
pisangkuat | Joined since 2014-01-10

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2014-06-24 09:44 | Report Abuse

Profit taking lor...ppl like dialog coz price stable...can take profit many times


2014-06-19 20:33 | Report Abuse

If nxt month no naik....i named myself potong pisang....


2014-06-19 20:30 | Report Abuse

Andylee.....i think u need hubble telescope to read my previous posting....i never mentioned Rm 10...and if Dialog can reach rm 10...i dont called myself pisangkuat anymore...i will change name to potong-my-pisang....


2014-06-19 18:40 | Report Abuse

If sona no naik in nxt 1 mths...i change name fr pisang kuat to goreng pisang...


2014-06-19 14:57 | Report Abuse

Nxt thursday....najib mari pengerang buka ceremony...semua mau rally riding good wave...sampai issue bonus lor...agm on 24th mah....so goreng goreng tp tinggi tinggi mcm dsonic sblm split...but anyway dnt play contra...


2014-06-19 14:54 | Report Abuse

Kos...can go beyond 0.60?.....only can upto 0.60...no meat ler..


2014-06-16 09:07 | Report Abuse

Tak payah calculate lah....mcm world cup...spain vs holland....so many teory tht spain will beat holland...including bola sinkalan said mcm stock analyst....spain world champion...tiki-taka lah...and bookie odd calculation confirm spain at least win with one goal...holland no midfield lah...blah.blah...result spain kena gang-raped by holland....so trust yourself...those ppl write so long analyst biar saja....dia punya suka...we buy coz we love sona...even loss money tak apa...itu kita punya money....buy and keep lor...as i say sona ipo baru 0.4 plus...now only 0.5 plus...apa mau takut....ini sampai mau gaduh pasal berapa minyak ada....hibi no minyak also still survive...sona ada myk pun mau takut...haiz....lagi itu pathfinder say tulis anayst pasal tolong org...saya minta pinjam duit pun talak tolong....apa cakap pun tak tahu...puii...


2014-06-12 22:20 | Report Abuse

Buy brazil...


2014-06-12 14:53 | Report Abuse

No eyes see liao...only know tonite go buy brazil to win.


2014-06-12 13:39 | Report Abuse

TL Tan....gua caya sama lu...


2014-06-12 00:40 | Report Abuse

I sudah makan viagra.....holding power very strong one...pisang wa byk kuat....turun naik biasalah dlm share...sudah untung cabut lah....i love sona....


2014-06-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

Sai lan liao.....tht why ask bantuan...but still didnt rcv any email from many bro here who say really want to help others....this months maggi mee, air suam and makan pisang only.sob..sob...


2014-06-11 13:20 | Report Abuse

Gas pipeline project...done by punj lyold of india. Dialog only strategic partner in this SSGP project only.


2014-06-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

My bantuan how ah?


2014-06-11 10:49 | Report Abuse

Mau tanya sikit....masa propectus sona ada tulis " price confirm naik if ada qa anoouncement" kah? Dan ada tulis kah...price confirm turun kalau no qa? Talak paham semua expert sifu sini...very funny lah...share mmg ini mcm mah...QA org speculate punya. Tapi jgn lupa ada org beli sona pasal sona ada potential...bukan only the QA alone...ada paham? As i say u main long term apa mau susah.....pelik lah...bila price dwn...wah name calling...sohai sini shit sana...bila price naik wah..huat sini huat sana...kelakarlah...


2014-06-11 10:17 | Report Abuse

No need to speculate lah....or sinka with figures....just wait for agm this 16 th and ask the mgmt lah...apa susah susah...semua mcm expert saja...kalau mgmt did not give more clear info baru mogok....sona ipo price baru 40 cts lebih..skrg baru 0.50- 0.60 ......apa mau susah hati.just hold sajalah...and sona belum start bikin bisnes lagi cari wang...hanya dalam proses...org semua sudah tak sabar...mau untung cepat cepat...kongket pun mau 9 bulan anak baru keluar lah...kasi chancelah sikit to sona mgmt....cari wang.


2014-06-11 09:41 | Report Abuse

Bukan minta sedekah...minta bantuan saja...pasal ada bro here dah kata sudi menolong....


2014-06-11 09:05 | Report Abuse

Pathfinders....thanks for caring for other bro money here.....i loss alot of money liao in sona...thus can borrow me some money to tideover the losses? Sincerely ask for your help since i read your reply on many occasion that you care so much about other bro financial here. Well here is my email add supreme80@gmail.com.please get in contact with me as now really pokai already and i will provide you with my bank acc detail. Many thanks ya in advance.Also bro clj...if you can help me too....please email me also..both of you really a good guys.


2014-06-10 15:15 | Report Abuse

That why call connerstone...dnt call solid stone...connerstone can flipside ...ha..ha..


2014-06-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh.......Connerstone investor can come and go....so does we play share...as long as dnt play contra...u wont loss much...no need to argue.


2014-06-07 12:25 | Report Abuse

Wah....today dr.ngau promoted to tan sri already....congrat.!


2014-06-06 12:15 | Report Abuse

Sona ipo price only 0.50...nw only trading at 0.56...somemore with qa insight...turun sikit sudah kpkb (kao peh kao bu).....somomore worry here worry there got debt or not. Let me ask you if company goes listing without debt and cash rich...no need to go listing...go listing coz u need funding for expansion and used ppl money to roll...fr layman term. If so cash rich...x payah susah susah bikin ipo and go listing...


2014-06-06 12:07 | Report Abuse

Wah...vlvl.bingo..u mmg kuat lah.....u seems to knw everyrhing in dialog...u work for dialog ah?


2014-06-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

Bro TL...i support you no matter what other hentam you...u already give tips and buy or not is atone wish and risk.....i tell u if those guys make money got share with you ah? Loss money go for your blood....apa ini? those curse ans swear one...confirm contra kaki....can find alot of this hamka fellow in dsonic forum previously. If everyday share based on what talk in this forum...can die liao....go and do your own homework....this is what all this fellow want...quick and easy money. Like bosco say in the movie..."we shark only make fr ppl grediness and stupidity
..believe what we hv created. " so for thos sinka here some bro here is give tips and gd advice...no need to hentam them if things is not going at the direction u wish to go. If share everyday up and up no need to work already....just sit at home everyday play share.


2014-06-06 07:48 | Report Abuse

Also more established o&g companies who does offshore contract has their owned fleets like skpetro, Dayang, uzma, now scomi with alam with quek investment tie up... So PDz mau sewa kanal bagi Siapa? Perhaps tendering out the vessel for mh370 search ? Ada chance sikit.


2014-06-06 07:44 | Report Abuse

PDz now is like turkey head burried in the sand... Someone has used PMB to come into this deal... All other big investors has gone to other osv operator... RT pun sudah jual all his share and make very handsome profits. So where the future for PDz?


2014-06-06 07:33 | Report Abuse

If semua byk terrer in predict stock price... No need to blah blah in this forum already lor


2014-06-05 22:46 | Report Abuse

Icon ipo coming already....so osv industry....will be even more overcrowded...dnt forget quek just brought alam, and you hv other osv operator to worry abt...tas, sealink, armada, tanjong and nw Icon....and also cmy and gang actually pergi goreng icon not pdz as earlier anticipated....so where pdz to change fr normal shipping company to osv players?


2014-06-05 22:39 | Report Abuse

No...phase 1 terminak strorage are mostly for international trader who used to park their oil in spore terminal...phase 2 only majority for rapid terminal...mean here feedstock to process in rapid terminal...phase 3 still also for int trader but partner with another wellknown operator like vopak...announce few mth ago already on the MOU...


2014-06-05 22:32 | Report Abuse

Ada QA susah..talak QA pun susah.....esok i call sona mgmt minta tutup counter saja...dpt hasil korek myk simpan sj......untung sendiri...tak payah kongsi di bursa....byk susah...


2014-06-05 17:17 | Report Abuse

Baru yurun sikit....sudah panik...lagi marah gd bro like tltan who give u guys so many tips....buy share sure got risk lah....TLtan also human mah...and a gd soul too who email and share info...no one put gun to your head to buy...now turun sikit hentam dia...when make money ada share profit with him kah?....share is like tht lor....not every gd news price musy fly like rocket...got tht type of rules ah? In trading world is either i makan u or u makan me...if not who pay for the untung and who pay for the rugi?


2014-06-05 17:10 | Report Abuse

Those tanks were designed to take clean and dirty petroleum product.the name independent terminal...mean they take anyone stocks....if you understand oil trading business....oil is like any other commodities...sometime need to process...sometime just stored as semi-finish or raw product....


2014-06-04 23:39 | Report Abuse

Mr.bullock...u mmg kuat lah...pending bursa lu pun tau....this sat magnum what number ah first price?


2014-06-04 22:29 | Report Abuse

Change name fr Sona to sohai....pasal tunggu byk lama itu QA sampai muka pun serupa mcm sohai..


2014-06-04 18:01 | Report Abuse

Pengerang terminal feed stock is fr vopak (dialog partner)..and around the world fr oil trader..advice to read tank storage journal...why pengerang...coz it located in one of the world choke point...who is vopak? The biggest tank operator in the world fr netherland in term of storage capacity and vopak owned many terminals in Asia either fully owned or jv basis like pengerang. You think vopal simply choose partner meh if you are just kucing kurap company?


2014-06-02 13:16 | Report Abuse

Welcome the shark...no problem....this counter price only 0.50 plus...how much damage can make if shark want to play? Not like Dsonic.....RM 4.9 before limit down....not shark...whale also can die...kalau takut sangat dgn shark...jgn beli share...pergi main unit trust or simpan duit in FD only...safe and sound...


2014-06-02 13:05 | Report Abuse

Entitle yes...but u need to exersice it....so need to top up...ppl confuse wa no etitle to bonus...yes is entitled but kena exersice...


2014-05-31 16:16 | Report Abuse

With icon going to be the biggest osv operator...i wonder where is pdz stand? Apart from icon...u are looking at alam, destini, Tas, and Sealink....how i knw...? I am fr this osv field.


2014-05-30 19:19 | Report Abuse

Sudah announce already....abang ramsyll sudah kasi tip kaw kaw panggil accumulate....jgn main contra...confirm terbang till share bonus issue...tapi ramai tak percaya...haiz...lain kali diam sajalah...confirm monday ribut taufan mari.


2014-05-30 16:01 | Report Abuse

Sabarlah......abang ramsyll sudah sound...tak percaya lagi....beli counter lain lor...


2014-05-30 13:38 | Report Abuse

Ha...ha...seems to be cmy go goreng icon offshore liao...not pdz...much bigger shark than pdz...mcm mana compete?


2014-05-30 07:02 | Report Abuse

Godzilla mau mari already....


2014-05-27 19:13 | Report Abuse

I also got insider news....anyway...my advice is collect nw....suka hati mau percaya or not....


2014-05-23 17:15 | Report Abuse

Buy..buy.....especially nw turun....no buy regret later...


2014-05-06 12:57 | Report Abuse

Semua asyik gaduh..sj...pergi gaduh lagi...nanti share naik lagi tinggi...jgn berhenti gaduh...biar lawan sampai tumbang...


2014-04-25 17:37 | Report Abuse

We have warn may time bro here to be careful..after two round of super tsunami hit this counter..yet everytime we sound the alarm bell....kena left right centre....by bro here say those give warning is oit of jealousy lah, mata merah lah and ..blah...blah..when nw the chips is down...kena again say pour cold water...hmmm...


2014-04-25 14:37 | Report Abuse

Ha....ha....price go up...ask to cut loss kena hentam..nw price come down....all skl say ada share bonus...kalau ada share bonus already price go up to rhb tl liao...why nothing happen? All kena con big time lioa by this unetiqual company...amazingly ppl still believe every news price must go up one.


2014-04-25 10:02 | Report Abuse

Mara name not as strong as CMY and TSCH loh.....so how ?


2014-04-23 17:18 | Report Abuse

Big player already run fr this counter already after making so many round..only left is ikan bilis only eating each other...


2014-04-23 13:15 | Report Abuse

Stage 2 bila? Mau lari kuat kuat...