
poseidon80 | Joined since 2017-04-28

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2020-08-17 11:23 | Report Abuse

Rebound?lol, not in another two weeks lol


2020-08-17 11:08 | Report Abuse

Such a newbie.. “oh , this drop to flush out contra “.,,, “oh IB and banker can’t push down anymore”... “oh it’s okay vaccine ready next year”... haish... trying to time the market is like digging your own grave..!!!!! Stock valuation is From future. Glove reach rm24 because of valuation vaccine will take longer time to produce.. now everything changed already...vaccine is real..

Do you think bursa will let glove collapse abruptly during the time vaccine is ready for all people? No!!!!! Bursa also making money, big boys making money , they buy low and sell high.. this time is high time for glove, the sell it to retailers like u guys.. why do they want to sell low next year!!!!!!

This is how market works!!!!!!


2020-08-17 11:01 | Report Abuse

@TKS Stanley, how much drop do you need till u will stop believing it wilL reach back rm24 ? Rm15 , rm12 or rm7?


2020-08-17 10:44 | Report Abuse

Haish... so ignorant.. market don’t behave like that.. don’t try to Time the market.. stack price is future valuation.. vaccine is solid. No more future for glove.. that’s why price down.. and u gonna see it will drop below 15 and rm12 later on... yeah people still need gloves, but the market, Bursa don’t!!! The market need to adjust to slaughter gloves.. to save klci index, slowly disown gloves while rising other stocks... that’s how market works... if u dumb enough to learn and disregard ur ego.. u will suffer


2020-08-17 09:37 | Report Abuse

The vaccine is real.. don’t just read this country news.. read other countries news.. I already compiled the news in my previous comment


2020-08-17 09:30 | Report Abuse

Wanna to know how the group is doing? The yytish group,


2020-08-17 09:29 | Report Abuse

Warn had been made.. many mock me now pay the price...


2020-08-15 23:52 | Report Abuse

@aramco kids, have same mature argument please.. kid like u shouldn’t be here.. low class citizen, and definitely loser in trading


2020-08-15 23:51 | Report Abuse

See2see you should wear glasses la sohai ..

“Mr Sharma said pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca had finalised a "global licensing agreement" with Oxford University with Government support, adding: "This means that if the vaccine is successful AstraZeneca will work to make 30 million doses available by September for the UK as part of an agreement for over 100 million doses in total“

Omg so stupid... that’ mean oxford trials vaccine will be ready..


2020-08-15 23:27 | Report Abuse

Those who prefer to hold I BEG YOU TO READ THIS!!!!

First, I’m here to educate new investors or inexperienced investor.. what happens right now is that valuation of glove is dropping.. big institutions are already taking their profits.. let say u fundamental analysis.. the same thing happened to heng yuan 2 years ago.. history will repeat itself!!!!

Last time hengyuan also from rm3 to nearly rm20 .. last time when at its peak Hengyuan Big sell off happened in January 2018.. many people like u guys are blinded with QR and promising future and TP set buy banks and others same with heng yuan.. during peak bank target hengyuan can go to Rm44... look at heng yuan now? At that time Majority of the people who commented On the comment section were also like most of you.. in denial.. they were also believe hengyuan got strong fundamental.. .. and look where they are now?!!! The same thing happening again here

Banks know, big sharks know the vaccine is real.. the glove is over,,.. with increasing number of retail investors, a lot of news promoting gloves.. the same thing happened.. Director annnouced dividen? Same with heng yuan when it first sell of on January 2018, director also announced dividen.. same thing happened on gloves stocks when company announced dividen..

This is the end of it.. trust me.. u ask big sifu , master technical analysis and fundamentalist also they will aggressively not to hold..

Pleaseeeee... I wish I could save as many as possible before you all lose many to fu@king sharks and banks..

Pleaseeeee listen to mee.. I’m begging uuuuu...


2020-08-15 22:51 | Report Abuse

@djoker that’s why u are ignorant fool, saying investors but don’t want to read news, saying technical analysis but don’t want to read chart.. haishhh no wonder u and ur gang will definitely go crazy next week haha


2020-08-15 22:49 | Report Abuse

I warn already before massive fall next Monday... next week the longest red candle ever made in the chart that will stab all of u ignorant fools mf Right I’m you AssH@le..


2020-08-15 22:46 | Report Abuse

Oxford vaccine to be ready for Uk populations by September, after finalising phase 3 trials in this months...
Read the news.. just posted on Uk news..


2020-08-15 22:42 | Report Abuse

Don’t want russia vaccine it’s okay.. Oxford vaccine is ready for UK and ready to be delivered to all citizen before Christmas... after finalising it’s test..

Cry in agony.. just don’t commit suicide ya..haha it’s okay u can make fun of me aramco and the gang.. next week you all be silence and slaughtered.. and blaming each other’s..



2020-08-15 21:56 | Report Abuse

@see2sea it’s not about money.. people with no brain only buy mother shares at high price ..

Next week I’ll mention this losers name.. and also u can post ur resentment in the group u joined from yttish


2020-08-15 21:54 | Report Abuse

@djoker.. I already bought it. When i need to brag.. 3 days ago I suggested to sell mother shares and buy put option.. now more than 20% profit already next week Supermx hc will be top gainer..


2020-08-15 21:45 | Report Abuse

Just incase some of u still new, put option is the right to sell.. the price of put option will rise when the mother shares falls below exercise price... meaning when glove all down next week below tm15, Supermx-hc will be the top gainer


2020-08-15 21:43 | Report Abuse

@sunshine what the fu@kare u talking about, read back my comment and I ask all of u to buy back PutOption Supermx-hc when it hasn’t fall below rm20 yet.. now already 24% profit .. and next week will be double.. Next week will be pharma stocks , tech stocks and put options for gloves.. glove will bleed endlessly. Next week fall below rm15


2020-08-15 21:24 | Report Abuse

Lots of u in denial states.. so pity.. why most of u gamble ur money and following groups that making loses..

next week will go below rm15.. .will u trust me then?


2020-08-15 21:21 | Report Abuse

Mlab soon will fly.


2020-08-15 21:20 | Report Abuse

I cannot say much.. just have faith in me .. okay..

A little tips for your next stock to go above 300%;


Figure it out and buy now.


2020-08-15 19:26 | Report Abuse

Update latest 24h news:

- UK sign off 300millions dose of vaccine
- Russia starts massive production of vaccine
- Vietnam buy vaccine from Russia
- India to start massive production of vaccine.
- China Sinopharm antibody look promising and begin large final human trial shortly
- Russian Sputnik vaccine data just submitted to be reviewed by Malaysia authorities

Yes... the ignorant shall be slaughtered next week .. thinking of promising billions of profit in the future... let the rich dump their shits and the retails catch it.








2020-08-15 17:45 | Report Abuse


Like I said before.. insiders already new the vaccine clinical data will be solid and WHO and MOH will acknowledge the vaccine..

All the best.. russia embassy just sent it sputNik vaccineclinical data for Malaysia to consider.. next week, pharma and vaccine related counter going to bloom..
Glove will fall to bottomless pit


2020-08-15 17:17 | Report Abuse


Like I said before.. insiders already new the vaccine clinical data will be solid and WHO and MOH will acknowledge the vaccine..

All the best.. russia embassy just sent it sputNik vaccineclinical data for Malaysia to consider.. next week, pharma and vaccine related counter going to bloom..
Glove will fall to bottomless pit.


2020-08-15 17:11 | Report Abuse

@yttihs, it’s not the naysayers,.. it’s exchange of opinion.. one tend to make bias and emotional trade And they are other opinions might seems legit to consider and check and balance your decision... all the best those who join the group.. even and amateur technical analysis know next week will be another red for gloves.. all the best all of you in the group.. and I’m sure next week you gonna say your regrets here.. we are ready to cheer u up...


2020-08-15 11:08 | Report Abuse

Rule of thumb, buy when there’s no news, buy when the company is planning to do something.. like how gloves stocks before, no news when it’s was below rm7.. now glove price above rm20 , news comes promote glove stocks could reach rm100, gloves stock have high potential, now see what happened to those who buys on news,, they got stabbed in their ass.. just wait and trust buy when it’s low and no news yet.. history of mlab will repeat itself. That’s all.


2020-08-15 10:37 | Report Abuse

Okay I’m done... come again next week to check those who mocked my warning... In the mean time these suckers can find their own coffin.. next week glove will be slaughtered.


2020-08-15 10:34 | Report Abuse

@chua Joe beng.. stock price valuation is for the future!!! Have u read the comment? Country already stock up for 1year supply of gloves.. what do you think of glove preorder sales?!!! massive dropped!!!! That’s why the price jumped down like crazy? Don’t trust me now it’s okay, u are still in denial.. because u bought high.. it’s okay, next week don’t cry okay.. just make sure u show urself in comment section next week


2020-08-15 10:25 | Report Abuse

@insiderinfo.. kid listen... I know u already , I checked already... you want me to reveal your real name here? And where you live ? Don’t want right?so shut the f@ck up and listen to grown up ya..don’t get butt hurt.. finish med school first..


2020-08-15 10:10 | Report Abuse

@insiderinfo.. don’t be a fake trying to impress others.. you same with ongong who claims to be banker.. you are not even a doctor, just a 90s kid Who recently joined trade


2020-08-15 10:07 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak,, I’m not here to scare people, I was here when Supermx rm3, and I was here when Supermx rm7 and ask people to buy for rebound.. I predicted Supermx will fly to rm18 when it’s still rm8.. can check my commen history in my profile. Iam not anti glove. I’m here to give knowledge and educate new investors.. chill don’t lose trade because of your ego.


2020-08-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

@andretan regarding the vaccine data, the world made the assumption that it hasn’t going through clinical trials.. like I said, insiders tip, next week russia release their clinics data, who will accept, and the whole world will accept.. have u Googled how many countries signing off the aggrement to buy and produce the vaccine already?


2020-08-15 09:15 | Report Abuse

What most of u don’t understand is stock valuation price is for the future... before this vaccine takes 1-5years to be created and tested but now recent technology have fasten the whole process.. this Monday Russia will release their clinical data to who and the whole world... do you think the big institutions wanna risk their money if vaccine is to proved clinically significant? Do you think Russia simply announced vaccine without solid hard prove? Why do u think US rush it’s own vaccine to be completed after Russia make the announcement?

Here insider tips: Russia vaccine clinical data is solid.. next week will be huge announcement.. and glove may fall to RM10. Who will then approved Russia vaccine.

Current situations; country had been purchasing 1-2 years gloves stock already last few months.. therefore with the vaccine on track, do you think gloves got preorder anymore? No! MASSIVE DROP IN SALES!!!!!
That’s why glove is very sensitive to vaccine news.. trying to time the market is the most fatal mistakes you make!!! Follow the big funds.. follow the shark.. like I told u, they already dumping their shares...

Don’t trust me right? It’s okay, like I told u, this week drop is not even a gist of what’s gonna happen next week..
next week will be the longest red candle ever you’ve seen in glove chart.. most of u will be denial and fear.. stress out? Warn had been made, and some of u make the joke out of it.. I’m here to warn new investors and traders.. don’t feed yourself to sharks and banks..


2020-08-14 19:41 | Report Abuse

Don’t sell.. that’s all.. the vaccine announcement is unexpected and shocked bursa.. next week mlab will be on tract.


2020-08-14 17:53 | Report Abuse

Buy low sell high


2020-08-14 17:53 | Report Abuse

Mlab still haven’t show what it have..


2020-08-14 17:53 | Report Abuse

Relaks la bro.. market reset by bursa.. the real show is yet to come.. trust me.. just buy ..


2020-08-14 17:50 | Report Abuse

Sunshine, I already suggested all of u to buy put option Supermx-hc.. two days ago,,, read my comment


2020-08-14 17:45 | Report Abuse

I told u , glove is over, vaccine and pharmaceuticals will get rebound... next week those still hold will be slaughtered..


2020-08-14 17:36 | Report Abuse

Don’t talk big, just make sure u show urself next week in this comment sections..


2020-08-14 17:30 | Report Abuse


Monday Russia will release its clinical data..if its found significant then who and MoH will accept the vaccine.. The insiders and big fund already knows the details... that’s why market and gloves stock become like this..

U don’t have to trust me just see next week drop below Rm15... u mocked me two days ago and yesterday , look at you today... hahaha

Grab your balls and run away.


2020-08-14 17:27 | Report Abuse

Stockwimnmer, first stage is denial laa haha
They are in denial that the price is jumping right into their asses.. haha


2020-08-14 17:16 | Report Abuse

Lol, the vaccine mass produce is from Russia... Not from the Uk.. others will follow as well.. don’t be ignorant u will suffer... next week will dropp to rm15.. and below.. mark my word


2020-08-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

People don’t buy glove to be used for one month only, they already pre-order for 1year stocks or six months stocks already.. that’s what Supermx profit last quarter.. vaccine will mass produce earliest October but the end of dec.. that’s why gloves stocks are so sensitive about vaccine..


2020-08-14 17:10 | Report Abuse

Wanna know why gloves down.. ? Not only US did sign 15billion dolar bill for vaccine.. UK also sign 90million vaccine ..!!! Next weekk vaccine news will be alll over the place.. your gloves Sudah bocor.. I told you.. the insiders tips.. also don’t wanna listen.. haha.. drop below rm15



2020-08-14 17:07 | Report Abuse

UK sign vaccine.. I told u guys just sell.. next week cry2 more country will joined the boat.



2020-08-14 16:30 | Report Abuse

The loses is real rm15 i