
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-11-05 17:34 | Report Abuse

Yeah, bought Serba at 1.50! I think President Joe Biden will make Serba very happy soon!

News & Blogs

2020-10-30 20:58 | Report Abuse

The divine Umno like divine Catholic church is full of morally corrupted leaders! Once the corrupt control such divine institution, people will abandon them!


2020-10-30 20:57 | Report Abuse

Look, Rakyat knows better what is happening inside Umno! We have few who wants to be the topdog! You have Zahid, Hisham, Khairy, Ku Li and Tok Mat!
Hisham is no go! Because he is Assmin wingman! A big no no! Khairy also a big no! A certified 'lalang'! Ku Li another taboo! He wants to be PM but already indicated he will let Mahathir be PM under Unity Government! Unfortunately, Umno last hope, Tok Mat will be purged!
So you see, Umno is on certain death! Unless Umno remove Zahid as soon as possible! Maybe then there's hope!


2020-10-30 16:01 | Report Abuse

While Najib has Jho Low, Mohiden has Assmin! And i tell you, Jho Low was mild in comparison!
This Assmin is dictator in making! Mahathir must be proud that his adopted son is now more power crazy than he is!
Wait, Mahathir is planning a coming via Unity Goverment! Maybe that's why Assmin wanted Emergency Govermnent to stop both Anwar and Mahathir!


2020-10-30 15:46 | Report Abuse

I foresee post GE15, Umno Pkr may work together as nobody will have enough seats to form government!
By now Bersatu is goner! With power crazy leaders, nobody wants to see Bersatu lead this nation ever again!
Somewhat, the unlikely alliance will form government, minus Dap!


2020-10-30 15:44 | Report Abuse

So LGE ditch Anwar publicly! Even gone to extend proposing Shafie Apdal as PM in waiting for Harapan Plus! LGE basically telling Anwar this new Harapan minus Anwar but want Pkr to support it! What a bloody arrogant prick!
Mind you Dap got more than 40 seats because the Lims used Pkr logo just like how Mahathir Bersatu did! GE14 was clearly Pkr government win!
But i guess the Lims are again dupe by Mahathir! Mahathir is actively seeking to establish Unity Goverment minus Dap!
GPS Sarawak also made it clear, they don't want to work with Dap because of LGE!
Muafakat definately not going to work with Dap! Perikatan too doesn't even consider Dap as partner!
So tell me, who can work with Dap!

News & Blogs

2020-10-30 15:33 | Report Abuse

The world is not at crossroad! Problem is CCP! When authoritarian regime wants to dominant the world and no longer want to be confined in China!


2020-10-29 14:09 | Report Abuse

We all know Tok Mat is now going to be purged by majority of Umno warlords! He is maybe the last credible politician Umno has! If Zahid leads Umno into GE15, Umno fate is a sure die standing! Majority malays will not be fooled by corrupt politicians!
That's why Najib suggest Anwar! Because like it or not, Muafakat is just too bad for majority malays! They too know Hodod will be part of our lives! Like Catholic church of the bad old days, Muafakat will only add so much suffering!


2020-10-29 14:05 | Report Abuse

You know, for hundreds of years, Catholic church was like God himself! Europeans regard Catholic church as the only authority they should listen to!
And then, it started to attract all the perverts and morally corrupted people to be in the Catholic church!
For hundred of years, priests who demanded that the first night of pleasure belong to them! If any groom decided to go against the catholic church, they would be hang on their balls!
Anyone interested to pursue knowledge through science were deed devils! And yeah, they were executed in the most painful ways you could ever imagine!
And for the last hundred years or so, the pedophiles treated the church as their prey site! Yeah, so many innocent children became victims of this morally perverted priests!
Eventually, chatolic churches were abandoned! You see so many churches in European left to decay! Some even turn into prostitution house! Some into clubs and so forth!
The morally of the story, Umno is divine in the eyes of the most corrupted warlords! But majority malays are not that stupid! They koow the Umno they used to know have left them! Eventually majority malays will abandon Umno! Umno is already on it's last leg! Zahid, like those morally perverted Pas holymen or priests think rakyat are so stupid, then prepare to see the end of this so called divine Umno!

News & Blogs

2020-10-23 15:56 | Report Abuse

I mean during GE13 the Lims even go to extend using Pas symbol as back up plan!

News & Blogs

2020-10-23 15:55 | Report Abuse

Pointless to be self righteous now LGE! I mean, you can work with Mahathir and Hadi very well! Beside Dap already ran out of allies! LGE can't work with Umno, GPS, Bersatu and gods know can't even work with Pkr now!


2020-10-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

Yeah, you have Assmin and Mahathir to blame! Assmin is the most useless politician that we ever had! Just look at Selangor! Endless problem with it's water! So what did Assmin did during his tenure! Selling of valuable assets of course!


2020-10-20 15:51 | Report Abuse

UEM has tons of valuable land banks! It can develop on it's own! IN fact UEM has been doing fine! Khazanah is now selling off to Eco World in so called 'merger'!
It's like selling off your golden goose and in return you get dead goose that doesn't lay eggs anymore! How idiotic is that!


2020-10-18 15:43 | Report Abuse

So yeah, while Umno is already a lost cause! The Umno warlords are no Harapan crocodiles either!
I mean, why the heck did Harapan leaders let Mahathir with only 13 MPS play them out! How can 95yo monkey played them like that! So stupid!
In case of current adminstration, Umno warlords demand what equal partnership is all about! Don't want to give in! Go ahead!


2020-10-18 15:41 | Report Abuse

Senior Lim still doesn't get it! Instead the Lims continue to pamper Mahathir who rode Harapan back for 22 months!
I mean, can you blame the other side for forming backdoor government!
You see, Dap Pkr were the biggest partners! Combine, Pkr Dap and Amanah has enough MPs to form government with Sabah Sarawak! They could ditch Mahathir for good!
And now Umno corrupted warlords have WOKEness moment! So Hollywood! And the table has turn against Mohiden! Especially now that Mohiden turn zero due to much harder mutated Covid situation!
Basically Mohiden from hero to zero! Sabah is a goner! Sabah people are very dissapointed! Not only Mohiden betrayed them by appointing Pas holyman but also i heard there's no assistance during this already beyond control Covid situation over there! In short Sabah people already regretted voting for Perikatan!
Hamzah can't do much now! The Umno warlords are holding the keys to Putrajaya! They can determine who shall reign in Putrajaya! Umno can team up with Anwar if they wish just to bring down Perikatan!
So yeah, Bersatu fortune just turn for the worst! Wanna bully Umno, go ahead, the consequence will be immediate!

News & Blogs

2020-10-18 13:44 | Report Abuse

You know, i used to be in those group caling Donald an idiot! But guess the biggest idiots are those hating him for no reason! Donald has done much more than any world leaders within 4 years time! We have world peace! We seen US no longer dominating the world! US is now world leader is renewable, space exploration, EV, and soon global connectivity! And that's just in 4 years! Another 4 years and US will be so far ahead, it would take a decade for the rest of the world to catch up!

News & Blogs

2020-10-18 13:41 | Report Abuse

Actually Donald Trump did the right thing pulling out from Paris Accord! Quietly, Donald is building Texas with renewable energy by pushing Tesla in building new Terrafactory at the same time provide thousands of jobs!
While Donald may not support climate change agenda, his action speaks volume as US is now heading into right direction! I mean, with Tesla, in a decade, US will be the first nation to go completely renewable and cut from fossil fuel!
Tell me, What has France done so far beside producing many climate change actors!


2020-10-18 13:35 | Report Abuse

Sadly, Mohiden fail to take strict action against the enforcement officers who are allowing flodd of infected illegals in! I mean, if i know this, i am sure, the current administration has all the intel to act against them! I mean, some of this officers are bragging about getting 2k daily from illegals!


2020-10-18 13:33 | Report Abuse

As for Sabah, it's total goner! I mean, we should see 1k cases daily in matter of weeks! By then, how can you quarantine 12k infected! Its going to cost total bomb! So eventually the new Perikatan state government will give up! By then, Abah Mohiden name will be in ruined!


2020-10-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

We totally rejoice when we defeated Covid during the 1st wave! I thin most of us didn't realise that we were dealing with the mildest form of Covid back then!
Today, we have newer mutate Covid that can spread 10 times easier! Despite compliant to strict SOP, getting infected is as good as 50%!
It's not going to be easy this round! My advise, don't go loitering! Those mutated Covid will be on surface of common walkways!
Another thing, get those Dettol spray ready inside your car! Spray on the driver floormat and turn on the aircond for few seconds before entering! Don't bring back Mr Covid to your homes!
But sadly, this is only trying to delay yourselves from getting infected!
I am not trying to scare you but after winter, we will deal with much infectious Covid as winter will help develop stronger strain!
Haix! Only those living in jungle of Sarawak will remain infected! Then again since Abang Joe wants Sarawak election soon, i think it's safe to say, even those in Sarawak jungle will soon get a taste of Covid!


2020-10-18 00:44 | Report Abuse

Another advise to Anwar, don't rush to claim winning ticket if you haven't bought it yet! I mean, you can show all the receipts to the 4D Agong but end of the day, if you don't have 'solid document', you can't claim your win!
Well, at least Anwar and Shafie can now sit together and sing 'Me too', the famous yet unrelease song about having wet dream of victory!


2020-10-18 00:39 | Report Abuse

My advise to Anwar, if he really has the number, please join me and the rest to que and buy 4D! I mean, no harm punt few buck just to feel lucky!


2020-10-18 00:37 | Report Abuse

By next week, Bersatu and Umno will settle their difference! Mohiden can keep his job and Umno corrupt warlords will get their demands fulfill!
But it's clear, Mohiden days of pretending to be topdog of Perikatan is over! There's no Perikatan! There's only Muafakat! Come GE15, Muafakat will reign while Bersatu will be abandon on it's own!
Hamzah can do his magic but this round he is outnumbered by Umno warlords! They have wise up to his bag of tricks!
What we going to see is a new form of fake alliance! An alliance that only exist until GE15!
But one this is clear, Bersatu is an island! Anwar is defeated! Mahathir can only watch in horror! Assmin cartel can no longer rule the roost like he used to!
Umno is moving in! Slowly, like the camel pushing Bersatu out of the tent!
Maybe calm shall return! And Anwar disappear from our political scene! Assmin slowly learn to be No.10 in the administration!
Haix! Post GE15, we have Hodod law implemented in Malysia! Where corrupt politicians are above Hodod and the poor malays get their hands chopoff for stealing food for their family!


2020-09-25 19:38 | Report Abuse

As usually Bawang spoil Serba!


2020-09-25 01:06 | Report Abuse

I am optimistic of postive next QR! Buy and hold! Beside at this point, in long haul, you are enjoying double digit returns! Shake leg do nothing!


2020-09-23 01:28 | Report Abuse

Genting at this price is like Mercedes selling at Proton price! I mean, just look at the divvy rate! No brainer! Institutionals can wallop and shake legs with double digit return annually!

News & Blogs

2020-09-22 23:15 | Report Abuse

There's no need for 100% population vaccination! Only in cities, suburbs initialy! Those in villages are not affected! So basically, maybe only 50% at max!


2020-09-16 18:00 | Report Abuse

What growth prospect! Once vaccine mass produced, there would be the biggest glut of gloves the world have ever seen! By then gloves company will die standing! Prepare to buy Supermax below 1.00 by then!


2020-09-16 15:27 | Report Abuse

Ekovest, Iwcity and Econ! But no brainer Econ will benefit first with tons of piling works!


2020-08-28 12:09 | Report Abuse

If you wanna go to casino, you just get your membership immeediately! It's really no biggie! So this 'open to members' is just for show!


2020-08-28 00:28 | Report Abuse

I think it's fair to say, everybody anticipated mega loss! But now that we know, it's really bad! But bare in mind, Genting already open up in 3rd quarter so 3rd QR should be with minimal loss even perhaps a tiny profit!
As for tomorrow reaction, i don''t know! But what is shocking is that Genting is giving divvy! I guess they are diverting the cash pile to bailout other subsidiaries right now!


2020-08-27 13:38 | Report Abuse

Let's hope Hong Kong side can be sorted out with creditors! But please, Director Lim should not use Genting to bail him out again! Enough is enough!


2020-08-26 11:46 | Report Abuse

Bought at 3.04! See if this favorite oil stock can surge high this round!

News & Blogs

2020-08-22 11:41 | Report Abuse

Just plain intolerant towards sarawakians! Dap should not try such stupid tactic again in Sarawak! You guys just destroy the very fragile ignorance of the bumis! Now the ibans will wake up and demand iban signage as well!

News & Blogs

2020-08-21 18:14 | Report Abuse

Better cancel altogether! No mood for Olympic right now!


2020-08-18 12:15 | Report Abuse

Bought more Dpharma today! Given Moderna is uptrending now, there's no reason not to accumulate!


2020-08-13 13:03 | Report Abuse

Why be indecisive! Just buy when red!

News & Blogs

2020-08-13 12:09 | Report Abuse

Yeah, so please don't blame Donald Trump alone! America is full of this smart'ss! So be it! Let Covid spread like wildfire in Florida!

News & Blogs

2020-08-12 10:09 | Report Abuse

The demise of BN was due to unfairness towards non muslims! The 'tuan melayu' mentality crowded Umno warlords for so long!
However, after over 60 years, most if not all malay politicians have succumb to extreme form of corruption!
The very public awarding of positions in GLCs for Umno warlords is completely and morally wrong! They are open to abuse their position in this GLCs! Eventually we will see this GLCs become huge liability in years to come! Just look at most of the malay institutions that we know today! Mas need constant bailout! Proton has been on lifeline for countless of time before Geely steps in! Pos Malaysia is dying despite overwhelming business! TM can't even keep up with tiny consumers! That's right folks, they are very uncompetative and should not be in business at all!
To me, it's plain clear what will happen soon! Mohiden definately made a very bad move giving all this very corrupt malay politicians more room to do severe damage to our economy!
And majority will again reject this type of government! No matter how much rethorics throwing the same Islam and malay cards on the floor! Unfortunately for them, the days of blinding malays with fake cards is over!