
pineapple123 | Joined since 2016-11-06

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2020-07-14 21:58 | Report Abuse

today so much vol. scomnet is 1.32 wo


2020-07-14 17:34 | Report Abuse

Diven Teh if company not good, u can run but now company with strong investor why need lari...
We should invest more because the price is affordable......................but not contra lah.
14/07/2020 1:37 PM

how much tp ler


2020-07-14 17:04 | Report Abuse

wat is ur tp Notconfused


2020-07-14 12:26 | Report Abuse



2020-07-14 12:09 | Report Abuse

next tp 28 and 50 boleh?


2020-07-14 12:01 | Report Abuse

Teh Diven New boss on board. Their vision is how to bring the company to new level. No more goreng goreng. Price still attractive and potential to become next Scomnet and patient.
14/07/2020 11:46 AM

liddat need to keep how long woh


2020-07-14 11:40 | Report Abuse

volks2 I don't understand....stockraider and celaka1 kept on asking ppl to sell but the stock price keep on going up...I'm confused now.
14/07/2020 11:33 AM

they want to buy cheap. cheating ppl here to sell


2020-07-14 10:08 | Report Abuse

news take effect ord. now otw down


2020-07-14 09:57 | Report Abuse

u so free shout here everyday eh


2020-07-14 09:17 | Report Abuse

biasalah private placement


2020-07-14 09:16 | Report Abuse

Mabel worrisome haha


2020-07-14 09:15 | Report Abuse

mirroring the last May 2017, but if breakout 15c, then it's a new uptrend


2019-10-14 17:29 | Report Abuse

wah, what happening here?


2017-05-27 23:00 | Report Abuse

Ok. FGV 2.50. No 2.50 better fxk off!


2017-05-27 22:56 | Report Abuse

There are good 1 race too. They know the ministers and politicians are wrong.

I seriously hope the % good 1 race can do something for Malaysia.


2017-05-27 22:55 | Report Abuse

风起云涌 , cannot blame them for taking care on their own 1 race ( mixed marriage also must consider they're 1 race) too.

This is the reality of survival.

If they don't do that, they will lose their land.

They will lose their economic power.

They will lose their university seats.

They will lose their name.

what else they will lose???

They cannot afford to compete.


2017-05-27 22:49 | Report Abuse

I wonder how he gonna sleep every night at his old age


2017-05-27 22:49 | Report Abuse

Poor M. in his latest cedek about DRBH ( the son being sold)

Haiz.....he have to pay for what he sowed. He breed the bunch of morons in Malaysia today. Look at the damaged he, the Pioneer of Malaysia economy have done now.


2017-05-27 22:45 | Report Abuse

风起云涌, human mah. Very easy to pretend one. Everybody does pretend to get better prospect in life.

BUT, again, when a person pretend, it will show true colors 1 day. Depending on how expert the person is. (HIDE 50%, or 30%, or totally don't hide)

Thats why I said, the fate of Malaysia is really in the hands of the majority. If they're not doing something, they're the Killer of Malaysia democracy. No the 1/3.

One mountain higher than the other. Now the world stronger power in inside Malaysia with strong armies and brain. They can fight with them ah? haha, must go thro the KIM in N Korea first oh... hahahahaha


2017-05-27 22:38 | Report Abuse

dama82, sorry lah. I hope u can delete that youtube u posted.

within secs, I just wanna throw out listening to his bloody talk.


2017-05-27 22:33 | Report Abuse

Try read how Malaysia got its name.

Because Malaysia is so popularised by the 1 race, the rest of the 1/3, have no human bid. The 1/3 have no choice but to agree and jaga hati of the majoriti.

U seriously think the 1/3 really like the majority( exclude the good one)?

everything they sapu. even those big companies must put them in. why they are not selected in but by forced of politicians must put them in????

because there in less quality in the majority. only quantity. they're ruling party also becoz of quantity and slowly use power of greed and autocracy to rule the rest.

when they about to lose, bring in the "God statement" to rule the party.

if they see it's not working anymore, then use the skin color to condemn the rest.

force this, force that, exhibit power beyond reasonable doubts.

If the other race so bad, why send their kids to chinese and tamil school huh....

WHY they like to associate their moyang with Chinese huh....and wanna feel proud of it huh...

FUNNY lah.. these people.


2017-05-27 22:24 | Report Abuse

look at the pendek as chairman of FGV. Chairman kidding.

what do he have to carry the title as the chairman of FGV?

One word: AMPU


2017-05-27 22:22 | Report Abuse

No matter how expert u are in TA and FA, u know this fgv is a big hole pocket for the lazy+manipulative ministers


2017-05-27 22:20 | Report Abuse

Najib is not tupid. he is the only PM in the world with so billions of corruptions and not get caught.

You think he will let felda farmers determine his fate in GE?


2017-05-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

Enough of the stories of integrity, transparency blah blah...

Those jargons not even qualified to be carried by FGV.

We all talk until cows come home (in fact they never will) also no use becoz we all know, FGV is a politicised counter.


FGV, U are DONE!


2017-05-27 21:52 | Report Abuse

Oil palm is doing well. FGV not.

Useless bunch of politicians ruling this company.

We all need to learn a good lesson from FGV. Marginalise 1 race only fxxk up that race who marginalise others.

Gone are the days when u look at 1 skin color. We need to look at the brain.

God made us all different for a reason. I hope the 1 race stop acting like you are God.

If FGV so great, why today the result like this? Shame shame on this management.
You fxck your own race people who so trusting you.

If so great, make share FGV go to 2.50 at least.

I let u sit on my head and lick your shoes for whole night man.


2017-05-27 21:46 | Report Abuse

how does Analyst came out with that figure?
They don't have crystal balls to look into future.
It's called prediction.
Assuming price stock will go that high and indirectly assuring the investors to go in the stocks.
Are they that kind to let you make money?
Of course, its a win win situation. They have bought it.
So,they're here to promote to gain public confidence.


2017-05-27 19:17 | Report Abuse

rch311,yes. Got anything to add in ?


2017-05-27 18:11 | Report Abuse

AGM is the shortest but with confidence!

No need waste time like DRBH, AAX. Long AGM so what??? talk nia. Result out, like shit.


2017-05-27 18:09 | Report Abuse

Not really missed the boat. Just wait for DRBH qr coming out then talk lah


2017-05-27 18:09 | Report Abuse

Harbour boss should do something! Sleeping with too many old people in the mgt izzit?


2017-05-27 18:05 | Report Abuse

Partly because the qr not good lah. also, no big sharks like this counter. mati lor


2017-05-27 18:03 | Report Abuse

Gas is a huge service business in the region. Being a net cash company (I have not read it yet), this will increase the nett profit of the company should the profits flows in.


2017-05-26 23:01 | Report Abuse

either you buy at 82 or 77, it's sure a hold counter. Let it ride


2017-05-26 23:00 | Report Abuse

I wish the coming Qr be good, but u going to be sad about it.


2017-05-26 14:45 | Report Abuse

need to try up without viagra lah.


2017-05-26 10:27 | Report Abuse

Buy and hold and be rewarded


2017-05-26 00:22 | Report Abuse

Satkunabalan, sorry, I don't understand what u are talking about.


2017-05-25 22:50 | Report Abuse

Ifca will give good surprise


2017-05-25 13:19 | Report Abuse

ken, they been dating for so long. already have sx. get married lah


2017-05-25 12:08 | Report Abuse

henry168, tumb up!


2017-05-25 12:07 | Report Abuse

kingcobra, u attending?


2017-05-25 12:01 | Report Abuse

Merger must take place. If no take place, please fire the management and the CEO.


2017-05-25 00:32 | Report Abuse

We buy and invest in good companies. Not for contra and not hit and run lah.

come on people.


2017-05-25 00:09 | Report Abuse

Better news , I hope. Can we see 1.40 tomorrow? :)


2017-05-25 00:07 | Report Abuse

Rapidcloud been started in year 1999 and been receiving substantial contracts from MSC, Telekom,venturing out with Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Filipines and a certified by ISO.
With currrent expansion with Alicloud , the potential from KGROUP will be a great business apportunity in coming years.

With mass e-businesses and e-commerce trading on spot, support for various clienteles range from SME to large scales will bring forseeable profits for Kgroup.

Align with expansions, right issues are part if a positve effort to let Kgroup grow.

Don't be too judgemental with Kgroup. It's def a hold counter for now.


2017-05-24 23:56 | Report Abuse

Mohd Fahmi Bin Jaes, all these while, u punya call is buy and sell. You don't share much. Are u of any knowledge or at least a brief of fundamental or TA????
I really beginning to question your ability in trading here.


2017-05-24 23:43 | Report Abuse

result out at 5.25pm. Looks like a negative quuarter as expected due to licensing and for , div of 5 cts still a surprise which is good!

Expected the next 3rd qr will be positive.