
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-12-27 23:52 | Report Abuse

Director Bawang triple his money after leaving Serba! So it appears this Director Karim only know how to dilute Serba and nothing to taste for minority shareholders! Yeah, we got con in Serba!

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2020-12-27 20:11 | Report Abuse

Cannot even handle 1MDB yet brag about how to handle Covid! I mean he found himself guilty in court already! So how can Najib handle Covid! He can't!

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2020-12-27 20:10 | Report Abuse

Yeah sure! If Najib is PM today, he would be the first to put his head in the sand and ignore everything just like what he did during his 10 year administration!

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2020-12-26 18:03 | Report Abuse

Great achievement! Spreading Covid all over the world!

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2020-12-25 16:48 | Report Abuse

3rd wave Covid due to Sabah snap election! Abah Mohiden must be proud to know he is the main cause of the huge spike, 100 times bigger than the 1st wave!


2020-12-25 16:46 | Report Abuse

I think Ccp is very much upset that western world have come up with vaccine at record time!
Reason, the use of very new tech call mRNA! And perhaps this is things to come from this new breakthrough in medical world! I mean, even Aids will be history if they really want to! Or cancer for that matter!
But hey, sometimes, some things do not warrant scientists to look for cure, reason been instant profit!
In case of Covid, the motivation is pretty clear! You looking at every single human being getting vaccine! I mean, isn't that good enough to make sure you are the first to be in the market!
But what really drives them is the unlimited funding from US President Donald Trump! I mean, with no spending limit, scientists can work 24/7 getting Covid vaccine!
And since last week, US saw not one but two vaccine approval! And next Astrazeneca will seek for approval! In case of Astrazeneca, they stumbled upon a mistake that prove to be briliant discover! They don't even have to go full dose! They only need half a dose to get 90% effectiveness! And it's cheaper too!
So yeah, by early next year, we see not 3 but maybe 6 or more vaccine on the market!
I think Malaysia will opt for cheap China Russia vaccine for migrant workers! Basically, migrant workers are the biggest culprits in 3rd wave Covid here so make sense they will get compulsory vaccine!
In short, chill! Vaccines are coming! Everything will be back to normal by June next year!

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2020-12-25 13:52 | Report Abuse

The good times is over for Malaysia property! It's a value trap market all the way now! For me, there's no meat to be made from investing in property anymore! Quite pointless if you need to do very extensive homework to dig value which is none existent nowadays! Even with Covid, the market didn't fall! Instead we have extreme glut left and right! Malaysia is losing out against everybody! I rather put my money in Vietnam property market nowadays! Or Indonesia if Tesla indeed makes inroad over there! Kalimantan should be booming but i doubt Sabah Sarawak property market would feel the impact as Kalimantan will be huge enough to absorb all the opportunity!


2020-12-25 13:40 | Report Abuse

So yeah, Toyota can't help making unicorn statement just like countless car manufacturers out there! Everybody riding the 'Tesla killer' card!
The thing is, Toyota said to produce this solid thing by 2024! Yeah right while Tesla already printing out their latest battery in Berlin right now! Tesla semi state battery is just as good as solid battery by the way!
But wait! There's more! Tesla will unveil completely new aircond product too! What! You mean Tesla is competing against York, Daikin, Glee and so forth! Watchout aircond manufacturers! Yeah, Tesla actually already installed their low energy consumption aircond in their cars! So it's no brainer it's going to hit household too! I mean, that's where the molla is!
So yeah, we should have a low energy consumption aircond in our homes thanks to Tesla!

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2020-12-25 13:25 | Report Abuse

The only way is to develop new platform! But can you compete against Google! Can you compete against facebook which own wassap! So you see, there's no such thing as freedom of speech in the internet anymore!
Even political narratives are now been shape by them! It's like watching Hollywood Ccp certified movies, you can't find any which are not!

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2020-12-25 13:23 | Report Abuse

Big tech is socialism! Just like globalization is socialism! They control over all of us! Tell me, can you live without Google! Can you live without your smartphone equip with android which belongs to Google! Can you not have social media like Twitter, Facebook and so forth!
You see, the internet is owned by vested parties! They owned you! This extreme power is just been discovered by them!
Eventually US will become your new China! Democracy is on the way out! How to express your freedom of speech in internet, you can't! You will be censored! Eventually, big tech in US is no different from that in China! The only difference, in US globalists owned you! In China, Ccp owned you!

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2020-12-24 20:32 | Report Abuse

Well, not really! Ccp officials are super corrupted! They say if you throw a book, you sure hit a corrupted official because all of them are corrupted!
The difference is Chairman Xi! You see, Chairman Xi saw the big picture! I was kinda lost why he ban west social media like Youtube, Google, Facebook and so forth! Xi was ahead of the curve! Just look at US now, the big tech control everything! Even can form political narrative and change US election outcome! Even successfully cover up for the fraud in recent US election by censoring critics!
Instead Ccp owned the social media! Owned the big tech of China! Owned basically everything! To extend owned many of US entities! Heck, even Hollywood had to get their scripts certified by Ccp!

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2020-12-24 20:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Dec 24, 2020 8:22 PM | Report Abuse

These god-fearing from the west were desperate. Because China insisted they got nothing that China would want.

Answer : Exactly! China was so advanced back then, they wonder want else do they want! The west can offer nothing in return! Well, until some white dude offer them some dope! Seems some weed is better than hot tea i guess!

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2020-12-24 20:22 | Report Abuse

Ccp blame westerners for everything! Hundred years of humiliation baloney!
The thing is, one should examine the upper class for what happen to China! I mean, did westerners threaten China merchants 600 years ago! Come on, China already had advanced weapon compare to europeans! Gun powder was invented in China you know!
Do you know only China knows how to sail ships against the wind! Europeans didn't know! They mostly depend on the wind! If the wind blow east, they go east! If the wind go west, they go back to Europe!
But not! China was master of the wind! Ships go Malacca come east, south, north wind!

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2020-12-24 20:18 | Report Abuse

Engineering! Yeah, that's right! Again, China officials back then were too corupted! And westerners monolized trade with China!
Imagine if China supply tea directly with Britain back then! You think who will feel threaten! Instead Britain go to China directly in exchange for opium!
Heck, chinese back then love opium! I mean the brittish never force them you know!

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2020-12-24 20:15 | Report Abuse

Engineering! Actually it's was Chian elite fault why westerners came in! Around 600 years ago, China sailing ships were so advanced, they were going all over the world trading with other nations!
The thing is, it made chinese merchants extremely wealthy! So wealthy that it threaten status quo of the upper class chinese!
So they persuaded Emperor to burn all China sailing ships including their blueprint on how to build this super sailing ships!
In the end, China completey lost this knowledge of navigation and ship building! Completely lost forever!
So it made the elites very happy! Chinese merchants died off! Westerners monopolize trading with China! That's 600 years history of China for you!

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2020-12-24 20:08 | Report Abuse

China was free from western religions for over 5k years! Back then, China was so advanced, sailing ships used by China was hundred years more advanced than European!
Christianity held back European civilization until it was separated from daily lives! Hence the birth of secularism in Europe! Only then European became more progressive!
There's nothing good in extremism in religion! Malaysia indeed going on path of destruction! The Islam that we have here is fake! Nothing to do with that in Saudi and very little to do with those in Mecca itself!
If malays adopt true Islam, then Hodod will be enforced! That's what Pas holymen wanted! But do you trust those fake Pas holymen to lead malays!
I mean, come on! We will see Pas holymen commiting all the wrong doings but will not face any prosecution! Whereas, ordinary malays will be subject to injustice as Pas holymen can easily fabricate charges since you only need 3 fake witness to get malays hand cop and slash to death!

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2020-12-24 19:41 | Report Abuse

Problem with religion is that, it cover up wrong doings, only make us self righteous and nothing else! In short, religion does not make you holy, it makes you mask up and do more evil!

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2020-12-24 17:50 | Report Abuse

My advise to fellow chinese in Sarawak, do not follow Dap aggressive tactic! Ibans are very short fuse people! Today they are friendly but if cross the line, then i say good riddance to those who started the fire!

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2020-12-24 17:47 | Report Abuse

Sarawak is the largest christians population in Malaysia! 90% of Sarawak are ibans! Chinese population very very small like only 500k! Actually, in Sarawak, ibans and chinese live segregated lives! Conflicts not yet exist because Sarawak, ignorance is still very much the way of life! If awareness start to creep in like the rest of Malaysia, i think the racial tension will be far worst!

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2020-12-24 13:52 | Report Abuse

When X70 came out, it looks brilliant! Then X50 came out, looks the same! And the upcoming MPV will also look same old same!
And the price getting expensive! Engine very weak and unreliable! Verdict! I won't touch this Geely rebadge! Going to be super expensive to maintain after 5 years! And mind you, the front side is looking dated! So boring!

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2020-12-22 10:17 | Report Abuse

Harapan in total mess! No hope to face GE15! Voters still very much felt the 22 disastrous months under Harapan!

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2020-12-18 19:20 | Report Abuse

You can walk into Mr Diy and buy those rechargeble less than RM10 torchlight which perform hundred times better than RM40 conventional torchlight still been sold everywhere!
The moral is, battery as energy storage will get cheaper and cheaper! One fine day, nobody bother to buy car anymore as taking a pod will be hundred times cheaper!
And central energy providers will become obsolete as most household will be able to generate and store energy for their own consumption!

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2020-12-18 13:34 | Report Abuse

HSR should not be directly linked to airports like what Abah Mohiden demanded from Singapore! HSR suppose to replace airports eventually! Bandar Malaysia is going to be HSR hub for the whole Asian networks!

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2020-12-18 13:24 | Report Abuse

White elephant! Can't believe Abah Mohiden really screw up otherwise super well plan grand connectivity! You talking about eventuall connection to Thailand and the rest of Asian all the way to China!


2020-12-17 23:08 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is dangerous falling behind other Asian nation! Indonesia is now attracting big players like Tesla! Imagine 5 years from now, Indonesia actually more advance than Malaysia! Why, because our politcians continue to play stupid games for sake of power and wealth!


2020-12-17 23:05 | Report Abuse

No doubt for the last 10 years relations between malays and chinese have hit very low point in Malaysia multiracial history! Why, because out politicians were too busy playing this dangerous game just to ge to Putrajaya!
Rakyat are fed up! Covid has expose one thing, malaysians realise our politicians place very little focus on them instead our politicians even during this challenging times place more priority in politicking! Enough is enough!
But the event in Perak certainly saw something we would never have expected in our lifetime! when Nga offer to work with Umno for sake of Perak, we finally saw a maturity on Nga part! He has entered the new relevant age of politics in Malaysia!
On Umno part, we also see some politicians voicing their desire for Umno Dap alliance! And suddenly the racial temperature has drop considerably! Grassroot from both side actually welcome such move! On Umno side, it's grassroot actually very open about Umno Dap alliance! Umno has zero problem convincing it's grassroot! However on Dap side, the Lims hardcore supporter may pose problems going ahead!
No doubt Dap need a change of leadership! Dap need to move away from victim mentality! Of course it's has the right to fight for local chinese! But using sentiment like UEC is totally disastrous! Indeed we need to open up education system and civil services towards more multiracial one!
So let's hope both Umno and Dap will find ways to seek maturity for sake of our nation!


2020-12-17 22:42 | Report Abuse

It was Abah Mohiden who blasted Hadi for been a fake! Mohiden called Hadi as 'penjual Islam'!
Yet today Hadi and Mohiden sit, kiss and carress each other as if it's islamic to do so! Yeah, Hadi true colous is that he is selling Islam for wealth and power for decades! Just like Anwar been selling reform agenda to be PM!
Let's not be bull about it! Hadi is as fake as those five foot way Islam preachers! Noawadays, there's way too many of this fake ustaz walking around seeking donations, baiting so many innocent muslim ladies and so forth!
So now Hadi talks about importance of uniting all muslims in Malaysia! Yeah right! And what we see is how Hadi trying to break up malays by betraying Muafakat and sleeping with Perikatan allowing Assmin cartel to control Pas so that the 1 million Pas zombies would vote for Perikatan!
We know what is Hadi up to! A simpleton crook who wants to be in corridor of power by been minister of doing nothing and rewarded with everything!

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2020-12-17 14:55 | Report Abuse

I think Nga Kor Ming is the future of moderate Dap! Hopefully Tok Mat will lead Umno in coming future! This two can heal this nation!

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2020-12-17 14:51 | Report Abuse

This is the best way forward! Umno Dap should not regard each other as enemy for goodness of this nation! Time to use democratic system such as this to form intial bond between them!


2020-12-17 14:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Dec 16, 2020 7:09 PM | Report Abuse

Haha if there is direct vote for PM of Malaysia, I will vote Tobby.

Answer : I would if i could! After winning, i will immediately ban erection! Let me be PM for life!


2020-12-17 14:40 | Report Abuse

Malaysia education system is to produce brainwash low quality Umno voters! But instead, they produce low quality malaysians that vote them out!


2020-12-16 19:53 | Report Abuse

Just look at Google! There's no competitor at all! The sole provider for your internet needs! Do you know your smartphone os belongs to Google! You life now depends on Google! You social media belongs to Facebook! Your PR media belongs to Twitter! And so forth! So can you see that our whole media own us!


2020-12-16 19:50 | Report Abuse

I mean, if you are big tech, and for hundred of years people will be under your control, isn't that a great thing! You can make people buy things, make them speak what you want to say, make others fight for your ageda and so forth!
Big tech will become the faceless leaders now and forever!


2020-12-16 19:38 | Report Abuse

This are all part of the grand reset! Resetting global society into China 2.0! Positioning vested parties into absolute power over you!


2020-12-16 19:36 | Report Abuse

The big tech mainstream media are aggressively censoring the internet! Their objective is not for this generation but for the next generation!
Meaning the next generation will have completely fabricated history of our time!
Future generation will blame US for the Covid pandemic! Hey, China already fabricate that Covid came from US or India!
Donald Trump made a huge mess in handling Covid and thanks to Joe Biden decisive action, US was able to develop vaccine in record time! Trust me, Joe Biden will get the credit for Covid vaccine!
The internet is slowly fabricating alot of current events! Even 10 years from now, you will read completely different version of Covid! Donald Trump will be portrayed as a villain! Joe Biden will have wonderful fabricated portrayal!
We are all under dominance of big tech now! They tell us what we need to think, what we need to speak! Freedom of speech is now a taboo!
Eventually, they will brainwash future generation about evil of democracy! That socialism is the way to go!
Can you see how screw up our generation has been! Promoting LGBT like is so normal! Promoting socialism as the better way! Promoting fake version of society norms with hidden agenda of destroying our civilization!


2020-12-16 19:29 | Report Abuse

CIA doesn't need US government funding at all! They are fully funded on their own! And now, big tech mainstream and so forth are funding CIA!


2020-12-16 19:28 | Report Abuse

Actually it has been going on for years now! When Facebook discover how social media can actually bring down a government all over the world, perhaps that was the infraction point of this socialist movement!
But Ccp knew about this way ahead from the rest of the world! That's why China don't have youtube, facebook, instangram, twitter, google and so forth! Instead Ccp create their own version at home to control chinese China population!
And big tech can see how China able to control it's citizen very well! In short, a very control internet is the way to brainwash people into their narrative!
Take Donald Trump for example, the big tech attacked him from day one! Playing along bad mouthing on false intel like Russia collusion, Ukraine phone call and so forth! Of course CIA is very much involve with big tech! I mean, CIA has always been government within the government! For your information, CIA make billionaire from drug trade decades ago! So they don't need US


2020-12-16 18:56 | Report Abuse

Trust me, after GE15,Umno Dap will form new government! Bersatu will not win much seat! Pas will not win much seat! Umno will retain same number of seats!
Even Pas grassroot already making alot of noise now! They are not dead brain Pas zombies of the past! They know Pas is now control by Assmin cartel by 3 Pas warlords lead by Tayihudin! They know Hadi is now reduce to puppet! Pas is so corrupted, there's no more holymen that fight for Islam but for wealth and power! Come on, with only 222 lawmakers slot, getting to Putrajaya means instant wealth!
Tok Mat today says that Umno does not need new alliance! He is obviously unaware or playing politics!
BN concept is total goner! Mca won't win a single seat! Mca for years now need majority malay voters to win! Same with Mic! Sabah Sarawak already pull out from BN!
As for Perikatan, thanks to 3rd wave Covid, Abah Mohiden reputation is now total ruin! Bersatu can't win a single seat from majority malay areas! Why, because Bersatu is party of traitors! They have experience how Mahathir, Mohiden and now Assmin not fit to lead malays!
As for Pas, it's no longer serve islamic purposes! It's now all about wealth and power! I am sure more candidate who are pro Tayihudin will be field! Hadi is on the way out! Tuan Ibrahim is the last stupid cow in Pas!


2020-12-16 14:57 | Report Abuse

Basically, majority see 2 malay leaders as favorable! Najib or Tok Mat! And Najib has strong support of malay youth! They don't care about his wrong doings! All they know is that Najib was very good for them! Close 2nd is Tok Mat who is the original 'Bossku'!
Harapan must see that rakyat will not entertain political theatrics anymore!