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2019-04-15 18:14 | Report Abuse

This is the time to re-enter. conslidated


2019-04-09 10:51 | Report Abuse

Is KTB and Gets Global potentially merge together? Since they are operating the same bus operation business. This will really add value to the bus public transport which is what the new govt may want?


2019-04-09 10:47 | Report Abuse

If annualised the profits, assuming RM80 million net profits, with 987,674,691 units of shares (based on announcement on 5 April 2019), the EPS is estimated at RM0.081

PE ratios of 10 times will be RM0.081 x 10 = RM0.81

Do you think a food producer company is only worth 10 times of the EPS / profits?

We shall wait how market price Leong Hup and QSR (has many many KFC outlets cash business).

Food producer company like MFLOUR (sell flour sell poultry) all are the food every human makan.

Based on the other similar listed companies, their shares are trading more than 20 times of their EPS. This is how market assigning a value to these companies.

With that, I believe with 20 times of the potential EPS MFLOUR can achieve, it is estimated:

RM0.081 x 20 = RM1.62 by January 2020. Wawasan 2020. Hidup MFLOUR, Hidup Tun hahahaha....


2019-04-09 10:15 | Report Abuse

janetchiam8 wrote this on 07/04/2019 1:07 PM. Corrections stated here:

The Rights issue had already successfully completed last year (in December 2018)

The Rights Issue was completed on 28 January 2019, where all the Rights Shares, RCULS and Warrants were listed on 28 January 2019.

Raised about RM285M which had been productively utilised to expand by 3 times the production capacity of its Intergrated Poultry Segment in Lumut Perak.

Total amount received by MFLOUR from the Rights Issue exercise was approx, RM287.705 million which was oversubscribed and successfully raised RM275 mil based on the entitlement ratios. The remaining amount of approximately RM12.70 million was refunded to applicants. These amount of money will be used to repay revolving credit facilities which was already drawn down to pay for CAPEX as stated in the Abridged Prospectus. Company drawn down revolving credit to pay for CAPEX safe time and it's faster to path for better prospects.

Currently some shareholders and Directors are only exercising and converting some of their Warrants and Iculs into Mflour mother shares. Such conversions are positive indications of their bullish views in the bright business growth and increasing profitability of Mflour

Based on the announcements, there are no Directors converting any of their RCULS which bear 5% interest income per annum, which will pay semi-annually by MFLOUR to the RCULS holders. I believe many RCULS holders converting their RCULS into MFLOUR Shares as they believe a better capital gain + potential dividend payout which may be better than the 5% interest income from RCULS. In addition, those free warrants issued to the shareholders who subscribed the rights issue is already in the money. Warrant holders pay RM0.68 to MFLOUR to convert into MFLOUR share which is now worth RM0.82, can earn RM0.14 (RM0.14 divide by RM0.68 x 100 = 20.60%) immediately can earn 20.60%. Where to find such a good deal? Find at MFLOUR counter.

By the way, notwithstanding the drop in live bird selling price which may lower the margin in MFLOUR's poultry segment, bear in mind that the new poultry integration plant has capacity to slaughter 240,000 birds per day. It make more sense for MFLOUR to channel their live birds to slaughter and process in order to command a better margin mah. Why want to sell those live birds where the selling price up down up down so uncertain. Right? Think about it. Sometimes logic does make sense.

See you all at RM1.00. Believing is really real. Dream will come through. Cheers.


2019-04-03 14:01 | Report Abuse

You are most welcome janetchiam.
See you above RM0.95 for mother and RM0.65 for warrants by July 2019.

13 Mar 2019 I wrote this:

"See you at RM1.00 for mother share and 55 sen for its warrant. Patience is key to success."

Mother share now is RM0.84 (at that time was RM0.745/RM0.75). Easily 12% gain

Warrants now is RM0.54 (at that time was RM0.375/0.38). Easily 40% gain.

Easily 52% gain in total (12% + 40%) slightly more than half a month investment.

RM1.00 will surely come, it is just a matter of time for Q2 results by August 2019 but may be by the company's AGM, may have already reaching RM1.00

Wait for the next consolidation to buy again.

Congratulations for all who have been patience for only 16 days period and already able to achieve a gain of 50%.


2019-04-03 11:55 | Report Abuse

your prediction was wrong coz you buy and sell same day. should hold more than 1 month, you can see more than 50% gain.


2019-04-03 11:48 | Report Abuse

mother Ferrari warrant F1


2019-04-03 11:27 | Report Abuse

Janetchiam, u shud thank me hahahaa


2019-04-02 10:20 | Report Abuse


That's the way in making good investment :)


2019-04-01 17:52 | Report Abuse

those shareholders who subscribe the RCULS and the Rights Shares early January 2019, with effective cost of RM0.40, they must be laughing their way to banks tomorrow.

100% gain in shares + free warrants trading near RM0.50.

The owner of the Company is really good in focusing in the business and enhance the shareholders' value. The genuine commitment in the business shown by the owner of MFLOUR, this type of owner is very well respected.


2019-04-01 10:50 | Report Abuse

janetchiam8: Thank you very much for the info and clarification.
Very useful info.

You comment above on 13 March. You must be happy by now if you bought the warrants and shares middle of March. A span of half a month, you returns should be more than 20% by now.


2019-04-01 10:47 | Report Abuse

Like i have said earlier on 14 & 15 March, only patience and understanding on the company will achieve success in investments. Patience is the key to success. Well done MFLOUR. I believe the qtr 1 results should be on track and will return to the expected reasonable profits.


2019-03-22 17:41 | Report Abuse

If you look at the Stock Info, you can notice total buy transaction was 371, total sell transaction was 348 today.

This means people buy same day and sell same day, almost matches (371 transaction buy vs 348 transaction sell).

It will not go higher until the sizable huge buy volume comes in. Day traders volume is high, even a gain of RM0.005 also they can earn some gain for a day. There is no point for ordinary Malaysian chasing it fighting with the day traders who have large amount of trading limit to be able to push up 1 sen/1.5 sen to draw buying interest, and allowing day traders to sell to recoup an average gain of RM0.005 to RM0.01.

Investment in shares should always based on our own ability and affordability. Invest, hold and monitor the performance of this sweet MFLOUR counter. Earn money is not overnight, it requires patience which is the key to make money. Let the company perform to show its financial results, there is where we can enjoy in the form of dividend and capital gain (It's tax free don't worry) hahaha...


2019-03-22 16:34 | Report Abuse

For contra players out there, this company is not meant for you to gain a sen or two. This counter is to invest, hold and wait for the company to perform. If it doesn't fit into your investment objective for quick money, you can find other higher riskier counters hoping for contra gain. But definitely not MFLOUR counter.


2019-03-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

Out of 6.3 million units traded as of now, there are total of 328 buy transactions and 286 sell transactions as of now. The que buy volume is not sizable enough to sustain an uptrend. This is because when buy volume is 0.77/0.775, sumua orang grabbing the chance to sell down. The que buy volume is also lower than the que sell volume.

The situation now is like chasing to exit and sell at the desired price to achieve lower losses for some contra players maybe, I dunno. When it is an uptrend, you can see a tsunami of buy volume buying up immediately 3 sen to 5 sen up, there is where the engine may be starting.


2019-03-22 16:01 | Report Abuse

The volume trend clearly shows it is almost impossible to break 80 sen today.
You must learn to understand the trading volume and price que trend.


2019-03-21 09:42 | Report Abuse

after longkang cheong to river. After cheong to river, cheong to the sea.Then finish story.


2019-03-21 09:20 | Report Abuse

all in sai lang means pledged your house, get cash, and sai lang?


2019-03-21 09:11 | Report Abuse

cheongster meh... cheong what? everyday the same.


2019-03-18 20:23 | Report Abuse


How you know the operators are clearing and selling and not pushing? You know the operator? If not, it will be your own speculation with no basis because u made the statement merely based on your observation through volume and price movement.

Are you the touch and go contra traders hoping to make a fee thousands?
I would prefer you understand the prospects of MFLOUR and assess to invest. Otherwise, by using your trading limit to make fast money is a form of gamble in share market. If yes, you should visit Genting. Hahaha...


2019-03-15 17:37 | Report Abuse

my dearest traders in town,

whether it is uptrend or downtrend at the moment it really doesn't matter. Most importantly the company must perform in its financials. Investment criteria could be short term for example 6 months period. We need to let the company perform to show solid financial results for us to reap the gain and interim dividend (if any).

It is not about buy today sell within 3 days. It is about the potential earnings the company is able to achieve moving forward for the financial year 2019.

Give chance to the Company to perform and show its financial results, it will eventually reflects in the share price. While technical analysis is important, it only serves as a guide for short term weekly trading.

Again, patience is key to success :)


2019-03-14 18:15 | Report Abuse

Why want to profit take when there is a clear potential in this company? Unless there are some sold for profit takings to chase Naim and Perdana instead? hahahaha..... if it is so, this is gamble not investment hahaha...


2019-03-14 16:47 | Report Abuse

like i have said, patience is the key for success.

It's not worth it to invest something short term being stressful everyday. A proper investment is to invest, hold and see how the company perform on quarterly basis. As simple as ABC.

When everyone is now chasing Dayang, Naim, Perdana and PEnergy, do they really understand the financial conditions of these companies or just merely buy and sell for quick contra gain?

Investment should come with fundamental readings and technical analysis to make a sound investment decisions.


2019-03-14 15:37 | Report Abuse

If the company gradually decrease the sale of its live bird and channel their live birds for their own production for processed cut chicken, I believe the processed cut chicken selling price is higher and stable. Hence, able to achieve better margin for its poultry business.


2019-03-14 15:13 | Report Abuse

LTKM volume traded is only in ten of thousands.

MFLOUR volume trading is at hundreds of thousands.

That explained the difference :)


2019-03-14 15:07 | Report Abuse

MFLOUR is way cheaper than LTKM. It's only RM0.76/RM0.77 with even better returns because the price is lower as compare to LTKM (RM1.25)


2019-03-14 11:54 | Report Abuse

collection time... yummy...


2019-03-14 11:43 | Report Abuse

by now should have finished adjust and consolidated. Nok tunggu apa lagi?


2019-03-14 11:26 | Report Abuse

in KFC value meal box kah? haha


2019-03-14 10:40 | Report Abuse

engine started..tak kan terbabas sebab kadang kadang laju, kadang kadang steady maintaining speed. bukan cam roller coaster heart attack bahaya. Ini lah yang kita terma kuat, resilient and solid. founder of the company focus on biz. Dlm jangka pendek 1 minggu akan jadi darling in the share market. insyallah...


2019-03-14 10:22 | Report Abuse

slowly but steadily moving up haha... sweet counter... the drop yesterday doesn't appear to be drastic and it is moving up steadily now. slowly drawing investors to come in. Fund manager should start looking at this counter for decent annual dividend a year.


2019-03-14 09:55 | Report Abuse

amboi... sarawak play... CCK will never be like Naim, Dayang, PEnergy and Perdana style of up trend. hahahaa...


2019-03-14 08:53 | Report Abuse

MFLOUR flour business segment is consumer products. Its poultry segment is also consumer products. Malaysian need to makan everyday to live such as roti canai, bakery bread, chicken all are daily food consumption. Dont tell me Malaysian don't eat meh. Walaoweyh, die from hunger? Hahahaha... Patience is the key to success. Interim dividend payout on 29 March


2019-03-14 08:47 | Report Abuse

First Quarter 2019 numbers will surely be good because:

1. Company raised RM275 mil from the right issue to repay RM200mil + bank facilities which was previously drawn down to fund its capex. Gearing already decreased.

2. Live bird price selling price increased because of festive season CNY. Everyone eat chicken during CNY finger licking good. During festive many families are believed to visit quick service restaurants eat more chicken.

3. The company production capacity for processed cut chicken has max out to more than 80k birds slaughtered a day. Huge demand for cut chicken from quick service restaurant, assumed could be McD, KFC, and other fast food restaurants.

4. NTA per share is RM0.85 and the assets will generate handsome returns.

As the Star article highlighted MFLOUR aims to be one of the largest poultry players, it is happening now. See the article link.



2019-03-14 08:20 | Report Abuse

This is just the beginning. We will see how the share price and it's warrants move over time.


2019-03-13 19:58 | Report Abuse

Today warrants price closed at 0.395 + warrant exercise price 0.68 = 1.075

The share price when move to 1.00 the warrants will correspondingly go up. Bear in mind that the warrants have 5 years tenure and I don't think the company will only worth RM1.00 considering there is a solid grow in its fundamental businesses.


2019-03-13 19:54 | Report Abuse

The warrants and the RCULS are separate securities and are traded separately.

Warrant = MFLOUR - WC

Share price closed at 0.795
Warrant exercise price is RM0.68
Hence, the warrants is in the money

MFLOUR RCULS worth RM1 when convert based the conversion price of RM0.50, will receive two shares for free coz no need to pay.

1 RCULS (worth RM1.00) get 2 shares worth (0.795 x 2 = RM1.53). Hence, the RCULS is also in the money now.

We cannot combine the warrant exercise price and the RCULS conversion price to deem as out of money because both of these convertible securities have different features.


2019-03-13 18:31 | Report Abuse

Based on the company prospectus for rights issue (pg. 22) the production capacity for processed chicken is 80k birds slaughtered A DAY to process into cut chicken for sale to quick service restaurants. When the new poultry plant is ready by this year, the production capacity is expected to grow from 80k birds slaughtered A DAY to 240k birds slaughtered A DAY.

Everyday RAKYAT MALAYSIA MAKAN AYAM yo yo yo. The easiest access protein content. Finger Licking Good. People eat chicken everyday yo.

Flour segment is earning profits steadily over the years. The boom of this Company lies on the ability to further enhance its profits from poultry integration business segment.

I believe the Company foresee huge demand for its processed chicken, if not the Company will not spend so much money on CAPEX to build a new poultry plant (which i believe the production lines should be more sophisticated to achieve better efficiency to boom the bottom line profits for poultry business segment.

See you at RM1.00 for mother share and 55 sen for its warrant. Patience is key to success.


2019-03-13 18:15 | Report Abuse

If miss the boat first time, it is still ok.

If miss the boat twice, you better start reading up on the potential of this Company.

If miss the boat three times, then i dont know what you are investing in hahahaha....


2019-03-13 18:13 | Report Abuse

Aduhai Janet, its RCULS not ICULS hahaha... R is redeemable. I is Irredeemable. aduh...
RCULS holders do not need to pay to convert the RCULS into shares. Because the subscriber already paid RM1.00 for 1 RCULS during the rights issue exercise. Therefore, when surrender 1 RCULS no need to pay but in return will receive 2 shares.

The warrant exercise price is RM0.68
mother share trading near RM0.77

The warrants is already in-the-money and has value because the warrants has 5 years tenure starting from January 2019 until 2024.

If AmBank is able to issue a fair value analyst report for RM0.89 on mother share, the value of MFLOUR-WC will worth something for sure.

the Company has the ability to grow its profits from its poultry integration segment for sure because capex already spent to build new poultry plant which will complete soon. The capacity for processed chicken will increase, similarly the sales for processed chicken will definitely increase.

Decent interim dividend payout and safe heaven food producer company. What are you waiting for? the warrants is really cheap.


2019-03-13 15:09 | Report Abuse

convert RCULS no need to pay one mah. just surrender the RCULS to convert to shares. 1 RCULS (RM1.00) get 2 Shares for free. Subscribe rights issue RCULS that time already paid RM1.00 per piece. Why never read properly the prospectus on 27/12/2018? aiyo yo...


2019-03-11 16:56 | Report Abuse

maintaining same pricing level to scare away contra players


2019-03-11 16:54 | Report Abuse

force sell to scare away punters