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2023-09-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

Energy cost is already zero in Australia and Europe on many days...and this is only the begining of the revolution...says ev God


2023-09-09 20:25 | Report Abuse

Not surprising...u think got motorbike sure win meh?


2023-09-09 17:57 | Report Abuse

Energy will be free, and everything will be mass manufacture by AI and robots....your job if u really want a job is to service each other.


2023-09-09 17:55 | Report Abuse

Due to China, eventually, every thing will eventually be so cheap, there is no need to worry.

Humans will just enjoy no need to work or to worry


2023-09-09 17:52 | Report Abuse

Dnaa also need tiktok meh?


2023-09-09 17:44 | Report Abuse

Ular, use of robots in manufacturing is 30X higher in China than America and 300x higher than Malaysia....must use brains to compete la don't confront directly


2023-09-09 17:40 | Report Abuse

Malaysia will survive not by direct confrontation with China but by pleasing Chinese emperor.....that is the way to survive


2023-09-09 17:36 | Report Abuse

is not really good leh. Everything also China no 1 then the rest how to cari makan lah. Kesian. Haiyoh. Correct?

Economic textbook call it survival of fittest. No good meh?

For 60 years America use this textbook...recently want to re write textbook


2023-09-09 17:32 | Report Abuse

Can lose the battle don't lose the war


2023-09-09 17:30 | Report Abuse

Hear it from geilo analyst, they think China succeeded purely due to state sponsorship....u think as simple as gweilo analysts say meh?


2023-09-09 17:28 | Report Abuse

How u think China dominated the EV? Competition in China is absolutely cut throat with hundred of EV companies and survival of fittest. Every company that survives is a polished product


2023-09-09 17:26 | Report Abuse

Correct , nominally China calls itself communists but in reality, Chinese is more capitalistic than the capitalists


2023-09-09 17:24 | Report Abuse

Internet age...if u not smart u get scam....income

HK smart or not? HK every year 10000 get scam


2023-09-09 16:22 | Report Abuse

western media very smart..........seeing the possibility of declining sales of Iphone due to Huawei revival, they choose to blame the communist rather than the competence of Huawei.


2023-09-09 15:58 | Report Abuse

China will lose in the information war. But China will win in the real world.....see above


2023-09-09 15:37 | Report Abuse

yeah, but people will believe u only if it makes the communists look bad.


2023-09-09 15:25 | Report Abuse

how a story develops is easy..................first its " according to sources" ...........next, even that qualification is dropped, all u get is the story is already assumed to self evident truth and fact.

of course it must make the communists look bad la.


2023-09-09 15:22 | Report Abuse

America may not remain the largest economy in the world...but america sure got hegemony over world media.


2023-09-09 15:20 | Report Abuse

anti China stories no need evidence, not even the slightest evidence...............as long as it makes a little bit of sense from their perspective., It immediately become fact, become truth ............... and that is the state of western media.


2023-09-09 15:18 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Why you still think apple kena banned in china punya

I guess its very fashionable to be anti China..........China bad stories very popular....everybody believes....but very unfair to China and no justice.....I am Monkey King , I like justice.


2023-09-09 13:19 | Report Abuse

Apple green is bcos Apple is launching new HP on 12/9 lah. Saham will naik as usual anticipating good respond from Apple supporters lah. Haiyoh. Correct?

Two things going on...there is the movement, there are the reasons.

One is objective and factual. The other is made up and subjective


2023-09-09 10:43 | Report Abuse

Then they shout refomasi on motorbikes now shout allah


2023-09-09 10:42 | Report Abuse

Those motorbike riders for pn, their father's and elder brothers were the motorbike riders for Anwar Ibrahim


2023-09-09 10:39 | Report Abuse

Information war. Must give it to America. They have perfected the art of misinformation


2023-09-09 10:38 | Report Abuse

Despit all the reports of China ban iPhone, apple is green. ...anyway all the reports are simple wrong


2023-09-08 22:53 | Report Abuse

U expect different meh? That is what they did in Trengganu and good results for them


2023-09-08 21:14 | Report Abuse

In 5 years people will find out again, those who believe in China and stay are the winners. Those who leave are the losers. Does not pay to be emotional and follow the media


2023-09-08 21:11 | Report Abuse

Those communists are the most capitalistic capitalists


2023-09-08 21:09 | Report Abuse

Huawei come back kid is very popular in China and apple will suffer some what. But the Communists are far more calm than the media gives them credit. As explain by Xi papa, China still interested in reform and opening up still interested in attracting foreign investors and will not do stuffs to hurt investors unnecessarily


2023-09-08 19:26 | Report Abuse

Wall St Journal gets it wrong about iPhone - here's how


2023-09-08 19:26 | Report Abuse


somebody says China genocide...then it becomes genocide
somebody says China bans....then it is ban
somebody says this....then it is this.

this is the state of US media


2023-09-08 17:17 | Report Abuse

Most likely the Chinese will go makan instead of voting....getting too boring


2023-09-08 17:14 | Report Abuse

China is this big black box. can blame every thing, can say any thing negative and magically can be taken as true already.

for as long as can say those communists did it.


2023-09-08 17:01 | Report Abuse

Haiyoh true story mah. With assumption made pasal China very secretive leh. Mau Silent ban leh. But news leaked mah. Stock market very news sensitive leh. Who late one baca news then ken teruk teruk lah. Suddenly Apple lost usd200 bil capitalisation just in 2 days leh. Thats more than the whole Public Bank worth leh. So scary. Haiyoh. Correct?

yeah truth does not matter, it all about the stock market.


2023-09-08 16:54 | Report Abuse

apple is supposed to fall after Huawei mate 60 but somebody decided its time to add fuel to fire.

now they can talk about the communists instead of talking about the monkey and the mountain.


2023-09-08 16:51 | Report Abuse

western media has taken on the job to create its own news , not reporting on what is true.


2023-09-08 16:49 | Report Abuse

the media creates its own reality of the world. Its like they live in their own bubble.


2023-09-08 16:45 | Report Abuse

the state of western media.......no one interested in truth.........they all are there to serve some elites and some objectives.


2023-09-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

u don't find it funny meh......This news is traced to Nippon, and they say from unnamed sources, and suddenly every media jumps on it but no one can trace any thing to people in China and to official announcements............this is the state of western media.


2023-09-08 16:38 | Report Abuse

China is this big black hole where truth and facts do not matters for content creators.....and don't bite back personally. anyone is free to create lies and become rich.


2023-09-08 16:33 | Report Abuse

apple is supposed to fall after Huawei mate 60 but somebody decided its time to add fuel to fire.


2023-09-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

more like manipulating markets. ...that is what they do everyday.


2023-09-08 16:02 | Report Abuse

paper mills, u think Malaysia only meh?


2023-09-08 15:47 | Report Abuse


this is what is wrong with internet.............this is fake news. This is a speech I saw before.....not like that one......... fake translation.


2023-09-08 14:12 | Report Abuse

Only thing America is doing better than China is stock market....every thing else America far worse shape than China....but media never talk one.


2023-09-08 14:09 | Report Abuse

Some more rich countries all in trouble. Cannot expect China Gdp to be growing at 10% pa.


2023-09-08 13:50 | Report Abuse

China sets new electric car sales record with 700,000 sold in only 1 month


2023-09-08 13:48 | Report Abuse

ular.......why western media keep saying China collapse this year just when every thing is working for china with monkey king break from mountain, EV sales roaring, battery, solar wind soaring........................................................don't forget BRICS+ working.


2023-09-08 13:34 | Report Abuse

its call China prices.

DIY stuffs so cheap in malaysia but still make super profits because stuffs in China are ridiculously cheap. Don't know how they can make stuffs so cheap.