
mushimushi | Joined since 2016-08-30

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3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Head shake ini zbai stock, tunggu gaji masuk, all in sama ni pookimark.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Genting memang zbai betul. Very disappointed, mesti continue curse sama itu LKT baru harga mau Naik punya.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

This website no monitoring of scamming posts? The message above clearly scamming. Kindly remove please. @moderator


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Bill gates latest cnn video talks about the next big thing is nuclear power, given that China already crack the code of harnessing the power of the sun. Fusion is the new kid on the block.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Ini Kali lah!! TP RM 6


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Honestly physical casino business is under threat by online casino. Online casino has no boundaries, anytime anywhere, and a fraction of the operating cost. It is a smart choice for Genting to go all in to energy business. Energy is the future. Energy is much easier to make money than casino. Genting to the moon next week.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

China so much money, if Malaysia open it's door fully. Malaysia will have at least 5 more Kuala Lumpur size metropolis. 1 each in Sabah Sarawak, Johor, Penang and Melaka


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Next week gap up and rocket lor. Then wait for another good quarter news. No more looking back.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I think energy business is confirmed better than casino business. Sure untung one it seems. What is the risk none. Compares to casino, the operation cost is sky high, also has the risk of shutting down due to pandemic like crisis. Also imagine the economy is bad, people decided to cut down expenses and stop visiting casino, it is not a sure win business. Energy business on the hand is an always win business. I think this rally just the beginning of a long rally. I can feel the power. Gonna hit 5.5 short term, and 6.5 long term target. Only less than 50 days, will be hearing about the next good quarter release, selling now will be the dumbest thing you can do now. Just hold, and wait to collect 10-30-50% profit, it is not a dream.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

China is the current leading new generation nuclear power plant, 20+ 4th gen nuclear power plant coming online in china in the coming years. The technology is 15 years ahead of everyone else. People now has been customer with china being number in high speed trains etc. soon nuclear power plant will be on top of the list. Genting joint venture with China in energy sector will bring a boon to the company for sure. Imagine Genting becoming the gateway to south east ASEAN renewable energy adoption. Huat huat huat lah.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

1 night stand only, boring....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Maybe some small shareholders angry with LKT coz no door gifts at the AGM. Lol.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Short sellers...nice try. Little fireworks display won't crash the stock price.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Taurx already commercialized in Singapore right according to ATK? If Singapore started using it, FDA approval should be just a matter of time. Be it 1 year or 2, let the topic sleep. No point bring it up now.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Maybe Euro which will start tomorrow will be a boon for Genting. It is betting season again, back to back Euro and Olympic 2024. Ada bet baru Ada syok watching Euro.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Start the market here lah, we just need to know if the drug really works or not.

Coorrporate with the country's health ministry to conduct our own trial lah while waiting. If Taurx is so confident with the medicine, there's nothing to be afraid of. Malaysia do know how to do our own trial for new medicines right? If successful, in no time it will be headline news.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Alzheimer's patients might as well give themselves a 2nd chance in life. Recent news, Chinese scienctist succefully test a cure for diabetes, patients only need 8 weeks treatment to stop dependent on external administer insulin. It's miracle cure, patient pancreas function has been restored. Do they need FDA approved. Maybe in future we only need Chinese FDA approval. Chinese scientist focus on curing patients, American scientist focus on maintaining the disease and profiting from patchy patchy medicines.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If taurx so good, why not trial run in Malaysia and Singapore? If can be tested to be successful here, who would care about FDA approval, results speaks louder than anything. The FDA will be forced to approve it by then. Start commercialize here lah, what is Taurx waiting for? Request trial run here on Malaysian patients from the Malaysian health minister.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's call, Anjing Lapar Rebut Tahi. Ei, next time ask for RM 100 casino chip. Kalau tak bagi, itu bukti LKT memang soohai bodoh tak tau buat binis.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Genting Malaysia borrow another RM 400 millions, LKT is a joke. It seems that the more we curse him, the more he borrow and steal. Really thick skin!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

My English is very good. I can curse Chinese in English.

All deal lay go low mole!!
All deal lay go low mole go low mole!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Tomorrow shoot kaw kaw, Kasi dia mampus!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

All deal lay go low mole!!
All deal lay go low mole go low mole!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I think LKT have "makan" at least RM 1.5 billions just from salary alone for the past 10 years. Anyone have the exact number?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

zzz speechless....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Still doesn't justify the excessive salary. It is just stealing really. Imagine 1 day, "if" Genting somehow can not repay the debts. Do you think the boss will put in his savings to help pay off the debts? It will be like "Ever Grande", that boss has a plan to escape, but the Chinese government is too quick and smart to stop him from ever leaving the mess behind. Home buyers ends up holding the bags, just another example of G bye Chinese cheating hard working Chinese.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I think many of us already pointed the out the problem with the management, excessive salaries, operating costs, insisting on holding on to lost making entitiesz unnecessary borrowing. In AGM the management need to address all this issues, see what is their respond, then those who attend will be first to hear and write about it. You will know if the share price will rise or continue to fall after AGM. So it is important to confront them on all the questions that you have.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hard pill to swallow huh? Maybe next time when your family and friend becomes victim of the thing I said, you will admit the truth


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hiding it doesn't do any good or change it. Only exposing it and face the truth will have chance to change this reality. Look at what needed to to change the Japanese? 2 nukes, that's all it takes, it is better that we give ourselves the lesson with whatever it takes, in this case, just educating our next gen the truth, and educate them not to repeat such evils deeds, rather than the lesson comes from outsiders.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

How is it racism if I myself is Chinese? I'm only telling the truth about own people, what's wrong with that? Ask any Chinese about the above, see behind close doors if they would tell you the truth. Actually you don't have to look far, just look that the scamming safe haven multi billion industry based in Cambodia, Myanmar and Philippines, all created by Chinese to scam and kill Chinese if they don't obey. The money scammed, the Chinese owner used to buy big houses in western countries. Perfect example.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fun facts: Chinese cheat, betray, look down upon and kill Chinese so that they can kiss white people asses


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Last time I heard a Chinese company spent the 100k USD just to entertain some nobody white counterparts or potential business partner, the company went bankrupt after that


1 month ago | Report Abuse

That SOB cjb is 1 big So Hi, injecting more cash to sinking Empire resort merely just want to save face. Typical Chinese family behaviour, don't want to lose face in front of white people. Don't want white people to say china man, poor, stingy and no money.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

What happened? I took a break from cursing then some cheerleaders took over. Now people came out from the woodwork parroting what I said for the past week?

Aiya, you all save your breath wait till AGM, just fak the management face to face lah, you all shy is it or no balls to say what you wrote here? Nobody will laugh at you lah, you are shareholders as well, some invested hundreds of thousands and some even millions. You are the boss, that's why even LKT need to meet and explain the company performance.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

zzzz, no need hope, just prepare shoot the SOB kaw kaw during AGM later. Wish for Coachella, but he brought us Chinese opera instead, Diu Nia Sing.!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@speakup, that's the power of the retail investors, their votes won't change a thing, but their voice will. Now isn't that all the investors need to thanks those who cursing Francis Yeah day day everyday? There's a famous song by Lazy mf, "If I didn't fork you, you think you so cool, Diu Nia Sing!". Some people won't change their until they feel the heat.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't bother the Genting management team too much over the weekend. Taking Genting private? So that the SOB can continue to borrow and pay himself hundreds of millions without being critize? Genting Hk, Genting Empire, now Genting Malaysia, do we see a pattern here? Retail investors lose big in all cases.

If this is the case, I pray the government will take Genting casino license private and award it to someone else too.

I will continue to kutuk the Genting management, day day and everyday.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If we want Genting to flourish long term, I still think we need to pressure the management to reform first, Can you imagine even the biggest boss is stealing from the company, how would think the old time executives in the companies would do. It must have been pick pocketing left and right on a daily basis, the company profits margin will be slimmer and slimmer if not losing money big time. The company seriously need a big overhaul. Long time executives in the company who knows in and out will know 1 million ways to steal. There's a cancer in the company that's why the net profit so low. In order for Genting to shine, reform is the first step.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The company just need to come clean on borrowing, no new project, but borrow over 1 billion for what? We just need to pressure him to answer all this questions, the market is puzzled, that's why the stock price is weak. Once they clear the air, do a better job on PR, I'm sure we will see RM 8 again very soon. Don't be scared by recent sell off, Genting is long term investment and require strong holding power, we just need to be strong to hopefully steer the company in the right direction through meaningful communication with the management, and AGM is exactly the platform for this.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Better late than never lah, who tell him to issue debt on quarter release, seolah-olah sengaja but begitu, celaka betul. Will see lah, see he prefer us to kutuk him infront of his face during AGM or not. He need to feel heat from us, otherwise he thought he is doing good all this while. If we kutuk him Infront of so many people, he still doesn't change his way. Then we will know, he memang 1 big hkl cjb si jahat


1 month ago | Report Abuse

You see Genm dropped 5%, but he don't even bother to do some PR and damage control. This kind of boss do not deserve a salary. Compares him to tiktok CEO, he can't even hold a candle to him. Hire a CEO that is well spoken and care to do PR and save the company hundreds of millions in salary.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Maybe he will listen and give up his salary, it will be the day Genting share price up 20-30%.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Receiving dividend from the shares that you owned is very different than drawing a big salary from the company where you have majority control. Dividend is declared for all, fair and square, salary is approved and benefiting 1 person. It is tantamount to stealing really. Find me an example where owner draws a big salary, only tak tau malu punya owner will do such a thing.Worse, borrowing money to pay himself, this is thefts at another level. I think this AGM no give him face, just shoot him kaw kaw. At least we get an explanation what he is up to, retail investor definitely do not want to left holding the bag.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

So basically Genting is LKT's personal piggy bank lah? That's terrible if true.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Call me slow, when I think deeper, one hand he keeps issuing debt, on another he keeps paying himself hundreds of millions. Do you see something wrong with this picture?

Do you know what Mark Cuban might say about this? I don't know maybe something like "I'm done, I'm out, he is a fugging gold digger!". Seriously this has to be stopped urgently like stopping the bombing of women and children from Israel.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can't he do it some other time? Why choose the same time as quarterly result release? This guy really memang 1 big cjb. Zzzz please vote to cut his salary during this coming AGM. He is not competent.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

What is LKT doing? Record revenue and profit still wanna use other people's money?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Wah!! DJI rebounded 600 points, the bull is still alive. Genting 10-15%% rise is bound to materialize next week.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just to think of it makes my blood boiling. I'm really pissed!!