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2019-03-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

Most oil related stocks have lost steam and may be hard for any upswing in the near future. Those who went into Dayang late would may as well sell and leave the table as any delay would be detrimental.

News & Blogs

2016-09-01 09:38 | Report Abuse

We can't comment on Koon's blog anymore? is so called super investor took many into financial shambles with his Xingquan, Rimbunan Sawit, Mudajaya buy calls. A friend of mine bought 500,000 Xingquan at RM1.60 in 2011. Imagine if you have listened to Koon Yew Yin and believe that he is or was indeed a super investor?


2016-04-21 08:58 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo must have got some info prior to this.


2016-04-19 09:05 | Report Abuse

according to cariyoyo's comment dated 150416, the value is more than RM80 million or 19.80 million shares. am buying more canone today.


2016-04-18 08:43 | Report Abuse

should read what cariyoyo wrote on 15/04/2016. he appears to have some insider knowledge?


2016-03-14 14:36 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo's comments do carry some weight.


2016-03-01 17:19 | Report Abuse

Who is cariyoyo?

News & Blogs

2015-12-31 09:06 | Report Abuse

I read someone commented on Xingquan before i.e. reading Xingquan quarterly report is akin to having your child coming home reporting to you his or her excellent results without a report card. The report card in this case is dividend. Xingquan can report that they scored 11As for every semester exams but there will be no report card(dividend) certifying that. Am not asking you not to buy Xingquan, but if you don't buy, there will be no risk.


2015-11-09 08:50 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo suggested coastal. let's see if it moves.


2015-11-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

I believe cariyoyo has some insider info. cariyoyo asked to buy Coastal as well.


2015-11-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin might be one of the prominent investors Cariyoyo meant?


2015-11-05 15:01 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo commented that prominent investors are buying into Canone on 28/10/2015. He mentioned that his comment was backed with substantiated facts. Perhaps cariyoyo can continue comment. His target price Canone is RM5 within 6 to 9 months.


2015-11-04 18:46 | Report Abuse

well supported. should be up tomorrow.


2015-10-31 12:50 | Report Abuse

Do you guys think the target price of RM5 predicted by cariyoyo is achievable? The numbers given by natyrag looks plausible.


2015-10-30 19:06 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo, what about coastal? It is languishing at RM2.05 now.


2015-10-30 19:06 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo, please comment further on the RM5 target price?


2015-10-30 19:05 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo was right! Wonder what paperplane2 meant by "forget it"? I think is best not to be "bodoh sombong"


2015-10-28 11:25 | Report Abuse

good to se that cariyoyo positively commented on can-one. cariyoyo had been right o many occasions. RM5 is a good target?


2015-10-26 10:05 | Report Abuse

The controlling family in Kian Joo, the See family is fighting very hard to ensure that the family holding company remains in tact. Anthony See is fighting very hard. However, he is fighting a losing battle as the family lost the case filed to Court of Appeal recently. Moreover, the See family members are disunited. Some had in fact sold their holdings to Canone, which enables Canone to raise its stakes to above 32% in Kian Joo. The only thing that Anthony could do now is by continuing suggesting to the board that he has "better offers" coming from third party apart from the Japanese group introduced by Canone.

My take is that Anthony will fail. Kian Joo was giving such meager dividends in the past that eventually pissed many shareholders off.


2015-10-08 08:55 | Report Abuse

We will see if cariyoyo was right. Cariyoyo mentioned to buy Coastal and keep for 6 months. Hope cariyoyo will comment.


2015-10-07 14:55 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo commented on 15.08.2015. that coastal should be RM2.50 within 3 months from then. cariyoyo has another one month ie. 15.11.2015. cariyoyo has been quite spot on from his comments as I have seen so far. He rarely comments but his info is quite accurate.


2015-08-14 16:16 | Report Abuse

Listen to cariyoyo. He rarely comment but I believe he has some information on coastal like he did on mphb, ijm land and coastal before. He works for Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong


2015-07-08 11:17 | Report Abuse

the price of mphb capital has fallen quite substantially over the past one year. it is ironic to see this counter dropping especially after they have successfully sell the insurance arm. I have been informed that mphb is venturing into property but given the current scenario, they might hold back the idea on launching new projects. I believe mphb is a good long term counter to hold.


2015-06-01 09:04 | Report Abuse

The company has ceased giving out dividends for the last two quarters. The reason given to shareholders was that they need to conserve the cash for future expansions or when opportunity comes along the way. Riverview has purchased the balance shares owned by a Bumiputera partner in Narborough. They could not pay dividend as a result. However, they should have offered the Bumiputera partner part Riverview shares and cash or completely with Riverview shares. Maybe the Bumi partner turned down both offers and prefer cash. My question is how can the shareholders benefit from Narb when they do not get any dividend from the increased profit?

Guess this is not the counter to be in as dividends will dwindle going forward.


2015-05-28 11:42 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..Xingquan returned this quarter with straight As. But again, and as usual, without report card (without dividend). The net asset value is RM3.35 but market price is RM0.615 at the point of my comment. The difference in value is 445%. The owner should take the company private before Warren Buffet buy them up. We would be branded as stupid for not buying Xingquan at such a deep deep deep discount.

Are you investing into Xingquan? I will not until I see the report card confirming that they really scored the "straight As".


2015-04-30 10:35 | Report Abuse

I have been following this counter for a long time i.e. 4.5 years ago, when Koon Yew Yin first invested into it. Mr. Koon started buying Xingquan when the trading price was RM1.08. The share price went up strongly from RM1.08 to as high as RM1.96. This was around Sept or October 2010. But the share price started to fall when it failed to dole out dividends. Subsequently, Mr. Koon organized a talk in Syuen Hotel, Ipoh in an attempt to stop the slide. I must say that the share kept falling after it failed to announce dividend on the following quarter. The rest was history.

Ooi Guan Hoe was severely screwed by Koon Yew Yin.

My view is that all Chinese based counters have low PEs and high on cash reserves. You can list all the counters and the pattern are the same. But the only question is that why can't they pay dividend. They can give 101 excuses. It is just like your child keep telling you that he scored 10As in school exams but fail to show you the report card over and over again. So, do you believe that your child is that good?


2015-04-07 12:07 | Report Abuse

There are rumors swirling around that a prominent family based in Ipoh are interested to take up a sizeable stake in Riverview if the price are right.


2015-03-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

Xingquan at RM3.20? Yes, if the accounts are true. Foo Koon and Thornton will have to say that it is true as they are the auditors. Koon is Koon Yew Yin's cousin and that is cousin. Probably that is why Koon Ye Yin went and invest so much in this thingy. Can you imagine if you are the owner of Xingquan and you value is RM3.20 and market price is RM0.57? People will say you are a dumb businessman.


2014-12-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

talkrealreal, you are moving in a right step forward. I hope more and more shareholders will join you and demand from those Chinese what that owe us. Demand for our rights.

KYY will be very happy if many shareholders attend to fry that Dato Wu and Ooi Guan Hoe.


2014-12-05 12:31 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon has sold all his Xingquan shares quietly while telling everyone who bought it upon his advise that he is still keeping them. He is quite insincere to say the very least. KYY could be the one responsible pushing the price down to RM0.40. Do not listen to his stock promotion anymore. He encourage people to buy and sell them quietly. He should be ashamed of his actions.

What you guys got to say???


2014-12-04 11:36 | Report Abuse

I think cariyoyo meant that Xingquan will rise due to ability to pay dividend. Are they coming up with a 5 sen dividend? It wasn't mentioned by cariyoyo.


2014-12-04 10:09 | Report Abuse

good write-up, cariyoyo. Super Investor is buying other shares now. Xingquan is the worst investment in his life. Investors like Rickoh, BNYM and KYY should increase their stakes to pare down losses since Xingquan is 0.70 most of time this year.


2014-12-03 18:46 | Report Abuse

I was informed by Mr. Koon that Dato Wu, Ooi Guan Hoe and two other directors went to see him recently. Dato Wu told Mr. Koon that they are making efforts to list in Australia. Mr. Koon told him that rather than coming up with all kind of reasons, they should churn out some dividends in order to regain investor's confidence. Dato Wu promised to look into his request. So, if Xingquan announces a special dividend, all of you must call Mr. Koon to say thank you.

Mr. Koon is still keeping his Xingquan shares.


2014-09-18 18:15 | Report Abuse

One of its director is throwing out his shares in the market on a daily basis. Looks like he is diluting his holdings in Xingquan. This would explain as to why the steady volumes the past weeks. Question is who is mopping up his shares?


2014-09-17 09:47 | Report Abuse

you guys think xingquan will move? you guys think rc15 or cariyoyo is right?


2014-09-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo strongly promoted MPHB Capital several months ago when it was trading around RM1.75. cariyoyo appears to have some facts in his commentary. Could be a share analyst himself / herself?


2014-08-29 10:27 | Report Abuse

saltedfish, what do you mean by Wikileaks saving KYY? I don't get it. You read what biggun written?


2014-08-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

I agree that most Chinese counters listed in Bursa Malaysia are doing badly. I have attended a seminar held by Mr. Koon Yew Yin in Ipoh 4 years ago and he was strongly suggesting Xingquan. It was then RM1.65. I sincerely believe that Mr. Koon himself would have bought a lot of Xingquan at this price. Xingquan had fallen by a whopping RM1 since then. Going by this quantum, Mr. Koon would have lost RM30 million just on Xingquan. I have contacted him several days ago and found out that he is still holding all the shares he bought 4 years ago, except that he had transferred them to his children and grandchildren. In other words, either he believe that Xingquan will eventually be a winner or he had no choice but to stomach the losses and hope for the best. Either way, the good news to Xingquan shareholders is that he is holding on as otherwisr the price would have be trading at RM0.20.

Having said the above, I have discovered that several other big names were Xingquan's major shareholders like Madam Lai Poh Lin (she is a director of IOI Corp), Rickoh Trading (owned by Dato Koh Kin Lip who is a savvy investor) and Bank of New York Mellon. These are no dumb dumb in the market. Why would they invest in Xingquan? Either they were conned or they know something that we don't. Choice is yours since Xingquan is trading at such low price. But it can also turn out to be a dud.


2014-08-09 16:48 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo was right on this info. any further news to share, cariyoyo?


2014-07-31 19:58 | Report Abuse

Cariyoyo appears to be supporting MPHB Capital since the price was low. He or she might have some news.

News & Blogs

2014-06-24 09:09 | Report Abuse

Was going through the various comments. I believe that our life is politics. Everything that we discuss will lead to political policies. Are there any hope for Malaysians?

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 15:24 | Report Abuse

Dear Adcool,

I may have to correct you as the government planned to establish Sekolah Wawasan during Dr. Mahathir's regime. However, it was vehemently objected by Dong Zong and many other Chinese educational guilds. They claimed that the HM of the Sekolah Kebangsaan will be the commanding HM while the HMs from the Chinese and Indian schools will play second fiddle. They have also officially expressed a host of other reasons as to why they disputed on the concept.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

Affluent Chinese and Malay families are now sending their children to private schools and colleges. Please refer to premium private schools in Kuala Lumpur and you will concur with my observation. Similarly, smaller cities like Ipoh where Mr. Koon is residing saw a surge in the intake of Chinese children. More and more private schools are being set up or in the process of being set up all over the country. The reason(s) as to why these schools are being set up and despite the high fees, was because affluent families were no longer interested to send their kids to government aided or semi aided schools. English is an important language where all of us must command but schools in Malaysia are grappling with numerous issues on this subject simply because the teachers themselves are not good in English. But again, children in private schools and colleges must learn to be independent and street smart in the real society as I find them too pampered. For example, I was shocked to learn that the teachers in private schools will hug the child when they do something wrong. This is not right as spare the rod and you will spoil the kid.

News & Blogs

2014-06-23 15:10 | Report Abuse

First of all, our education policies are not moving in the right direction that it should be. Many Chinese are shunning Sekolah Kebangsaan simply because of the education standards. The discipline standards as well. Many years ago, say in 1970 to 1980, majority of Chinese families will most likely send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan because of its English and discipline standards while the Chinese families staying out of town or from the lower income group would send their children to Chinese schools. The discipline of the Chinese schools then were poor. However, things changed drastically after mid-80s when the English standards in these Sekolah Kebangsaan dropped. Most teachers were not conversant enough in English themselves. The Chinese schools caught up with their standards (unfortunately not in English)and started attracting more Chinese families to send their children to their schools. This, over time, created a disparity between the Chinese and Sekolah Kebangsaan schools. Today, 90% of Chinese families send their kids to Chinese schools.

The Malays who continue to study in Sekolah Kebangsaan do not mix much with the Chinese as a result. Similarly, the Chinese would not be able to completely understand or grasp the Malay cultures.

The Chinese education guilds do not support Sekolah Wawasan which I think would be a good platform for children to mingle. The Sekolah Wawasan was a flopped as a result of non-cooperation attitude of these guilds. Unless and until, something is done to mend the gap, I am afraid that the divide between races in Malaysia will continue to drift along wider.

This is a fact which we must reconcile with. Politicians of both camps must sit together and sincerely draft out plans in order to move forward. But, sincerely I think this will remain a dream.

News & Blogs

2014-03-28 11:15 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr. Koon,

Thank you for sharing the information on the correct counter(s) to invest. I presume you are bullish on plantation stocks at the moment. What do you think of Hap Seng Plantations as I noticed that it is not in your list. I believe you may think that they are not expanding as much and their earnings will be capped. However, you must not discount that most palms under HS Plant are at prime ages where the output will be much higher. I think HS Plant is tightly owned by the owner and doesn't move that much as a result. Just like Batu Kawan during the 90s.

I hope you can share with us some other good stocks like MPHB Capital which is a hidden gem of Tan Sri Surin Upatkon.


2014-02-26 19:39 | Report Abuse

cariyoyo might be working for kenanga, rhb or a stock broking house as analyst.

News & Blogs

2014-02-24 09:21 | Report Abuse

MCA is a its lowest ebb and I see that they are short of strong willed and caliber politicians to bring the party out of the worst turbulence seen since Tan Cheng Lock. How can you imagine Wee Ka Siong fighting for the Chinese rights in front of Muhyiddin Yassin? MCA had sold out the Chinese rights since Tan Siew Sin took over. There were several other senior leaders who were deeply involved in the Independence deal who took the Chinese guilds and associations for a good ride. A long retired British officer once told my father that a senior leader from MCA threw a list drafted by Chinese guilds and associations into his hotel room waste paper basket. The list was demands listed out by the Chinese guilds for Independence.

MCA might as well merge with DAP. Better that way.


2014-01-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

I do partly agree with dlsh2 on his comment. I am with an organization which welcome rebuttal. For one, everybody is entitled to his opinion. For another, feedback especially from those who disagree is particularly useful, if we are to know whether we have been correct in what we say. Besides, dissenting opinions are beneficial. If we have been wrong, we can learn from those who have taken the trouble to point out our mistakes. If we have not, the rebuttal provides us the opportunity to win doubting Thomasses. Moreover, wouldn't life be so predictable and dull, if everyone agrees with everything? We would then become a society without a mind of our own.

We need to be mindful, too, that there are always more than one solution to a problem, and that we have in mind may not be the best.

Mr. Koon is strongly suggesting that Jaya Tiasa is a winner based on the various reasons already explained by him. However, I do feel that most palms planted by Jaya Tiasa are on peat soils which is a dampener on yield (provided huge amount of fertilizers are used to compensate). The terrains of Jaya Tiasa palms are rather hilly.

But again, dlsh2 was right that Mr. Koon used his money to buy Jaya Tiasa. If the share goes down, then Mr. Koon will not only lose his money but credibility as a super investor as well. The odds are quite high on Mr. Koon. But should the price goes up, then we have ourselves to blame and Mr. Koon not going to share his winnings with us.

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 18:14 | Report Abuse

Dear bsnpg,

You may have to do a simple visit to a well informed library in order to bring yourself up to speed as to the development of modern China. Wilmar plays a major role in the development of oils and seeds industries in China. However, since you have mentioned China as the "sick man of the east", you might have referred yourself to the weak China before World War 2. You might also want to brighten up your mind with the development of China pre-revolution whereby the Empress of Dowager was in charge of the fate of China. Empress Dowager surrounded herself with yesmen and expect them to tickle her ears with things she wanted to hear. None of them dared to tell her the truth. For example, China lost the battle of Yaloo to Japan in 1894 despite having a well modernized armada vis-a-vis Japan. China was using ships made from Germany. However, the bombs and bullets were filled with sawdusts instead of gun powder as a result of extreme corruptions among their peers. Of course, the foreign powers took advantage of this.


2013-02-26 10:59 | Report Abuse

it appears that mosea was right. I noticed that directors of Maybulk started buying at RM1.29-RM1.40. Volume has grown above 3 million shares today. Thank you zack liza, mosea and all.