
nomanland | Joined since 2014-05-09

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2016-10-14 23:26 | Report Abuse

Since we all are stuck here, we might always enjoy it.
Cheers up, bro.
Have a good evening and weekend.

p/s hug your love one for a minutes.


2016-10-14 23:21 | Report Abuse

@Samuel Ang, Warrant A from 0.12 to 0.04!!! I really don't have any clue. But, I am still have the optimistic attitude towards the Warrant A that it will goes back to that level, around 0.10 to 0.14 range, with a possible higher. This is just my optimistic attitude towards KNM. Why? Foreign funds and institutions are buying and collecting, where we small investors are selling! That's where we lose in term of investing.(gambling)

KNM is a good for medium to long term investment. Not for contra purpose. Based on the news I read about KNM, there is a good future. They did the right move on joint venture in UK, and Thailand. Investors need lots of patience.

As for oil, I am optimistic that by year end, with in the range of 55 to 60. Next year, 2017, oil price may be higher than 60 to 70 range. Sure? Well, I did a lots of reading oil research articles by the expert in oil industry, not those CNBC, CNN, ABC or xyz news reports on oil.

Just my humble opinion. The risk is yours if you decide to take the challenge. ;)

Have a good evening and weekend.


2016-10-14 17:34 | Report Abuse

If a new rig is up with a production of, say, 600 barrels per day, and assuming USD60 (sometimes in future)
1640 x 90day x USD60 x 4 = Revenue of MYR35,424,000
If expenses, say, MYR10,000,000, profit before tax(PBT) MYR25,424,000

If oil price remain as an average USD60 for the whole 2017,
PBT around MYR101,696,000

Just a possibility. We never know.


2016-10-14 17:26 | Report Abuse

Average of 300bpd per rig. Around 900bpd for 3 rigs.
For every quarter 900 x 90days = 81,000 barrels
Assumed average USD40.00 per barrel. 81,000 x 40 = USD3,240,000
Assumed the exchange rate of MYR4 to 1 USD = Revenue of MYR12,960,000

Last quarter revenue of MYR15,011,000, Profit Before Tax MYR12,863,000
Assumed the exchange rate of MYR4 to 1 USD and USD40 per barrel,
15,011,000 / 4 / 40 = 93,818.75 barrels for 90 days
1042.43 barrels per day.

As for coming Quarter report, let assume the average of 1040 barrels per day for 3 rigs.

Assume average of USD50 per barrel and exchange of MYR4/USD.
1040 x 90days x 50 x 4 = Revenue of MYR18,720,000

Assume average of USD52 per barrel and exchange of MYR4/USD.
1040 x 90days x 52 x 4 = Revenue of MYR19,468,800

The above figure were picked up from "thin air"

Notes: The above figure is just for oil. It did not included "fart gas"


2016-10-13 22:29 | Report Abuse

@leoleo, everyone here stuck in this cow dung hole. Welcome to the world of investment. Everyone here really pissed!
If I really want to !@#$%^& ^%$ %@#$ !@!@# !@#!@ #!@# them.
I will !@#!@#!#! @# !@ #!@# @#$@# @$@#$@# xyz them.
Now I am really #!@#! @#! @!@#%$ #@%^$ &#$& $%^@# %$@#$.

Ha! I am still optimistic. Hmm!!@#!@#


2016-10-05 14:16 | Report Abuse

Sumatec Funds and Institutions Share Holder - 2016-10-05


2016-10-03 16:51 | Report Abuse

Hi everyone, better buy Sumatec today. This limited edition is and will be limited. As of tomorrow onward, Sumatec's share price will be limited up until God knows when. ;)


2016-10-03 16:47 | Report Abuse

on top, hope the 55++ touch before end of the year.


2016-10-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

bro ozzie75, received those email. good ready. I hope those material I sent did make some sense to the oil counter investment.


2016-10-03 16:33 | Report Abuse

Wah loa, eh! Today Sumatec really limited up. Not bad. ;)


2016-09-28 20:25 | Report Abuse

Saudis see oil-freeze deal possible in November, not this week
By Nayla Razzouk, Dina Khrennikova on 9/27/2016

ALGIERS (Bloomberg) -- A deal by major oil exporters to freeze output may have to wait another couple of months.

As producing countries gather in Algiers for talks on Wednesday, Saudi Arabia signaled for the first time it may accept the idea that Iran keep output at maximum levels but doesn’t expect an accord to be reached this week. A deal in November is possible, Saudi Oil Minister Khalid Al-Falih said in a briefing in the Algerian capital.

“Saudi Arabia will be a willing partner in this freeze agreement," Falih said. “Three countries have special conditions, namely Libya, Nigeria and Iran.”

Saudi Arabia will suffer a fiscal deficit equal to 13.5% of gross domestic product this year, compared with one of less than 2.5% of GDP for Iran, the International Monetary Fund estimates. The IMF says the Saudis need oil close to $67/bbl to square the books. For Iran, it’s lower, at $61.50. Brent crude, the global benchmark, fell below $46/bbl in London on Tuesday.


2016-09-02 07:40 | Report Abuse

Leoleo, even those institutions have small percentage of Sumatec's share, at least they invest in it. Prior to June 2016, no, I mean NO foreign Funds and Institutional ever touched this counter. I am glad, at least, they are in. With small percentage, hopefully in very near future, more foreign Funds and Institutional will invest. As for the local, have to be seen to be believed, it just political.

Cheers and good morning to you.


2016-09-02 07:12 | Report Abuse

Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd
John Hancock Investment Mgt Svcs, LLC
John Hancock Advisers, LLC
Mercer Global Investments Europe Limited
DFA Australia Limited

What's the difference between institutional and non-institutional investors?

"A:There are a number of differences between institutional investors and non-institutional investors. If you are considering an investment in a particular stock that you've seen publicized in the financial press, there's a good chance you don't qualify as an institutional investor. In fact, if you're wondering what an institutional investor is, you're probably not an institutional investor.

Institutional investors are the big guys on the block - the elephants. They're the pension funds, mutual funds, money managers, insurance companies, investment banks, commercial trusts, endowment funds, hedge funds, and some hedge fund investors. Institutional investors account for half of the volume of trades on the New York Stock Exchange. They move large blocks of shares and have tremendous influence on the stock market's movements. Because they're considered to be knowledgeable and, therefore, less likely to make uneducated investments, institutional investors are subject to few of the protective regulations that the Securities and Exchange Commission provides to your average, everyday investor. (See Policing The Securities Market: An Overview Of The SEC.)

The money that institutional investors use isn't actually money that the institutions have raised themselves. Institutional investors generally invest for other people. If you have a pension plan at work, a mutual fund or insurance, then you are actually benefiting from the expertise of institutional investors."


2016-09-01 18:52 | Report Abuse

When foreign funds and institutions invest or buy Sumatec's shares...they must have the confident in Sumatec's near future earning and oil price will goes up. If not, they won't even touch it. As for the local funds and institutions, we never know.

Just my observation.


2016-09-01 18:39 | Report Abuse

@bro ozzie75, are you sure about MARA? I hadn't seen it at that listing. I was surprised that those foreign funds and institutions bought Sumatec's shares. Since 2014, I never saw a single foreign funds and institutions. Something must be frying or cooking in the Sumatec's kitchen that cause those foreign funds and institutions bought Sumatec. If oil is not going up trend, those foreign funds and institutions won't get involve with this penny stock, as Dragonslayer had mentioned(deleted message). ;)

The chances for EPF or local fund/institution to get involve once sufficient foreign funds and institutions on board the Sumatec's ship(slow knot).


2016-09-01 09:24 | Report Abuse

LeoLeo, previously, there are no funds or institutions share holders. I had been monitoring it for about 2 years and wanted to know who are funds and institutions. I was surprised to see it.


2016-08-03 17:34 | Report Abuse

Leo, I am eyeing or observing on the weekly chart. Daily, just stagnant 0.95 to .105, where not much to trade.


2016-07-28 17:32 | Report Abuse

Make it, daily limited up, slow and steady!


2016-07-28 12:55 | Report Abuse

bro ozzie75, I am cool. :)


2016-07-28 10:33 | Report Abuse

No. not a cow dung company. If you know how to buy and sell, this is a good counter to play. predictable movement. Just a humble opinion.


2016-07-11 12:39 | Report Abuse

Suma is like an old folk. You never know what Suma is thinking when they see pretty and sexy young babe. The possibility of without consuming the V pill, it might just shot up and stay up for a good duration before it wears off.


2016-07-11 12:22 | Report Abuse

Luoli, this is an old folks forum that have nothing much to do except eating KFC. Young babes are welcome. ;)


2016-07-11 12:14 | Report Abuse

As long as TSHS still holding 30% of the shares and not selling at low price, I am not selling too.
Don't forget, TSHS also hold some shares at 0.20++ range. This TSHS is not crazy to sell low price.

Just a humble opinion from Nomanland where the land that have no men, only female species. All are welcome to bolt the nuts. ;)


2016-07-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

my angmoh chin chai chin chai. grammatically wrong all the time. ;)


2016-07-11 11:49 | Report Abuse

After did some reading on the bloody court case, it sounds like case already closed, No further action taken by the Petitioner.


2016-07-11 11:45 | Report Abuse

I am looking forward to "sai lang" this counter on the next move.


2016-07-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

(2) The Petitioner today applied to withdraw the Petition with no order as to costs but the Registrar said that she has no power to do so and directed that an application to that effect be made before the High Court Judge. Accordingly, the Petition is now fixed for disposal on 29th June, 2016.

Does this mean, case closed?


2016-07-11 11:27 | Report Abuse

What is the status for this announcement ?

Further to the Company’s announcements on 26 May 2016, 1 June 2016 and 7 June 2016 pertaining to the winding-up petition served on the Company who has issued a corporate guarantee for its former subsidiary “Semua Chemical Shipping Sdn Bhd” by the petitioner, NFC Labuan Shipleasing I Ltd (“the Petitioner”), the Company wishes to inform that:

(1) The Company had filed a Notice of Intention to Appear on Petition on 2 June, 2016 and the matter was called up for case management today, 8th June, 2016, before the Registrar, Puan Nur Syahidah Binti Mohamad Kamil.

(2) The Petitioner today applied to withdraw the Petition with no order as to costs but the Registrar said that she has no power to do so and directed that an application to that effect be made before the High Court Judge. Accordingly, the Petition is now fixed for disposal on 29th June, 2016.

Sumatec will announce further development on this matter as and when necessary.

This announcement is made on 8 June 2016


2016-07-08 18:57 | Report Abuse

Anai Anai, wait wait. let me tiow tang, then I give you the answer.
Hmm! I forseen this counter will have a limited up on next week. Year End, sure hit the target of zero point .haaaaa..... sorry, just woke up from the tiow tang.


2016-07-08 12:32 | Report Abuse

Aiya, the chart looks like those retired old folks at the board of directors. They need Viagra to push.


2016-07-08 11:27 | Report Abuse

Leoleo leo leo. it is like this. you go in, out, in, out, and it is about time to out, take profit. if you continue in without out and all the way in, you have to bare it for 9 months and plus anything after that for a long time. something like sex! he he


2016-07-07 17:36 | Report Abuse

wah lao eh!, today, limited up! he he


2016-07-02 12:57 | Report Abuse

bro dragonslayer, have a good day to you. I need to sign out and work.


2016-07-02 12:55 | Report Abuse

he is good getting tips and hints. Any counter he touched, turn KFC to a golden chicken. Midas touch! sometimes just silver. he he


2016-07-02 12:29 | Report Abuse

@dragonslayer, strategisst normally MIA for a few months spending the hard earned KFC... and will be back soon with a new strategy. ;)


2016-07-02 12:25 | Report Abuse

@strategiist the CIO/CFA, Selamat Hari Raya. Salam to you and your family.


2016-07-02 12:22 | Report Abuse

TSHS cannot let the price at 0.10 to 0.13 range for too long. He will be screwed left and right by recent PI @ 0.14. As for this coming RI, 0.14, he needs to get the share up higher than the announced price of 0.14 to convince investors to subscribe the RI. Possible range of 0.16 to 0.20
If he can maintain the price at the 0.20 line by Sept and oil price maintain at, say USD55 to 60, we might hear some news from him again, something like new oil rig complete and drilling. Without that kind of news, I will doubt he can hold the 0.20 line.

Again, by August QR coming soon...

Just my humble opinion.


2016-07-02 12:05 | Report Abuse

@dragonslayer, nope. ;)

" Aiyo....tak takut kena con kah....wakakaka....nanti suma left empty shell with OnG asset and debt only....wakakaka....ada kfc makan lor....wait until suma show solid result balu invest lor...remember CFO/CFA last time cakap punya lor....hope you did read his posting ki ki
02/07/2016 12:01 "


2016-07-02 11:49 | Report Abuse

Actual it is good for additional 6 months. At least it does give us some time until year end for the oil price to reach the targeted price of USD60 to 65 according to some international expert in this small world. Also, I prefer the share price don't move too much, progressively up is much better.

Again, we can accumulate at lower price before the real movement.

Just a humble opinion.
p/s I am accumulating as many I can for this July only. That's it.


2016-07-01 19:36 | Report Abuse

yo GoodBoy. Not so soon. Need to wait for last week of July. August/September is the D-day for RI. If end of July still hanging between the balls ie: 010, that is another story of TSHS life.


2016-07-01 19:32 | Report Abuse

Leoleo, the moment he stepped into this counter, the price start to drop, drop, drop, and drop until we all almost drop dead. He better sell fast where this counter has a better future. Same to his brother, better get out fast where this country will have a better future. ;)