
purple70 | Joined since 2021-06-12

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2023-02-23 15:02 | Report Abuse

Never trust this fat, short and balding guy!

Is he the one scooping whatever trade thats in place now


2023-02-09 13:11 | Report Abuse

Also a possibility that the period is extended beyond 2025.....Anything boleh in this land


2023-02-09 13:04 | Report Abuse

Shor selling on Tuesday, so they need to settle by today evening......only way is for price to move up to clear position.

Watch for today , unless many had cleared their position by yesterday


2023-01-26 15:22 | Report Abuse

so, why is it near 52 week high of 4.25?


2023-01-11 13:36 | Report Abuse

Price on downwards...typical of VT counters...Comes out w "sensatinal news", which is not sexy enuf, push up prices, he sells to related parties and now price down!

He is still negotiating, so it could be that it's bad news...what say you guys?


2022-07-06 01:06 | Report Abuse

whats latest?


2022-06-01 16:01 | Report Abuse

The only Company announcing its buy back at the end of the day instead of counters like IJM reporting 14 days later


2022-05-25 13:00 | Report Abuse

BORSIG sale supposedly "saves interest expense of RM80 mil annually"...but the hidden truth is that BORSIG brings in RM100 mil profit annually!

How could such an asset sale be at a loss, unless someone in the middle - you know who I am talking about - has made a deal to get money under the table, which he is very much known for...AFter all he has 2 willing goons as directors to do his bidding!

One fellow Ravi Balasingam was his crony as CEO of now submerged MMM when they loaded it off to another goon Ramesh Rajaratnam - who self styled himself as next Tony F of maritime transport and got F"ed!

Something fishy and surely SC wont do a thing!


2022-05-24 23:59 | Report Abuse

Many of the SKYWORLDS attractions were shut supposedly for "amintenance" - when it is mentioned that many of these engines got heated up! What a sad story - considering GENTING iss always cool n cold!

Hope no disaster occurs and drives down the price just like a dive down from GENTING hills!


2022-05-18 01:58 | Report Abuse

What is SC doing about these manipulative trading? Too scared to act?


2022-05-15 01:06 | Report Abuse

To ensure integrity and purposefulness of this chaat, certain characters need to be expunged...as they seem to have an ego of theirs to trade and not on fundamentals!


2022-05-11 12:55 | Report Abuse

The current Indonesian production is no longer sufficient for its internal consumption!

Indonesians are slowly moving up in consumption value chain and are adopting cooking via oil as base instead of boiling, stewing or grilling their food.

Imagine 220mil population which has the quickest rate of migration to middle class in the world in last decade, takes up more of CPO!

The issue w FGV is that its a cornered stock w FELDA owning close to 80%. FELDA is unwilling to privatise it despite great CPO outlook for good 6 mths once the UKRANIAN - RUSSIA war is over


2022-05-10 10:50 | Report Abuse

So typical of any Malaysian agencies/govt depts!

They ask for details of complainants? Why is that so important,,,whats the certainty that complaints are handled w privacy of informant?

What should be in the complaint?
Complainant should furnish information that enable proper evaluation of the complaint which includes the follow

Name of the complainant, address, email and telephone number.
The name, address, email, telephone number and any website address of the party(ies) mentioned in the complaint.
Specific details of how, why and when the subject matter of complaint occurred.


2022-05-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

Has anyone had any good response to complaints on listed company to BURSA?


2022-04-26 11:44 | Report Abuse

Can we make use of this forum for valued added and fundamental views...no one needs distraction. Time is precious


2022-04-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

“As the statutory body mandated by Parliament to regulate the Malaysian capital market, the SC is charged with the responsibility of maintaining trust and confidence in the capital market.

What a brag SC does to itself, full of fat cats who is used to goad and torment folks dealing w them (ie the listed company, Audit firms, merchant bankers but strangely not lawyers).

If SC ever had any shame or intent on protecting itself from embarrassing attacks by more listed firms, SC and BURSA too should immediately undertake private legal action on it's own capacity to sue SD!

Would they do so even with the huge war chest and easily affordable Doberman HIGH STREET lawyers?
They wont as the truth is not on their side and their subject matter expertise is of shoving LISTED CO's up the A S S!


2022-04-24 22:36 | Report Abuse

Dec 2020 accs not out yet and SC , BURSA, Co's Commission cant do anything of it?

This is another NAtional embarrassment on FATLY PAID Authorities!


2022-04-24 22:35 | Report Abuse

SC n BURSA should answer every matter of serious concern raised in the 26 page letter.

My professional work experience w BURSA and SC and MErchant bankers had been that these are bunch of bench warmers who does no value add to the economy! They sit pretty - except that they have laregr number of mixed races there - and toss around rules of their own to protect themselves and of course whoever that takes care of them!

Dont think these SC, BURSA and MERCHANT BANKERS fellow are clever or saint...they can be as bad as NATIONAL EMBARASSMENT...Check their lifestyles!


2022-04-24 02:16 | Report Abuse

Whilst SERBA is not exactly clean in this process, they have just taken the inner inept workings of SC and BURSA to the dogs and public to know as to how callous these officers and their bosses of dept are.

Well done SERBA...kick their b u t t


2022-04-24 02:15 | Report Abuse

Well, whatever it is...SERBA's 26 pager has lots of mater which throws enough dirt on BURSA and SC.

In my working experience w BURSA, SC - these are "sacrosanct entities which can do no wrong"...and these 2 entities will insist of senior Mgmt of listed entities to "not talk down upon them" and communications had to be routed through merchant banks!

No way can anyone call up officers and mind you these fellows that we have to deal with at Compliance and Listing rules are junior fellows. They cant ascertain or understand certain terms and hide behind "approach"...thus, to avoid not being able to answer queries!

These officers are paid just too well 3-6 mths bonuses every year, in addition to high base salary and for BURSA fellows - they had ESOS!

Every application to BURSA has to be such that a fee is to be paid..There were occasions of double billings by BURSA and we were told not to ask for refund but use it as part fee of future planned corporate activities!


2022-04-06 12:56 | Report Abuse

AT prices since the last month, FELDA should have enough shares directly or with friendly parties to announce takeover of FGV. With almost 80% direct interest and sufficient in friendly hands, VGO is just a mtter of time...but why is FELDA boss Wahid who is also BURSA Chairman, keeping so quiet!


2022-04-06 12:52 | Report Abuse

Poh Chye - If Eagle is in Palm Oil upstream business, obviously with the uptrend in Palm Oil prices, these impairment need not be at such a level, thus reversal on impairment could be booked.

Quantum, it depends on the basis and assumptions used


2022-03-28 18:07 | Report Abuse

taitaumau - yr comments realization is hardly possible as the BURSA rules apply to all, cant see why exemptions are to be given, so far no one given blanket exemption for indefinite period!

IF is always a big IF!


2022-03-25 22:46 | Report Abuse

money on the way - that was awfully lot of money 20 years ago! Equivalent to RM35K now or more in purchasing power! So, dont be fooled by anyone, including so called ANAL - YST who seem to have been bought by the syndicate!


2022-03-23 13:58 | Report Abuse

Thanks nicki cheong!

Theses are the kind of comments we should have here! Well analysed


2022-03-23 13:55 | Report Abuse

To the commentators here ...pls bear in mind that FGV has only 2 issues to deal w as far as it's price is concerned.

Firstly, CPO prices which have been high due to Crude Oil prices being high (due to Ukrain - Russia war) and inflationary pressures &

Secondly, the status of FELDA's accumulation, now almost 90% - yes, cornered stock. So, all fundamental n charts can be thrown out of the door!

Pls..Bring in rational analysis and nothing of "GOLDEN VALUE" or even as in 1998, a top ENGLISH BIZ news EDITORw rote of AOKAM as "BLACK GOLD" - as though that counter was hitting oil!

Keep comments here professional


2022-03-18 00:03 | Report Abuse

VGO offers have strictest guidelines and corporate restructing is not wasted on getting shares cheap...It works as percentage on percentage, and if FELDA fails to collect balance within a period of time, its screwed just like CCBintang shares have been!

its more to do when the time is right ..They need to do it fast as window of oppurtunity is closing down fast!

Many not letting go, so the price has to be 10- 205% hight than current level....!


2022-03-15 16:16 | Report Abuse

ANy VGO offers will be above the average trade prices...wont be a bottom fishing exercise a sthere are legal wrangle to these!
FELDA had bought many shares at RM2 plus...it cant be offering below this prices per Take Over code!


2022-03-15 16:14 | Report Abuse

EVO118 - FELDA has already acquired close to 88%...it is not gonna try to be penny wise on this stock as it has greater plans ahead!

Saving few RMmillions wont be a clever thing to do!


2022-03-15 16:06 | Report Abuse

Why is BURSA keeping quiet in similar tone to BUMI ARMADA mgmt!

Shouldnt there be a news update?


2022-03-15 16:04 | Report Abuse

Any expln for GENM down today by more than 10 sen?


2022-03-10 00:17 | Report Abuse

When will another round of MGO take place?


2022-03-10 00:14 | Report Abuse

Its 2 weeks and we know nothing of whats happening on BURSA counters arising from this war!


2022-03-05 00:02 | Report Abuse

GENM price is supported by the dividnd declared, or else should bein the 280 region


2022-03-04 18:10 | Report Abuse

Prefer the older layout - quicker and can capture more info easily


2022-03-04 11:11 | Report Abuse

HIBISCUS had gone 2 times its price of 6 mths ago but ARMADA still at low level! Bursa - jangan tidor.Pls investigate


2022-03-04 11:10 | Report Abuse

Could it be that the a big block could have been sold off at low price and thus need to maintain it there!


2022-03-04 11:09 | Report Abuse

BURSA should investigate trades in this counter! Oil price is at record levels of past 5 years and the stock had hardly moved form it's 3 mths ago prices!

Something seriously wrong with some folks having position here that if prices rise they stand to loose!

News & Blogs

2022-02-27 18:29 | Report Abuse

PUBLIC INVEST had this cal on 1 DEc 2021 - SELL on FGV Holdings with a lower fair value of RM1.20/share vs. RM1.25/share previously!

Today its 1.95...As long as the Russia - Ukaraine war goes on, oil prices will be at high level and so would the tide carry CPO!

In addition, FELDA cant wait forever with ist 87% ownership as is...It needs to own 90% - where by now there had been enough shares bought by their friends to bring in VGO at 2.50!


The reorgn of FELDA is important before GE15!


2022-02-27 18:01 | Report Abuse

borders , esp w Singapore wont be open so fast...WAit till GE15 over, so that the southerners working in RED DOT KIASU land cant come back!


2022-02-27 18:00 | Report Abuse

WHilst its a long term stock, for the next 12 mths - its a trading stock...selll off once small gain is achieved and buy back when prices fall...so far, since 4 mths - its been yo-yo for 8 times!


2022-01-26 00:30 | Report Abuse

They think they can get away....KARMA will visit their directors and their family


2022-01-26 00:30 | Report Abuse

Clever investors should steer away from this conmen company directors.

When faced with max of RM250mil LAD lawsuits from those who bought properties from their JAKS ISLAND CIRCLE subsisdiary, the company acted by disposing the 51% interest in sub on the very day of announcement for RM1 and recorded RM71 mil gain...bext every quarter or year results!

What ethics do these folks - major shareholders and directors have?

Very unethical


2022-01-26 00:23 | Report Abuse

Tender book is diff from order book...typical goreng fellows


2022-01-04 23:10 | Report Abuse

GENM is of course set to over perform but all depends on the COVID cases....


2022-01-04 15:56 | Report Abuse

A totally let down stock w no direction!


2022-01-04 15:56 | Report Abuse

This MD fellow claims they have tender book of RM655 mil! WTF...never heard this before...tender book worth, when no guarantee you will ever be successful!


2022-01-04 15:42 | Report Abuse

888 - very true...they have limited knowledge and access to adjusted price...


2022-01-01 00:22 | Report Abuse

Global warming, climate change and ramping up of lower cost SOLAR power will soon see demise of these fossil dinosaurs and HIBSCUS not being a dinosaur will be amongst the first to bear the brunt!

Even their former CFO was too jittery... unable to fathom!

2022-01-01 00:01 | Report Abuse

Whats cooking here w such rapid rise after the big run n flop in a day in 2021?