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2020-03-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

I mean if you are not holding shares that benefits from collapse of oil, I don't why you are holding shares at all.

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 10:43 | Report Abuse

all the OG counters..................hamkar chan already..................

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

Dialog, Top Glove , P Chem, Supermax

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 23:34 | Report Abuse

while it is the poor and the poor countries that suffers the most, in US and Malaysia , the main focus will be to rescue the stock market and the rich..........................................

this happens in 2008, will also happen in 2020................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 23:33 | Report Abuse

while it is the poor and the poor countries that suffers the most, in US and Malaysia , the main focus will be to rescue the stock market and the rich..........................................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 22:49 | Report Abuse

lock down...so easy, just issue an order only.......

the millions of shop owners ....95% of them Chinese owners..........how?

Chinese owners under Malay unity government ...who cares.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 22:46 | Report Abuse

Malaysia............we have a few million living day by day, a lot of them are foreign workers.............

These people will turn to crime to survive if no income for another few weeks.............................................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 22:42 | Report Abuse

in a crisis, developing countries will always suffer more than developed countries........................

take India, for instances........

no lock down, the virus will kill them.....

India lock down, poverty will kill more Indians than the virus ever can...............

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 22:39 | Report Abuse

Life is carrying on as normal in Sweden - scientists explain the controversial approach https://flip.it/5NNUbe from Flipboard. an informed alternative

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-03-29 21:05 | Report Abuse

Wuhan was sacrificed for the common good..... now everyone is a Wuhan..... but Wuhan only a small part of China.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 19:31 | Report Abuse

China sacrificed Wuhan to save the rest of the China ( and indirectly the rest of humanity as well) from the worse of the virus..........Its the first city in modern times to be completely locked down .....

If rest of the world took the measures that the rest of China took in Jan/Feb.............then , they too could have been as healthy and undamaged as rest of china.

now, country after country under complete lock down....at this rate.................by the end of the crisis, China will be the only super power left standing..................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 19:05 | Report Abuse

updown...I am giving the realistic picture not some fairy tale to keep u dumb and stupid...and for the Malay unity government, they don't waste an opportunity to fatten somebody's bank account. ..every crisis is an opportunity to fatten somebody's bank account.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 17:26 | Report Abuse

its attack from the top and defend from the bottom...........u can lock down from the top...just sign an order only..........

can u defend from the bottom by testing, contact tracing, isolations, quarantines?

can do mitigations by having enough preparations, equipment, doctors, nurses?...and smart assistance for sick and their family members?

China got 100 million party members mobilized to be community workers to take care of the needs of their communities...Malaysia got meh?

Malaysia will bring sledge hammer to the problem.........and use crisis to fatten somebody pocket............that is what we are.

and hospitals stuffs..............we have China donations for that.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 17:19 | Report Abuse

u can lock down for 2 weeks, 4 weeks even..........can lock down for 2-3 months as the science requires?

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 17:17 | Report Abuse

in any crisis, its developing countries that will suffer most.......this thing no exception.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 16:15 | Report Abuse

2007.........they were bailed out by the government.........

2020.....expecting to be bailed out again...........

can meh?

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 16:12 | Report Abuse

RIP value investors.................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:31 | Report Abuse

by Sslee > Mar 29, 2020 2:24 PM | Report Abuse

rack down 5,084 people from the Sri Petaling

Malaysia more interested in doing dumb stuffs and spend/ print money than in doing smart stuffs that require brains/ effort....oh...2 weeks ago they say got 4,000 cases from Tabligh testing awaiting results.....two weeks later still got 4,000 tabligh tested still awaiting results........This is Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:26 | Report Abuse

as like every thing in life...........the smart people take targeted measured actions and good timing is every thing..........not unsustainable, panicky measures with no reserves left begin at the beginning of the war......this is just setting itself up for eventual failure.

well....Malaysia is a stupid country and stupid country do stupid things is very normal.

just have to tolerate it, I guess.....but don't congratulate yourself prematurely.............and don't ejaculate prematurely.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:11 | Report Abuse

updown...reacting to things as u see...............

but who can see further than reacting to things as they see? Who can be proactive?

.the likely trajectory we are going is 2-3 months lock down with gradual opening up...........and we will follow the leads by UK/US..........

.....Malaysia got the reserves to do that mmeh?

if open too early, the thing comes back immediately and all the previous sacrifices goes to nought...................

malaysia where got smart one? malaysia is a dumb country and dumb country will do dumb stuffs.........

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:00 | Report Abuse

Boris Johnson says.....people should jog, take a walk, cycle alone ( not in a group) once a day to keep fit.......

here in Malaysia......they have locked up 40 in Bukit Kiara for taking a jog alone.................

well.....this is how stupid things can get in Malaysia..........................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

close up the country, spend money.............who don't know how to close up the country, spend/ print money.............the dumber the country, the more likely they do precisely that?

who can solve problem like China? like Singapore ? like Japan, S Korea, Taiwan? That takes brains...........

who can turn disaster into advantage like China, like Singapore?

that is not going to happen in Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:42 | Report Abuse

oh...and this malay unity government...............don't expect any thing from them.............they are more interested to turn this crisis to fatten their own pocket.................................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:37 | Report Abuse

updown...The point I want to make is that Malaysia is not smart enough to face this crisis with the minimum impact....................Malaysia has no reserves to speak of......................................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:23 | Report Abuse

Developed countries got a lot of resources........We got what? We got a lot of donations?

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:22 | Report Abuse

updown..........the trajectory we are going is 2-3 months lock down with gradual opening up...........and we will follow the leads by UK/US..........

can we, as a country find the optimum path ? That is not going to happen, Malaysia is not a smart country.......................

Open too early, the thing will come back immediately....so how?

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:39 | Report Abuse

Singapore being Singapore.......Singapore will come out of this stronger................Malaysia?

we have two choice.........either herd immunity or country bankrupt...................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:35 | Report Abuse

shut down country 4 weeks....after that??

are we prepared for shut downs 2 - 3 months...and then gradually open up ......football matches, stadiums, cinemas, mass gatherings , churches, mosques, entertainments to close until next year ( or until developed world is ready to open up)...........?

we have brought a sledge hammer to the problem.........and somebody pocket is fattened , what next?

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:27 | Report Abuse

walker........developed world has the resources to back up their economy................


now talk about $ 260 billion already...........for us.....crisis is opportunity to fatten somebody's pocket.

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:10 | Report Abuse

when crisis strikes it always developing countries that suffers most.................

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:09 | Report Abuse

UK will recover.........better worried about Malaysia..............

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 01:30 | Report Abuse

u want to increase lung capacity and immune better, go cycle.............

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 23:07 | Report Abuse

ss..... common sense suggest u should leave out the world of investing and go into another activity....
now, that is common sense.....

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 18:07 | Report Abuse

virus vs capitalism................

throw money away , problem magically solved...............

Malaysia rgt 260 billion...............US US$ 2 trliion

who don't know how to spend money? Malay unity government know how to spend money, know how to earn money or not?

big difference between spending money and spending money wisely...............

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 18:04 | Report Abuse

virus vs capitalism................

throw money away , problem magically solved...............

Malaysia $ 260 billion...............

who don't know how to spend money? Malay unity government know how to spend money, know how to earn money or not?

big difference between spending money and spending money wisely...............

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 18:01 | Report Abuse

wallen the bufalo cannot stand aside but I can...........

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 18:00 | Report Abuse

wallen the bufalo cannot stand aside but I can..............

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 17:24 | Report Abuse

Satan... u making a joke out of the hard won battle that China put in.


2020-03-28 14:09 | Report Abuse

Wuhan took 2 months lock down...........

NY fastest 3 months lah...........................


2020-03-28 13:56 | Report Abuse

zimbabwee, Venezuela and even Chiang Kai Sek also tried printing money............


2020-03-28 13:55 | Report Abuse

cash is king .....if it is your money.

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Mar 28, 2020 1:40 PM | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, i forgot! Chinese Chna are superhuman and the americans are enemy of CCP! Shows that China is superior against enemy US!

doesn't matter...........important is China is using this disaster to boost national unity and patriotism...........................and make China great again.


2020-03-28 13:50 | Report Abuse

spend money.......who don't know how to spend money especially if it is other people's money?

it is typical malay unity government.


2020-03-28 13:49 | Report Abuse

how much of the $ 250 billion for u and me? how much for UMNO warlords?

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:40 | Report Abuse

many people do not believe China has succeeded.............where US has failed........but China is set up / designed to solve this kind of problem which requires united national efforts.......it requires whole country to treat it as a patriotic war........................................................they are also using this disaster to boost national unity and patriotism...........................

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:37 | Report Abuse

but China is set up / designed to solve this kind of problem which requires united national efforts.

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:35 | Report Abuse

many people do not believe China has succeeded.............where US has failed........