about expectation and also desire to be able to travel and get out.

TG is in an evergreen business that grows 10-15% in demand every year, TG CAGR has slowed to single digits last few years until they acquired Aspion. Stay invested, stay informed.


2020-12-17 18:02 | Report Abuse

Indirectly through ETF, he has.

Posted by millionology > Dec 17, 2020 5:57 PM | Report Abuse


2020-12-17 17:09 | Report Abuse

That's why you sohai lo. Like this also dont know.


Posted by stockraider > Dec 17, 2020 4:59 PM | Report Abuse

SBL also dump loh...!


2020-12-17 16:57 | Report Abuse

Not all EPF dump is real dump. the last one 5mil is SBL.


2020-12-17 15:57 | Report Abuse

staedy. this is why the naysayers are here. They are here to cloud your judgement. They want people to think that post 2021, gloves are no longer needed.


2020-12-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

Bloodslug, you are right. Time to run. so that I can go in at RM5 like EdwinYap said. May be hit RM3.5 like JPM stated.


2020-12-17 15:13 | Report Abuse

stockraider, you talk about 2022 like you know the future. Now also cannot earn money, want to talk about 2022. Go back home la. study more la. sao pei la.

Know a bit abit, write so many bulshiit.

Did you predicted about covid? Saupei la. what is happening in 2021 also dont know yet, want to talk about 2022. Which company stock always talk about 2022?


2020-12-17 14:59 | Report Abuse

$0.24 is factory to supplier price, when it goes to the final hands. this price is going to be further inflated. And that's your economics at play there.


2020-12-17 14:58 | Report Abuse

Since stockraider is here. lets bring out the other part of the PPE price. From $0.3 per piece of gown to now $9. Where nitrile gloves per piece from $0.02 to now $0.12. If your life is at stake there, would you want to save $0.24 per nurse / doctor who is administering to you? When insurance covers all of your expenses. What's $0.24 per session? It's negligible at best, and still is negligible. But since glove usage had sky rocketed.

Healthcare will need to use more pairs of gloves for their daily operation, further pushing up this demand while the supply is already choking at so many levels. Countries who found that they canot wait for Nitrile or rubber gloves have to resort to TPE/CPE gloves for their healthcare. Partly cheaper and relatively accessible but given the choice, they will want the best.


2020-12-17 14:45 | Report Abuse

RJ87, I also want to know when will RM5 hits. I also want to use my looooong term fund in. I am 20% in only now. Regretted didnt buy more last year. and regretted letting go when PH took over.


2020-12-17 14:42 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, you are using Pure basic economics. But you had misquote it entirely. Basic economics will work in normal times. Are we in normal times? Go back study more la. Bring shame to your family name only.

We are in New Normal, means whatever economics, have to check where would the equilibrium of supply and demand sits. Business operates on data and facts, not on your whim and fancies.


2020-12-17 14:36 | Report Abuse

His gugu is already on the table. He is afraid d. Edwin. who said RM6 by last week or this week. and then RM5 by end of the month. if not, cut gugu. And he still cannot answer me my question on C69 calculation. Now we have more witness. He exit at 6.7. Later when drop and back up he will say he profit again. Trash talkers.


2020-12-17 11:22 | Report Abuse

MingGoon, got thousands over counter, why comment here?


2020-12-17 11:07 | Report Abuse

Jan 2021 will allow RSS first. IDSS still not allowed.


2020-12-16 19:46 | Report Abuse

Someone or some funds are borrowing EPF share to short TG.


2020-12-16 19:27 | Report Abuse

TG new product wins awards in IIA 2020. More innovative products to come


2020-12-16 19:20 | Report Abuse

5mil of EPF share is SBL. wow..... the hedggeeee..


2020-12-16 19:06 | Report Abuse

Like I mentioned earlier, JPM must hedge their position with more stake in TG, otherwise, their plan will go haywire. Analyst putting negative news but the stock goes up. The other counterpart, fund managers how to explain to them later?

Shorting TG at this point is just awful decision. Matter of fact is people is dying worldwide. Without gloves, people who can save lives are at stake here. So it's in our best interests to make sure those equipment kept coming. Like what the Japanese said few days ago. Like sending soldier into war without weapon.

TG workers are more than happy to OT everyday for most of them. They were angry when management decide to cut the OT few years back. Nepalese, Myanmarese, Indonesian, Vietnamese or Bangladeshi. You name it, they want it.And now they bring home 2-3X their normal pay. They are part of the solutions as well, to the whole COVID pandemic.

The local workforce still have a long way to learn from these hardy people who came from harsh environment. Our local workfoce is like strawberry in comparison. One wonders why so little prefers local workforce and why so little local prefer factory conditions.

Now with all this being said, TG workers are not trekking crocodie rivers or paths filled with leeches on their way to work. They have air-conditioned bus to ferry them. Good internet infra structure by the government, Typical salary of say Bangla back home is around $60 a month. In TG, they get to bring home RM4000 a month. FFS. Can you see the picture? Sam Singh?

Fight for their human rights? Do you even know what they need? Or what they care about? FFS Do you even care?


2020-12-16 17:04 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, you have no idea why Huawei is being targetted at all. What a joker. Huawei' story is so much longer and so much deeper than you can imagine in your wildest dreams. Sorchai spotted d. Running out of material to spin.


2020-12-16 16:06 | Report Abuse

Another sign of accumulation


2020-12-16 16:06 | Report Abuse

IB tired liao. just put as roadblock there. and not moving with the buying pressure. Getting defensive as well.


2020-12-16 16:02 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh? Disagreement and you label people as deplorable? You are just out of your depth here. Crawl back to the cave you come from. Where everything is solid and hard. You haven't even meet the staunchest westeners who believes color of their skin is the birth right to their ways of treating anyone else.

LIke many mentioned here, go to SG, fuk 9 them. almost 45% of their foreign workers have COVID. and many are treated like prisoners and were locked for 8 months now. Malaysia is far better as Malaysian generally have the tak-apa attitude which serves both sides.

It's deplorable that you dont even try to engage in a proper argument but throwing your accusation that is without proof or substance. No one deserves you, you are too holy, be gone. One wonders why a holy man comes to i3 in the first place.


2020-12-16 11:51 | Report Abuse

Too bad Sam Singh, missed the boat. it's only 5%, you can still get in. the destination is no where near yet. Why so sour grape? Talking about human right in a forum that focus on profit and news, and gossiping.

I am not your typical scum you mention, I am just scum when it comes to making money. The foreign workers found their way here not because of slavery but they wanted a better life for their family. A few weeks ago some smartarse brought up 3D jobs, so I suggest you look into it in other developed countries. Human right, is only human right when the human in question wants his/her rights. We all have our brain to think for ourselves. Dont like it, find jobs somewhere else. That's how capitalism work, unless you find a better formula to replace it. That's just how it is.

Foreign workers could have stayed in their countries and start business there, so why are they here? Are they minority who were marginalized and have to sell their body to the corporation? Most often than not, their current living situation is FAR WORST than the TERRIBLE SHIITHOLE in TG hostel. Bringing home 3-4k permonth for these foreign workers are what we call progressive improvement.


2020-12-16 11:24 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, a typical western-always-the-best mentality. We are in part of the great Thucydides trap that is happening between China and US. so naturally all that has a threat to their ways of life will be targetted. West have plundered the world and particularlly south east asia the most.

Look at how botak their forests in their mountain ranges, and their botak forests in most western countries. They should start planting trees on all of their soils and tread their citizen better than to poke into another sovereign country matter. It's all about balance, not about their agenda. We are already slave to the US dollar thanks to their superior navy terrorizing the sea ways. You can succ their coc all you want, but just keep it to yourself.


2020-12-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

stevenckheng, I dont think it will be smooth sailing until all the blocks removed, wait until end of Dec, of best, until end of Feb 2021.


2020-12-16 09:25 | Report Abuse

Where is Edwin? haven't wake up? 2 more days until the warrant C69 expire and still cannot give me the calculation.


2020-12-16 09:24 | Report Abuse

One by one naysayers and now what do we have here. a human right activist. Did you lost your way in the forum? Human right? If it's a case of negligence it should be investigted, but to subject the whole of TG to negligence. Wow you are barking at the wrong tree here. Every human life is precious, but to make the most impact, TG is very small in comparison.

Tenaganita and you Sam Singh should go protest in front of US embassy. 300k fatal cases. Stop shoving your opinion into people's mouth.


2020-12-15 17:51 | Report Abuse

JN88, kinda miss Edwin though, his RM5 target, his diok gugu bet.


2020-12-15 17:49 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, who celebrated? This is far from over. But you are here to laugh at other peoples' losses?


2020-12-15 17:07 | Report Abuse

SafetyFIrst, their fund is around 3% per annum perfomance, believe them? Only sorchai would believe them. You are one of them. I put in FD also have better yield than the funds JPM is handling.


2020-12-15 16:58 | Report Abuse

Not complaining, but good fight. more bumpy roads ahead. And this is only Tuesday.


2020-12-15 16:55 | Report Abuse

IB seems to be forgeting the basics. The lower the price, the more defensive the stock becomes. it's 25-30% easier to defend at this level.


2020-12-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

Best IB can do now is to buy in TG and hedge their position.