
purple70 | Joined since 2021-06-12

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2023-10-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

Investors - esp the retail ones are not that silly to believe all the propaganda! Wonder where the KNM ex CEO cytro's are now? SOOOOO SILENT!

The turn around specialist CA now has to pack bags and go back to UK/ or live w his inlaws here?


2023-10-16 11:20 | Report Abuse

how come cannnot comment now?


2023-10-16 11:10 | Report Abuse

Sign to TY that people had enuf of ELITISTS n ROYALISTS looking for easy life and damaging the name of country n institutions


2023-10-16 11:06 | Report Abuse

Votes for the rest of resolution was very close. They didnt show it long enuf and meeting abruptly ended without any relevant questions answered.

Looks like bad news for TY

Did i hear that resolution 3 n 9 not carried?


2023-10-16 10:29 | Report Abuse

KNM share price down at 11 sen


2023-10-16 10:24 | Report Abuse

he came on screen w wide smile as opposed to his ashen face before


2023-10-16 10:24 | Report Abuse

TY had 62% of votes in his favour


2023-10-16 10:22 | Report Abuse

3 mins to vote plus 5 mins scrutiny, unnecessarily delaying the meeting n its outcome!

All shareholders questions not answered yet, some deemed irrelevant


2023-10-16 10:16 | Report Abuse

So funny meh....they want to scrutinise the first resolution result before moving to next!

This is so different...is it in line w BURSA regulations? , as the outcome of 1st Resolution, ie removal of TY will have an effect on the others!

This could be a ground to complain to BURSA on the irregularity of conduct of the meeting, let alone the outcome


2023-10-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

Funny voting procedure...they are asking to vote each resolution one by one.Given 3 minutes. looks like will take an hour to complete


2023-10-16 10:05 | Report Abuse

A known person who sold shares before 11th Oct recd authority to vote for all shares sold before the date!

How come?


2023-10-16 10:04 | Report Abuse

2B shares regd to vote and Chairman has 700mil proxy given to him?


2023-10-15 23:09 | Report Abuse

Got my meeting link during later part today!

Looks like the share registrars are working over time...for whom n why?


2023-10-15 23:09 | Report Abuse

Team Malaysia!? Why the abuse of country's name!

Should call themselves as Team ELITIST PUTRA!


2023-10-15 17:30 | Report Abuse


Anybody receive virtual link invitation?

The share registrar staffs "promised an EGM invitation link today, Sunday" but havent recd any yet!

Call came from no:03 7890 4700 Boardroom Share REgistrars


2023-10-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

Not gonna respond to any of these below:

OtisKL | Joined since 2023-09-08
doubleup | Joined since 2023-09-07
Adagold | Joined since 2023-09-05
UpUpRocket | Joined since 2023-09-09
maxwin69 | Joined since 2023-09-07
SGX6138 | Joined since 2023-09-09

It is no longer a joke, when a party uses PDRM to threaten the other, something very common w certain ELITIST!

Kinda decided where my vote will go, the more certain desperados do their bidding!


2023-10-15 16:00 | Report Abuse

i3Lurker - i insisted that i had registered and she went on to "check the register" and confirmed my shareholding in a rather shocked way.....I didnt give any other info. Strange that they do such as I have already registered and they should be using the ROD as at 11 Oct2023!

I hope the German billionaire and gang are reading this and take neceesaary action to vet all the proxy forms! The registar doesnt seem impartial and by the way it is owned by the ELITIST BUDDIES - Tan Sri Azman YAhya.....antihero shady corporate character!

Once his company approached mine - a lsited co w plans for us to transfer all the dividend acc to them, for them to take "charge of all issues", including returning money to Registrars of Unclaimed Monies --- I warned the Co sec and she - an experienced lady, just dropped off further deliberation w that gang. They were known as SIGNET then!


2023-10-15 15:22 | Report Abuse

Pls vote w yr conscience and not be fooled by many propagandist here esp OTISKL.....every alphabet he types, he is rewarded...wheres most of us will just see the value of the co eroding payingthese guys!

He is the CEO's bag boy!


2023-10-15 15:20 | Report Abuse

Heres a toast to the CHIVAS REGAL KING of Malaysia!


2023-10-15 15:19 | Report Abuse

I got a call on Saturday morning from the Share Registrar staffs asking me if i will be attending the EGM n reminding me of that! I registered much longer ago and just wondering why are they so keen calling me up asking me if i will attend? I know these TY and several of his characters and know well how low they can go...so, is it proper or Registrar to call and "remind" of the EGM? Something doesnt look right isnt it!


2023-10-15 15:17 | Report Abuse

In desperation, TY showing of charity work via "CORPORATE ANNOUNCEMENT " in Malaysia kini! Even this Foundation is suspect - once a team of more than 10 salespersos ambushed me as i exited LRT station...Agressive pitching they did and even wanted to argue on ones need to be charitable unconditionally. I had enquired him as to where the fnds go and he was evasive, asked him how much commission he and his company makes - he denied any being paid to them! Can you imagine these aggressive hawks doing it for free! The norm is 1/3 goes to the company soliciting funds;1/3 to the salesperson pitcher, only 1/3 goes to the charity body!

So, guys - next time if you get approached by tehse hawks and you feel you wanna donate, just ask the name of organisation and bank in, ask for tax deductible receipt!


2023-10-15 15:11 | Report Abuse

OtisKL seems to be the fodder for TY clan...What is so interesting of TY's plan, that OtisKL going hook, line and sinker?

News & Blogs

2023-10-10 16:13 | Report Abuse

Legally, one is still a shareholder if proof can be shown of their share holding at the EGM day - 16 Oct!. The cut off of ROD on 11th Oct is purely administrative!


2023-10-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

OtisKL - Not withstanding me still being in the money and having been in this chat grp long before you n in various other stocks, it isnt only value i look for , BUT Corporate Malaysia needs cleansing of characters like "TURNAROUND SPECIALIST RAVI" n "TY", hwos e primary goal is only to line up thei rpocket!

Cant understand why a ICAEW CA wants to work for a sinking Malaysian PN17 listed co?


2023-10-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

This wont be the first time Negeri Royalty gets a real bashing from JOHOR ROYALTY!


2023-10-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

Hail the new ROYALTIES and good riddance to old , corrupt ELITIST ROYALTIES!


2023-10-10 15:46 | Report Abuse

OtisKL - yes, it will be down south to ANTARTICA

News & Blogs

2023-10-10 15:15 | Report Abuse

"The ultimate aim of KNM’s current mgmt is to trim colossal debts within 9 months, achieve sustainable future By Ravindrasingham Balasingham"


Looks like the CEO "a turn around specialist" is not cut out w the local BURSA regulations? If he is aware of certain info which ha not been pre shared w PUBLIC, the best is to issue statement to BURSA first and only then open is mouth!

Is he the kind that TY n geng is asking shareholders to vote for?


2023-10-10 09:51 | Report Abuse

MacDee34 - you nailed it!

Now, all TY cytros n sycophants have run out thinking that TY is safe, l;ittle do they know that legally, anyone who has entitlement to be a share holder b4 EGM , can demand to be allowe dto attend!

So, here you go...the battle picks up again now that all these fellows been washed off!


2023-10-09 15:01 | Report Abuse

doubleup | Joined since 2023-09-07 is pandering to the royalist TY grp!

TY'fs family cant beat the inteeligence, fortune and connection the German billionaire has. So, lets not talk about personality but more of performance!

So far TY's BOD n Mgmt hadnt been able to revive KNM despit situation being fav during pandemic and low O nG prices...If they couldnt do then - surely the huge debt has got to do w that but it cant be years and nothing concrete is done!

Only after EGM requisition the price increased!

Leave it to you guys


2023-10-09 14:57 | Report Abuse

beware of the so many Co propagandists!


2023-10-09 12:41 | Report Abuse

WIth such a huge volume traded, is Securities Commission watching as to who is involved in pump n dump or they just turn away as UMAR SWIFT is an interested party?


2023-10-09 12:02 | Report Abuse

THose able to attend EGM are those on ROD of 11 Oct 2023. The sell is just a side show


2023-10-09 10:52 | Report Abuse


Pls take note of this threat by OtisKL on @Macdee

@Macdee34, who is KNM HR head? Perhaps we should invite her to read all the postings you made here. And see they contradict with any company's Confidential Information misuse and misstatement.

Are the confidentiality of Identity been breached at i3 investor site? This is serious


2023-10-09 10:26 | Report Abuse

This forum is suddenly active with these newbies, whose postings only favour TY n his cronies!

For TY to say its Malaysians vs Germans he is effectively undermining BORSIG where bulk of operations are in Europe!

This is improper for a Chairman of isted co.

In ddition, just as EGM started, there is nes that Police Report against a former employee, who is also a directr had been lodged!

It just brings to us the case of a fellow who bought over shares of MM and it went bust. As he went digging and started to discover who the fraudsters were and filed case in courts against certain individuals, he was given problems by the authorities!

You know, then it was BN rule, where semua boleh if one had connection!

After a long fight he won it at highest court n now though laden w debt for his court cases, he is free from any charges

OtisKL | Joined since 2023-09-08
doubleup | Joined since 2023-09-07
Adagold | Joined since 2023-09-05
UpUpRocket | Joined since 2023-09-09
maxwin69 | Joined since 2023-09-07


2023-10-07 00:55 | Report Abuse

The backing of Johor Royal family will be there...and the Negeri past royalty - who are shunned by current, just will loose out their steam!
Seems like these new accounts making all the false propaganda represents the now struggling to hold on to position of the outgoing directors.Instead, make TY the Chairman of CHIVAS REGAL? Boleh!


2023-10-07 00:52 | Report Abuse

Been here for 5 years and am surprised of comments from "newbies" - One could only deduce that its the work of those spreading false propaganda to protect the outgoing directors. If they are good, why a need to be afraid and make it a national issue!


2023-10-06 19:10 | Report Abuse

Thanks "OtisKL" for

1) admitting on lack of credible sources when you hailed the CEO as turnaround specialist. This alone would put paid to the expertise and acclaim of the CEO.His statement caliming that the "German billionaire was trying to own BORSIG cheap" is hardly free from bias or facts
2) of using AI scores in justifying "KNM is progressing well". When the reported losses exacerbate even under "credible personalities" and worsening cashflows, AI is of little use in KNM which has limited potential - other than extracting value of BORSIG - which the current Mgmt doesnt want to realise it for shareholders.

The current price spike can be attributable to the frenzied purchase "to shore up" as parties need the numbers to be on top of the resolution at EGM!

I for one together w the many are more than keed to have "knowledgeable and trusty personalities" to lead the Company - the last of which is for a CEO to be inwardly biased and openly favouring those who gave him a "lifeline" for his dead career.

And as the saying goes that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating" the most important question that comes up to the mind is that why would a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT - ICAEW rush for a Malaysa BOD of a sinking Co if he was good at work, ie the delisting and total loss of value of MMM Bhd, another venture by MELEWAR Grp individuals? Asset stripping n commissioning?

Lets see how the non BOD controlled shareholders will vote?


2023-10-06 15:40 | Report Abuse

FV of 38 sen as quoted by cytro of KNM cant hold that when the old BOD is expected to do the deal of sale or listing of BORSIG!


2023-10-06 15:39 | Report Abuse

My comments early n the day seems to have "disappeared" - that was not complementary to current mgmt! Does this mean that i3 INVESTOR can also be censoring comments made here?


2023-10-06 15:09 | Report Abuse

Current spike has to do w accumulation of shares towards the EGM...so whoever wants to win, will pack up shares and word is that Tunku Yacob will falll....royalists are losing war in Malaysia


2023-10-06 15:08 | Report Abuse

"""KNM is not an exception, current management is a credible one. CEO Ravi is based on a market reputation that is a "turnover from losses to profits" guru""" - so says OTISKL...Thats the greatest joke of the month so far!

CEO RAVI is a failure - he was in merchant bank in Malaysia and ran off to UK doing menial jobs for small outfits. He was taken back by you know who to turn around Malaysian Merchant Marine (MMM) and you all know what a loss that came to be ...no turn around! The fellow who bought the carcasses ended up a sore loser though he claims to be a super professional! Then CEO Ravi disappeared.. His stint at EVERSENDAI is best expalined to you by the EVERSENDAI boss -another AK! Ever since he is at KNM, it had been a loss, loss and downward direction!

News & Blogs

2023-10-06 09:18 | Report Abuse

No need for him around...my votes will be for Andreas n his grp

News & Blogs

2023-10-06 09:18 | Report Abuse

TY was involved in so many businesses, all of which were failures, eg MAA, Melewar, Malaysian Merchant Marine and now KNM! Tactic was to strip assets, benefit thru commissioning deals ....KARMA will catch up on him!

News & Blogs

2023-10-06 09:16 | Report Abuse

Tunku Yaacob who had been sheltered for these long might not be able to exert the kind of influence he and his fathers family had during Mahahthirism....Lets hope that MCMC doesnt go overboard in banning TRUTHFUL publication about TY's shenaniganism.

News & Blogs

2023-10-06 09:15 | Report Abuse

KNM could go higher depending on which side has more funds, ie to mop up the shares n shore their interest before the EGM....

News & Blogs

2023-10-06 09:14 | Report Abuse

Is Ravi Balasingam the current CEO? He had worked for years w Tunku Yaacob and literally his macai in KNM, executing all the orders from above! A failed finance professional who could survive life in UK being a Malaysian citizen, he is now back here trying to have his connection to deliver success


2023-09-27 10:56 | Report Abuse

Try stopping yr subscription - additional charges etc applies and even when one discards these nuisance calls and threatening messages, one gets an offer - to settle at 50% and more channels thrown in! Totally out of sync mn MCMC doesnt bother checking on them!


2023-09-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

Rozahna, Ralph MArshall, Lim Ghee Keong etc are personnel of no worth....nothing could save ASTRO except a mega merger of MAxis, ASTRO and of course the National Telco - TM!
This will materialise soon before AK's health takes for worse!