
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2014-12-05 11:04 | Report Abuse

If people believe Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin in property sector. I believe CBB in IT sector.

I know what nokia8250 talking, he is right.
I know the project but no point to talk now with so many anger and distrust.

Anyway it should doing better today. RSI must be way close to negative 15. It really a buying signal.

Will expect director will buy, because latest JPN order will give them good quarter. The co actually are shield against currency or oil price risk.


2014-12-05 10:55 | Report Abuse

Biasalah when no money, biz partner, busband and wife, family will fight and blaming each other but not to own decision, greed and fear.

During good time, everybody happily follow RHB TA etc.Just look at one year old chart for every counter. They all fall at the same time, twice wall street correction and again oil crisis.

Dsonic is not an isolated cases. In fact with their biz model and no legacy biz problems like iris etc, they should be able to do well.


2014-12-05 10:27 | Report Abuse

Very oversold position.


2014-12-04 17:29 | Report Abuse

Tmr green. Let hope for the best. The sell out is drying, already back to 3M.

I know quite a bit people bought it to keep.

The co. already received order from JPN for this quarter. So for this quarter it already home for them.


2014-12-04 11:59 | Report Abuse

Today last day due for big volume T4. It seem market can absorb well. The volume back to normal. I think the selling from bank are over, it just the sentiment are fragile.

US control Saudi.US has interest to protect their oil shale industry.

I'm in opinion this more to politic and not economy.


2014-12-04 09:51 | Report Abuse

Ya la, sound stupid right?.....I keep go on selling none stop over last 2yrs.... how many lots you think I have? Or you think my father print it : )


2014-12-03 23:43 | Report Abuse

I'm not level to you. Anyway for benefits of other.

Know the biz and know about stock price are 2 different things all together.

There so many directors and major shareholder with all information in their hand are also 'stuck or trap' during the crisis.
Why? just look at some of datasonic director or other company director purchase.

If you in the market...this is part of biz risk...and there are way to managed it. If you escape this you will surely kena at other at different time. Unless you invest for 10 lots.

Even guru like Kamaruddin Meranun can't escape.

Stop being a fly.....



2014-12-03 23:21 | Report Abuse

At least the directors buying and supporting their share, can't say the same with other co. The staff are also buying.

He has prepare for this, at least since sept/october. I told you he has fresh fund few hundred million. He will keep buying. He's an experience remiser and fund manager, i'm sure he will not support it blindly...especially during market meltdown. It won't be enough money to stop it. I believe he will only support when he think it already at bottom.

Ufis, it not superficial...sometime it let the investor know everything is ok. They are smart people...they know what is 100, 200k compare to their billion. For them it biz, some of them don't bother about their share value so much.

Regarding selling without informing bursa.....serious offence....fines and jail. Actually when director open cds account, they must declare to stock broking hse and they will be given a special codes for their account...the reporting are automaticly done by stock broking hse to bursa.

Anyway, I am happy with my purchase today.


2014-12-03 16:06 | Report Abuse

I think none of 30 biggest shareholder has more than 3% of shareholding. Beside the director mostly in hand of small retailer.

After big fall, surely the bank will do force selling ..kind of chain reaction. Could be few round...but the volume dry up.....will be back to normal volume of 3M a day.

I think ....same co with same contract that deliver RM82M last year ...will produce the same result.


2014-12-03 15:57 | Report Abuse

If one reporter ask Menteri about Fuel Subsidy program, and the Menteri say "macam biasa, we still proceed as we expect the crude oil will not stay this low for too long.

Hi hi so far nobody ask Menteri yet.


2014-12-03 10:47 | Report Abuse

Crude oul down by 40% = 4sen down RON 95

Hi hi. If recover by 10% . What would be the price for RON 95?

By the way what is RSI now?


2014-12-03 10:41 | Report Abuse

Pd Force selling. But dry up, I think.
Ng the order meet their quarter target. And each quarter must be beyond RM20M. Between 20-25.


2014-12-02 18:53 | Report Abuse

Only Dir got the best price. I think today the bottom.


2014-12-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

JPN(pendaftaran) not JPJ. Mykad for this quarter, jpn did not order for last 3mth. Now order start coming in. Expect they will catch up this quarter.

JPJ different project...


2014-12-02 10:54 | Report Abuse

They just received JPN order for this quarter i.e after almost 3mths did not received.

CBB has fresh fund. He will continue the staff.

The volume, slowing down....force selling slowing down...imho.


2014-12-01 13:46 | Report Abuse

913...tq but people want stock price up and up....other does not matter.


2014-12-01 13:00 | Report Abuse

In time like this . We must keep our composure.

This forum becoming a rubbish bin. How to keep your composure? Analyst the info. So far expert give cut and paste from bloomberg and talk unrelated issues. We lose our focus.

The MD comfirm what I have been saying. Forget about trending, millions other people are bearish and million more are bullish. I am in one of it.

RM9M is higher than what co told to Fund Manager one mth ago.
MD was predicting RM5M, so RM9M is better then expected by Fund Manager.

Fyi. All the bidder are preparing for presentation and product demo. I just leave it as it.
If govt change again, who are we to argue? Are govt fooling with all 28 companies that work...... their sweat to submit their proposal? Investor must be smart and not swayed with all kind of rubbish info.

After more than 30% drop in global crude oil...the effect just 4sen. How long do you think take to go beyond RM2.30 back.

If you do not have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. And that is better for you if you know. P.s. I won't say piety here.


2014-11-29 14:25 | Report Abuse

Hi hi . You have no idea at all. Busy buying.


2014-11-27 01:20 | Report Abuse

1. I was away and busy today with my new phone : ) still learning.
2. It sucker games, win get what?

Now finally. You can sell. Sell la @ the lowest.

For those who want to read.

The drop; beside bursa itself bearish

1. Bursa bearish

2. Market assume - The fuel subd project is stop.
a. The management of Dsonic as usual..and they are confident of getting it.
b. The commitee is still reviewing all the tender that submitted on 9 Nov.
c. No futher info from Dato Wahid...Min. In charge.

No argument, I shall wait futher clarification from minister in charge.

3. Q3 is soft
a. Datasonic has the best biz model, simple and easy to understand.
b. It almost monopoly.....previous Iris was managing it for 12yrs....just to show how difficult it is to replace the supplier.
c. It guarantee biz, income, profit margin and it secured....govt as pay master.

d. Couple mths ago...they received renewal contract to deliver 4M + 10M card for period of 2 years. 4M to be deliver by end of june 2014. (Remember not to long ago, they received late LOA.....and people already wrote all sort of story). And another 10M to be deliver equally i.e 5M a year and that is JPN requirement. After doing it for 15 years, JPN know well how much is their requirement.
JPN also ask supplier to build their own factory and Dsonic not only build but bought another factory (APC) . No other competitor will be able to match it for a long time to come. Having own, local factory is a must for national security issue and improve production/quality etc.

Unlike some people here say I bluff regarding Fuel Subd timing i.e. July/ August. JPN don't think so and they have prepare extra stock of Mykad. It actually in cabinet agenda.....refer to cabinet mtg.....2 wks after Hari Raya chair by TPM. And futher proof .....Fuel Subd Hse taking legal action against few parties ......cause of delay.

e. Since the project was delay (July/August)......ending up JPN having extra stock of Mykad. So they delay the new order...due to stock management, storing, warranty etc.
f. The contract is good.....and govt. must fullfill the contract, imagine they ask supplier to spend millions to build and take over factory. So the contract is good and they will have to take it.... ...the delay it just a matter of few mths. Dsonic just want to be nice and maintain the relationship with govt agency.

g. Dsonic must deliver the card first, before they can invoice it and take it as a sales-revenue.
h. Since Dsonic has to report their performance quarterly.....those delay .....effecting their performance....but it just temporarily....if they can't get it this quarter they will get it next quarter.....sometime they have strong quarter like Q2 and some time they have weak q3.........they are no loss of sales.....and this is the disadvantages of doing biz with govt.......just like Fuel Subd delay and delay , etc.

i. The income is easy to project......5M card x RM15 (margin) will give Dsonic RM75M a year for just suppling the card and does not included personalisation, maintenance contract etc.
j. Supply of passport to Imigresen will add in to more millions.

k. Other project will come as a bonus. With so many big project they are working on ....they just need to hit one to change the landscape........imo easier then spac co trying to get right oil well to buy......refer to sona.

l. So why drop so much........because bursa is bearish (beside gst counter all in my radar is down as much as 30%) and this stock mostly play by small retailer.....without really understand the biz and prospect of the co.
m. I wish the management are more pro active , promoting their stock and share more info with Investor.......but SC are very strict.
n. Current 1.30 equal to the lowest during Sun/TA sabotage.....imagine what wrong info and rumour can can even destroy our country........thinking about it , I think I beginning to support BN Sedition Act. Sorry now in politic.....will invite more haters.

It mere coincidence.... one after another bad news......nothing to do with their performance.

To me it really buying opportunity! And I'm prepare for it.

P.s. When I said they embark on national monitoring system....cctv.....from small contract/project as a pilot and grow to national project, people say I bluff.....that because emmm......only word stupid sorry......if you have 500 IT workers would you go for small project? I think a lot of smart people there..... Just smile quitely.


2014-11-25 13:02 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-25 11:02 | Report Abuse

I also bought small at every level. I also stuck at rm4 plus. No perfect trade, important bottom line at the end.

Stay tune for update and I think the co. will come out with more info. Investor simply has no information on what are they doing. Of cause some are p&c but I think now they realise, they need to let investor know the co. potential. That is all about.....future earning.

Imho crude oil will stay above usd80. China already cut their interest rate....lead to better production....lead to more demand for oil. And many other factors which you can read thru cnn, bloomberg etc.

As I said before, govt. know about this....I don't think people like Dato Wahid do not know about this......hi hi he is not ibrahim ali. They need permanent solution......they need intelligent tools.


2014-11-25 10:07 | Report Abuse

Tq winter.
But I have no plan to reply to him.
For benefit of other. Dsonic IPO price was at RM2.00 for more than 9mths. Nobody want the share, it even goes below IPO price several times. No liquidity at all. I was lucky that all.

As I mention earlier, bukan senang mahu jadi kaya! If you in biz you will know what I mean. You will have more patience and willing to face reality.


2014-11-24 21:26 | Report Abuse

Some call you with all sort of name.

I am more civilise. I call you tonto, cause can't call you my sidekick. I am lone ranger.

My cost 20sen. If you follow me from start surely you are millionaire by now.

Ayooo silver! kah kah kah!


2014-11-24 20:21 | Report Abuse

I am not CBB or Dir.
Like nokia said underpaid....why bother to be their director : ) ).

My co paid me just fine.....extra come from my investment. So far their 1% dividen equal to more than 10% return on my investment and as it today they already pay me twice in a year.......i think...hhi hi can't keep track. Now you know why I die die for Dsonic!!

All other directors did not bother with stock far as I remember none of them being selling their position for a long time. (Significant) they also human being, know the value of money, some bought it with margin and not all are rich. They must know something that we do not know.

To my best knowledge, the project is definetely on and on track. You guys are under estimate current govt. Read to many opposition story etc. (fyi i did not vote BN) I'm just focus with issues. They are not short sighted, petrol card will give them a long term solution....they need intellegent front and back systems to combat the and later.

As I told you yesterday, CBB has access to big fund and he is buying.

Soon you will hear all their projects including BPL ....emm I'm the only one who talking about it.


2014-11-24 17:51 | Report Abuse

Ha ha Sun again. Who talking? Remiser, dealer interpac, kenanga?
Certainly we are in different league, Tuan!


2014-11-24 17:32 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha , I know a lot more . But price only god know.
If so easy there will be no beggar on the street.


2014-11-24 17:28 | Report Abuse

Watch today announcement.


2014-11-24 17:04 | Report Abuse

GOM actually know. They did not flip flop.....more to failure to communicate. They know they need permanent solution. Do you think govt dare to do without subs?

They still reviewing the proposals. The market perception is another issue. I think an announcement is needed. And I think they will announce it.


2014-11-24 15:23 | Report Abuse

Today volume already enough to cover more than 3days transaction i.e T4, T3 etc. I think whoever want to sell already sold this morning and last friday.


2014-11-24 13:06 | Report Abuse

Good hunting ground for shark. Disparity is big. Emotional is high.
Sell in the morning and buy back in afternoon.


2014-11-24 12:48 | Report Abuse

What to say? This is sensational stock. People like to talk about it. Be it up or down. People tend overeacted. What happen to fundemental guy, who always calculated P.E?


2014-11-24 12:18 | Report Abuse

Understood angry and sad.
Everybody has their own strategy and objectives, so to me it very subjective and only you know which one is working for you.

When co. dealing with govt. projects........delay etc is a part of calculated biz risk.
It got nothing to do with mgt performance.
And this is the negatives points.

Positives point; with govt contract, it will give a sure long term contract with good margin.
Iris was handling it for 12 years, when they lose the contract .......are they die? They even get gst etc.

If you are going to invest in IT sector... there are not much choices. Only few co, to choose from and since I spend a lot of time with Putrajaya....I choose Dsonic over other.


2014-11-24 09:58 | Report Abuse

You don't say they do nothing. You think mgt. stupid?
Even my despatch salary I review regularly

What they did, most of junior staff does not know. They are not employ to do operative work.

Do you know how many consultant a.k.a Manager, Director, etc they have.......this company need very good connection in various layer of politic and govt. Dept.


2014-11-24 09:44 | Report Abuse

Nokia that not true.
I have their pay scale. Which staff in which organisation are not complaining about their pay?
We always feel we underpaid right?
If they don't have money they will not pay dividen and financing all short of project.

Did you know they will financing 100% of fuel subd. Project, same as Mykad. If you don't have money don't touch govt. Project....everybody know how "fast" govt pay.

All short of negatives and rumour only come out when the price is down.

Of cause the performance of stock is something else, and your investment objectives and mine are different.


2014-11-23 17:39 | Report Abuse

Next 2 yrs, is safe. They have a contract of 10M card. Q3 is soft due to stock management @ NRD. No other director sell, except 50lots on contra. Drop in tandem with overall weak market mostly. No hot money.......all small retailer are buying. Look at Reach now below/still at IPO.


2014-11-23 16:21 | Report Abuse

You can analyst it on your own base on available info.

I think CBB are getting ready to buy big.

Since 20th October, he being transfered a total of 133Million shares to Deutches Bank of Singapore. @ local DB nominee account. (20/10,24/10 & 10/11)

The share are from his personal CDS account and margin account from 2 local bank. (Nominee). At first, I am not very clear of his objectives of transferring his share 3times to Deutches Bank. But with recent purchased of 500,000 shares from open market. I can conclude that.

1) He getting new line of financing from Singapore amounting few hundreds million.
2) He free up his margin credit from local he can purchase more share.
3) He loaded with few hundred million cash to shop.
4) He plan to buy big, 500,000 he bought just to test water.

I might be wrong.....and if I do ....don't tell your mom about it.... : )

P.s. But I did the same strategy and I have fresh margin to buy....waiting for right opportunity.


2014-11-22 01:10 | Report Abuse

Your english very high and flower flower la,
Not that I agree or disagree. Right Humbled?


2014-11-22 00:41 | Report Abuse

Sun . You bored me to tears.
I want to read Auntiex's posting.


2014-11-21 23:59 | Report Abuse

Without subsidy, govt will kaput in next G.E.

They will lose support/votes from lower and middle income group and this make up about 90% of voter.

Subsidy also is govt. and our social responsibily to deprived, unfortunate & underprivilaged group. It create balanced and harmony.....lead to stability, peace, productivity, etc.

So who say subsidies has no place in our society?


2014-11-21 19:08 | Report Abuse

Tonto don't blame me if you can't put your idea and opinion to the reader. I meet a lot of under achiever like you, who silent during the meeting but will talk big behind the person....can't challenge the person face to face with good argument.

Sorry not to argue...more important I share.


2014-11-21 17:54 | Report Abuse

I lost internet lines for few minutes.....and price drop so much.

Berry was right. Don't do anything if you unsure.

The gov't announcement of removing subs for RON95 and Diesel got nothing to do with the project. So what happen coming Dec 1st? When it float RON 95 become RM2.44.....even higher then current price of RM2.30. ....Gov't remove completely subs.

It will only goes lower if crude oil fall below say USD70.... I think crude oil will stay above USD80.....because below then that is not good for industry and the Industry player will takecare this issues on their own.

Anyway we will never know what is govt. Pump Cost......something that YB Tony has been asking for sometime.

So govt will remove and will give card (when it ready) to those targeted group to soften their burden......this is the original idea.

I think govt want to show the effect to rakyat by .....following opposition request. It not going to be cheaper.

I think most of us miss the point...govt has make it clear that they want to recover back RM21billion they spend last year and RM23Billion this year.

Crude oil can go up and down....maybe it last for 6mths ...1yrs...Govt. want permanent having the systems and mechanism that are flexible enough to adapt in whatever situation.

If it too low...govt can start include gst component in the pricing.....maybe lower income no gst and higher income group with they need tools to do that.


2014-11-14 20:32 | Report Abuse

and if they do....just for a short time.


2014-11-14 19:57 | Report Abuse

That Dato always trade small and sometime on contra, most likely he can't influence stock price/trend. But it good if he buy ..i.e if you with the company will have more confident to buy, i guess.

Big or small is subjectives, he an ex govt servant and not a businessman... so I don't expect he will trade big.

There are player for every counter.....big shareholder, owner, friends, management,some fund manager or professional who has access to facility.....normally they 'team up' with stock broking house. There are no perfect market. The only agressive is their operations and objectives.

Normally they will not 'support' when downtrend/market sentiment very weak...they are not stupid...they always 2steps of us.

The only time they will support if the company charge their own share with bank for loan etc. They will support to avoid bank margin call and I don't see this is the case for Dsonic.


2014-11-14 18:04 | Report Abuse

Which log are you refer to, there are many log you know.
Maybe you can highlight it and teach us simple simple also can.
This Kenanga so bad....they did not teach me properly then during my years with them.

Oh if you want to see how they Myeg.....but I did not get it from Log.


2014-11-14 17:57 | Report Abuse

God of stock.

That you don't have to worry. Up or down we still praying. Pray to our creator and owner of wealth. And certainly not to God of Stock. : )


2014-11-14 12:50 | Report Abuse

so the Sumate and other. Reach coming below ipo.