MYOB | Joined since 2014-07-03

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2014-08-08 12:52 | Report Abuse

Monday today will be history and everyone will forget, then market moves again. I am in today, buy when all are scared and sell when they throw a party!.


2014-08-07 15:14 | Report Abuse

Contra players clearing position. Lucky if you can get for 0.49


2014-08-07 12:09 | Report Abuse

Support was at 0.50 so there should be a rebound...


2014-08-06 21:21 | Report Abuse

atlanta While CSL is " money making entity while its a PN17" hahaha


2014-08-06 20:34 | Report Abuse

Reminder from fellow blogger with " substance".

Dear Fellow Investors of Mulpha,

Thank you all for your kind comments. I might not have all the answers as yet. Benjamin Graham advocates buying a Share Below Its Intrinsic Value & Only Sell It After It Has Gone Above Its Intrinsic Value.

I think 80% of the Market does not follow this principle in Investment. That's Why My JOHOR SIFU Has Made His Many Millions in buying Up Undervalued Shares.

One of them is Selangor Properties Berhad (SPB). At RM3.30 The Lady Boss was buying up SPB steadily & quietly while the Market chased popular stocks of the day. The reason to buy SPB was its Strategic & Valuable Land Banks in Damansara Heights which others overlooked. SPB has now doubled in price to cross RM6.70. Mulpha is another SPB in future.

Other Great Shares He Bought were Pintaras Jaya RM1.40 (Went up to RM7.00), Petronas Dagangan at RM4.50 (Exploded to RM30.00), Kossan at RM2.00, KPJ at RM1.90 (Major Shareholder) , Ajiya at RM1.00, Fima Corp (his favourite) at RM2.20. He is also the Top Pioneer Shareholders of ICap at launch of RM1.00 by TTB. He is a substantial shareholder of Keck Seng. He was the one who grilled KSeng Directors speechless. Too many Super Stocks he shared. I think if he posts he is above or at least equal to our KCChongNz or The Great Raider.

But when I first met My JOHOR SIFU I had a very totally different impression of him. He looked like a very poor fella who just came out from his job in washing floor in the wet market. His T Shirt looked cheap (bought from Pasar Malam) He wore short trouser bought from flea market & RM3 pair of cheap slippers.
His entire out fit looked not more the RM50!

But When I spoke to him I later found out he has 300,000 shares in Litrak alone. Litrak is over RM3.00 a share. So in one counter alone he invested Over RM1 Millions. And he has many many other counters. He is So Fully Loaded That He Lives Carefree. On Yearly Dividend Alone He Gets 6 to 7 Figures Income. However, he is humble & bashful and shun all lime light. I am so happy to learn from My JOHOR SIFU. So don't judge a book by its cover.

Ha! I bought KPS at 42 Cts. He also bought KPS. We sold off KPS at RM1.20. But KPS went on to Cross RM3.90 to our chagrin. A 10 Bagger!

He also joined me buying BJ Corp at 12.5 cts. Later when he saw Goldman Sachs bought BJ Corp from 50 cts to RM1.00. He chased BJ Corp all the way from 50 cts to RM1.00. He fully loaded up on BJ Corp. When BJ Corp crosses he gave the signal to SELL ALL at RM1.50.

WOW BJ Corp Was My First 10 Baggers from 12.5 cts to RM1.50 - Up 1,000%. Peter Lynch of Magellan first taught us about 10 Bagger Stocks!

From his winnings in BJ Corp MY JOHOR SIFU Bought A Gleaming Toyota Camry and showed fellow buddies in OSK Johor!

Those were Great Fun Days & Learning Times For Me.


2014-08-06 20:04 | Report Abuse

Rich! let me answer by asking you a question, then who is the " nut" who is buying and why? Maybe Honest Opportunity needs the funds because they were dishonest in other dealings hahah,


2014-08-05 19:08 | Report Abuse

Where is Datuk Slipper, by the way I am the one who gave him the name many months ago when I blog under the name CheeBy


2014-08-05 19:05 | Report Abuse

Secrecy! That's the most intelligent thing I have heard today! Where got CLS products in the market? Its in KLSE!


2014-08-05 19:00 | Report Abuse

happ12 please put your money in FD and get 3% interest if you think it will come down to 0.09!


2014-08-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

How now?, new MorganFreeman says its a doomed stock?. but does not want to say why?.


2014-08-05 18:13 | Report Abuse

Buy Mulpha and keep in your drawers, 2 years later come back and have a good holiday! Look at all the other property stock! This is the only one which has not moved and tandom.


2014-08-05 18:11 | Report Abuse

KUB another crony company now value can sell for almost 0.60!


2014-08-05 18:10 | Report Abuse

Just imagine even a stupid company like MKL with so much of problems has a TP of 0.80!


2014-08-05 12:53 | Report Abuse

Its a healthy correction, this is not a contra stock, its for long term.


2014-08-04 19:14 | Report Abuse

I am putting 50% of my money on Mulpha, I had a choice of buying a house or Mulpha since both are property I chose Mulpha for long term investment. You should read that blog "very intelligent suggestions".


2014-08-01 12:57 | Report Abuse

have been following this blog and buying progressively since 0. 0515. I believe this share will be another DBHD or GADANG once the potential is realized. Its only a matter of time. Still holding strong even with the correction in Dow Jones yesterday. Next week holidays will be over and investors will be back in the market, it should be interesting then.


2014-07-20 21:42 | Report Abuse

Just one question. Is it worth the betting on CLS based on all the comments we heard from all the Guru's here? I hope the comments to my question would be backed up with facts. No innuendoes and stupid remarks please.


2014-07-14 15:07 | Report Abuse

I went to Turkey and the The Datuk Slipper still here ha?. Once told people in this blog he made enough in shares to last 17 years. I too have enough to last 20 years if I spent 5K a month and 100 years is RM 500 a month. Real stupid F


2014-07-04 21:21 | Report Abuse

Nomanland that's the best description.


2014-07-04 20:39 | Report Abuse

I don't have CLS shares but I am just hoping the share sky rockets next week so everyone here can F*&^ this Datuk slipper who obviously has nothing better to do. Must have lost a lot of money here so now he wants to vomit all his frustration on others. People what to buy or sell their business lah why you get all worked up?, if you loss money go hang yourself, its so Simple!


2014-07-04 12:53 | Report Abuse

Watch closely this stock will move in tandom with CLS which si suspect is going to shoot up once/ if the problems of the accounts are resolved.


2014-07-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

Anytime now Kasi will start dumping!!


2014-07-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

You are suppose the guru ass who seems to know everything. Don't bring my family into this or risk getting fu%^#$!!


2014-07-04 10:45 | Report Abuse

So there is all the bad news then who is buying? Datuk slipper any comments???


2014-07-04 10:23 | Report Abuse

Told you earlier Will not be surprised if CSL manage to submit the accounts. I don't have CSL and I am not adviceing anyone to buy!!


2014-07-04 10:21 | Report Abuse

Don't be fooled.


2014-07-04 10:21 | Report Abuse

Now the conman datuk slipper ask your to buy Hexza, then he will throw to you. When they ask you to buy its because they have stock to throw!!


2014-07-03 21:46 | Report Abuse

I suspect CLS may just surprise everyone by producing the Financial Statement on the proposed date. He mentioned this today and if its just another con job, then you have to give the man credit because he has balls of steel!!


2014-07-03 15:02 | Report Abuse

My be this Datuk Slipper is part of " the group" trying to make you think any action taken is useless and just forget the loss. Who knows he maybe the conman himself!


2014-07-03 14:51 | Report Abuse

masterkevin212. I agree with you about "Datuk Slipper", just because he cashed out on time , suddenly he thinks he is such a GURU!